St. Anne`s RC Church
St. Anne`s RC Church
St. Anne’s R.C. Church “Our Love shines through” Est. 1895 88 Second Ave. Brentwood, New York 11717 (631) 273-8113 Fax (631) 436-7914 Parish Website: www. Parish Email: [email protected] The Pastoral Staff Rev. Stanislaw Wadowski, Pastor Rev. Eden Jean-Baptiste, Associate Pastor Rev. Victor Evangelista Valses, Associate Pastor Deacon Thomas R. Samson Deacon Jay Alvarado Deacon John E. Walters Deacon Andres Colpa Mrs. Marge Baum, Pastoral Associate Mrs. Sue Lindsay, Director of Music Mrs. Bertha Keenan, Director of Family Faith Formation Mrs. Janet Lambert, Outreach Coordinator MASS SCHEDULE Monday - Friday: 12:00 Noon and 5:30 PM (English) Wednesday: 7:30 PM (French Creole) Thursday: 7:30 PM (Spanish) Saturday: 9:00 AM (English) WEEKENDS: Saturday: 5:00 PM (English), 7:30 PM (Spanish) Sunday: 7:30 AM (English), 9:00 AM (Spanish), 11:00 AM (English), 12:30 PM (French Creole), 5:00 pm—(English) The Good Samaritan HOLY DAYS: Will be announced as each Holyday is celebrated. THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturdays 4:00 - 4:45 PM in English & Spanish PARISH MEMBERHIP: We welcome all new families! To register as a part of the family of Saint Anne’s Parish, please stop by the Rectory Office to fill out a simple registration form. You have joined a wonderful community! Office hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00a.m.-12:00 noon, 1:00p.m - 5:00p.m. & 7:00p.m. - 9:00p.m. Friday & Saturday 9:00a.m. - 1:00p.m. CLOSED SUNDAYS. Welcome • Bienvenidos • Bienvenue To keep the faith alive for future generations, please consider remembering St. Anne’s in your Will. July 10, 2016 - 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL 2016 Goal: $ 74,700.00 Pledges: $ 53,240.00 Under: $(21,460.00) No. Donors: 163 Payments: $33,622.50 Percentage of Goal: 71.27% WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT TO REACH OUR GOAL! PLEASE MAKE A PLEDGE TODAY! Baptisms: We will be offering the Sacrament of Baptism within the 5:00p.m. Mass on Sundays beginning July 3rd. And through out the summer months only. If you wish to have your baby baptized then, contact the Parish Business Office 273-8113. Banns of Marriage Edgar Teneela & Nelly Nieves Wedding, July 23, 2016 Olga Villacorta & Johnny Castillo Wedding, July 30, 2016 God is always ready to forgive, unconditionally! Come back to Confession. Confessions will be heard at 5:00 p.m. before the 5:30p.m. Daily Mass Monday through Friday. Confessions will be heard at 8:30a.m., just before the 9:00 a.m. Spanish Mass on Sundays and at 10:30 a.m. just before the 11:00a.m. Mass on Sunday . This Year of Mercy is a Time to Heal, to Help, to Forgive. Also Every Saturday 4:00 p.m.—4:45p.m. Just before 5:00p.m. Mass Or by appointment with a priest by calling the Parish Business office 273-8113. Confessions available in English, Spanish and French. WEEKLY MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, July 9, 2016 9:00 Available 5:00 - Mary Anne Colon (Healing) +Clinton Merz Jr. 7:30 (Spanish) +Henry Gnemmi (12th Aniv.) +Dolores del Rosario Nuñez +Ramon Sillvestre Nuñez +Juan Irrizari Sunday, July 10, 2016 7:30 - Holy Souls in Purgatory St. Jude (In thanksgiving) 9:00 - (Spanish) Available 11:00- +Joseph de Benedetis +Deacon Terry Rasanen 12:30- (Haitian) Available 5:00 Lydia Esther Hernandez Lopez (Liv.) St. Anne’s Parishioners Living & Deceased Monday, July 11th, 2016 Noon - +Margaret Miglis 5:30 Available Tuesday, July 12,2016 NOON – Available 5:30Available Wednesday, July 13,2016 Noon - +Peter Scrocca 5:30 Biangardi & Riedel