“Liturgy” —the true meaning of the word


“Liturgy” —the true meaning of the word
Page 2
The Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
True Humility
In the Gospel Reading, Jesus
censures people who take the seats
of honor at a feast. Take the least
honorable places, he tells them, and
then the host can invite you to a more
honorable place.
Jesus is rebuking the pride of those
people who go for the honored seats. But what is the solution to
the problem of pride? If you race your friends to the least honorable seat because the reward for doing so is that you get one of
the best seats, isn’t this pride too?
So what is pride, and what is true humility?
There is a childish kind of pride, of course, where you brag
about your accomplishments while everybody else tries to be
polite enough not to roll their eyes while you are talking.
And then there is also the grown-up version of that childish
pride. A multi-millionaire who explains that he is a self-made
man has this kind of pride. He has failed to notice all the gifts he
has been given that have helped him get where he is. He thinks
he himself is responsible for the good he has.
A more complicated kind of pride can be found in people who
know that all their good comes from the grace of God. But they
are sure that God has given such grace to them and not to their
neighbors, because God knew that they, unlike their stupid
worldly neighbors, would make good use of God’s gifts.
Finally, the worst and most sophisticated kind of pride is found
in the Pharisee who thanked God that he was not like other
men, especially not like that sinner, the publican. The Pharisee
knew that every good in him was a gift from God. But he was
glad that he had God’s gifts and the publican didn’t. He liked
looking down on the publican.
Here is what humility is, then. It is recognizing that every good
in yourself is a gift from God and is meant to be given back to
the Lord by being shared with others.
So you can’t get true humility by racing for the least honorable
seat. If the least honorable seat is, in the Lord’s view, the best
place to be seated, then true humility requires your sharing it
with others in gratitude to the Lord who gave it.
September 1, 2013
—the true
meaning of
the word
The very word
“liturgy” derives
from two Greek
words meaning “the work (or service) of
the people.” In ancient Greece
“liturgists” were those who performed
public works on behalf of society. In the
context of Christian worship, the etymology of the word “liturgy” suggests that
worship cannot be separated from doing—serving others, especially those in
need. Sometimes we understand liturgy
in terms of “the work of the people” to
mean that we must work hard to make
liturgy beautiful and meaningful. That is
only partially true. The real work of liturgy actually begins at the dismissal,
when we are sent off to do what we have
celebrated—to serve others, to spend our
lives for the good of others.
All of us must also accept the responsibility for helping our parish communities
come to understand and live out the
everyday, practical, social demands of
true worshipers. The greatest worship we
can give to God is to reach out with
God’s generosity toward those around us
in need. Worship does not only happen
within church buildings; it characterizes
our relationship with God and to each
other—a relationship of humility and
—Living Liturgy
—Eleonore Stump, St. Louis University
Love is the answer
When faced with a difficult task, you might hope for an easy
answer. As an adult you know that new challenges can also
become growing experiences. It is in those times where you see transformation take place in your heart
and mind. The one thing you come to know as a Christian is that God wants your love unconditionally at
each moment of every day. You can express it easily in times of joy. You realize it can be difficult when
issues such as child-care concerns arise or bills cannot be paid on time. Tonight when you close your
—TAKE FIVE FOR FAITH: Daily renewal for busy Catholics
eyes, whisper to God, “I love you.”
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The Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions
Saturday…………........August 31
5:00PM………………....†Guillermo G. Garica
Sunday………….....…..September 1
8:30AM…………...…….†Kay Hosman
10:00AM………….…….†Stella Herrera
11:30AM………………..People of St. Didacus
Monday………………...September 2
7:30AM……………..…..†Edmond Yturralde
Tuesday………..…..….September 3
6:00PM……………....…†Fred Dueber
Wednesday……......….September 4
8:30AM………………....†Carolyn Curiel Hastings
Thursday………...…….September 5
7:30AM……….………...†Irene Fellows
Friday…………...……..September 6
7:30AM………...……….Norman & Jean Boyer, Spec. Int.
Saturday…………........September 7
9:00AM………………....†Natividad Origenes
5:00PM………………....†Amelia Martinez
Readings for the Week of September 1, 2013
Next Sunday:
Sir 3:17-18, 20, 28-29/Heb 12:18-19, 2224a/Lk 14:1, 7-14
1 Thes 4:13-18/Lk 4:16-30
1 Thes 5:1-6, 9-11/Lk 4:31-37
Col 1:1-8/Lk 4:38-44
Col 1:9-14/Lk 5:1-11
Col 1:15-20/Lk 5:33-39
Col 1:21-23/Lk 6:1-5
Wis 9:13-18b/Phlm 9-10, 12-17/
Lk 14:25-33
The Parish Office
will be closed on
Monday, September 2nd
in observance of the
Labor Day holiday.
