S . TP - St.Theresa Catholic Church
S . TP - St.Theresa Catholic Church
S .T C C M THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST S . T P A G S .T 705 S . T B C S .S L — H L C C , TX 77498 281-494-1156 . 29, 2016 S .T C C M 29, 2016 CONTENTS Ordination to the Priesthood…….....…………….……. 3 Ministerios en Español…….…..…………....……...….. 4 Baby Bottle Campaign Jesús es el Camino..………...……………….……..…. 5 Stuebenville Mid-America………..………………....… 6 For the past 40 years the Foundation for Life Maternal Assistance Program has been helping women in crisis pregnancies to choose life for their precious unborn babies. We hope you will join us in this life-saving work. First Friday Reparation Vigil…………….…....…….… 7 Faith Formation………...…………………..………….. 8 Mass Intentions……………………………….……….. 9 Weekly Schedule of Events…………………………… 9 Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration……………….…....… 10 Help us save unborn babies by helping their mothers choose life! Please take a baby bottle home after Mass and fill it with change (or bills)! Then bring it back to St. Theresa Church after any Mass on June 18/19th (Father’s Day). Young Catholic Professionals..………………..…..… 11 Daily Scripture Readings……………………………… 12 10 Day Pilgrimage to Shrines of France………..…… 13 Parish contact information………………...................... 15 www.SugarLandCatholic.com Thank you for your gift of LIFE! MASS AND CONFESSION SCHEDULE W E S Monday—Friday 6:45 a.m., 8:30 a.m. Miércoles (Español) 7:00 p.m. C S Saturday Sábado 3:15 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. Sunday Domingo 4:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Weekdays Entre Semana Monday-Friday: after each Mass Tuesday-Thursday at 6:00 p.m. (Miércoles 6:00 p.m. en Español) 2 S 8:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Anticipatory Sunday Mass S D 7:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m. (Español), 10:00 a.m., Noon, 2:00 p.m. (Español), 5:00 p.m. S .T C C M 29, 2016 Welcome Ryan Lambert! Ryan Lambert is a seminarian for the Archdiocese of Galveston- Houston. This summer he will be in residence at St. Theresa while he attends Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) at memorial Herman Southwest Hospital. He is on track to be ordained to the priesthood in the of summer 2019, and he will be with us until mid-September. Dear St. Theresa Parish, It is with great joy that I can spend my summer in residence with you. I am looking forward to serving you at Mass and learning from what the community has to offer. My time here will be short, but I know that I will continue to learn about life and ministry in this beautiful parish. Please pray for me as I continue on this journey towards the priesthood, and be assured that you are in my prayers. With the Love of Christ, eçtÇ _tÅuxÜà 3 S .T C C M I P : Pase a la oficina parroquial de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. de lunes a viernes o puede tomar una forma en el vestíbulo de la iglesia y entregársela a un ujier. G : La guardería esta abierta durante la misa de 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. y 12:00 p.m. No necesita hacer reservación. F P S B I Las clases se ofrecen el Segundo domingo de cada mes a las 3:15 p.m. en el Centro de Vida Familiar. A los padres se les pide de favor que no lleven a sus hijos a la clase. Se les dará Certificado de asistencia al final de la clase aquellos padres o padrinos que no bautizaran en Santa Teresa. Por favor llame a la oficina para inscribirse a la clase al 281-4941156 y hable con Michelle Rodríguez. La Próxima clase es el 12 de Junio a las 3:15 p.m. M : Las personas que deseen contraer matrimonio aquí en la Iglesia de Santa Teresa, Son invitados a asistir un seminario de preparación matrimonial. Esto es obligatorio para comenzar el proceso de preparación. Es para las parejas