November 15, 2015
November 15, 2015
Welcome to St. Therese Catholic Church 217 Brawley School Road, Mooresville, NC 28117-9103 An Ignatian parish staffed by priests of the Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits) since 1970. Pastor Rev. Vincent C. Curtin, S.J. Mass Times Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm Sunday Mass Times 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am (Sunday Nursery at 9:00 am and 10:30 am Masses) 12:00 noon, 2:30 pm (Misa en Espanol), 5:30 pm Daily Mass 9:00 am Monday through Friday and First Saturdays (Day Chapel) Reconciliation 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm on Saturdays or by appointment Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration First Friday of each month 9:45 am - 4:45 pm with Benediction at 4:45 pm Rosary 7:00 pm Mondays (Day Chapel) 6:30 pm Tuesdays (Day Chapel) Bulletin Deadline 4:30 pm Thursday for the next weekend bulletin. All items subject to approval and editing. Submit to Lisa Cash, [email protected] Parish Office Hours 704-664-3992 Monday-Friday: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm & 12:30 pm - 4:30pm 704-664-3992 Fax: 704-660-6321 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Little Way Preschool 980-444-2305 Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 1:30 pm Faith Formation Office Hours 704-664-7762 Open during class times: Sunday: 8:30 am - 12:00 pm; 3:00 pm - 5:15 pm & 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm Tuesday: 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Wednesday: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Closed: Friday and Saturday For additional open hours, please call the Faith Formation Office before you come by. Welcome to St. Therese Catholic Church! Thank you for being here with us! The parishioners of St. Therese welcome our visitors. Please introduce yourselves to your neighbors. Your presence is very important to us, as is your support. Registration Every household is invited to register. Forms are available in the Parish Office or on our website. According to Diocesan policy, parish registration is required for Faith Formation, all Sacraments, ministries, and school vouchers. MOVING? Please notify the Parish Office! Communion of the Sick Please notify the Parish Office if you want communion brought to the home, hospital or nursing home. Hospitals do not notify the church that you are there except at your direct request. Anointing of the Sick Please notify the Parish Office of those who are homebound or in hospitals, or nursing homes, especially when seriously ill. Marriage According to Diocesan policy, registered couples must begin marriage preparation at least SIX MONTHS pr ior to the desir ed wedding date. Please call the Parish Office for an appointment. Baptism of Infants and Children through Grade 1 At least SIX WEEKS before the anticipated date of Baptism, parents must contact the Parish Office to arrange for required baptismal preparation. Contact: Christine Leal at 704-664-3992. Baptism for Children Grades 3 through 7 All children in the above grades are prepared for the first Sacraments of Initiation through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Children. Contact: Dave Conklin in the Faith Formation Office 704-664-7762. Adult Sacraments of Initiation All adults (age 17 and older) who wish to be baptized, confirmed and/or receive First Eucharist are prepared through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. This is also the process for non-Catholics to come into full communion with the Catholic Church. Contact: Deacon John Sims 704-662-0714. Parish Office 704-664-3992 Pastor/Párroco Rev. Vincent C. Curtin, S.J., ext. 102 [email protected] Parochial Vicars/Vicarios Rev. Dominic Totaro, S.J., ext. 225 [email protected] Rev. Donald M. Ward, S.J., ext. 107 [email protected] In Residence Rev. Francis X. Reese, S.J., ext 205 [email protected] Deacons/Diácono Rev. Mr. John Sims [email protected] Rev. Mr. Myles Decker Rev. Mr. Robert Kratchman (retired) Rev. Mr. Joe Santen (retired) Parish Manager Melinda Drury, ext. 101 [email protected] Latino Coordinator Leyda Carrillo, ext. 114 [email protected] Ministry Communications Coordinator Lisa Cash, ext. 105 [email protected] Music Ministry Director Phil Haigler, ext. 106 [email protected] Liturgy Coordinator Rosemary Hyman, ext. 315 [email protected] Office Assistant/Facilities Scheduler Christine Leal, ext. 100 [email protected] Pastoral Council Bill Streiff, President [email protected] Bob Linden, Vice President Tina Force, Secretary Maria Boaze David Deselem Administrative Assistant Elaine Runski, ext. 301 [email protected] Maintenance Manager Wesley Weaver, ext. 104 [email protected] Faith Formation/ Formación de Fe: 704-664-7762 Director Carmen San Juan, ext. 109 Assistant Director Dave Conklin, ext. 108 Office Assistant Darlene McClure, ext. 110 Little Way Preschool: 704-664-7762 Preschool Director Dayna Auten, ext. 318 Amy Michelone Tracy Neumann Karen Neyland Ron Toney Judy Wagner Rick Wagner Finance Council Chair Rick Fabrize, [email protected] THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME NOVEMBER 15, 2015 WORSHIP & PRAYER In Your Prayers Prayer Requests Michelle Westbrook Accetta, Sharon Almaraz, Peggy Bachand, Jan Balmat, Michelle Bischoff, Barbara Cahill, Steve Coyne, Dutch Detchemendy, Teresa Geraci, JD Gibbs, Beverly Hedrick, Marilynn Houck, Beatrice Hynson, Rosemary Keeley, Dolores Licari, Bill Michalak, Pauline McDonnell, Jack Moreau, Nick Politis, Cindy Powell, Ron Regula, Rose Regula, Jim Richart, Maureen