god bless america! - Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph
god bless america! - Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph
November 13th, 2016 Phone: 718-638-1071 www.StJosephs-Brooklyn.org [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE/HORARIO DE MISAS Sunday/Domingo 9:00am – English 10:30am – Spanish 12:000pm – English Fax: 718-398-2410 Facebook: StJosephBrooklyn Twitter: @StJoseph_BK GOD BLESS AMERICA! Weekdays/Días Entre Semana 8:00am – English 9:00am – Spanish Sun. 11/13: Adorers Ministry Installation (during each mass) ARISE Team meeting (1:15pm – White Room) Parish Council meeting (3pm – White Room) Mon. 11/14: ARISE group – 7pm Tues 11/15: Taller de Eclesiologia (7pm-White Rm) Wed 11/16: Theology Discussion: Amoris Laetitia 7pm @ Tin Kettle (611 Vanderbilt Ave) Thur 11/17: Ensayo del Coro (7pm- White Room) ARISE Young Adult Group – 7pm Grupo de LEVANTATE – 7:30pm Fri 11/18: D.O.C Thanks giving celebration (6:30pm - Undercroft) Sat 11/19: Catechesis Day for Children (10am - Undercroft) ARISE group – 4:30pm Hacksaw Ridge is a story about a young man who defied the pressure of his fellow soldiers in the US Army. Desmond Doss' religious faith forbade him from carrying a weapon but it did not stop him from going to war and becoming a hero. Indeed, by God's grace, he rescued 75 men from death in what was one of the most bloody battles of the Second World War. Doss never wavered in the conviction that he was honoring God's word. With just a little faith, miracles can happen. Let us salute the courage and self sacrifice of Desmond Doss and all our veterans. May God bless you. With honor, respect and gratitude, we honor all those who serve our country Hacksaw Ridge es una historia sobre un joven que desafió la presión de sus compañeros soldados en el Ejército de los EE.UU. La fe religiosa de Desmond Doss le prohibió llevar un arma, pero no le impidió ir a la guerra y convertirse en un héroe. De hecho, por la gracia de Dios, rescató a 75 hombres de la muerte en lo que fue una de las batallas más sangrientas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Doss nunca vaciló en la convicción de que estaba honrando la palabra de Dios. Con sólo un poco de fe, los milagros pueden suceder. Saludad el valor y el sacrificio de Desmond Doss y de todos nuestros veteranos. Que Dios te bendiga. November 13th, 2016 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time OFFICE HOURS/HORARIO DE OFICINA Mon-Fir/Lun-Vier: 9am – 6pm Sat-Sun/Sab-Dom: 9am-4pm Closed/Cerrada: 12pm-1pm (Lunch) EUCHARISTIC ADORATION /ADORACION EUCARISTICA Friday/Viernes: 9am – 7pm NOCTURNAL ADORATION/ ADORACION NOCTURNA First Friday 9:00am – Saturday 7:00am/ Primer Viernes 9:00am – Sábado 7:00am CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES Saturday/Sábado 3:00–4:00pm (or by appointment) TODAY'S READINGS PARISH STAFF Rector: Rev. Msgr. Kieran E. Harrington [email protected] Parochial Vicar: Rev. Jose Guerra [email protected] Administrative Asst: Ms. Clara Martinez [email protected] Faith Formation Dir.: Ms. Jessica Figueroa [email protected] Deacon Fausto Duran - [email protected] Deacon Manuel H. Quintana - [email protected] M. Maria Amador, PCM - [email protected] S. Heidi Delgadillo, PCM - [email protected] S. Tatiana Ramirez, PCM - [email protected] LECTURAS DE HOY First Reading: The day of justice is coming, says the Lord. (Malachi 3:19-20) Primera lectura: El día de justicia se acerca, dice el Señor. (Malaquías 3:19-20) Psalm: The Lord comes to rule the earth with justice. (Psalm 98:5-6,7-8,9). Salmo: El Señor llega para regir la tierra con justicia. (Salmo (97) 98:5-6,7-8,9). Second Reading: Paul urges the community to follow his example and to earn their keep. (2 Thessalonians 3:7-12). Segunda lectura: Pablo urge a la comunidad que siga su ejemplo y que ganen su parte. (2 Tesalonicenses 3:7-12). Evangelio: Jesús predice la destrucción del Templo de Jerusalén y advierte a sus seguidores que la persecución ha de venir antes del fin de los tiempos. (Lucas 21:5-19). Gospel: Jesus predicts the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem and warns his followers that persecution will come before the end time. (Luke 21:5-19). DAILY MASS READINGS LECTURAS DIARIAS DE LA MISA SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Monday – Lunes: Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5/Lk 18:35-43 Monday – Lunes: St. Lawrence O'Toole Tuesday – Martes: Rv 3:1-6, 14-22/Lk 19:1-10 Tuesday – Martes: St. Albert the Great Wednesday–Miércoles: Rv 4:1-11/Lk 19:11-28 Wednesday – Miércoles: St. Margaret of Scotland St. Gertrude the Great Thursday – Jueves: Rv 5:1-10/Lk 19:41-44 Friday – Viernes: Rv 10:8-11/Lk 19:45-48 or Acts 28:11-16, 30-31/Mt 14:22-33 Saturday – Sábado: Rv 11:4-12/Lk 20:27-40 Mass