600 Avenue B Sterling, IL 61081


600 Avenue B Sterling, IL 61081
600 Avenue B Sterling, IL 61081
December 21, 2014
4th Sunday of Advent Weekday Masses MonFri 8.30 AMChapel
School Schedule: Wed 8.30 AMChurch Saturday 8.30 AMChurch Sunday Obligation
5.00 PM Sat., 7.00 AM, 8.30 AM, 10.00 AM 11.30 AM In Spanish
Vigil/Holy Day MassesChurch
7.00 PM, 8.30 AM, 5.15 PM
7.00 PM In Spanish
Tuesday 9.00 AM to 6.00 PM Sacraments
Anointing of the Sick
If you or someone you know would like to receive the
anointing of the sick, please notify the parish office.
Following the birth of your child, please contact the
parish office.
Catechetical Instruction (Grades 1 ± 8)
Confirmation Preparation Call Religious Education Office.
Arrangements to be made by calling parish office (9) months in advance.
RCIA (Adult Initiation) If interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith,
please contact Jane Olson at the parish office.
Saturday: 4.00 4.45 PM, also by appointment.
Communal Penance Services during Advent and Lent.
Parish Registration We welcome new parishioners. Please come to the parish office to receive welcome information.
Bulletin Notices
Please submit notices in writing or email [email protected] to the Parish Office by
Friday noon, one week prior to publication.
Rev. James R. Keenan………..……………...Ext.211
Parochial Vicar
Rev. Adalberto Sanchez……………….……..Ext.212
Residence(after 4 PM & weekends).1.815.625.4768
John Kellen……………………………………..Ext.226
Larry Zitkus……………………………………..Ext.226
Parish Office Hours
MondayFriday……………………9.00 AM 4.00 PM
Parish Administration Offices
600 Avenue B Sterling IL………...….1.815.625.0640
Fax 815.625.1684
Email:…………[email protected]
Website: …………………....www.stmarysterling.com
Parish Staff…………...………….….1.815.625.0640
Bert Davis, Bookkeeper……………..…...…..Ext.225
Lupe Larson, Secretary……………………....Ext.210
Jane Olson, Pastoral Associate……………..Ext.220
Janie Atilano, Hispanic Ministry……1.815.626.5735
Sally Kellen, Shutin Ministry……………….. Ext.226
Cemetery Andres Quintana, Cemetery Manager……...Ext.222
Religious Education Office……….1.815.625.6688
(located in St. Mary School)
Gerry Williamson, Director……………….….Ext.244
Dianne Williamson, Secretary……………....Ext.214
St. Mary School
6 West 6th Street…………….……...1.815.625.2253
Rebecca Schmitt, Principal…………………..Ext.227 Jeannie Ramos, Bookkeeper………………..Ext.221
Robbin Clifton, Secretary…………………….Ext.223
Newman Central Catholic High School
1101 W. 23rd Street………………...1.815.625.0500
Mr. Andy Edmondson, Principal
St. Vincent DePaul Society 7 West 6th Street………………….....1.815.625.0311
Office Hours: MondayFriday…...12 Noon 2.30 PM
Mass Intentions
Mon Dec 22 8.30 AM †Richard Saunders, Sr. Beverly Saunders Tue Dec 23 8.30 AM †Albert Dondero
Linda Haglett Wed Dec 24 4.00 PM †Ann Hermes
Jim Hermes
7:00 PM Living & Deceased Members of
the Marquez and Atilano Family 10.00 PM †Salvador & Isabel Valdivia
Juan & Refugia Mendoza Thu Dec 25 8.30 AM †Bob Propheter Florence Propheter 10.00 AM Living & Deceased Members of
the Trinidad Ybarra Family Larry Ybarra
Fri Dec 26 8.30 AM †Forest Frank
Ruth McFadden & Theresa Burger
Sat Dec 27 8.30 AM †Tom Murphy
Barbara Murphy
Wed Dec 24 4.00 PM Bert Davis & Joan Kreps
10.00 PM Josh & Mary Francque Thurs Dec 25
8.30 AM Terry McGinn & Nancy Rajnowski
10.00 AM Audrey Dekker & Sarah Campbell
Sat Dec 27 5.00 PM Mark Tschosik Maureen Roberts
Sun Dec 28 7.00 AM Helen Musyl 8.30 AM Kelly Keaschall Teresa Gingrich
10.00 AM Darwin Mauch Bob Kennedy
Eucharistic Ministers
Wed Dec 24 4.00 PM Sharon McKenna
Linnea & Lupe Larson
10.00 PM Deacon
Allison Furr & Alyssa Gallentine Thurs Dec 25
8.30 AM Deacon 27 5.00 PM Living & Deceased Members of
Elias Edmondson & Jennifer Oetting
the Richard Brown Family
Elvita Brown Linda Campbell & Julie Smith
28 7.00 AM †For The Deceased Of St. Mary’s Sat Dec 27 8.30 AM Living & Deceased Members of