Family (Liv. & Decd) 7:30 (Haitian) Available Thursday, July 14,2016 Noon - +Mary Rose Ferenz 5:30 Available 7:30 - (Spanish) Available Friday, July 15, 2016 Noon - Available 5:30 Available Saturday, July 16, 2016 9:00 Available 5:00 - +Julio Mendes 7:30 (Spanish) +Petrona Landaverde (32nd Annv.) Sunday, July 17, 2016 7:30 - Holy Souls in Purgatory 9:00 - (Spanish) Available 11:00- +Lois Haig +Deacon Terry Rasanen 12:30- (Haitian) Available 5:00 +Ruth Tschantre St. Anne’s Parishioners Living & Deceased Weekend of July 3, 2016 First Collection: $9,952.33 Second Collection: $2,989.00 Thank you to all who use their envelopes and for those who just give from their hearts and pockets. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYER Barbara Nevins, Maureen Lalonde, Bartosik Family, Zas Family, Maryann O’Keefe, Marsch Family, Melfi Family, Emaline Strick, Barbara Smith, Connor Amato, Salvatore Esposito, Biangardi Family, Dorothy Stephen, Ebner Family, Mery Florentino, Carmela Inguanti, Antoinette Inguanti, Joseph Inguanti Alba Guerrero, Benousie Cajuste, Barbara Grabe, George Grabe, Antonia Ortiz, Rodrigo Flores, Susan Schmidt, Taylor Young, Teresa McDonald, Patricia Kalieta, Bernadette Godfrey, Robert Newell, Maurice Lalonde, Jenny Jamsy Rodriguez, Pat Rasanen, Taylor Chanoine, Mary Ann Conlon, Fernando Francisco PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE SERVING IN THE MILITARY Steven Reyes Thomas Shelton Richard Laureano William Suhr Daniel Mejia Sr. John Lampkin Alexandria Talleriso William Krausch Jr. Matthew James Murphy Jon Jay Uebel Peter Daniel Rivera Tyler Rodriguez Angel Gonzalez Christopher A. Cary Americo Otero Luis Vieta Trinifer Garcia Robert Gilman Emily Busch Mariana Rodriguez Colin McNulty Joseph A. Rodriguez Stacey Delano Omer Cadet Angel Gonzalez Kevin Shaw Stephen Gregory Keith Jermyn Ryan Gregory Shawn G. Muller SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION ST. ANNE’S PARISH SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION Baptism: For children under 5, please contact the Parish Office (273-8113) for an appointment to speak with a Priest or Deacon at least several weeks before the Baptism. For older children, contact the Office of Family Faith Formation (231-7344). First Holy Communion: Children usually begin Religious Education studies in the First Grade and are prepared for Communion in the Second Grade. Call the Family Faith Formation Office (231-7344) to register your child the summer before the school year begins. Confirmation: This Sacrament is currently celebrated in the Eighth Grade after 2 years of preparation. Please call the Religious Education Office (231-7344) for more information. SACRAMENTS OF HEALING Sacrament of the Sick: Call the Parish Office at any time to arrange for the Anointing of the Sick either at home or in the hospital. Reconciliation: The Sacrament is celebrated every Saturday from 4:00 - 4:45 PM in the Church or by appointment. SACRAMENTS OF VOCATION Marriage: Congratulations! Couples planning to marry should make an appointment with a Priest or Deacon at least eight (8) months in advance of the wedding to allow time for adequate preparation. Holy Orders: Is God calling you? Call a Priest or Deacon to discern a possible vocation to the Priesthood, Diaconate or the Religious life. DEVOTIONS Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Each Thursday from 12:30 PM until 5:15 PM. First Friday from 5:30 PM until 7:00 PM. Rosary after the 12:00 daily Mass. Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday after the 12:00 Mass and First Saturday from 8:15 - 9:00 AM. OUTREACH St. Anne’s Outreach Ministry (Fr. Thomas Conerty Outreach) is open every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00p.m. The Food Pantry operates on the same days from 9:30 AM to 1:00p.m. only. Please call 2738113 ext. 229. R.C.I.A. IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS Parish Offices: 273-8113 Parish Fax: 436-7914 Office of Family Faith Formation: 231-7344 Fr. Thomas Conerty Outreach: 273-8113 ex 229 Haitian/American Apostolate: 951- 0129 Hospitality Too/Soup Kitchen: 482-8538 Our Lady of Providence Regional School: 234-6324 St. Anne’s Gardens (Senior Housing): 952-5411 Crisis Pregnancy: 243-2373 or 1-800-287-BABY Pronto: 231-8290 Catholic Charities Immigrant Service:631-789-5235 The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is the process by which a teen or adult either joins the Church or completes their Sacraments of Initiation. There is no fee. Please call the Parish Office (273-8113) for more information. FAMILY FAITH FORMATION/RELIGIOUS ED. As a community concerned with the process of educating our young people, we turn to the family as the primary source of passing on the faith. We attempt to form families in the faith for this generation and the next. For more information and to register your family, call 273-8113 ext. 221 ALL NIGHT PRO-LIFE VIGIL Every 3rd Friday of the Month; 9:00p.m. to the Chapel next to Parish Business office. All are welcome. PEREGRINACION AL SANTURARIO DE LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA “He abierto Mi Corazón como una Fuente viva de Misericordia. Que todas las almas tomen vida de ella. Que se acerquen con gran confianza a este mar de Misericordia”. (Diario 1520) ?Prepara al mundo para mi ultima venida”. (Diario, 454) “Hija mía, toma gracias que la gente desprecia; toma cuantas puedas llevar”. (Diario, 454) Día Latine en el Santuario de la Divina Misericordia en Stockbridge, Ma, Sia: Sábado 6 de Agosto 2016 Salida: Iglesia St. Ana Hora: 5:00 a,m, Para mas información y compra de boletos Llamara a: Carmen E. 631-897-3151 Carmen N. 646-345-8591 Yolanda M. 631-336-3428 Esperanza J. 631-747-5062 ———————————————- ANUNCIO: Grupo de Oración San Miguel Arcángel Invitación a todas la Comunidad de Santa Ana Segundo Domingo de cada Mes. Lugar: Iglesia Santa Ana/ Brentwood Hora: 2:00pm hasta la 4:00p.m. Salón, Azul Planta baja de la Iglesia Quedan todos Cordialmente Invitados. Para Mas Información: Coordinadora: Alida Moreno (631) 398-5213 Sub-Coordinadora: Rosa Marin (631) 894-6649 MINISTERIOS Y SERVICIOS Fr. Victor Evangelista, Coordinador TEL: (631) 273-8113 Fax: (631) 436-7914 Santa Misas: jueves, 7:30 PM; sábado, 7:30 PM; domingo, 9:00AM Confesiones: Los sábados, 4:00 - 4:45 PM Bautismos: Primer y tercer sábado de cada mes a las 11:00 A.M. Clases prebautismales, segundo sábado de cada mes a las 9:00A.M. Favor de traer el acta de nacimiento del niño dos meses antes del bautismo. Requisitos: 1. Copia de Fe o Certificado de nacimiento del niño o de la niña. 2. Certificado de inscripción de su Parroquia ( padres y padrinos). 