12 pm—4:00 pm - StMarysLakeport
12 pm—4:00 pm - StMarysLakeport
Mass Schedule: Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm English Sunday: 10:30 am English 1:30 pm in Español/Spanish Weekdays: 9am - Wed, Thurs, & Fri 7:00 pm—1er. Viernes de Mes. 7:00 pm—1os. 3eros. Y 5os. Miércoles del Mes El Rosario se reza media hora antes de misa. Sacrament of Reconciliation/ Confessions: Saturday 6:15pm or by apt. Sacramento de la Reconciliación/Confesiones Sabados a las 6:15pm o por cita Benediction & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Every First Friday 9:30– 10:30 am. + + + + + St. Peter Mission 4085 Main St. Kelseyville, 95451 (Mail and telephone to St Mary’s office) Mass Schedule: Sunday: 8:30 am (English) Weekdays: 9:00 am Tuesdays (English) 7:00 pm 2os. Y 4os. Miércoles del Mes. Jubilee Year of Mercy July 24, 2016, XII in Ordinary Time World Youth Day in Krakow: “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy” This week, the universal Church focuses in prayerful solidarity on World Youth Day in Krakow, where WYD’s founder, Saint John Paul II, served as archbishop. Its theme coincides with that of Pope Francis’ Jubilee Year of Mercy: “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy” (Matthew 5:7). Today’s Gospel echoes the same theme, as Jesus unites prayer with mercy in “The parable of the persistent friend.” Jesus teaches us not only what words to pray, but what deeds must match authentic prayer. How beautifully down-to-earth is Jesus’ portrait of a God who can be trusted to do what is best for us. A pesky neighbor disturbs a sleeping friend and disrupts the household. Yet beautiful images unfold. Persevering prayer receives active, practical mercy in loaves of bread, recalling Luke’s unique expression for the Eucharist, “the breaking of bread” (Luke 24:35; Acts 2:42). WYD, the Jubilee, and Jesus thus unite to define perfect prayer as persevering communion with God and unconditional mercy toward our neighbor. —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Parish Office Hours — Horas de Oficina: Tuesday-Friday—-Martes a Viernes: 12 pm—4:00 pm Tel (707) 263-4401 Fax (707) 263-0606 801 N. Main St. Lakeport, 95453 Pastor Rev. Mario Valencia [email protected] Parish Staff Lisa Lambert— Pastoral Associate [email protected] Norma Hernandez Heredia [email protected] Phillip Myers - Finance Comm. Pr esident Jim Goetz - Par ish Council Pr esident www.stmaryslakeport.com [email protected] FACEBOOK: St Mary Immaculate Catholic Parish Año Jubilar de la Misericordia 24 de julio de 2016 XII Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Jornada Mundial de la Juventud Cracovia, “Bienaventurados los misericordiosos, porque ellos alcanzarán misericordia” Esta semana la Iglesia universal se encamina solidariamente en oración hacia la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud a realizarse en Cracovia, la ciudad donde fue arzobispo san Juan Pablo II el fundador de este evento mundial para jóvenes. El tema de este año de la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud coincide con el del Año Jubilar de la Misericordia: “Bienaventurados los misericordiosos, porque ellos alcanzarán misericordia” (Mateo 5:7) El Evangelio de hoy hace eco al mismo tema, como Jesús une la oración con la misericordia en “la parábola del Amigo Persistente”. Jesús nos enseña además de las palabras para orar, aquellas acciones que deben coincidir con una autentica oración. Que hermosa es la imagen que Jesús presenta de Dios en quien se puede confiar hacer aquello que es lo mejor para nosotros. Un vecino inoportuno que va a despertar a