Rossi, Angela Schelter, John Vorlicek, Johnnie Ziats. If you have any changes to the Prayer Request list, please contact Christine Leal at 704-664-3992, ext. 100 or [email protected]. Homebound Please remember our homebound in your prayers: At home: William Cote, Rosalind Doehm, Patsy Freeze, Julianne & Scott Jarvis, Angela Leuci, Mark Marchese, Jeanne McDonnell, Charles Memrick, Dean Nash, Claradilla Pineda, Rita Sabella, Mary Strup, Stach Wisniewski. Autumn Care: Betty Mar kovich Brian Center: Milton Ander son, Rober to Argente, Cynthia Ferrer, Felix Garcia, Gregory Ramirez, Hattie Walker, Joan Waltman. Carillon: Betty Bunyan, Marie Fields, Mila Maldjain, Vartavar Maldjain, Mitzi Moody, Patrick Naso. Churchill: Cecilia Blouin, Corinne Cordillo, MaryJane Farrell, Helen Holmes, Trudy Keller, Regina Kilcarr, Jean Loeshen, Ruth Martins, Helen Mastrianni, Johanna McCloskey, Jean Mueller, Lillian Pingel, Elly Schenne, Evaline Seyk, Inga Shealy, Diane Visek. Crown Colony: Rosemary Leonetta, Linda Turner. Genesis: Joan Brennan, Lorraine Cardillo, Leona Dreiling, Barbara Jedrey, Lelia Leon, Margaret Lovine, Francis Mariea, Terry Nagel, Jim Strup, Patricia Vance. Huntersville Oaks: Carol Osmer. Statesville Place: Irene Nemeth. Summit Place: Pat Aikenhead, Bill Bonsignore, Nickie Ceraldi, Connie Ferraro, Lee Floyd, Mary Kozar, Elaine Panuski, Beverly Wisbon, Yvette Wynn. The Pines: Florence Chandler, Charlotte Ferrero, Lee Kuras, Ann Rudolph. If you have any changes to the Homebound List, please contact Rosemary Hyman at 704-664-3992, ext. 315 or [email protected] PRAYERS FOR OUR TROOPS! READINGS FOR SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2015 - Christ the King 1st Reading - Daniel 7:13-14 Responsorial - Psalm 93 2nd Reading - Revelation 1:5-8 Gospel - John 18:33-37 NOVEMBER In November, the Holy Father asks us to pray that we may be open to personal encounter and dialogue with all, even those whose convictions differ from our own, and that pastors of the Church, with profound love for their flocks, may accompany them and enliven their hope. Please remember our military personnel in your prayers: Madison Ahlers, Dave Berczek, Jaryl Burjoss, Janine Campbell (USS Pickney), Crista Campos, Garrett Carnes, Douglas Cestari (Afghan), John Cevasco, Steven Fotiadis, Kody Garrison, Matthew Geremia, Jeffrey Guild (Afghan), Courtney Hanna, Gregory Hanna, Richard Hedges, Nicholas Hemm (Japan), Mary Katherine Hesler, Ryan Howard (Afghan), Christopher Kolakowski (Okinawa), Jeremy Lacey, Matthew Laxton, Rachel Laxton, Adam Livingston, Andres Molestina, Carlos Molestina, Justus T. Neumann (Ft. Greely, AK), John Nickolopakos, Stephen Nilsson, Eduardo J. Sanchez (Afghan), Ryan Smith (Okinowa), Daniel Spaulding (Iraq), Erik Tarnacki, Dominic Wagner, Donovan Wagner, John White, Billy Wyatt (Quantico). Please help us keep our prayer list up to date. Let us know if someone in your family is deployed overseas, injured, or returns home. The Ignatian Corner! Laudato Si’ – A Review and Personal Commentary - 8 On Care of Our Common Home CHAPTER SIX: Ecological Education and Spirituality In this chapter, Francis is asking all human beings to change, i.e. to have an interior conversion. (#202) Very simply, if our new way of thinking about the environment does not affect our way of thinking, then “the paradigm of consumerism will continue to advance with the help of the media and the highly effective workings of the market.” (#215) I. Toward a New Lifestyle People can get caught up with “compulsive consumerism.” (#203) But Francis believes that human beings are “capable of rising above themselves, choosing again what is good, and making a new start…’ (#205) Boycotts (e.g. of Concord grapes, Cannon linen and towels, the buses in Birmingham, AL, etc.) are effective, and they force businesses to have a greater sense of social responsibility for their products. (#206) We human beings “are always capable of going out of ourselves toward the other.” (#208) II. Educating for the Covenant Between Humanity and the Environment The Pope is not only concerned for change among politicians and the market-drivers; he also believes that everyone -- you and me -- can make the greatest changes in consumer habits. (#209) Everyone needs education “centered on scientific information, consciousness-raising, and the prevention of environmental risks. (#210) Everyone -- both governmental entities and individuals -- can take environmental responsibility and can act in ways “that directly and significantly affect other practices.” (#211) This training in “care for all creatures” begins “in the family.” (#213) The church, too, has an important role in raising awareness and responsibility regarding education concerning the environment. (#214) “We need to realize that certain mindsets really do influence our behavior (#215) and really do change the world. (#212) III. Ecological Conversion In many respects, this section is the heart of the encyclical. Pope Francis suggests that we gain an “ecological spirituality” which will be the foundation for our doctrinal teachings. “[S]uch a spirituality can motivate us to a more passionate concern for the protection of our world.” He is moving us, the readers, to be committed to put our faith into practice. (#216) In the process, he is also leading us to have an “ECOLOGICAL CONVERSION.” (Emphasis is mine.) He desires that “the effects of [Christians’] encounter with Jesus Christ become evident in their relationship with the world around them. Francis wants us to recognize our “errors, sins, faults, and failures.” This recognition