july 24, 2016 - St. Lucy`s Parish


july 24, 2016 - St. Lucy`s Parish
July24,2016 Bronx, New York
8:00 a.m. (Italian), 9:00 a.m. (English)
5:30 p.m. (Albanian), 7:00 p.m. (English)
8:00 a.m. (Italian),
9:00 a.m. (Spanish - Auditorium)
9:15 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12 noon (English),
1:15 p.m. (Spanish)
12 noon (Creole - Chapel in Center)
8:00 a.m. (Italian), 9:00 a.m. (English),
Thursdays: 7:00 p.m. (Spanish)
Eucharistic Adoration: Monday-Friday 9:30-11:00 a.m.,
Thursday 5:30-7:00 p.m., Saturday 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m. &
First Friday of the Month 6:00-7:30 p.m. followed by Holy
Mass at 7:30 p.m.
CONFESSION: Saturdays 3:00- 4:00 p.m. & 6:30-7:00 p.m.
833 Mƒ‘› Aò›Äç›, BÙÊÄø, NY 10467 - 718-882-0710 - 718-882-8876 (¥ƒø)
Registration for the
2016-2017 year
is NOW open!
La inscripción para el
2016-2017 año
Ya está abierto!
Registration will take place every Tuesday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the rectory office.
See inside bulletin for more information and details.
La inscripción se llevará a cabo todos los martes de 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. en la oficina de la rectoría.
Consulte el boletín en el interior para obtener más información y detalles.
have not received the Sacraments of Baptism, First Holy
Communion, and/or Confirmation. Sessions will be held on
Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. in the school beginning the end of
September. Please come to the rectory office, open every
day, to register along with a copy of birth certificate and/or
baptismal certificate. The registration fee is $80.00.
RITO DE CLASE ADULTOS CRISTIANOS para los adultos que no han recibido los sacramentos del
bautismo, primera comunión, y/o confirmación. Las sesiones se llevarán a cabo los miércoles a las 7:00 p.m. en la
escuela a partir de finales de septiembre. Por favor, venga a la oficina de la rectoría, abierto todos los días, para
registrar junto con una copia del certificado de nacimiento y/o certificado de bautismo. La cuota de inscripción es
de $80.00.
July24,2016 Monday- July 25, 2016 - St. James, Apostle
8:00 a.m. Luigi & Paolina Reda
9:00 a.m. Arthur Castiglia
Tuesday- July 26, 2016 - Sts. Joachim & Anne,
Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary
8:00 a.m. Ernest Shllaku
9:00 a.m. Peter & Lena Shkreli
Wednesday- July 27, 2016 - Weekday
8:00 a.m. Luigi Giampriano
9:00 a.m. William Denis Fugazy
Thursday- July 28, 2016 - Weekday
8:00 a.m. Alfonso Filamena Aprila
9:00 a.m. Audrey Lawrence
7:00 p.m. Almas del Pulgatorio
Friday- July 29, 2016 - St. Martha
8:00 a.m. Georgio Villani
9:00 a.m. Jackie Ferrara
Saturday- July 30, 2016 - Weekday - St. Peter
Chysologus, Bishop & Doctor of the
8:00 a.m. Alfonso & Carmela Monturro
9:00 a.m. Douglas Haynes
5:30 p.m. Agnes Hogan
7:00 p.m. Nikoll Elezovic
Sunday- July 31, 2016 - Eighteenth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
8:00 a.m. Vincenzina & Francesco Fata
9:00 a.m. Lorenzo & Dominga Peguero
9:15 a.m. Nreu & Lula Lulashi
10:30 a.m. Vince Harangozo
12:00 p.m. Lajde Popovic
12:00 p.m. Creole Mass - Center Chapel
1:15 p.m. For all Parishioners of St. Lucy’s Parish
July 25, 2016
Rodolf Gjergji & Vitorina Pemaj
July 30, 2016
Dejvis Lekocaj &Nicolette Kajtazi
July 31, 2016
Renato Ndrekaj & Klotilda Kopshtaj
August 6, 2016
Gentjan Gjuraj & Ana Pemaj
First Reading — Abraham bargains with God to spare the
city (Genesis 18:20-32).