su amigo e irrumpe en su casa. Aún así surgen bellas imágenes. La oración perseverante tiene una respuesta activa, recibe misericordia en panes; recordando de Lucas la única referencia a la Eucaristía “al partir el pan” (Lucas 24:35, Hechos 2:42). La JMJ16 Cracovia, el Jubileo, y Jesús de este modo se unen para definir la perfecta oración como una comunión perseverante con Dios y la misericordia incondicional hacia nuestro prójimo. —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. KEEP PRAYING TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION St. Monica, whose feast we celebrate in August, is often known as “the persistent mother.” She watched her oldest son, Augustine, turn his back on his Christian faith. Monica was exasperated. For years she gave up talking directly to her son on the advice of a local bishop, who told her that it was better to talk to God about Augustine then to Augustine about God. The mother never gave up praying for her son. Eventually Augustine gave up his wild ways, was baptized, and later ordained and named bishop of Hippo. St. Augustine went on to become one of the Church’s greatest scholars. Today’s readings address the importance of persistent prayer. Abraham, in spite of trepidation that he is bothering the Lord, continues to ask about the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah. Jesus, in Luke’s Gospel, tells his disciples to “ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” (Luke 11:9). This is our charge: keep praying. -Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Sometimes when bishops are consecrated, they are not given the care of a diocese as an “ordinary.” A very old tradition, however, assures that they are invested with a “see,” a link with a local church. Many hundreds of places around the world were dioceses at one time, but are no longer. In England, for example, some of the historic dioceses such as London, Salisbury, and Manchester ceased to be Catholic at the Reformation and their cathedrals passed to the Church of England. The reestablishment of the Catholic Church in the nineteenth century meant that new dioceses had to be created, such as at Liverpool and Westminster. Similarly, in Scandinavia the ancient Catholic dioceses vanished under Lutheranism. In North Africa, tiny dioceses disappeared under the sands or were swept away by Islam. In the United States, some original dioceses never really developed as population centers, such as the old dioceses of Bardstown, Vincennes, Sault Ste. Marie, or Walla Walla. The tradition of “titular sees” assures that the ancient churches are always held in prayer, as the bishop celebrates Mass in its memory a few times a year. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Do something Great for your Marriage! CATECHISM/ CATECISMO Learn Natural Family Planning. Class 1 is on July 2, 2016 from 7-9 pm. From more info. & registration go to www.ccli.org or call (707)542-3635. REGISTRATION FORMS for First Holy Communion and Confirmation classes are available in the Parish Office. Please fill out and return to the office as soon as possible. Spaces are limited. Mejorar tu matrimonio! Curso de Planificacion Natural de la Familia. Para parejas Casadas o Comprometidas. Becker Center, Catedral de St. Eugene, 2323 Montgomery Drive, Santa Rosa. Dom. 19 de Jun. 24 de Jul. & 21 de Agt. 11:00a.m.