leads us to a “heartfelt repentance” for those sins and a “desire to change.” (#218) He goes farther. He desires that “the ecological conversion which is needed to bring about lasting change is also a community conversion.” (#219) When we (plural) realize that creation is God’s gift to us, we become grateful for God’s abundant generosity. Our gratitude leads us to respond lovingly, i.e. not by dominating the earth but by caring for it. (#220) Our “awareness that every creature reflects something of God and has a message for us” enables us to enjoy the beauty even of the wild flowers and different kinds of stones. Our awareness “that Christ has taken unto Himself the material world and now, risen, is present to each being” enables us to treat each being as a part of the Cosmic Christ. (#221) IV. Joy and Peace “A prophetic and contemplative spirituality” ought to assist us to be interiorly “free of the obsession of consumerism.” Then we are content in the “conviction that ‘less is more.’” (#222) “Happiness means knowing how to limit some needs that only diminish us and being open to the many different possibilities that life can offer. (#223) Humility enables us to be enthralled with any possibility of mastering things without excluding God and without harming society or the environment. (#224) “Inner peace is closely related to care for ecology and for the common good…” (#225) We must strive for an “attitude of heart…that is capable of being fully present to someone…and that accepts each moment as a gift from God.” (#226) Grace before and after meals is an expression of this attitude. (#227) (to be continued Fr. Dominic) Advent Directed Retreat November 29 - December 5, 2015 Our Advent Week of Directed Prayer has been a great success. It enables the participants to get into the Advent Season and to deepen their relationship with God. A team of Ignatian Spiritual Directors will provide individual prayer direction for interested parishioners in a “retreat” which you can do at home. The retreat will begin with a group meeting on Sunday, Nov. 29th from 1:15pm - 2:15pm. During the week (Monday - Friday), each person making the retreat will meet with an Ignatian Spiritual Director for 30 minutes daily. Your director will discuss prayer with you and suggest Scripture for you to pray each day of the retreat. On Saturday, Dec. 5th, all participants will gather after the 9:00am Mass for the conclusion of the retreat. The only requirement is your commitment to pray for approximately 30 minutes each day during this time and to meet with your spiritual director daily. For more information and/or to register, please fill out a registration form and return it to the parish office, or call the parish office at 704-664-3992 by Wednesday, November 25th. You can use the registration form below or the one on the parish website at Directors: Fr. Vincent Curtin, S.J. Fr. Don Ward, S.J. Fr. Dominic Totaro, S.J. Fr. Frank Reese, S.J. Elmer Aznar Maria Aznar Ibis Centeno David Conklin Patricia Davies Neil Duprey Leo Fahey JoAnn Horan Julie Lynch Derek Riccelli David Smith Lois Yaniero NAME_________________________________________________________ PHONE #________________________________ EMAIL_______________________________________________________ MORNING__________ AFTERNOON___________ EVENING___________ REQUEST FOR DIRECTOR: I WOULD PREFER_______________________________TO BE MY DIRECTOR IF THAT PERSON IS AVAILABLE. STEWARDSHIP...Sharing Time, Talent & Treasure Stewardship Thought As we approach Thanksgiving Day, let us take a moment to consider all the blessings we receive from God and how we in turn thank God for His blessings. Mass Attendance November 1, 2015 5:30 Sat 7:30 9:00 10:30 243 293 463 565 12:00 2:30 5:30 Total 287 175 364 2390 STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE OFFERTORY THROUGH NOVEMBER 1, 2015 Over/ (Under) 1-Nov $24,000 TIME ($20) UNAVAILABLE$23,980 AT PRINTING YTD(7/1/15-11/1/15) $430,831 $437,000 ($6,169) Actual Budget Active Families 3,792 as of 11/3/15 Thank You for Your Generosity 2nd Collection Next Weekend - November 21st and 22nd Next week’s collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) needs your help. CCHD was founded to end the cycle of poverty in the United States by funding organizations that help individuals help themselves. With the tradition of improving education, housing situations, and community economic development, CCHD continues to make a positive impact in communities nationwide. Your contribution will defend human dignity and reach out to those living on the margins. Please give to the CCHD collection. OUTREACH COMMUNITY OUTREACH NEWS Thank you for your generosity with our Christian Mission/Soup Kitchen drive. We collected a truck load of food and coats for Christian Mission and 560 lbs. of food was brought to the Soup Kitchen. Some people can be the face of the Commission and do the collections. But, every time that you make a donation of food for the pantry & Christian Mission, or donate money for the Holiday Gift Baskets, or take a tag off the Giving Tree, you are a steward of Outreach. The Commission hopes that you understand that our success is because of your participation. We appreciate all that you do. Holiday Food Basket Donations Community Outreach is once again signing up parishioners to receive Thanksgiving Holiday Food Baskets. If you would like to make a donation, a donation box is located in the Narthex. Thank you for your continued generosity! Peanut Butter Saltine Crackers Cake Mix & Frosting Jelly (Food can be dropped off on the black rolling carts in the