Schedule/ Horario de Misas: Nov. 13th , 2016 9:00am – Msgr. Harrington 10:30am – Fr. Jose Guerra 12:00pm – Msgr. Harrington Thursday – Jueves: St. Elizabeth of Hungary Friday – Viernes: Dedication of the Basilicas of Sts. Peter & Paul Saturday – Sábado: St. Mechtilde Mass Intentions/ Intenciones de las Misas October 30th , 2016 9:00am – For the People of St.Joseph 10:30am – En honor a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe 12:00pm – For Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Bynon + Collection and Attendance/ Colecta y Asistencia: Oct 30th, 2016 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm $465.00 $805.00 $693.00 71 180 160 13 de Noviembre de 2016 Trigésimo-Tercero Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS – ANUNCIOS PARROQUIALES CHILDREN'S CATECHESIS Next Catechesis Saturday for all children in religious education will be November 19th from 10am-3pm. The topic for this session will be the Mass. Please bring lunch. CATEQUESIS PARA NIÑOS El próximo Sábado de Catequesis para todos los niños del programa de educacion religiosa será el 19 de Noviembre de 10am-3pm. La temática de esta siguiente sesión será la Misa. Por favor traerles almuerzo. CLOSING OF THE YEAR OF MERCY Next Sunday November 20th during the noon Mass, Bishop Mroziewski will be with us to conclude the Year of Mercy as well as to close the Holy Doors. We invite you all to join us on this special celebration. CIERRE DEL AÑO DE LA MISERICORDIA El próximo Domingo 20 de Noviembre durante la misa de las 12pm el Obispo Mroziewski estará con nosotros para concluir en Año de la Misericordia y también cerrará las Puertas Santas. Los invitamos a compartir de esta celebración especial. YOUTH MINISTRY This coming Friday November 18th our youth will be having a Thanksgiving celebration. Please bring food to share. Parents are welcome to join us! MINISTERIO JUVENIL Este Viernes 18 de Noviembre los jóvenes van a tener una Disciples of Christ celebración de Acción de Gracias. Por favor traigan comida para compartir. Padres de familia están invitados! CHRISTMAS CONCERT AT LINCOLN CENTER & PARISH LUNCHEON Futures in Education in support of Catholic Schools at the Spirit of Christmas concert at Lincoln Center starring the New York Tenors (Daniel Rodriguez, Andy Cooney and Christopher Macchio, as well as The Voice of Italy 2014 winner, Sr.Cristina Scucia) Mon. December 12th @ 8pm For tickets contact Sr.Heidi 718 238 1071 Ext 417 SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION FOR ADULTS (RCIA) Are you an adult wanting to complete their sacraments? Are you interested in becoming baptized Catholic? Contact Dcn. Manuel. PREPARACION SACRAMENTAL PARA ADULTOS (RICA) Eres un adulto interesado en completar tus sacramentos? Estas interesado en hacerte un Católico bautizado? Contacta al Diacono Manuel: [email protected] WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! If you'd like to lend your hand welcoming people in and out of the Church, the ushers at 12pm and 9am Mass need reinforcements! Be part of this ministry. If you are interested, contact Deacon Manuel at [email protected] THE SEASON IS ALMOST OVER. We encourage you all to pray for a fruitul end of the 1 st season. Pray also for the leaders and members of each of our small communites. LA TEMPORADA YA CASI TERMINA. Les invitamos a orar por un fructuoso fn de la 1ra temporada. Oren también por los líderes y miembros de las pequeñas comunidades. GET INVOLVED IN OUR PARISH GROUPS – HAZ PARTE DE NUESTROS GRUPOS PARROQUIALES Children's Faith Formation: Young Adults Group: Sunday 10:30 - 11:45am (Undercroft) Contact Sr.Tatiana D.O.C Youth Group (6th grade +) [email protected] Friday 6pm (Undercroft) Adult Faith Formation/ Girl Scouts: 1 & 3 Friday 6pm (White Room) st rd Formación en la Fe para Adultos Ministerio de Familias Orantes: Viernes 7-9pm (Iglesia) Catequesis para Adultos: Domingos 11:30am (Salon Blanco) Seasonal Bible Studies: Contact Deacon Manuel Call: Bettyann Hassan (917 664 6086) Sundays/Domingos 1:30pm (Rectory) [email protected] ANNOUNCEMENTS CONTINUED – CONTINUACION DE ANUNCIOS GENERATIONS OF FAITH If you made a pledge please keep up with your commitment. Thank you for your generosity. EXPLANATION & REVIEW OF PARISH DONOR REPORT A. No. DELINQUENT PLEDGES WITH NO PAYMENT: 44 FOR $154,180 PLEDGED B. No. DELINQUENT PLEDGES WITH PAYMENTS: 20 FOR $83,415 C. No. ON SCHEDULE PLEDGES WITH NO PAYMENTS: 7 FOR $21,090 PLEDGED D. No. ON SCHEDULE PLEDGES WITH PAYMENTS: 17 FOR $80,580 PLEDGED E. ACA GIFTS CREDITED TO GOF F. No. PAID-IN-FULL: 15 FOR $29,910 Co-Cathedral of St.Joseph Statement of Activities for the Year Ended August 31 st, 2016 PARISH GOAL: TOTAL PLEDGED: TOTAL PAID: TOTAL # GIFTS: $145,000 $369,175 $65,692 103
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