-2 p.m. Hay cuidado para niños y bocadillo. Para registrarte llama al (707)542-6984. *Si alguien practica este metodo, estan casados y gustaria compartir su sabiduria dando clases, favor de llamar al la officina de St. Mary's. Gracias! Please pray for those who are in need of healing: Por favor recemos por las siguientes personas: Mary Sachse, Darrell Perry, Nancy Davis, Carolyn Fonseca, Richard Medeiros, Maggie Magliocco, Anita Rabedeaux, Scarlett Michelle Reardon, Karen Marquez, Herminia Canchola, Bill Sterbenk, Rose Vierra, Ray Pato, Fran Pato, Lynn Vierra, Sharon Ornellas, LaVerne–Ornellas Saltz, Kathy and Paul Zunino, Jeannie Rigod, John D. Baltazar, Nancy Gard, Carol Scott, Michael Cernas, Ofelia Alive, Gerome Alloysius, AnnMarie Hansberg, Benito Villalobos, Sara Hernández, Margie Tellez, Evangelina Gomez, Miguel Mosqueda, Walt and JoAnn Cannon, Dorothy McDonald, Patricia Schmidt, Travis Brasier, Lucille Rammoni, John Jojola, Gaylene Hines, Doris McKenna, Kyle Ellison, Hope Brewer, Andy Skonberg, Marcia and Bob Chalk, Ray Cernas, Sharon Turner, Gloria Jimenez, Juana Hernandez-Briones, Janette Payne, Juan Erquiaga, Catherine Quistgard, David Quistgard Carol Kerger, Frank Maxwell, Loren Ferguson, Ed McDonald, Margaret Mogni, Rose Pischke, Rudy Valderrama and Barbara Woods. Ya estan disponibles las HOJAS DE REGISTRACION para las Primeras Comuniones y Confirmacion en la oficina de la Parroquia. Por favor llenalas y regresalas a la oficina lo mas pronto posible. Cupo limitado. Catechism Class for Adults DO YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW NEED A SACRAMENT AND IS AN ADULT? BE READY TO ENROLL IN THE RCIA PROGRAM OF OUR PARISH. LIVE FULLY IN YOUR FAITH. MORE INFO @ PARISH OFFICE. Clases de Catecismo para Adultos NECESITAS O SABES DE ALGUIEN QUE NECESITE ALGUN SACRAMENTO Y ES ADULTO. PREPARATE PARA INSCRIBIRTE EN EL PROGRAMA DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA PARA ADULTOS DE LA PARROQUIA. MAS INFO. EN OFICINA! Para poder servirte mas y mejor, Necesito hacer algunos cambios en los horarios de los siguientes eventos: La misa de los Viernes en Español , solo sera los Primeros Viernes del Mes en St. Mary Immaculate a las 7:00 p.m. Todos los Miercoles, tendremos misa en Espanol a las 7:00 p.m. (Misa de diario) una semana en Lakeport la siguiente en Kelseyville. Platicas Pre– Bautismales Las platicas pre-bautismales en Español seran a partir de mayo todos los 3er Viernes del Mes a las 7:00 p.m. en la Iglesia. Para ello tendras que inscribirte previamente en la oficina. Sunday 7/17th 1st Collection: $3,211.00 2nd Collection: $3,341.00 Thank you– Gracias por su Cooperacion! SIGUE REZANDO Santa Mónica, cuya fiesta celebramos en agosto, se conoce generalmente como “la madre persistente”. Ella vio como su hijo mayor, Agustín, le daba la espalda a su fe cristiana. Mónica estaba exasperada. Durante años se dio por vencida de hablar directamente a su hijo siguiendo el consejo de un obispo de la región que le dijo que era mejor hablar con Dios sobre Agustín que con Agustín sobre Dios. La madre nunca dejó de rezar por su hijo. Finalmente, Agustín abandonó su rebeldía, fue bautizado y luego ordenado y nombrado obispo de Hipona. San Agustín se convirtió en uno de los eruditos más importantes de la Iglesia. Las lecturas de hoy destacan la importancia de la oración persistente. Abraham, a pesar de temer molestar al Señor, continúa preguntándole sobre el destino de Sodoma y Gomorra. Jesús, en el Evangelio según san Lucas, le dice a sus discípulos “pidan y se les dará, busquen y encontrarán, toquen y se les abrirá” (Lucas 11:9). Esta es nuestra tarea: seguir rezando. -Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Attention!