Psalm — Lord, on the day I called for help, you answered
me (Psalm 138).
Second Reading — Buried with Christ in baptism, we
were also raised with him; all our transgressions are forgiven (Colossians 2:12-14).
Gospel — Jesus speaks of God’s sure response to those
who pray (Luke 11:1-13).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997,
International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved
A very beautiful way to remember dear members of our
families, friends, or those who do not have any one to pray
for them or to offer a special intention/petition is to make a
donation for one of the following:
The bread and wine that will be consecrated at mass for a
chosen week - The sanctuary lamp that burns by the
tabernacle for a chosen week - The candles that burn in
honor of our Blessed Mother and St. Joseph for a
chosen week.
If you would like to reserve any of the above, please stop
by the parish rectory office.
Best Wishes & Blessings to
Vasel & Blerina Pllumbaj
Astrophel & Virginia Ranosa
Married on July 16, 2016
We welcome
Ageta & Agent Pllumbaj
Baptized on July 16, 2016
Ayden Collazo, Alanis Fernandez,
Lucas Martinez & Mia Vita Salese
Baptized on July 17, 2016
into the Roman Catholic Church
and our Parish community of St. Lucy
The candle in honor of the
Blessed Mother
burns this week for the health of
Mark Ndue
from Leonara Ndue
Requiescant in Pace
Please remember in your prayers the parishioners, friends,
relatives and benefactors who recently died especially,
Ingrid Mici, Carmen Rodriguez & Ernest Acosta
May they rest in Peace, Amen.
July24,2016 Message from Father Pergjini:
Last Saturday we celebrated the Holy Mass in honor of our Lady of Mount Carmel in our beautiful Grotto. It
was a very beautiful celebration attended by many parishioners, visitors and friends who came on that hot and
humid evening. That evening we were honored by the presence of a Polish priest, Fr. Adam, who is helping
the parish of Saint Claire for the summer. He expressed his desire to concelebrate with me, and I did offer him
to be the main celebrant and also to preach. He humbly accepted my invitation and people were very happy to
have a visiting Polish priest on this special occasion.
It has become a tradition in our parish to have the mass outside twice a year: for Our Lady of Lourdes on
February 11th and on July 16th for Our Lady of Mount Carmel. It is very impressive and inspiring to see so
many people for these special feasts of our Lady. The space inside the grotto was filled with people and many
of them were patiently standing outside near the fence following the mass.
As we processed toward the Grotto I looked at the facade of the church and the bell tower repaired recently, the
new sidewalk near the Scala Santa, and the new tiles and steps in the Grotto. As I thought of these recent
projects, I was aware that it would have been impossible to accomplish these major repairs relying only on our
Sunday collection. Where did the money come from? These projects were accomplished thanks to the
generosity of a humble and faithful couple. During these years at Saint Lucy’s, I have been touched and
moved by their willingness to help me as a pastor in order to accomplish many works that I never would have
been able to do. They never wanted to be recognized for their generosity; they simply were willing to improve
the exterior condition of our parish and enhance this beautiful place of worship.
Many people are aware of the visible work outside but never aware of how this work is accomplished. I am
sure Our Blessed Mother, watching over us, knows who these people are, who can afford and who cannot. I
felt at this time to share with you, and indeed it is my duty to let people know indirectly, how the work is
accomplished and by what means we have been able to reach our goal. If I would make a list and describe in
details the unending expenses, the bills to be paid, repairs and renovation of this vast territory inside and
outside of our parish, the list will be too long. I usually do not ask from the pulpit for an increase in our
weekly collection. I am aware that the majority of our parishioners are poor, undocumented immigrants who
struggle to support their families with many children (thanks be to God for the big number of their children),
single parents struggling to make a living, unemployed people, and many others with different problems. And
how could I ask for an increase when they cannot afford it? On the other hand I am aware in our parish there
are still parishioners who give what a good Catholic is supposed to give in order to fulfill our duty before God.