Welcome to St. Didacus Parish!
Saturday 5:00pm
Sunday 8:30am & 10:00am English
11:30am in Spanish
Daily Mass
Mon., Thurs., Fri. 7:30am
Wednesday 8:30am & Tues. 6:00pm
Eucharistic Adoration
Wednesdays 7:30am—8:30am
First Fridays 8:00am—9:00am
Confessions—Saturdays 3:30pm or by appt.
Pastor, Fr. Michael J. Sinor
Parish Office 619-284-3472
September 1, 2013
Weekly Events at St. Didacus
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Monday, September 2, 2013
Encuentro Matrimonial
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Youth Ministry
Small Faith I & II
Small Faith IV
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Eucharistic Adoration
RE Teacher’s Meeting
Men’s Prayer Group
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Spanish Choir
Friday, September 6, 2013
1st Friday Adoration
Saturday, September 7, 2013
“Humility is the mother of all virtues; purity,
charity and obedience. It is in being humble
that our love becomes real, devoted and
ardent. If you are humble nothing will touch
you, neither praise nor disgrace, because
you know what you are. If you are blamed
you will not be discouraged. If they call you
a saint you will not put yourself on a pedestal.”
― Mother Teresa, In the Heart of the World: Thoughts, Stories and Prayers
THE WEEK OF August 25, 2013
Collection for August 25, 2013
Restricted Funds for August 25, 2013
Total Income:
$ 184.00
Please Pray For
Maria Luz Arrellano
Katherine Artale
Jim Barnes
Diann Bauer
Dan Bauer
Herbert Baxter
Martha Becerra
Rita Bonnell
Norm Boyer
Herminia Brignoni
Ibeth Brignoni
Lee Burnett
Ruben Campos
Marie Cavanaugh
Terry Davidson
MaryLou De Luca
Juanita Diaz
Cecelia Dueber
Maria Fielding
Susan Guenzel
Rosie Kinninger
Marcella Halweg
Bernie Kober
Marilyn Kober
Maria Koter
Virginia Lantry
Juanita Lopez
Maria Lopez
Dolores Mediano
Esteban Mediano
Joe Moser
Segunda Ordona
Sylvia Paiz
Dominick Palestini
Diane Porter
Dolores Robertson
Atina Rodriguez
Aaron Rodriguez
Alette Rodriguez
Gladys Palestini
Jeff Salazar
Patricia Seay
Christine Segura
Alice Sergi
Michael Smith
Raymond Sparks
Mary Sutton
Angel Tapia
Pedro Tapia
Therese Tucker
Carol Verdon
Catarina Zizzo
Rose Zaragoza
Adalina Zarate
And the special
intentions in our Book of Needs
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The Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 1, 2013
Second Collection
4630 34th Street, San Diego CA 92116
We are excited to welcome
our students and families
back to school.
School starts on
Tuesday, September 3rd.
See you then!
Everyone is Welcome to
attend the
Anointing of the Sick
Saturday, September 7th
Confirmation I News:
There will be a mandatory
meeting for all Confirmation I
students and their parents on:
Monday, September 9th
6:30-8:00pm in the Parish hall.
If you have any questions,
contact Ezequiel Flores at the
Parish Office 619-284-3472.
Religious Education News:
Attention: Religious Education
Teachers...don’t forget about
our meeting on Wednesday,
September 4th at 5:00pm in
the Parish Hall.
Attention: Religious Education Families!
Classes start Wednesday, September 11th at 5:30pm at
the school!
Help Needed!
We are in need of help serving
Coffee & Donuts on the 4th Sunday of
the month after the 10am Mass. Call
the Parish Office if you can help!
Today we’re taking up a
second collection for our
Building Improvement
Fund. Thank you for your
generous donations!
Baptism Classes for September
English: Thursday September 26 @ 7pm
in the hall
Spanish: Saturday, September 28 @
10am in the hall
You must register before attending the class.
Contact the Parish Office to register.
All Women of the Parish
are Invited to the
Altar Society’s Meeting
Wednesday, September 4th
noon-2:00pm in the Hall
We’re back for another great year of
supporting each other and our parish! All
women of the parish are invited to attend
this luncheon meeting. At this meeting we
welcome Mary Jo Gretsinger who retired
from the San Diego diocese three years ago
and is now teaching theology and canon law
at Good Shepherd Seminary in Northern
Nigeria. Mary Jo will speak about her 3rd
and 4th year seminary students, her parish
work as well as living in a third world
country. Anyone interested in hearing Mary
Jo’s talk is welcome to join us. She will
speak between lunch and our meeting.