—Atencion! To all the parents of the kids that celebrate their first communion and confirmation this year. The pictures and DVD of your sons and daughters are going to be ready on July 24th. Please be sure you bring your receipt. A todos los papas de los ninos que hicieron su primera communion y confirmacion. Las fotografias y el DVD estaran disponibles a partir TESOROS DE NUESTRA TRADICION A veces, cuando son consagrados obispos, no se les da el cuidado de una diócesis como "ordinario". Una tradición muy antigua, sin embargo, asegura que se invierten con un "ver", un enlace con una iglesia local. Muchos cientos de lugares de todo el mundo estaban diócesis a la vez, pero ya no lo son. En Inglaterra, por ejemplo, algunas de las diócesis históricas como Londres, Salisbury, y el Manchester dejado de ser católica a la Reforma y sus catedrales pasado a la Iglesia de Inglaterra. En los Estados Unidos, algunas diócesis originales nunca desarrollaron como centros de población, como las antiguas diócesis de Bardstown, Vincennes, Sault Ste. Marie, o Walla Walla. La tradición de "diócesis titular" asegura que las antiguas iglesias siempre se llevan a cabo en la oración, como el obispo celebra la misa en su memoria un par de veces al año. -Rdo. James Field, -Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS meet on the First Tuesday of the month at 6pm in the St Mary’s Hall. Knight Ladies Auxiliary meets on the First Tuesday at 4:30pm at Glebe Hall. The Belles of St Mary’s meet on the 3rd Monday at 7pm in the St Mary’s Hall. The St Peter’s Mens and Ladies Club meets on the 3rd del 24 de julio en la offician. Favor de traer su recibo! “Muffin Mania” Sunday, July 24th After 8:30 mass & 10:30 mass Fundraiser for Christmas Outreach Projects, convalescent house, Freedom House & domestic violence Shelter. Brought to you by Lectors Liturgical Ministers Schedule July 23-24 5:00pm - A. Haack & S. Schweifler 8:30am - Lisa Cernas, R. Mullen, Evelyn Mullen. 10:30am - C. Pagulayan & P. Myers 1:30pm - Ana Guillermo & Maria Diaz Eucharistic Min. 5:00pm - E. McDonald, T. Wiggs & K. Wilkes 8:30am - 10:30am - C. Pagaluyan, T. Kalk, E. Kalk, T. Dingwall & B. McIntyre 1:30 pm - Carmen M., L. Acosta, S. Acosta, Maria R., S. Mendoza Altar Servers 5:00pm - D. Wilkes 10:30am - I. Cubilla & D. Slater Ushers 5:00pm - E. McDonalds & R. Totrica-Reynolds 10:30am - P. Navarro & J. Patti A CONFERENCE FOR HS and COLLEGE-AGE CATHOLICS. J ULY 28-31, 2016 REGISTER ONLINE Www.srdiocese.org/Youth_Ministry_Events PAUL GEORGE, MARY BIELSKI, FR. JOSE ROBLES, JON NIVEN, OSCAR RIVERA AND MORE. Mass Intentions for the week: Please call or stop by the office to have your intentions reserved. Sat 7/23@5pm - For all missionaries Sun 7/24@10:30am - for all people working for animals in need Sun 7/24@1:30pm - Por todos los enfermeros de L.C. Wed 7/27@9am - Open for intentions Thurs 7/28@9am - *open Fri 7/29 @ 9am - *open Sat 7/30 @5pm - *open Sun 7/31@ 10:30am - *open Sun 7/31@ 1:30am - *open St Peter’s Sun 7/24@8:30am - for all nursing home patients Tues 7/26@9am - For people who work in retail and food service If you are not yet registered with St. Mary Immaculate Catholic Church, please fill out this form and place it in the collection basket or mail it to the Parish Office, and someone will contact you with registration forms. Si usted no se ha registrado en St. Mary Immaculate Catholic Church por favor llene este formulario y póngalo en la canasta de la colecta o envíelo a la oficina parroquial y los contactaremos para hacerle llegar la forma de registración. Name/Nombre: __________________________________________________________________________________ Address/Dirección:___________________________________________________City/Ciudad:_______________ Zip Code/Código