Unfortunately there are many others who are unwilling to understand that we have to share our blessings and
our gifts received from the Almighty Father. Many times people are not aware that we all have the obligation
and duty to contribute, not simply putting few dollars in the envelope, when I am sure that many of us could
afford more than that. Christ reminds us still today to give to God what belongs to God, and to give to Caesar
what belongs to Caesar. Yes indeed, as I walked into the newly paved space of our Grotto, looking the work
recently done in our parish, I thanked Christ and our Lady for the humble and generous couple and for all of
you who faithfully support our parish every Sunday and try to give from your heart!
That evening in the Grotto, after the Creed, the prayer of the faithful was said and as always, I make sure that
the prayer for the benefactors, living and deceased, are included. At that moment I bowed my head and in my
heart I thanked the humble couple, and all of you, dear faithful benefactors, for your help to our parish! It is
my hope that our hearts and minds will be touched by the humble example of the unknown couple to you, but
known to Christ and to me and that so many of us will fulfill our duty before God to support the place where
we come to worship. It was July 16th, the Holy Mass celebrated in the honor of our Lady of Mount Carmel in
our beautiful and prayerful Grotto!
May Our Lady of Mount Carmel pray for our faithful parishioners and cover all of us with your heavenly
mantel and intercede for us! Amen!
July24,2016 Mensaje del Padre Pergjini:
El sábado pasado celebramos la Santa Misa en honor de la Virgen del Monte Carmelo en nuestra hermosa
gruta. Fue una muy bonita celebración a la que asistieron muchos de los feligreses, visitantes y amigos que
vinieron en esa noche caliente y húmedo. Esa noche fueron honrados por la presencia de un sacerdote polaco,
P. Adam, que está ayudando a la parroquia de Santa Clara para el verano. Expresó su deseo de concelebrar
conmigo, y lo hice ofrecerle ser el celebrante principal y también para predicar. Humildemente aceptó mi
invitación y la gente estaba muy feliz de tener un sacerdote polaco visitando en esta ocasión especial.
Se ha convertido en una tradición en nuestra parroquia para tener la masa fuera dos veces al año: a la Virgen
de Lourdes el 11 de febrero y el 16 de julio de Nuestra Señora del Carmen. Es muy impresionante y inspirador
ver a tanta gente para estas fiestas especiales de la Virgen. El espacio interior de la gruta estaba llena de gente
y muchos de ellos fueron pacientemente de pie fuera cerca de la valla después de la misa.
En la procesión hacia la Gruta Miré a la fachada de la iglesia y el campanario reparado recientemente, la nueva
acera cerca de la Scala Santa, y los nuevos azulejos y pasos en la Gruta. Al pensar en estos proyectos recientes,
yo era consciente de que hubiera sido imposible llevar a cabo estas reparaciones mayores que dependen sólo
de la colección de domingo. ¿De dónde proviene el dinero? Estos proyectos se llevaron a cabo gracias a la
generosidad de una pareja humilde y fiel. Durante estos años en Santa Lucía de, me han tocado y movido por
su deseo de ayudar a mí como pastor con el fin de lograr muchas obras que yo nunca habría sido capaz de
hacer. Ellos nunca quisieron ser reconocidos por su generosidad; ellos simplemente estaban dispuestos a
mejorar la condición exterior de nuestra parroquia y mejorar este hermoso lugar de culto.