5.00 PM Deacon
the Lynch Griffin Family
Julie D. Gowers & Flora Whitman
John & Margaret Lynch Sun
Ports 10.00 AM †Tillie Razo
Bailey & Paul Hess †Lois F. Anderson
Gloria Olds
Steve Marruffo & Beth Summers
11.30 AM Living & Deceased Members of
10.00 AM Terri Lawrence
the Isabel Ashman Family Barb Murphy & Julie Jacobs SANCTUARY LAMP MEMORIALS
Sat Dec
Sun Dec
Please consider remembering a loved one or family member by
having the sanctuary candle burn for their intention
In memory of
In thanksgiving for
In honor of
Or a Special Intention
a customary offering (donation) is asked of $10.00. If you have any
questions please call the parish office at 1.815.625.0640
The Sanctuary Candle in the church will
burn the week of
December 2027
In memory of Ann Hermes
Given by Her Family
Altar Servers
Wed Dec 24 4.00 PM Monica Healy
Jacob & Annie Rude
10.00 PM Saryn Seeley Shannon & Erin Kelly
Thurs Dec 25
8.30 AM Nate Neubauer Ethan & Olivia Edmondson 10.00 AM Allison Ruthart
Sarah Navarro & Angelina Lopez Sat Dec 27 5.00 PM Breck Tschosik Kade Decker & Joe Marchiorato Sun Dec 28
8.30 AM Monica Healy
Jacob & Annie Rude
10.00 AM Spencer Mauch Caleb Knutti & Alec Marruffo
The Family of Mrs. Margie Sotelo,
would like to thank everyone for their
cards, prayers, flowers and food
donations during her recent death. A
special thanks to the ladies from
St. Mary's and St. Andrew's for the
wonderful luncheon and anyone who
helped in anyway during her funeral.
We are very grateful, may God bless
you all. Religious Education G
Liturgical Publications
Can you donate an hour of your time
on Tuesdays to assist with Adoration
in the chapel? Please contact Deacon
John Kellen if you have any
questions at the parish center.
Our bulletin is provided to our parish by
Liturgical Publications at no cost! The
advertisers who you see on the back of the
bulletin, purchase ads that completely cover
the cost of our bulletin. We are very grateful
to all of them. We encourage you to look at
the many advertisers in our parish bulletin.
Patronize their businesses and let them know
you appreciate their support. December Class
No classes on
Dec. 24, 31
The parish offices will be closed for
the holidays on Dec. 24, Dec. 25,
Dec. 26 and Dec. 31 and Jan., 1.
Daily Mass
There will be NO ADORATION
chapel on Tues., Dec. 23 and 30.
St. Mary’s School
St. Mary’s School will
be closed Dec. 22
through Jan. 2 for
Christmas break. The 8:30 AM daily mass will be held
in the church during the holidays
starting on Fri., Dec. 26 through
Fri., Jan. 9th. The daily mass will
return to the chapel on
Mon., Jan. 12. Kroger
If you shop at Kroger and would like to help
out St. Mary’s School, we have a great way
for you to do this. Stop by the school office
There will be No 8:30 AM
and purchase a Kroger preloaded gift card daily mass on Wed., Dec. 24
for $5.00. At Kroger stop by the service desk
Free Throw Contest
or Wed., Dec. 31.
to “load” your card, and then use the card as
The Sterling Knights of
a debit card. The card is linked to St. Mary’s
Columbus are sponsoring the
School account, and we will receive 3% of
Report for Nov. 20, 2104.
annual free throw contest on
the total amount spent. Any
Diocesan Pledge Goal
Tues., Jan. 5. The gym doors
questions call the school office at
will be open at 3:00 PM and
Parish Pledges Received
the contest begins at 3:30 PM. This
event is open to boys and girls ages
Patriotic Rosary
1014. Additional Pledges Needed
The Patriotic Rosary will be prayed after the
St. Vincent DePaul
10:00 AM Mass on Thurs., Jan. 1. Please join us Total parishioners that Pledged
Will be closed on Wed.,
to pray for our nation, which is in dire need of
Dec.24 and Thurs.,
Thank you for the pledges that
our prayers.
Dec.25 and again on
have been made to the
Thurs., Jan.1 and Fri., Jan.2.
Stewardship 201415.