que no están casados y para las parejas que están casadas civilmente o que viven juntos. Por favor pre inscríbase llamando al 281-494-1156. El seminario se celebra cada otro mes, el segundo jueves de mes. El próximo seminario es el Jueves 14 de Julio del 2016 en el Salón FLC-A C C B : Católico Básico es para padres de niño que asisten a catequesis por primera vez y desean prepararse para la formación de Sacramentos de Reconciliación y Comunión. Esta clase es un martes al mes a las 7:00 p.m. en el Centro Comunitario de la Parroquia. Esta clase es obligatoria para los padres solamente. G : A los padres se les pide que inscriban a su hijo(a) para el bautismo. Deben traer el certificado de nacimiento del niño a la oficina de la parroquia, y asistir a una clase prebautismal. Se anima a los padrinos asistir a la clase. Los padrinos deben de ser mayor de dieciséis (16) años, católicos practicantes, confirmados y si esta casado, tiene que estar casado por la iglesia católica. P E nimo siete (7) años al comienzo del año escolar. Las clases son un domingo al mes a la 1:00 p.m. : Nuestro Catecismo en español se ofrece de Septiembre a Mayo, los domingos de 9:30 a 11:00 a.m. para grados de Kínder al 8 grado. Catequesis es un proceso continuo de evangelización, educación, formación y conversión que dura toda la vida. Para mas información por favor llame a la oficina de Catequesis de lunes a viernes al 281-494-1156 de 8:00 a.m. a 4:30 p.m. D S : Para los niños que desean la formación para los Sacramentos de Primera Reconciliación (confesión) y la Sagrada Comunión. Esta clase es en conjunto con su catequesis. Los niños deben tener mí- O A A C : El grupo se reúne los martes a las 7:00 p.m., en el edificio de CCE. Para mayor Información por favor llame a Myrla Vanegas al 281-277-2730. C R : Se reúne en la capilla de la iglesia los Jueves de 7:009:00 p.m. a partir de el mes de Septiembre. Para mas información llame a Patria Herrero 281-277-2431. C B : Este grupo esta abierto a la comunidad, se reúne los domingos a las 6:30 pm. Para información: Ramel Ascencio 281-684-4235. C F S V M : El coro práctica los lunes a las 7:00 p.m. y cantan en la misa del domingo a las 8:00 a.m. o 2:00 p.m. Para mas información llame a Susan al 281-494-1156 ext. 291. E B : El Grupo se reúne los domingos después de Misa de 8:00 a.m. (los meses de Agosto a Mayo). Para mas información llame a el Sr. Larry Ponce de León, 281-250-9651 D S C : El primer viernes de mes en la capilla de la iglesia a las de 6:00 p.m. Información: Loreto Casillas 832-525-3710 o Maricela Ponce 832896-8289. E M 29, 2016 M Tu necesitas un fin de semana del Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial, ¡TE LO MERECES! La experiencia del Fin de Semana del Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial da a los matrimonios la oportunidad de examinar sus vidas, revisar como están en su relación de pareja y afianzar su decisión de permanecer juntos. Los próximos encuentros serán Julio 15, 16 y 17, Septiembre 16, 17 y 18, Noviembre 11, 12 y 13. Para más información favor comunicarse con: Julia y Alfredo Saldana Ella tel: 281-750-5064 El tel: 832-451-2960 Email: [email protected] ¿Q ACTS ? Invitamos a todos nuestros parroquianos a vivir esta experiencia que ya ha transformado la vida de muchas personas que han participado en este retiro. La oportunidad esta abierta, sólo falta que tú tomes la decisión de decirle SI al Señor. La fecha de nuestro retiro en este año: Para Mujeres: Agosto 18-21, 2016 Para Hombres: Agosto 4-7, 2016 Personas de contacto para registraciones: Rocio Padilla (832) 573-3713 Elva Vargas (832) 748-3723 Mauro Facundo (832) 455-8455 Rosalba Lara (832) 206-8331 F M ,M A : Quieres amar a Jesús de todo Corazón? Imita a María. El grupo se reúne los Martes en el Salón B-5 de 7:008:00 p.m. Para mas información llamar a Elsa Galindo al 713-534-7395. I V P : Desea llevarse la imagen de la Virgen Peregrina a casa una semana? Regístrese después de misa o llame a Elvira Morales al 281-6820626. L L M : El grupo se reúne los Lunes a las 6:30 p.m. Para información con Estella Rodríguez al 832-396-6071 o Jaime Abreu 832-418-2287. 