3. Los padres deben traer estos documentos a la oficina de Santa Ana para fijar las fechas de charla pre-bautismal (OBLIGATORIA para padres y padrinos) y la fecha del Bautismo. Matrimonios Parejas que planean su matrimonio, deben hacer una cita con uno de los sacerdotes o diáconos ocho (8) meses antes de su boda. De este modo tendrán suficiente tiempo para recibir las instrucciones prematrimoniales y obtener los documentos necesarios. Para mas información llame al 273-8113. Exposición del Santísimo El Primer jueves de cada mes a las 8:15 P.M. Cursillo de Cristiandad - Gonzalo Marroquin 897-6906 Or Manuel Molina 988-0130 or Ultrella - jueves después de la Misa de las 7:30 PM. Renovación Carismática Miércoles 7:30 PM. Coordinador, Martin Martínez 631-404-6084 Celeste Payano Sub-Coordinadora 631-231-6968 Grupo Juvenil Renacer viernes, 7:30 PM. En los bajos de la Iglesia. Coordinador: Patricia Iglesias 631-7086958. Sub Coordinador: Victor Farfan 631-708-9120 Grupo Divina Misericordia Cenáculos: 2do y 4to domingo de mes, desde las 2:00 PM. en adelante. Coronilla a la Divina Misericordia los jueves después de la Misa de 7:30pm: José y Carmen Núñez, 813-1490 y (646)221-6089. Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Alberto y Margarita Roman 631-682-4986 Hermandad de Emmaus: Todos los martes a las 7 de la tarde en la capilla del convento Coordinadores: Romilio Lorenzo 631404-5205 y Iris Emiliano: 631-813-1852. “Buscando la Vía del Señor. Legión de María Eva Díaz (631) 617-5547 R.I.C.A. Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos Fr. Christopher 273-8113 lunes 7:30 - 9:00 Reunión de Coordinadores de Grupos Esperanza Justiniano, Presidente. 747-5062 Reunión de la Comunidad y Café de Amistad Cuarto domingo a las 10:30 AM. Coro del Sábado y Coro del Domingo Moisés Telenta 745-2164 Práctica: Domingos 6:00 PM OUR SUMMER BLOOD DRIVE MONDAY, JULY 18TH AT THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS JUST NEXT DOOR- FROM 1:45P.M.-7:45P.M. COME SAVE A LIFE THIS SUMMER YOUR DONATION IS GREATLY APPRECIATED BE A DONOR SAVE A LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!! CLASE DE VIRTUS (EN Español) PROTEGIENDO A NUESTRA NIÑEZ LUGAR: IGLESIA STA. ANA FECHA: JULIO 16, 2016 HORA: 7:00PM SALON DE CONFERENCIA OFICINA DE LA PARROQUIA TENEMOS CAPACIDAD PARA 20 PERSONAS SOLAMENTE. Come celebrate with our Haitian Community Fr. Eden Jean-Baptiste‘s 33rd Anniversary of Ordination Saturday, July 23rd, at 8:30 p.m. Lower Level of Church Concert Performance by well known Haitian artist Leon Dimanche Along with entertainment by D.J. Manno Donation per person $60.00 Food and light beverage included ** TIENEN QUE INSCRIBIRSE EN LA OFICINA DE LA PARROQUIA POR FAVOR. Felicitaciones a todos los miembros de la nueva Junta Ejecutiva del Apostolado Hispano de Sta. Ana felicitaciones a todos los ganadores. y Muchas gracias a todos los candidatos que participaron en esta elecciones. (Congratulaciones to all the winners to the new E'Board of the Hispanic Apostolate of St. Anne's and thank you to all the Candidates that took part on this elections. God Bless you All.) Presidente. -Miguel Angel Alfaro Vice-Presidente. Patricia Iglesias. Secretaria- Arelis Lorenzo Tesorera- Angela Flores Vocal.-Manuel Molina. Que el Espíritu Santo sea el que los guie a todos. 216-2018 May the Holy Spirit guide you all. ATTENTION Mark your calendars. Come and join us for the weekend at the 2016 Annual Catholic Charismatic Conference in Scranton, Pennsylvania held at Scranton University Conference dates are July 29th through July 31, 2016 “Go and Make Disciples” M t. 28:19 is the 2016 Theme A bus has been charted for the conference and will be picking up all interested individuals at Saint Cyril and Methodius Parish in Deer Park, and at Our Holy Redeemer in Freeport. For Registration and transportation information call Anna Baciuska, home (516) 223-8594 or cell (516) 776-5750. On behalf of those going to World Youth Day next month in Poland, we would like to thank everyone for their tremendous support in all our events and bringing in cans to recycle. A special thank you to the