Projects under way


Projects under way
December 2013
In the industrial area and inner quays
Projects under way
In June, work began to prepare the plot of
28.300 m2 which Corporación Logística
de Hidrocarburos (CLH) will occupy on the
Punta Sollana quayside in Bilbao port, where
the company will install its new oil product
terminal, witch will Bilbao port, where the
company will install its new oil product
terminal, which will have 11 tanks with a total
of 237,000 m3 of capacity.
With a planned investment of 16,9 million
euros, this facility adds to the one which CLH
already has in El Kalero area in the port, where
it has 209.000 m3 of storage space.
Bilbao’s capacity and its depth of over 21 m.
had been one of the main reasons for the
company wishing to grow in these facilities,
which allow large ships to enter.
The stored oil products can therefore be
forwarded to other ports in smaller ships. The
location works as a ‘hub’ or distributor and
the logistics company enhances its capacity
and reduces costs.
Interior quays, areas for opportunities
Bilbao port still has areas and keys inside
the estuary for companies to locate without
disturbing the urban environment and for
which having their own quay is an important
competitive factor.
In this sense, Bilbao Port Authority recently
completed the work on the Axpe quay in the
Erandio municipal area, increasing its depth
to 7 metres to allow ships of up to 5,000 TPMs
and lengths of 115 metres to be received.
Additionally, the dock surface area has been
increased by 2.300 m2, for cargo storage prior
to loading operations.
The use of this public quay is open for all
industrial companies with cargoes and project
cargoes, whose proximity to it would give
them logistics advantages for the maritime
Until November
27 million
According to Bilbao Port Authority
data, between January and November
2013, Bilbao port docks moved 27.1
million tonnes, a growth of nearly 4%
over the same period last year.
Liquid bulk, pulled by the increase in fuel
consumption and with a rise of 8% is
still the best performer.
Quality referentials: more with less
Cooperating to be competitive
UniportBilbao in 2001 started up the workgroups as a formula of cooperation for shared improvement. The activity of its groups, always aimed at
achieving more with less and giving priority to answering Bilbao port customers, is regularly materialised in the so-called Referentials.
The revision of the container goods
referential, recently completed and
approved by the Board of Directors,
has allowed further improvements
to be introduced in the large
shared process of the container’s
passage through the port. This
time, the customer/loader has
also been included not only as the
end receiver of the improvements
arising from the analysis, but also
as an active party for everything
to follow within the planned time
and costs.
From the point of view of customs,
the enforcement of safety
parameters in imports/exports has
meant that loading companies
must play a more active responsible
The identification of the goods
from countries from outside
the European Union before
they are loaded for Bilbao port
(or any other port in the EU)
is fundamental for the whole
process of unloading, customs
clearance and readying for the
end receiver to be agile. The same
also applies for exports.
The importance of providing this
basic information (the identification
of the goods) in time and form
is established in the reviewed
container referential document. This
document, in addition to allowing
certain internal port processes (in
parallel to its preparation by the
workgroup), is intended to set out
a coordinated system of action to
guarantee good overall service to
customers in Bilbao port.
For goods that have to pass an
inspection, this is completed with
the “Border Inspections System”
referential, which reflects the
administrative and operative tasks
performed by the different public
and private agents intervening
for products which must obtain
a Sanitary, Health or Quality
Certificate for enter to the UE /
Spanish market.
The objective is the same: to
simplify processes and to minimise
costs to customers (more with
On the whole, the revision and
combination of both referentials
have received the cooperation
Aduter Agunsa Europa;
Asthon Cargo Bilbao; Bilbao
Port Authority; Bilbao Aduanas Biladu; Bilbao Truck Port Logistics;
Official College of Customs
Agents and Commissioners;
Office of Agriculture and
Fisheries - Foreign Animal Health
Inspection; Office of Agriculture
and Fisheries - Foreign Vegetable
Health Inspection; Regional
Customs Office; Hamburg Süd;
Kühne & Nagel; Ministry of
Economy and Competitiveness
- SOIVRE Inspection Service;
Ministry of the Tax Office
and Public Administrations –
Border Inspection Post; Nervión
Internacional; Noatum Container
OUTPB - CTM (Coordinator of Sea
Workers); Servicios Logísticos
Port Stowing and Unstowing
Company; Sparber Group and
Other values of the referentials:
basic and on-going training
The port maritime sector has professionals trained in the processes
of port logistics based on active curricular experience: general training plus training in the workplace.