4 L G D . Esto es únicamente con el fin de ayudar a todos aquellos que tengan problemas con el alcohol. Para mas información llame al Sr. Oscar Santaella al 832-359-4543 S .T C C M Intercom Vocacional es un evento organizado en conjunto con el Movimiento Encuentros de Promoción Juvenil. Todos los jóvenes y adultos mayores de 18 años son invitados a una tarde vocacional. Hay oración, convivencia, y charla sobre el llamado vocacional y la invitación que Dios hace a cada uno. Hay mesas de exhibición y material de diferentes comunidades religiosas. Más detalles visitar www.houstonvocations.com/intercom-vocacional 5 29, 2016 S .T C C M 29, 2016 A Onl ! t f e l s t o p y7s RITO DE INICIACION CRISTIANA PARA ADULTOS (RICA) ¿Está Dios llamándote a hacer algo más? ¡Ven y explora la Iglesia Católica! Si tienes 17 años de edad o más y no has sido bautizado, o has sido bautizado en otra comunidad de fe, o bautizado Católico pero que nunca has recibido la Primera Comunión, entonces RICA es para ti! La próxima reunión de Iniciación será el miércoles 1 de junio del 2016 de 7:00 pm a 9:00 pm en el salón B6. Estos encuentros informales están estructurados para responder a tus preguntas acerca de la Iglesia católica. Póngase en contacto con: Elsa Galindo al 713-534-7395 (durante el día) Alejandro González al 832-519-3847 (después de las 4:00 pm.) Si usted, su hijo o alguien a quien usted conoce, tiene entre 7 y 16 años de edad, no haya sido bautizado o ha sido bautizado en otra comunidad de fe, tenemos el proceso de RICA propio para cada grupo de diferentes edades. Las sesiones de Iniciación son todos los miércoles a las 6:30 pm. Por favor haga una cita en la oficina al teléfono 281-494-1156 para Registrar su Familia y los Niños antes de atender la primera sesión. 6 Peregrinación a Polonia y la Divina Misericordia. Los miembros del Ministerio Hispano viajaran a Polonia/Praga y quieren invitarte. Visitaremos todos los sitios y santuarios asociados con la Divina Misericordia, St. Faustina y Juan Pablo II. 10 días, de Septiembre 18 al 28. $3,200.00 Incluye vuelos, hotel 4*, comidas, transporte y más. Para información favor de comunicarte con Mayela Chapman al 281-630-9460. [email protected] S .T C M C M 29, 2016 R W The ladies of the parish are invited to a morning of prayer on Wednesday, June 1st, from 10:00 a.m. until noon in the daily Mass chapel. The program includes adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, preached meditations, time for private prayer, and an opportunity for confession. First Friday Reparation Vigil June 3, 2016 9:00 p.m. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Consecration to the Sacred Heart Holy Rosary 10:00 p.m. Confession available 11:00 p.m. Holy Mass with Gregorian chant 7 S .T C F F C M 29, 2016 E During the CCE school year (Sept. — May), classes are offered at the following times: Preschool CCE is in rooms B3 – B5 during the Sunday 10:00 a.m. Mass. Kindergarten CCE is available on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. or Mondays or Tuesday at 4:15 p.m. Elementary CCE is on Mondays and Tuesdays at 4:15 p.m. and 6:45 p.m. Children are asked to go directly to the classrooms. Sacrament Sunday is for all children in formation to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion. Any questions to Paul Stoessel, Director of Elementary CCE at [email protected] or at 281830-3804. Catholic 101 is for all parents of firstyear CCE children who are preparing for Sacrament of Reconciliation and First Communion. This is for parents only. Children are invited