Sisters of St. Joseph for their weekly contribution. We will no longer continue to recycle bottles as we have reached our goal, which wouldn’t have been possible without everyone’s help. Thank you and God Bless you all. En nombre de los que van a la JMJ el próximo mes en Polonia, quisiéramos agradecer a todos por su gran apoyo en todos nuestros eventos y por traer sus latas para reciclar. Un agradecimiento especial a las Hermanas de San José por su contribución semanal. No vamos a seguir reciclando botellas como hemos llegado a nuestra meta, lo cual no hubiese sido posible sin la ayuda de todos. Gracias y que Dios los bendiga. TICKETS ARE $40.00 PER PERSON ROUND TRIP. COME TO THE PARISH OFFICE TO RESERVE YOUR TICKET OUR BUSES ARE HALF WAY FULL!!!!!!!! MINISTERES ET SERVICES Fr. Eden Jean-Baptiste Tel: (631) 951-0129 Fax: (631) 436-7914 Office Hours: Monday 9 - 12:00 PM, Wednesday - Thursday 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.– 1:00P.M.– 5:00 P.M. Masses: Wednesday 7:30 P.M Sunday 12:30 P.M. Pastoral Services Charismatic Prayer Group, Mondays, 7:00 P.M. Church Marian Devotions, Mondays, 7:00 P.M. Prayer Vigil (Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament): First Friday of the Month Vous êtes parents, vous aimeriez que vos enfants, garçons et filles, servent a la messe. Téléphonez Marge pour inscrire vos enfants.(631) 273-8113 Inscription pour Acolyte Vous êtes intéresses a servir, aider a préparer pour la messe. Hommes et femmes, appelez Marge pour appointements. (631) 273-8113 Ne soyez pas timides, répondez a l'appel du Christ pour mieux vous intégrer dans votre Paroisse. Veillez et priez, afin que vous ne tombiez pas dans la tentation; l'esprit est bien disposé, mais la chair est faible. (Mat 26 :41) Prière avec la Confrérie St Michel Tout les Samedis soir de 7:00hrs a 9:00hrs A la chapelle de St Joseph a St Anne’s, Brentwood ———————————————— EXCEPTIONNEL!!!!!! La Communauté Haïtienne de Brentwood Accueille l’illustré Chanteur Haïtien: Léon Dimanche En diner concert a l'auditorium de Ste Anne pour fêter les 60 ans du père Eden John Baptiste et les 33eme anniversaire de son ordination sacerdotale le Samedi 23 juillet de 8: 30pm a 1:00 a.m. Participation $60 Diner , boissons légères compris. "Vas, et toi aussi, fais de même" Selon la première lecture, l'observance de la loi du Sinaï implique un engagement de l'être tout entier. Mais des questions d'interprétation se posent, par exemple celle-ci, qu'un légiste soumet a Jésus:" Qui donc est mon prochain?" Ne fallait-il pas exclure les païens et les ennemis personnels? La parabole de Jésus fait voler en éclats les discussions savantes des docteurs de la Loi. Jésus refuse d'entrer dans la discussion et se place sur un plan pratique: "Vas, toi aussi, fais de même". La parabole que Jésus raconte est, elle aussi, pratique, mais du même coup résout-elle toutes les objections: Le Samaritain ne s'est pas pose de questions devant ce juif qui était pourtant son ennemi d'une autre race, d'une autre que lui; il l'a aime et aide. Par contre, le prêtre et le lévite employé du Temple, proches du juif par la race et la religion, s'en sont détournés. La charité n'est pas objet de paroles, mais d'action. L' arrivée du Samaritain fait basculer tout le récit. Sa conduite est bouleversante et fait comprendre que le prochain n'existe pas en soi; c'est le frère ou la sœur, cet inconnu gisant, a demi-mort, au bord de la route, dont je me fais, moi, le prochain. TICKETS ARE $40.00 PER PERSON ROUND TRIP. COME TO THE PARISH OFFICE TO RESERVE YOUR TICKET OUR BUSES ARE HALF WAY FULL!!!!!!!!