The referentials show the administrative and operative day-to-day
work of the port’s joint activity in a specific process: container, conventional, border inspection services.... and therefore constitute a
work guide for active staff with respect to other related agents’ activities and for new staff coming in as a means of basic training.
General assembly
Uniport: competitiveness and shared promotion
With their sights set on one of the
objectives identified in the sector
strategic plan, “to grow and to grow
together”, and under the motto
of “we all win by adding efforts”,
Portuaria- the association/cluster
which represents the Bilbao port
maritime sector - in December
held its second annual general
As was explained at the meeting, in
2013 Uniport has answered the two
objectives established by statutes
with its work plan: to improve the
competitiveness of Bilbao port and
to promote its services.
One of Uniport’s greatest values lies in having companies
and administrations committed
to Bilbao port. The area of competitiveness therefore basically
works to answer detected areas
for collective improvement. It is
here where company professionals provide their knowledge to
make a corresponding diagnosis,
and from here work together to
teban, highlighted the importance of working to offer services in
this market segment. Amongst
these, the campaigns performed
in Mexico, Poland, Brazil, Belgium
(Antwerp), The Netherlands (Rotterdam) and Colombia, to which those performed in the most
nearby hinterland were added, in
this case to bring sector customers as close as possible to direct
knowledge of Bilbao port.
identify the best action so that
the final result might be passed
on to sector competitiveness.
With this in mind, work was done
during the year on subjects related to customs processes, container operation, processes in importing perishable products and
special transports, as well as their
areas of specific complementary
training. The general services to
companies installed in the port
were also focused on in the year,
along with everything related to
land accessibility.
With respect to the area of promotion, marketing and internationalisation, one of Uniport’s advantages in promoting Bilbao port
is that it has professionals with
specific knowledge of each of the
markets in which the port may be
identified as a service provider
and a logistics point making a
bridge between international offer
and demand. During the year, promotion activities were performed
in short sea and deep sea markets
and, in this sense, the president of
the association, Mr. Oscar Santis-
Next year, Uniport will be focusing its promotion efforts on the
nearest hinterland, on Short Sea
Shipping and on transoceanic traffic, especially with America.
The advance of the 2014 program,
in addition to the continuation
of the work groups and the areas
developed this year, highlights a
clear wager on being more competitive through training, shared
quality (referentials), the different workgroups and the areas of
Twenty years of port expansion
Under the title “Bilbao port from
the 20th to the 21st century”,
UniportBilbao closed its assembly
with a talk from Mr. Manuel
Santos, director of the former
Autonomous Port of Bilbao from
1979 to 1992. The intervening
interviewer was Mr. Camilo
Álvarez, president of Noatum
Container Terminal Bilbao.
The talk gave a new view of Bilbao
port and revealed how its expansion
was planned, how the project be-
gan and how the development has
been of a port that has more than
300 companies contributing to exploiting the capacities of a strategic infrastructure for the regional
economy and for the industrial and
commercial companies of large
areas of Spain and France.
This was also a modest homage to
those engineers and technicians
who contributed to making the
most important and one of the best
designed and planned civil works in
Europe, in accordance with existing
demand and available resources,
which now the port community is
able to exploit.
The German Coli Group operator
has appointed Marítima Davila
Bilbao as their general agent for
Spain. With this appointment,
the firm from Bilbao becomes a
representative of the Coli group
and also of CPC Coli Project Cargo
GMBH. This German ship-owner
operates more than 10 multipurpose
ships with dead weights of between
10,000 and 15,000 tons, with its
own loading means and lifting
capacity of up to 700 tons. The
principal route on which the fleet
operates connects northern Europe
via the Mediterranean, Red Sea and
Persian Gulf to South-east Asia and
the Far East, in both directions.
Consignaciones Toro y
Betolaza unloaded three large
135-ton transformers using two
Liebherr 400 (102-ton capacity) and 550 (120-ton capacity)
mobile cranes, and a 10-ton
spreader allowing work to be
done with two cranes in tandem
while separating their hoists.
The parts arrived on board the
“Emma Janneke” of the Briese
Chartering shipping company,
whose general agent in Spain is
the company Vasco Navarra de
Amarradores Puerto de
Bilbao has been awarded the
OHSAS 18001:2007 certificate for
mooring and unmooring ships,
crew services, guardianage and
launch service. The certification
complements the ISO 14001:2004
achieved in 2003, and the ISO
9001:2008 awarded in 1999.