Muchas personas son conscientes de la obra visible fuera pero nunca consciente de cómo se lleva a cabo este
trabajo. Estoy seguro de Nuestra Santa Madre, velando por nosotros, sabe quiénes son estas personas, que
pueden pagar y que no pueden. Me sentía en este momento para compartir con ustedes, y de hecho es mi deber
dar a conocer indirectamente, cómo el trabajo es realizado y por lo que significa que hemos sido capaces de
llegar a nuestro objetivo. Si me gustaría hacer una lista y describir en detalle los gastos interminables, las
cuentas a pagar, reparación y renovación de este vasto territorio dentro y fuera de nuestra parroquia, la lista es
mucho tiempo. Por lo general no pido desde el púlpito por un aumento en nuestra colección semanal. Soy
consciente de que la mayoría de nuestros feligreses son pobres, inmigrantes indocumentados que luchan para
mantener a sus familias con muchos hijos (gracias a Dios por el gran número de sus hijos), los padres solteros
que luchan por ganarse la vida, la gente en paro, y muchos otros con diferentes problemas. ¿Y cómo podría
solicitar un aumento cuando no se lo puede permitir? Por otra parte soy consciente en nuestra parroquia
todavía hay feligreses que dar lo que se supone que un buen católico para dar con el fin de cumplir con nuestro
deber ante Dios. Por desgracia, hay muchos otros que no están dispuestos a entender que tenemos que
compartir nuestras bendiciones y nuestros dones recibidos del Padre Todopoderoso. Muchas veces las
personas no son conscientes de que todos tenemos la obligación y el deber de contribuir, no sólo poner unos
cuantos dólares en el sobre, cuando estoy seguro de que muchos de nosotros podría permitirse más que eso.
Cristo nos recuerda todavía hoy para dar a Dios lo que es de Dios, y para dar al César lo que es del César. Sí,
efectivamente, como entré en el espacio recién pavimentada de nuestra gruta, mirando el trabajo realizado
recientemente en nuestra parroquia, me dio las gracias a Cristo y la Virgen de la pareja humilde y generoso y
para todos los que fielmente apoyan nuestra parroquia todos los domingos y tratar para dar de tu corazón!
Esa noche en el gruta, después del Credo, se decía que la oración de los fieles, y como siempre, asegúrese de
que la oración por los benefactores, vivos y difuntos, están incluidos. En ese momento me incliné mi cabeza y
en mi corazón di gracias a la pareja humilde, y todos ustedes, queridos fieles benefactores, por su ayuda a
nuestra parroquia! Tengo la esperanza de que nuestros corazones y mentes serán tocados por el ejemplo
humilde de la pareja desconocida para ti, pero conocen a Cristo y para mí y que muchos de nosotros va a
cumplir con nuestro deber ante Dios para apoyar el lugar en el que llegamos a rendir culto. Era julio 16, la
Santa Misa en honor de nuestra Señora del Monte Carmelo en nuestra hermosa y orante Gruta!
Que Nuestra Señora del Carmen orar por nuestros feligreses fieles y para abarcar a todos con su manto celeste
e interceder por nosotros! ¡Amén!
July24,2016 2016 Pilgrimage Dates Please register at Rectory Office
September 22nd: The National Centre for Padre Pio Shrine
located in Barto, Pennsylvania. Leave St. Lucy’s at 8:30
a.m. and return to parish by 7 p.m. Cost per person
$35.00. Lunch on one’s own. Picnic area available. Please
register at Rectory Office.
October 21st: Sight and Sound Theatre - Samson. He's
the original superhero. He can defeat entire armies and slay
lions. But there's a catch to his superpower: He must follow
the rules. And that's where the trouble begins. As Samson
battles the Philistines - and his own personal calling - he
soon falls prey to temptation, losing his strength and sight.
But has he lost hope? Sit down lunch at Good and Plenty
Restaurant pr ior to the play, all in beautiful Lancaster ,
Pennsylvania. Cost per person $130.00. Leave St. Lucy's
at 8:30 a.m. and return to parish by 9:30 p.m. Tickets must
be secured soon - Please register at Rectory Office no later
than August 31st.
Prayers, Congratulations and
God’s continued blessings on
Fr. Felix Gonzlez
who celebrated his
35th anniversary of
priesthood on
July 18, 2016!
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