Any questions? Call Altar Society President,
Martha Crawford at 619-294-9102.
1st Friday Adoration
Friday, September 6th
Make room for Jesus in your day by
spending time with him in prayer
before the Blessed Sacrament.
Page 5
The Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
A Prayer for the
New School Year
September 1, 2013
the Parts of the Mass
As Catholics, our worship
centers on the Mass. The Mass
has a number of parts, each of
which is a call to deepen our faith:
Lord God,
at the beginning of this new school
year teach us to be your hands
and feet where we are.
Part II —The Liturgy of the Eucharist:
Preface and the Sanctus
At the beginning of this new
school year teach us to love as you
love us.
At the beginning of this new school year teach us to
pray for those in need, so that You are honored and
Kid’s Corner
Did you know that when you look
out your window you are looking
through sand? Strange as it may
seem, that clear, see-through
glass is made by melting sand,
limestone, and soda together in a very hot furnace!
Later someone discovered how to add COLOR to
make those beautiful stained-glass windows we see
in our church and churches around the world. Take
a look at our beautiful windows and thank God for
all the beautiful ways people use his creation!
The preface of the Eucharistic Liturgy has remained virtually unchanged for the past 1800
years. In the early 200s, St. Hippolytus’ account of
the Mass in Rome included the dialogue between
priest and people that enjoins the congregation to
“Lift up your hearts to the Lord” and “Give thanks
to the Lord our God.” His contemporary in North
Africa, St. Cyprian, records the same dialogue in
his description of the liturgy, a dialogue intended
to remind Christians that “wherever your treasure
is, there will your heart be also” (Mt 6:21).
The preface continues with a short prayer. Like
the opening dialogue, it focuses the congregation
on the importance of what is about to take place
and invites us to enter into the Mass even more
Then, with the reminder that we are praying
“with the angels and saints,” the congregation
sings the Sanctus, the “Holy, Holy, Holy,” taken
from Isaiah 6:2-3 and Revelation 4:8. This hymn,
as we know from a letter from Pope St. Clement
(martyred in A.D. 99), has been sung in the Mass
since at least the first century of Christianity.
—Our Sunday Visitor
“All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and
should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.”
— Martin Luther King, Jr.
Pagina 6
XXII Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
No ha venido para ser
servido, sino para
Las palabras de Jesús en
el evangelio de hoy muestran las reglas de
oro del protocolo cristiano: renunciar a darse
importancia a si mismo, invitar a quienes no
pueden correspondernos; dar la preferencia a
los demás, sentarse a la mesa de la vida a
quienes hemos arrojado lejos de la sociedad.
Quien esto hace, vive la bienaventuranza: «Dichoso tú, porque no pueden
pagarte; te pagarán cuando resuciten
los justos».
Para Jesús adquiere el verdadero
honor quien no se exalta a sí mismo sobre los
demás, sino quien se abaja voluntariamente.
Paradójicamente, se adquiere el verdadero
honor no exaltándose a sí mismo sobre los
demás, sino poniéndose a su servicio. La generosidad se debe compartir con los “que no
pueden pagar con la misma moneda”, porque
no tienen nada.
¿Qué maneras conscientes o inconscientes tiene mi corazón para llevarme a buscar “llamar la atención” ?
La clase de papas y padrinos para
bautizar a sus bebes o niños menores
de 7 años en español, será el sábado
28 de septiembre a las 10 AM.
Para poder asistir a esta clase
deberás estar registrado para esta
clase antes de asistir a ella.
Para mas información puedes llamar
a la oficina parroquial.
1° de septiembre, 2013
La oficina parroquial estará cerrada el lunes, 2 de
septiembre en cumplimiento de la Día del Trabajo.
Acompáñenos a la
Misa de Unción de
sábado 7 de septiembre a las 9 AM.
Noticias de la Confirmación I
Habrá una reunión mandatoria
para los padres y los estudiantes de Confirmación I:
El lunes 9 de septiembre de
6:30 a 8 PM en el salón parroquial. Si usted tiene alguna
pregunta, póngase en contacto
con Ezequiel Flores en la oficina parroquial
Viernes Primero
Adoración con el Santísimo
Viernes 6 de septiembre de
8-9:00 am
Resérvele un tiempecito a Jesús el viernes 6
para hacer oración ante el Santísimo Sacramento de 8 a 9 am.
Noticias del Catecismo:
Atención: Maestros y ayudantes del catecismo. Tendremos una reunión el miércoles 4 de septiembre a las 5:00 PM en el salón parroquial.
Atención: Familias del Catecismo: Las clases comienzan el miércoles 11
de septiembre a las 5:30 PM en la escuela.