Narthex of the Church or you may continue to drop donations off in the carts in the hallway of the Administration building) Please Remember: ∗No opened or fresh food ∗Check expiration dates - expired food must be thrown away Food Pantry is open Mondays from 10:00am to 11:30am The pantry is closed on church Holy Days & all Federal holidays. Join us for the 7th Annual Mooresville Community Ecumenical Thanksgiving Prayer Service Sat 11/14 5:30 PM Sun 11/15 7:30 AM 9:00 AM Intention Bob Edelen+ Tom Cronin+ Intention John Trontell+ Bob Margolis+ Parishioners Requested By Betty Edelen & Family Family Requested By Family Family Thursday, November 19, 2015 at 7:00 PM St. Therese Catholic Church Hosted by: Fr. Vincent Curtin, S.J. 10:30 AM Rogelio Desierto+ Family Nicolafa Cuezas+ Family 12:00 PM Joseph & Loretta Falzone+ John & Regina Staiger 5:30 PM Mon 11/16 9:00 AM Tues 11/17 9:00 AM Wed 11/18 9:00 AM Claire Baiamonte+ Nilsa Maldonado+ Intention Harold Langcake+ Blaise Howe (Healing) Intention John Gormley (Bday) George McLarry+ Intention Mary & Ralph Ferrese+ Thurs 11/19 Intention 9:00 AM Gerald T. Kase, Sr.+ Louis Grogan+ Fri 11/20 Intention 9:00 AM Maryily Amador (Bday) Rosemary Keeley (Healing) Sat 11/21 5:30 PM Sun 11/22 7:30 AM 9:00 AM Intention Juanita Knapp+ Frances Kosilla+ Intention Helen Pierson+ John Pastor+ Clancy Family Family Family Requested By Langcake Family Tobin-Gormley Family Requested By Tobin-Gormley Family Bettye Mathis Requested By Family Requested By Ferguson Family Ellen Grogan Requested By Staff Book Club Ladies Requested By Joanne Knapp Joanne Knapp Requested By Joann Villanueva Ron & Mary Ulishney Family 10:30 AM Parishioners 12:00 PM Joe & Ruth Kennedy (Anniversary) 5:30 PM Family Louie & Trish Lavoie Claire Baiamonte+ Richard Keffer+ RCIA Inquiry Thursday, November 19th at 7:00 PM Mass - Liturgy of the Eucharist Presented by Sr. Mary Hugh Participating Churches: Bridge Church of the Nazarene Central United Methodist Church Fieldstone Presbyterian Church First Baptist Church First Presbyterian Church St. Luke Greek Orthodox Church St. Therese Catholic Church Williamson’s Chapel United Methodist Church This annual Thanksgiving service is an opportunity for everyone to come together and show our unity and commitment to serving our community. Donations of cash or food items will be accepted for the Christian Mission and Mooresville Soup Kitchen. Deepest Sympathy To Mary Jo Gunning and family on the death of her sister, Vicci Recckio. To Becky Stewart and family on the death of her mother, Rita J. Leiby. To James Hoechner and family on the death of his wife, Jennie Hoechner. Presenting...the St. Therese Catholic Church Motto and Logo! For the past several months the Pastoral Council has been working to develop a motto and logo to represent the parishioners of St. Therese. Please join with us as we all strive to follow our motto... We hope you enjoy our new motto and logo! - St. Therese Pastoral Council Prayer Service - Friday, November 20th at 12:00 Noon Join us on Friday, November 20th for our monthly Prayer Service in the Day Chapel at a new time, 12:00 Noon. All are welcome to come and pray with us for anyone dealing with illness and for their caregivers. Help Wanted! St. Therese is seeking a cook for the rectory. This person will shop and cook for dinner Monday through Friday each week. This is an hourly job of up to thirteen hours a week. If interested, please contact Fr. Vince Curtin at [email protected] or 704-6643992. The rose in our logo was designed to match the roses being held by St. Therese in our new statue. When the heart is colored red, the rose inside appears white. Roses have a special significance for Pope Francis. V atican Insider quotes an interview with then-Cardinal Bergoglio by Sergio Rubin and Francesca Ambrogetti in the book El Jesuita (The Jesuit): In a description the two journalists give of Bergoglio’s library in Buenos Aires, they write: “We pause before a vase full of white roses standing on a shelf in the library. In front of it is a photograph of Saint Thérèse. “Whenever I have a problem,” Bergoglio explained to the journalists, “I ask the saint not to solve it, but to take it into her hands and to help me accept it and I almost always receive a white rose as a sign.” Church Highlights Did You Know... ♦ That we have a handicapped accessible door? Simply press the button and the door will open for you. ♦ There are bulletins and holy water at the exits on either side of the altar. Coming soon… ♦ St. Therese Welcome Desk in the Narthex ♦ Our Lady of Guadalupe statue will be in the Narthex ♦ Hymn Boards in the Church WEEKLY SCHEDULE Sunday, Nov 15 8:00 AM MOST Coffee & Donuts 9:00 AM Faith Formation Classes 10:30 AM Faith Formation Classes 1:00 PM ESL-Citizenship Class 1:15 PM Baptisms 3:30 PM Together in Faith 4:00 PM Faith Formation Classes 4:00 PM Latino Baptism Prep 4:00 PM Sanctuary Praise Band 6:30 PM Confirmation Meal 7:00 PM Confirmation Classes FF Don't Trade Debt for 7:00 PM College Degree 7:00 PM Youth Ministry Monday, Nov 16 9:00 AM Little Way Preschool 10:00 AM Crafty Ladies 10:00 AM ESL 6:00 PM K of C 4th Degree Mtg 7:00 PM Ignatian Book Club 7:00 PM Pastoral Council 7:00 PM Rosary for the Unborn Tuesday, Nov 17 9:00 AM Little Way Preschool 6:00 PM Faith Formation Classes 6:30 PM Marian Prayer Group 7:00 PM Handbell Choir 7:00 PM Ignatian Latino Prayer Wednesday, Nov 18 9:00 AM Little Way Preschool 10:00 AM Just Moved 4:00 PM Children's Choir 5:00 PM ESL 5:00 PM Faith Formation Classes 6:00 PM Girl Scouts-Blattner 6:00 PM Girls Middle Sch Group 7:00 