The Guipuzkoa oil operator
Esergui, which covers the
Avia brand and its service
station network, now has a
network of 132 service stations,
having brought in its first
two establishments in Madrid.
The company is present in 20
provinces and nine autonomous
communities of Spain. It supplies
fuel by pipeline and rail from the
terminal it has in Bilbao port.
has a fleet of eighteen ships with
lifting capacities of up to 800 tons.
Erhardt will continue to market the
services traditionally offered by the
German shipping company to large
industrial projects set up by Spanish
companies around the world.
The company KOG Project
Logistics Bilbao has reported the
December opening of the new group
office in Pakistan, which is operative
for projects, general cargo, FCL and air.
Ocean7 Projects, a Danish shipowner and operator, has set up in
Spain with an office in Bilbao. The
ships will be consigned by Seatrans
Maritime. The aim of the company
is to enter the heavy-lift/opentop market segment and they
therefore offer the Spanish market
a large fleet of ships including
highly versatile vessels, 112 in
length, 17 in beam and with a hold
height of 10.5 metres. The hold
has convertible floor separators 66
metres long and 12 metres wide,
which can be opened if the size of
the load should require. The deck
has no obstacles so that it can
carry extra long pieces, such as
windmill blades and offshore of all
In Zaragoza and Murcia
The Port Authority extends its
network of logistics zones
The Board of Administration of Bilbao Port Authority has given the green
light to the institution’s participation in the companies operating the Adif
terminals in PLAZA (Zaragoza) and Nonduermas (Murcia), following the
prescriptive favourable report of the Puertos del Estado public body. In
both cases, it will have a participation of 10%.
The operation forms part of the Port Authority’s strategy to extend the
area of influence (hinterland) and to be located in all of its important
logistics nodes, favouring a form of collaboration with certain logistics
and railway concessions and operators.
Rickmers-Linie GmbH & Cie. KG
and E. Erhardt y Cía. sealed their
alliance by signing a new contract
by which Erhardt will represent
Spain, thus consolidating the
relationship that both companies
have maintained for more than
RickmersLinie is one of the main shipping
companies in the world transport
of general and project cargo. It
Edited by:
Alda. Urquijo, 9 - 1º. dcha. 48008 Bilbao - Spain
Tel.: +34 94 423 67 82 • Fax: +34 94 423 54 03
Email: [email protected] •
D.L. BI-1681-98 UniportBilbao does not assume the opinions reflected in this publication as being its own. The total or partial reproduction of this newsletter is forbidden without the mandatory authorisation.
Just a company:
our port
• A. Pérez y Cía., S.L.
• Abra Store International
• Acciona Forwarding
• Acideka, S.A.
• Aduter, S.L.
• Agemasa
• Agencia Marítima Artiach Zuazaga, S.L.
• Agencia Marítima Condeminas Bilbao, S.L..
• Agunsa Europa, S.A.
• Albors Galiano Portales
• Aldaiturriaga, S.A.U.
• Alex Stewart Assayers Ibérica, S.L.
• Amarradores Puerto de Bilbao, S.A.
• Aon Gil y Carvajal
• Aparkabisa
• Araba Logística, S.A. (Arasur)
• Asetravi - Asociación Empresarial de
Transporte por Carretera y Logística de
• Asociación Vizcaína de Capitanes de la
Marina Mercante
• Asta Logistik, S.L.
• Asthon Cargo Bilbao, S.L.
• Atlántica de Graneles y Moliendas, S.A.
• Autoridad Portuaria de Bilbao
• Auxema Stemmann Española, S.L.
• Ayuntamiento de Bilbao
• Bahía de Bizkaia Electricidad, S.L. (BBE)
• Bahía de Bizkaia Gas, S.L. (BBG)
• Befesa Zinc Aser, S.A.
• Bergé Marítima Bilbao, S.L.
• Bilbao Aduanas - Biladu
• Bilbao Exhibition Centre (BEC)
• Bilbao Metropoli - 30
• Bilbao Trucks Logística Portuaria, S.L.
• Bolloré Africa Logistics Spain, S.A.U.
• Bridgestone Hispania, S.A.
• Bunge Ibérica, S.A.U.
• Caixabank, S.A.
• Cámara de Comercio, Industria y
Navegación de Bilbao
• Cargor Bizkaia, S.L.
• Cecotrans - Biz S. Coop.
• CMA CGM Ibérica, S.A.