to attend CCE during this time. Questions or comments, please contact Roland Millare, the director of Middle School CCE, at M S [email protected] Middle School Faith Formation meets on Sundays or Mondays 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. WANTED: We are in need of 2 males to volunteer with our High School Confirmation formation seminars. *VIRTUS certification is a requirement. Aren’t certified? No problem – we will get you trained at no cost to you! Contact: [email protected] for more information. R.C.I.A. NEWS Is God calling you to something more? Come explore the Catholic Church! If you are seventeen years of age or older and are: unbaptized, baptized in another faith community, or a baptized Catholic who has never received your First Holy Communion, then the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is for you! The next Inquiry gathering will be Wednesday, June 1, 2016 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center. These informal gatherings are structured to answer your questions about the Catholic Church. Contact Lynda Knoche at 281-450-1400 or by e-mail: [email protected]. If you, your child or someone you know is between the ages of seven and sixteen, not baptized or baptized in another faith community, we have an RCIA process suited to your age group. Inquiry sessions are every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Please schedule an appointment with Paul Stoessel via phone (281-494-1156) or e-mail ([email protected]) prior to attending your first session. 8 S .T C C C M 29, 2016 E M S Monday, May 30, 2016 Weekday in Ordinary Time 6:45 a.m. Raul Contreras Garcia 8:30 a.m. Betty & Alois Goehring Tuesday, May 31 Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 6:45 a.m. Elvin Kocich 8:30 a.m. Toni Osifo Wednesday, June 1 St. Justin 6:45 a.m. Intentions of Celebrant 8:30 a.m. Intentions of Celebrant 7:00 p.m. Intentions of Celebrant Thursday, June 2 Weekday in Ordinary Time 6:45 a.m. Giuse, Maria Thomas Nguyen 8:30 a.m. Bienvenido Tambo Friday, June 3 Most Sacred Heart of Jesus 6:45 a.m. Eric Parker 8:30 a.m. James L. Hillman P Monday, May 30, 2016 7:15 p.m. Ensayo Coro Fraternidad S O May 22, 2016 Online Giving Total $ 29,118 $ 3,202 $ 32,320 Tuesday, May 31 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Franciscanos de Maria, Rm. 5 Taller Oracion y Vida, B-3 D Holy Trinity Prayer, Chapel Goal Pledged Payments Payments Due Bereavement Weekly Mtg, FLC Wednesday, June 1 5:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. String Orchestra Rehearsal Legion Mary Prayer Mtg., B-Rm 6 S F 2016 Totals as of May 22, 2016 RCIA, FLC-A RICA, B-Rm. 6 AA Español Adult Choir Rehearsal $ $ $ $ 205,000 130,108 104,460 100,539 318 Participants Thursday, June 2 9:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Rosary Group, Rm 6 Flos Cantum (Children’s choir) Carmelites Meeting Encuentro Matrimonial, B-Rm 6 Friday, June 3 7:30 p.m. AA Español O V Collection Counters (on a five week rotation schedule) Saturday, June 4 Immac. Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8:30 a.m. Father Tom 5:00 p.m. Alois & Betty Goehring Saturday, June 4 Sunday, June 5 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 a.m. John Fortis 8:00 a.m. Jesus & Jimmy Camacho 10:00 a.m. Pro-Life Intentions 12:00 p.m. Club Unidad 2:00 p.m. Parish Family 5:00 p.m. John Richard Aguilar Sunday, June 5 One may request Mass intentions by visiting the parish office during regular business hours. Mass intentions are available two (2) months in advance only. E 9:00 a.m. Carmelites Meeting, Rm. B 9:30 a.m. Legion Mary Prayer Mtg., CCE 10:30 a.m. Rosary Group, Rm 6 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. RCIA Catechumens, FLC RICA para Niños, Rm 1/7 Jubilate Deo Rehearsal Catecismo y Biblia, B-1/7 The Parish Office will be CLOSED Monday, May 