If you have not yet made a
Clarence Ludeke parent to
pledge, envelopes can be found
Search for the longest
Fr. Bruce Ludeke passed away
in the church entrance. married Couple on Dec.6, 2104.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter is sponsoring the
annual Longest Married Couple Project in the U.S as
well as each of the 50 states and territories. If you
know a couple with a long marriage, please
nominate them. More information can be found at
wwme.org. Deadline is Jan. 9, 2015. Nominations
must include the following: names of the couple,
wedding date, current address, name and phone or
email address of the person who is nominating the
couple. Nominations can be emailed to:
[email protected] or by mail to:
Garry & Aria Thomas,
108 Wander Way,
Lake in the Hills, IL 60156
Merry Christmas
New Year
Collection Report 2013-14
December 13-14
Envelope Collection
Loose Collection
Children's Collection
Total Collection
Needed Weekly
$ 14,948.00
$ 16,987.81
$ 14,875.42
$ (2,112.39)
Beginning Balance
Collection for week
$ 3,751.00
$ 471.00
$ 3,280.00
Envelopes this week
Fr. Keenan
St. Mary Staff
Fr. Sanchez
Special Thanks To
Ministerio Hispano
J[ni_ @til[no
Hor[rio ^_ Ofi]in[s
IV Domingo de Adviento
Destilad, cielos, el roció, y que las nubes lluevan al justo; que la
tierra se abra y haga germinar al salvador.
Misterio Gozoso De La Mamá
Nuestro horario para el Centro Parroquial es de
Lunes a Viernes, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM
Alégrate, mamá...
*Tú también eres un poco como , María. A ti también te ha escogido el Altísimo
para algo muy grande; para ser el corazón de ese hogar en el que se van a
Ministros para el fin de semana del 28 de Diciembre
realizar los grandes misterios de los hombres.
Lectores: Eva Gonzales, Esther Ramírez
*Tú, mamá, vas a ser la más cercana al nacimiento de los hombres y también
Ministro de Eucaristía: Jesús & Obdulia Villa y Martha Cavazos a sus dificultades.
Monaguillos: Diego Zaragoza, Jazmin Olivas y
*No temas, mamá, tú vas a ser la primera en sentir las grandes
Itzel Hernández
“anunciaciones” de las llegadas de los nuevos seres a tu hogar; la que
Acomodadores: Juan Barrientos, Juventino Trujillo, Adrián Villa y sentirás también los pequeños gozos de las pequeñas “anunciaciones:
Jesús Villa
*el sonido de la llave en la puerta cuando él llega a casa; la llamada del niño
que te necesita; la animada conversación de todos los tuyos sentados a la
20 ±24 de Diciembre 2014
*Como a María, hay un ángel que te ha sido enviado desde lo alto para
6:00 PM en Bales Hall
invitarte a que aceptes que Jesús habite en el seno de tu hogar, que
Sábado 20 de DiciembreFamilia Olivos,
promuevas la participación de todos en los sacramentos, que enseñes a los
Romo, Baca, Zaragoza
pequeños a dar gracias a Dios por su dones.
Domingo 21 de DiciembreComunidad de
Lagos De Moreno, Jalisco *Hay un ángel que está aguardando que le digas, con tu trabajo por el bien de
Lunes 22 de DiciembreFamilia Jiménez
tu familia, que estás dispuesta a servir al Señor.
Martes 23 de DiciembreFamilia Abarca, Villa, Estrella
Adviento 2014
Miércoles 24 de Diciembre7:00 PM en la Iglesia “Engrandece mi alma al Senor y mi espíritu se ALEGRA en
Cl[s_s ^_ ][t_]ismo
DIOS mi salvador” (LC, 46-47).
No habría clases el 24 y el 31 de Diciembre. Adoración
Misas de Navidad
Todos los martes tenemos el Santísimo Sacramento
Misa de Noche Buena
presente de 9 AM± 6 PM en la capilla del Centro
24 de Diciembre a las 4:00 PM y 10:00 PM
Parroquial. Estamos en busca de personas que gustan
en Ingles
acompañarnos en la Oración al Santísimo. El
24 de Diciembre a las 7:00 PM en Español horario es el Siguiente; 23 PM, 34 PM, 45 PM
Misa de Navidad
56 PM. Si usted puede compartir una hora de
25 de Diciembre a las 8:30 AM y 10:00 AM en Ingles
su tiempo por favor llame al Centro
Misa Fin del Ano
31 de Diciembre a las 7:00 PM en Español Gr[]i[s
Horario De Oficinas
La oficinas de el Centro Parroquial estarán cerradas el A nombre del Programa de Educación Religiosa y de
24, 25 y 26 de Diciembre. También el 31 de Diciembre los padres de familia registrados en el programa, de
la Parroquia de Santa María, queremos agradecer
y el 1 de Enero. infinitamente a quien generosamente donó una gran
cantidad al programa de catequesis de nuestra
Parroquia. Esta donación será utilizada para cubrir
Les recordamos que para el 2015 ya
las cuotas vencidas y las actuales. También esta
tenemos abierta las fechas si su hija tendrá
donación servirá para dar asistencia en las
una quinceañera el próximo año. Para que su
matriculas para el programa de educación Religiosa
hija aparte su misa para sus quince años,
en el futuro.
deberá estar bautizada.
Por favor de avisar a la oficina parroquial si usted o un
miembro de su familia se encuentra internado en el
hospital o en su casa.