PM Adult Bible Study 7:00 PM Adult Choir 7:00 PM Adult Ed with Fr. Don 8:00 PM New Beginnings Family Room PLC Classrooms PLC Classrooms Room 14 Church Room 202-203 PLC Classrooms Room 110-PLC Church MPR & Kitchen PLC Classrooms Multi Purpose Room Family Room Preschool Rooms Room 202-203 Room 14 Family Room Room 202-203 Room 15 Day Chapel Preschool Rooms Room 202-203 Choir Room-101 Room 14 & 16 PLC Classrooms Room 107 Room 14 Room 16 Choir Room 101 Room 202-203 Family Room Ecumenical Prayer Svc RCIA Meetings Friday, Nov 20 9:00 AM Little Way Preschool 12:00 PM Monthly Prayer Service 1:00 PM Bridge Club Preschool Rooms Day Chapel Room 206 Room 204 Day Chapel Church MPR & Kitchen Room 16 PLC Classrooms PLC Classrooms Room 14 Room 15 202, 203, 205, 107, 110 Church PLC Classrooms Room 14 Room 15 Church MPR & Kitchen PLC Classrooms Family Room Annual Mooresville Thanksgiving Meal Thanksgiving Day, November 26th from 11am to 2pm in the Parish Life Center Preschool Rooms PLC Classrooms Day Chapel Choir Room-101 Room 16 Thursday, Nov 19 9:00 AM Little Way Preschool 9:30 AM Luminous Rosary 10:00 AM FF Love-Guide for Prayer 10:00 AM Women's Bible Study 5:00 PM Latino Music Ministry 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Saturday, Nov 21 9:00 AM Jesuit Collaborative 10:00 AM Sat Morning Bible Study Sunday, Nov 22 9:00 AM Faith Formation Classes 10:30 AM Faith Formation Classes 1:00 PM ESL-Citizenship Class 1:00 PM Latino Prep Mtg OLG 1:00 PM FF Span 1st Comm Prep 1:15 PM Latino Baptisms 4:00 PM Faith Formation Classes 4:00 PM FF Light 4:00 PM K of C Squires 4:00 PM Sanctuary Praise Band 6:30 PM Confirmation Meal 7:00 PM Confirmation Classes 7:00 PM Youth Ministry Needed for the Thanksgiving Meal Donations can be given through the Parish Office • • Hats, gloves, socks and scarves can be donated in the boxes in the Church Narthex and the Day Chapel Narthex • Baked goods (desserts, pies, etc) Any questions or for details about desserts, please contact Christine Leal at [email protected] or call 704-453-4170. To Volunteer: Sign up using SignUpGenius at Or Preschool Rooms Day Chapel Room 17 go/20F0D4EACAC2EA2F94-community PARISH LIFE from SWAT HOPE If you do not hope, you will not find what is beyond your hopes. —St. Clement Coffee and Donuts - hosted by M.O.S.T. (Men of St. Therese) Many thanks to all who helped us CREATE a wonderful Holiday Bazaar and to all who attended! The Men of St. Therese, (M.O.S.T.), would like to invite all parishioners to Coffee and Donuts after the 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM Masses today. Please join us TODAY, November 15th and on the thir d Sunday of each month. It's a great way to build a sense of community, so why not stop by, enjoy some coffee, juice, and donuts and get to meet someone new. There are a lot of new families moving in to our parish… what better way to welcome them? Keep in mind that children are welcome, too. We will have Coffee and Donuts in the Family Room. COMMUNITY Organ Donation National Donor Sabbath is November 1315, 2015. It is observed two weekends before Thanksgiving to include the days of worship for major religions, including the Church. While families are gathered together, it is a great time to discuss thoughts and wishes. Transplants are ethically and morally acceptable to the Vatican. As an expression of human compassion and giving, it is what our faith teaches us. Register or learn more at Charlotte Office, 5000 D Airport Center Parkway, Charlotte, NC 28208 704.512.3303; toll-free: 800.932.GIVE (4483) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17 - Sister Simone will speak at Caldwell Memorial Presbyterian Church, 1609 East Fifth Street - 7:00 PM. Her topic will be "Pope Francis Challenges Us to Hope: Creating an Economy of Inclusion". She will include ways we can answer Pope Francis' call to take steps toward building a more just economy. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 - Sister Simone will speak at the screening of "Radical Grace" at the Great Aunt Stella Center, 926 Elizabeth Avenue - 7:00 PM. Spirit of St. Nicholas Ball & Gala Saturday, December 5, 2015 at 7:00 PM State Ballroom, Talley Student Union, North Carolina State University Featuring Keynote Speaker Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke Member of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints and Patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta Enjoy Dinner, Wine and Orchestra! Registration & ticket info: (919) 395-5990 or [email protected] Morning panel discussion on the church and the world today: 9:30 a.m. December 5, Talley Student Union, North Carolina State University Go to to order your tickets for the morning panel discussion with: Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, Santo J. Costa, Fr. Thomas Joseph White, OP, Deacon Brad Watkins, and Dr Fulvio Di Blasi Chair/ Moderator - Continental breakfast (coffee, tea & pastries) will be provided. Please Join Us: Sunday, December 6, 2015 for The Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, main celebrant FAITH FORMATION 704-664-7762 Faith Formation Calendar Week of: 11/15 Classes as scheduled 11/15 Together in Faith – 3:30pm 11/15 Conf Parents Meeting Speaker 11/18 Adult Ed – 7pm 11/22 SUNDAY CLASSES ONLY 11/22 SPANISH - Special 1st Comm Pr ep 1pm 11/22 Special 1st Comm Pr ep 3:30pm 11/24 – 11/29 NO CLASSES (Thanksgiving) 11/29 No Sunday Classes 11/29 Tuesday and Wednesday Classes as scheduled 12/2 Adult Ed – 7pm 12/6 The Word of God From November 15–21, 2015, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops invites