30, 2016. We will re-open Tuesday, May 31st. 9 Altar Candle Maintenance (weekly) Pastoral Care Coordinator Please call the parish office for more information 281-494-1156 S .T C C M 29, 2016 Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration is the adoration of Jesus Christ present in the Holy Eucharist. The Eucharist is exposed in a special holder called a monstrance, people are invited to pray and worship Jesus in silence. SVDP Report for April 2016 Our Emmaus chapel is located behind the community center and is open 24 hours a day all year long. Every hour of every day someone is praying for you and our parish. Utilities Housing assistance Food Pantry Office supplies $ 2,096.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 2,337.00 $ 643.00 Total $ 6,576.00 Clients served: 501 Bags of food: 370 Volunteers: 80 Ministry to the Poor Sunday collection for April was $9,429.39 The continued generosity of St. Theresa Parish allows us to provide limited financial and non-perishable food assistance to those in need in our Parish and Sugar Land community. We appreciate the continued assistance and support of the St. Theresa community to help us serve those in need in our Parish and Sugar Land community. We also appreciate The Sugar Canes, and many individual parishioners that contribute to our needs. H.E.B. Grocery Store is very generous in there continued support for the Food Pantry. Can you give Jesus an hour of your day? As Jesus himself asked his apostles: “can you not stay awake even an hour with me?” Please consider signing up for an hour of adoration. Below are some hours in great need of adorers: HOURS NEEDED Monday - 4am, 12noon, 1pm, 11pm Friday - 11am, 2am, 3am, Our pantry is seeing an increase in the demand for Toilet paper, Feminine hygiene products, Laundry detergent, and pampers for Newborns thru 2 yr. olds. We are always in need of the following; flour, sugar, cooking oil, peanut butter, jelly, soups, cereals, beans, cake mixes...all non perishable items. Saturday - 2am, 7am, 8am, 11am, 2pm, 4pm, 7pm SVDP Staff Tuesday - 1 am, 6am, 12noon, 5pm, 11pm Wednesday - 1am, 3am, 4am, 6am, 8am, 1pm Thursday - 2am, 3am, 4am, 5am, 8am, 1pm, 5pm Sunday - 1am, 2am, 3am, 8am, 11am, 12noon, 2pm, 3pm. 4pm 5pm St. Vincent De Paul will be CLOSED Monday, May 30, 2016 for Memorial Day. Contact Rebecca Freeman at 281-844-4616 or email her at [email protected] should you have any questions. We will re-open Friday, June 3, 2016 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Talk to God. He will listen to you. This is a time for just you and God. Tell Him what is on your mind. And remember, to hear God… you must listen first. 10 S .T C C M 29, 2016 The Houston chapter of Young Catholic Professionals (YCP) will gather Tuesday, May 31, at 7 p.m. at St. Mary's Seminary (9845 Memorial Dr, Houston TX) for its Executive Speaker Series. There will be free wine, beer and appetizers at this free event, open to all young professionals in their 20s and 30s. Mr. Joe Tortorice, Jr., CEO at Jason's Deli, will be speaking. For more information, contact Carmel Tajonera at [email protected], visit ycphouston.org or visit the YCP Houston Facebook page. Vacation Bible School (VBS) Volunteers Needed In order for VBS to be a Success, we need YOU! Please consider volunteering. For details contact Michelle Rodriguez at 281-494-1156 ext. 228 or [email protected] 11 S .T C C M 29, 2016 A P R : We kindly request that all families of our parish be registered before registering for CCE or sacramental preparation classes. Registration and change forms are available in the vestibule of the church and in the parish office. To update your parish information, please call the parish office from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday. W B P I : Parents are asked to register their child for Baptism, to