• Colegio Oficial de Agentes y
Comisionistas de Aduanas
• Compañía de Remolcadores Ibaizabal, S.A.
• Consignaciones Toro y Betolaza, S.A.
• Consorcio del Depósito Franco de Bilbao
• Consulmar, S.L.U.
• Corporación de Prácticos del Puerto y
Ría de Bilbao, S.L.
• Dependencia Regional de Aduanas e
Impuestos Especiales del País Vasco
• Depósitos
de Comercio
Exterior S.A. (Decoexsa)
• Depósitos Portuarios, S.A. (Deposa)
• DHL Global Forwarding
• Diputación Foral de Bizkaia
- Dpto. de Promoción Económica
• E. Erhardt y Cía, S.A.
• Embalajes Arechaederra, S.L.
• Erhardt Proyectos, S.L.
• Esergui, S.A.
• Europea de Consignaciones, S.A. (Ecosa)
• Eusko Jaurlaritza - Gobierno Vasco Departamento de Desarrollo Económico
y Competitividad
• Eusko Jaurlaritza - Gobierno Vasco
- Departamento de Medio Ambiente y
Política Territorial
• Felix de Inchaurraga, S.L.
• Hamburg Sud Bilbao
• Hapag Lloyd Spain, S.L.
• Hijos de Cabanellas, S.L.
• IDOM Ingeniería y Consultoría, S.A.
• International Seamen’s Club
• “K” Line España Servicios Marítimos, S.A.
• KOG Project Logistics, S.L.
• Kühne & Nagel, S.A.
• Lema Transit, S.L.
• MacAndrews, S.A.
• Maersk Spain, S.L.U.
• Marítima Candina, S.L.U.
• Marítima Davila Bilbao, S.A.
• Marítima Euroship, S.A.
• Marítima Transoceánica, S.A. (Matransa)
• Marmedsa Noatum Shipping Agency
• Mediterranean Shipping Company España,
• Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Dirección Territorial de Comercio en el
País Vasco Servicio de Inspección SOIVRE
• Naviera Murueta, S.A.
• Nervión Internacional S.A.
• Nippon Express de España, S.A.
• Nirint Iberia, S.L.
• Noatum Container Terminal Bilbao, S.A.
• Orient Overseas Container Line (Spain),
• Paceco España, S.A.
• Petroleos del Norte, S.A. (Petronor)
• Progeco Bilbao, S.A.
• Puerto Seco Azuqueca de Henares, S.A.
• Schenker Logistics, S.A.U.
• Seatrans
Maritime, S.A.
• Serveco
• Servicios Intemodales Bilbao Port, S.L.
• Servicios Logísticos Portuarios, S.A. (S.L.P.)
• SGS Española de Control, S.A.
• Sociedad de Estiba y Desestiba del
Puerto de Bilbao, S.A.G.E.P.
• Sociedad Financiera y Minera, S.A. Cementos Rezola
• Sociedad para la Transformación
Competitiva, S.A. (SPRI)
• Space Cargo Norte, S.A.
• Sparber Group
• Star Trans Norte, S.L.
• STEF Iberia, S.A.U.
• Subdelegación del Gobierno en Bizkaia
- Dependencia de Agricultura y Pesca
- Inspección de Sanidad Vegetal Exterior
e Inspección de Sanidad Animal Exterior
• Subdelegación del Gobierno en Bizkaia
- Dependencia de Sanidad y Política Social
• Tecniruta-Concisa, S.A.
• Tecnologías Vascas, S.L. (Tecnovas)
• Terminales Portuarias, S.L. (Tepsa)
• Tiba Internacional, S.A.
• Toldos Titan, S.A.
• Tráficos y Servicios Elorza y Cía., S.A.
• Traimer, S.L.U.
• Trans European Transport Suardíaz, S.L.
• Transbidenor Servicios, S.L.
• Transfennica Iberia, S.L.
• Transportes Astra, S. Coop.
• Transportes González Eurotrans, S.L.
• TransUnión Norte, S.L
• TransVol Sdad. Cooperativa
• Trincas y Jarcias, S.A.
• Tubacex , S.A.
• Universidad del Pais Vasco-Euskal
Herriko Unibertsitatea
• Vapores Suardiaz Norte, S.L.
• Vasco Catalana Group
• Vasco Navarra de Navegación, S.L.U.
• Vasco Shipping Services, S.L.
• Vinatrans Bizkaia, S.L.
• W.E.C Lines España, S.L.U.