families, parishes, schools, and other Catholic groups to participate in National Bible Week in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Second Vatican Council Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, Dei Verbum. This year's theme, "The Bible: A Book for the Family," builds on this year's Synod of Bishops on the Family and Pope Francis's visit to Philadelphia for the World Meeting of Families. Classes as scheduled 12/7 Together in Faith – 3:30pm 12/8 Tues - No Class The Faith Formation Office is open during the following class times: Sunday: 8:30 am - 12:00 pm; 3:00 pm - 5:15 pm & 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm Tuesday: 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Wednesday: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Closed: Friday and Saturday For additional open hours, please call the Faith Formation Office at 704-664-7762 before you come by. Thank you! Class Spotlight The Loyola Press Finding God series for students in 6th grade presents the salvation history of the Old Testament. In order to understand God reveals himself to us through Christ, we must learn how he revealed himself to the Israelites. Before sending his Son to us, the Father sent us leaders. The stories of Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David and Solomon show us how God formed a family of faith – the Chosen People. The final unit of their text is titled Morality, Our Lived Faith. In this unit the focus of this unit is on living like Jesus. This unit serves as introduction to the material on the Gospels and the rest of the New Testament they will learn in the 7th grade. To show that God is at the center of their lives, many families enthrone the Bible, the Word of God, in a visible place in their homes. By placing the Sacred Scriptures in a prominent place decorated with flowers and art, and by gathering at this spot for daily prayer, families show that God is present and active through his Word. Enthroning the Bible in your home is easy. Simply pick a place where the Bible can be honored. The Bible should be placed where it will be seen regularly, but the location should be apart from the noise and confusion of the family entertainment center. Place the Bible, opened to a favorite passage or the readings of the day (these can be found at, on a table or shelf. Decorate the area around the Bible with a cloth, flowers, and/or a candle—whatever makes sense to you. Misas en Español Todos los Domingos a las 2:30 p.m. Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento. El viernes 4 de Diciembre del 2015. Todos los primeros viernes del mes, de 9:30 am—4:45 pm tendremos adoración eucarística. Confesiones: Todos los domingos a las 2:00 p.m. Usted puede llamar para hacer una cita. Clases de Bautismos: Todos los tercer fines de semanas tendremos clases de bautismo. La duración de la clase es de 2 horas, la asistencia es requerida padres y padrinos. La próxima clase será el domingo 15 de Noviembre de 4:00 - 6:00 pm . Por favor llamar a la Iglesia para registrarse en la clase. Atención Padres: No niños en las clase. Quinceañeras: Las personas que quieran organizar 15 años tienen que ser miembros de la iglesia, por un periodo de 6 meses luego llamar a la iglesia, para hacer una cita con el coordinador de la iglesia. Matrimonios: Clases pre matrimoniales, favor avisar con seis meses de anticipación. Primeras Comuniones y Confirmaciones: Llamar a Carmen San Juan al 704-664-7762. Grupo Ignaciano: El grupo de oración Ignaciana abres sus puerta nuevamente todos los martes a partir de las 7:00 pm. Los esperamos !!! 15 de Noviembre 2015 33avo. Del Tiempo Ordinario Las lecturas de hoy hablan del fin del mundo y de la venida del Reino. La carta pastoral de los obispos sobre la Administración de nuestro tiempo, Talento y Tesoro como bienes de Dios dice claramente que “La vida que vendrá es una continuación de la vida presente a través de los bienes humanos y los dignos objetivos humanos que hoy la gente fomenta “ Que nuestra buena administración sea causa para ser elegidos en el ultimo día. Asistencia de Alimentos: nuestro servicio de ayuda de alimentos será distribuida, Lunes 10:00 am– 11:30 am. Si usted necesita asistencia en otros horarios, por favor diríjase a las Misiones cristianas. Servicio religioso para dar gracias: La iglesia ofrecerá un servicio de religioso, para dar gracias por todos las bendiciones recibidas, el día 19 de Noviembre a las 7:00 pm Jornada de Reflexión Ignaciana: Le gustaría aprender a tomar decisiones en su vida, aprender a orar en un modo de silencio y profunda meditación. Fomentando relaciones mas profundas que te lleven a la inspiración de una vida llena de frutos y logros. Si la respuesta es Si, entonces reciba una calurosa invitación a una Jornada de Reflexión, en nuestra parroquia, el día 21 de Noviembre desde las 9:00 am hasta las 3:00 pm de la tarde. El costo es 10 dólares por persona. Si usted desea registrarse puede hacerlo vía telefónica al 704-664-3992 preguntar por Leyda. Día de Acción de Gracias: Están invitados a un almuerzo de acción de gracias, el día jueves 26 de Noviembre de 11:00 am a 2:00 pm en el centro parroquial. Nuestra Virgen de Guadalupe: Están todos invitados a participar en nuestra celebración especial celebrando la aparición de la Virgen Patrona de las Américas. Los esperamos el sábado 12 de Diciembre a partir de las 6:00 pm tendremos el rosario, seguido la santa misa a las 7:00pm luego la procesión y el convivio con todas las familias. La colecta de la próxima semana para la Campaña Católica para Desarrollo Humano (CCHD) necesita