Postal:______________ Phone Number/Número de Teléfono: _____________ Email: _________________________________ Nestegg Investment Consulting Know when to be in the Stock Market And when NOT to be in the Stock Market Available for ALL your investment accounts See Rian Sommerfield, or Phil Myers 3970 Main St, Kelseyville, CA 279-1846 Mendocino-Lake Audiology Glynis Tambornini, M.S., CCC-A Home With Us In Home Care Services Insured & Bonded When family matters & peace of mind are important call us! (707)349-0971 www.homewithus.com Southern Smiles 200 Lakeport Blvd. DENTAL PRACTICE (707) 263-WHAT (9428) KEITH M. LONG, DDS Hearing Aids | Sales | Service Accomplished Insurance Marketing Customized Personal Insurance Service Marketing Agent #OB74777 Maryann Sanderson 707-928-5610 10918 Rosa Trail Kelseyville, CA 95451 F ax 928-5914 800-811-5115 [email protected] www.accomplishedinsurance.com Farmers Insurance Pat Lambert Insurance Agency License: OC86728 Auto*Home*Life*Business [email protected] (707) 263- 7111 367 Lakeport Blvd. Lakeport, CA Knights of Columbus #7611 Queen of the Lakes Catholic Men Serving the Church And the Community. Jim Goetz (707)237-1561 Meetings: 1st Tuesdays of the Month 6:00 P.M @ St. Mary’s Parish Hall John H. Tomkins Tax Consultants Diane Tomkins Plante, CPA P.O Box 1140 QuickBooks ProAdvisor 5925 E. Hwy 20 Tax Lucerne, CA 95458 Individual– Partnership 707.274-1843 p Estate– Corporation 707.274.1206 f Not-For– Profit Kelseyville Appliance Whirlpool-KitchenAid-Maytag-Amana Dave & Mary Morse, Owners 3532 N. Main St. Kelseyville, CA 95451 707-279-8559 707-279-9715 [email protected] 755 11TH St. Lakeport 263-7023 Flowers by Jackie Pat Tyrrell 108 South Main Street Lakeport, CA 95453 flowersbyjackie @att.net 707-263-3326 Wanda Holson-Lopez, Realtor Lic#01198282 Re/Max Lake County Realty 1675 S. Main St. Lakeport, CA 95453 707-292-0687 cell , 707-262-5700, ext. 107 [email protected] Antoinette’s School of Dance Antoinette Goetz, Owner 91 Soda Bay Rd. Mail: 730 Crystal Lake Way Lakeport, CA 95453 707- 263-5617 Chapel of the Lakes Mortuary A locally Owned Family Business. Serving Clearlake, Lower Lake & All of Lake County Since 1977 Estevan P. Estrada, Owner We Provide the “Care” In After Care 263-0357 994-5611 1625 High St. Lakeport, CA www.chapelofthelakes.com Dr. MarkBuehnerkemper Optometrist Family Vision Care 120 South Main Street Lakeport, CA 95453 707-263-4294 Television Catolica en Español Todos los Domingos de: 9:00 a 9:30 a.m. por Azteca America San Francisco SABOREANDO LA VERDAD Con el P. Mario Valencia Westgate Petroleum Home Heating Oil Gasoline - Diesel Biodiesel - Lubricants Claude Brown, Manager 3740 Highland Springs Rd Lakeport, CA 95453 Tel: (707) 263-6512 Fax: (707) 263-0225 Jones Mortuary Lake County Memorial Crematory Karen Karnatz Manager FDR 2505- EMS 8691 115 South Main St. Lakeport, CA 95453. www.keymemories.com (707) 263-5389 Fax (707) 263-1665 Mac’s Marine & Land Construction Macario Tejeda Cell (707) 245-9201 Home (707)279-9414 [email protected] Lic. # 993800 Lincoln Leavitt Insurance Agency Tom Lincoln 850 N Main St. PO. Box 850 Lakeport, CA 95453 707-263-7162 Up Town Dog Grooming Shauntel Stark Groomer 5281 State Street, Kelseyville (707) 245-8042 [email protected] Dog and Cat grooming!
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Saint Mary Immaculate Catholic Church And
Andy Skonberg, Marcia and Bob Chalk, Hank Lescher, Ray Cernas, Sharon Turner, Gloria Jimenez, Juana Hernandez-Briones, Janette Payne, Juan Erquiaga, Catherine Quistgard, David Quistgard.
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