su ayuda. CCHD fue fundada para eliminar el ciclo de pobreza en los Estados Unidos, otorgando fondos a organizaciones que ayudan a las personas. Con la ayuda se mejora en la educación, en la vivienda y en el desarrollo económico de las comunidades. Por favor contribuya a esta campaña. Para más información, llamar a Leyda Carrillo a 704-664-3992 Extensión 114, fax 704-660-6321 “La Esquina Ignaciana” El miércoles de esta semana la iglesia celebrará la fiesta de una mujer que no está bien conocida por la mayoría de nosotros pero que es una persona que vale la pena conocer especialmente por los miembros de una parroquia jesuita. Se llama Rose Philippine Duchense y ella fue canonizada por Juan Pablo II en al año 1988. Ella es la producto de los últimos años del siglo XVIII cuando Francia estaba pasando por un tiempo muy agitado por las ideas revolucionarios que causaron que la monarquía cayera y que un mundo nuevo apareciera en la persona de Napoleón Bonaparte. Rose nació a una familia bien conocida y muy grande. Desde sus primeros años de la educación Rose mostró una atracción por la vida monástica y con diecinueve años entró la congregación de la Visitación de la Virgen María. El Reino de Terror destruyó el monasterio en que vivía en el año 1792 y todas las monjas tenían que regresar a sus familias. Nueve años más tarde Rose volvió a las ruinas del antiguo convento y, con pocas otras, intentaron a restaurar la comunidad. No era posible pero en esta misma época otra santa, Sophie Barat, estaba en el proceso de fundar una congregación nueva, La Sociedad del Corazón de Jesús, una congregación innovadora cuya visión fue a ofrecer una educación sólida a las jóvenes mujeres durante aquel momento histórico de la transición política-cultural por la cual el país estaba sufriendo. Las dos santas inmediatamente se hicieron amigos por la vida y aquella amistad produjo el resultado feliz que las madres de la Visitación pasaron a ser miembros de la Sociedad de Santa Sophie y juntas empezaron una vida apostólica dinámica. En al año, 1817, el obispo del Diócesis de Luisiana y los dos Floridas visitó el colegio de las monjas de la nueva congregación en Paris. Su visita despertó un deseo viejo en el corazón de Rose. Se ofreció a ir a la misiones de América y la aceptaron. Desde este año ella trabajaba en situaciones muy estrechas y difíciles entre los pioneros de las llanuras de Misuri y Kansas y entre los pueblos indígenas de aquel territorio y hasta las montañas Rocky. Murió con 88 años, una fiel servidora a todos los que la necesitan como había vivido durante toda su vida. ¿Por qué Rose es un modelo importante especialmente para nosotros, feligreses de una parroquia dirigida por la Compañía de Jesús? Las Religiosas del Corazón de Jesús, “las Señoras” como se están conocidas, desde sus comienzos han implementado, en una manera distinguida, el espíritu de las constituciones de los Jesuitas en sus reglas y su manera de vivir. La disponibilidad, la espontaneidad, la valentía apostólica, el deseo a conocer la voluntad de Dios y ponerla en práctica han sido las características fundamentales de la congregación desde su origen. La vida de Rose muestra, en cada momento, aquella flexibilidad tan querido por san Ignacio. Con las ricas y las pobres, en pueblos y en el campo, con éxito y fracaso Rose sirvió a su Señor con el mismo entusiasmo, el mismo gozo y la misma tenacidad que permanecieron como signos perdurables de la “indiferencia” ignaciana que inspiró su vida entera. Como miembros de la Parroquia de Santa Terecita ¿queremos entender la espiritualidad ignaciana? Hay que mirar a las personas que practican aquella espiritualidad en una manera eminente. Esta semana nuestra iglesia nos ofrece semejante persona. Santa Rose Philippine Duchense, ruega por nosotros. P. Donald Ward,SJ When It Matters Most, Count On US! If you or a love one needs care at home, you can count on us to be there. 704.201.8303 • Skilled Nursing Care for Children and Adults at Home • Non Medical Assistance Medicaid Cap-C, Private Duty Nursing, VA Benefits and Private Pay WE ACCEPT LONG TERM CARE INSURANCE! Available 24/7 Kelly Goddard Broker, REALTOR® NOTARY SERVICES ENGLISH SPANISH TRANSLATOR LENI B. ATKINS 10% OFF for Parishioners Catholic Owned Parishioners Mobile 704-677-5940 [email protected] • Medical translation • Car titles • Affidavits • Marriage & birth/wills • Dependent changes • Travel letters for children • Immigration [email protected] Parishioner & Do Military Spouse cum 704-500-7199 en Statesville tat ion Mobile Notary JAPANESE RESTAURANT Hibachi Grill ✦ Teppanyaki Japanese Style ✦ Catering Take-out ✦ Vietnamese Dishes ✦ Noodles ✦ Pho ✦ Banh Mi Childrens Menu Also! All Day on Wednesdays ... Mention You Saw This Ad and We Donate 10% of Profits to Saint Therese PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP 704.799.2122 ........... 14 years at this location 335 W. Plaza Dr., Ste BB ✦ Mooresville, NC 28117 (behind Applebee’s and near Walmart) $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH Jim Engel, CEO & PRESIDENT ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made St. Mark’s Parishioner Bank Near. Go Far. 704-439-4343 TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Now with 7 locations to serve you! Cornelius Is Lake Norman’s Davidson Community Bank! Mooresville Huntersville SouthPark Aquesta 704-658-0505 704-799-9767 649 Brawley School Rd., Mooresville, NC 539 E. Plaza Dr., Mooresville, NC Your ad could be in this space! Hours: Monday-Saturday 11am-9pm • Sunday 12 noon-9pm 15% OFF TOTAL BILL $6.99 for Buffet Mention this bulletin. Not combined with other offers. $8.99 for Sushi Buffet Monday-Saturday 11-3 • Sunday 12-3 DRS RICHARD & DONNA OLSEN AND LAURA TAYLOR ARE NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT TODAY! At OLSEN GENERAL DENTISTRY WE CARE. THE DOCTORS WELCOME YOU TO THEIR PRACTICE WHERE LIFE IS ALWAYS BETTER WITH A SMILE Dentistry for Children and Adults CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT NOW (704) 662-9111 367 Williamson Road, Suite 103, Mooresville, NC 28117 Conveniently located in the LakeGate Dental Building near the corner of Brawley School and Williamson Rds. across from the “Human Bean” DR. LAURA is a Cantor and Long Time Parishioner. The Famous Toastery of Mooresville WHERE EVERY SERVER IS YOUR SERVER Mention the Bulletin and Get 10% Off EVERTHING IS FRESH: OMELETS • SALADS LEFT COAST BLT • FRESH FRUIT • EGGS BENEDICT CORNED BEEF HASH • FRANNIES CHOCOLATE Company & Group Parties | Wine Dinners | Weddings Locally Owned & Operated 704-696-8436 ~ 7am-3pm [email protected] 134 Mooresville Commons Way, Mooresville, NC 28117 361950 St Therese Church (C) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Susan Robertson, Broker/REALTOR® Active Parishioner since 1989 704-451-3443 cell/text [email protected] 119 Williamson Road 19600 W. Catawba Ave. Cornelius, NC 28031 Serving the Lake Norman area Each Office Independently Owned and Operated 10% OFF MECHANICAL SERVICE EXCLUDING TIRES PARISHIONER OWNED Jason Horton Owner/Parishioner 704-662-0744 Myrtle Beach Rental The Lake’s Most Affordable Cremation & Funeral Service Provider with Unparalleled Service 3 bedrooms 2½ bath condo Oceanside/Oceanview Parishioner 704-500-4530 Info go to: FUNERAL HOME & CREMATION SOCIETY Email: [email protected] Jonathan Malone St. Therese Parishioner 9115 Harris Corners Pky. Ste 250 Charlotte, NC 28269 (704) 488-0916 mobile [email protected] For Immediate Need or Pre-Planning Serving Four Legged Family Members as low as $1045 per couple Too CLINT INGRAM Brian or Sally, coordinators an Official Funeral Director Travel Agency Historic Downtown Mooresville • (704) 663-3939 St. Therese Parishioner 860.399.1785 of AOS-USA 627 Gum Street, Mooresville, NC 28115 • Regina M. Mahoney, PLLC Jean-Claude Hyppolite, M.D. Wolfgang E. Lohrmann, M.D. Attorney at Law Wills and Estate Planning A St. Therese Parishioner Se Habla Español Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting [email protected] Parishioners (704) 437-7058 KIDNEY CARE, P.C. Hypertension • Diabetes • Dialysis 2603 Davie Ave. Statesville 124 Professional Dr. Mooresville 704 873-6515 704 662-8500 Parishioner ALLERGY & ASTHMA CENTER OF LAKE NORMAN Board Certified Allergists Christina J. Collura, DO Jonathan R. Romeo, DO Julia Parkhurst, MS, PA-C If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as ✔Police ✔Fire FREE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FREE Activation $1a Day! Parishioners 15940-C Northcross Dr, Huntersville ntracts NO Long Term Co 704-655-1466 CALL NOW! 311 Williamson Rd, Mooresville 704-746-9889 361950 St Therese Church (B) 800.393.9954 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Cortes Home Services Juan Cortes - Parishioner 704-937-5033 [email protected] One Call Gets It All Electrical • Air Condition • Wood Floor • Tile Painter • Gutter Cleaner • Pressure Washer • Lawn Mowing PAM LARIMER, CRS Cell: 704-677-5108 [email protected] FOR ALL YOUR PROPERTY NEEDS BUYERS • SELLERS • INVESTORS • RENTERS Broker • Realtor • Parishioner 660-3540 (704) Drs. Mark & Cindy (Parishioners) 䊳 Gentle Care From a Friendly Team 䊴 Patricia Lisun Broker/Realtor Each Office is Independently Owned & Operated Amy’s Home Cleaning LLC We will clean your home like it’s our own. Bonded and insured FREE Estimates • 704-677-2347 Parishioner St. Therese Parishioner Since 1999 STOCKS ■ BONDS ■ CDs MUTUAL FUNDS ■ IRAs Timothy P. Portelance, AAMS Financial Advisor/Parishioner Westfield Center Suite 106 125 E. Plaza Drive Mooresville, NC 28115 (704) 664-1918 Top 2% Nationwide for 17 Years Certified Residential Specialist Relocation Certified “Buying or Selling a Home is one of the Most Important Decisions You Will Make in a Lifetime... Choosing the Right Agent is the 1st Step to Your Success!” Member SIPC Gregory B. Hall, MD, FACS Board Certified American Board of Surgery Fellow American College of Surgeons Parishioner General • Vascular • Colorectal • Breast & Cancer Surgery Endoscopy • Colonoscopy • Laparoscopic • Hernia • Reflux Abdominal Pain • Skin Cancers • Proctology • Office Surgery OPEN SUNDAY Noon-9 PM 704-696-BOYS (2697) Direct: 704-604-6024 Email: [email protected] There will be a donation to St.Therese, from each closed home, committed to the "Just Moved" Group MORRISON PLANTATION 119-A Marketplace Ave. • Mooresville Carol Ann Bettini Parishioner since 1996 Professional Realtor ® 704.607.9088 Mobile 634 River Hwy. Mooresville, NC 28117 [email protected] Let me sell your house fast & at the best price! 704-664-1115 [email protected] *Monthly Maintenance *Full Lawn Service *Spring & Fall Clean Up *Aerating, Seeding, Fertilizing *Landscaping, Design & Installation *Trimming, Pruning, Transplanting Parishioner Parishioner since 1996 Over 125 Homes Sold & Families Served in 2015 Dan Jones Home Selling Team Guaranteed Sold Every Time! Looking for Great Deals: Owner / Broker Parishioners 704.345.8084 [email protected] 361950 St Therese Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
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November 22, 2015 - St. Therese Catholic Church
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