bring a copy of the child’s birth certificate to the parish office, and to attend a pre-Baptism class. Godparents are encouraged to attend class. Godparents must be at least sixteen years of age, practicing Catholics, Confirmed, and if married, married through the Church. R Classes are offered the first Friday of every other month, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center. Parents are kindly asked not to bring their children to the class. Certificates of attendance for the baptism preparation are provided at the end of the class for those who are not baptizing at St. Theresa Church. Please call the office to register for the class at 281-494 -1156, Ext. 228. The next class will be on Friday, June 3, 2016. May 30, 2016 through June 5, 2016 Monday: 2 Pt 1:2-7; Mk 12:1-2 Tuesday: Zep 3:14-18 or Rom 12:9-16; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 1:39-56 Wednesday: 2 Tm 1:1-3, 6-12; Mk 12:18-27 Thursday: 2 Tm 2:8-15; Mk 12:28b-34 Friday: Ez 34:11-16; Rom 5:5b-11; Lk 15:3-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:1-8; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Lk 2:4151 Sunday: 1 Kgs 17:17-24; Ps 30; Gal 1:11-19; Lk 7:11-17 M P : Those who wish to be married at St. Theresa Church are asked to attend a marriage preparation seminar. The seminar is held every other month on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Please pre-register by calling 281-494-1156. The next seminar will be Tuesday, June 14, 2016. Corpus Christi: Gn 14:18-20; Ps 110; Cor 11:23-26; Lk 9:11b-17 L S 30 de Mayo del 2016 al 5 de Junio del 2016 Lunes: 2 Pe 1:2-7; Mc 12:1-2 Martes: Sof 3:14-18 o Rom 12:9-16; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lc 1:39-56 Miércoles: 2 Tm 1:1-3, 6-12; Mc 12:18-27 Jueves: 2 Tm 2:8-15; Mc 12:28b-34 Viernes: Ez 34: 11-16; Rom 5:5b-11; Lc 15:3-7 Sábado: 2 Tm 4:1-8; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Lc 2:4151 Domingo: 1 Re 17:17-24; Sal 30 (29); Gal 1:11-19; Lc 7:11-17 ONLINE GIVING The parish website has instructions on how to register for convenient on-line giving. You will have full control of your contribution account and scheduling. This option can be a great way to support your church and honor the Lord with your resources. If you would like to begin online giving, either visit the link on our website or call Diane Senger 281-494-1156. www.SugarLandCatholic.com Corpus Christi: Gn 14:18-20; Sal 110 (109); 1 Cor 11:2326; Lc 9:11b-17 12 S .T C C M Celebrating the Year of Mercy 10 Day Pilgrimage to Shrines of France Lourdes – Paris – Lisieux – Normandy – Mont St. Michel Chartres – Alençon OCTOBER 23 - NOVEMBER 1, 2016 $3,290.00 PER PERSON FROM HOUSTON Spiritual Director: Fr. Eurel Manzano St. Theresa Catholic Church – Sugar Land, TX FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS, PLEASE CONTACT: Diane Senger Tel: 281-494-1156 Email: [email protected] EARLY REGISTRATION IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FIRST COME-FIRST SERVED Pilgrimage Information Night Sunday, June 19th at 6:30 pm In the Community Center 13 29, 2016 S .T P C C M 29, 2016 R P P S F D Omnipotent and eternal God, the everlasting Salvation of those who believe, hear us on behalf of Thy sick servant, N., for whom we beg the aid of Thy loving mercy, that, with his bodily health restored, he may give thanks to Thee in Thy church. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen. May their souls, and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Fr. Roy Oggero Margarita Iglesias Dr. Albert Romano Cathy See Carlos Trejos Bill Murray Virginia Siwa Gloria Ortiz Maria Ewah Maria Pimentel Martha Kocich Ilse Viteri Adela Cuate Adalberta M. De Tristan Bernice Guess JoAnn Duncan Linda Patin Rufus Segura Joseph Stovall Robert Byrd Ann Neslony Priscilla Ruiz Julian Villarreal Anola Lee Cynthia Cantu Theresa Ebarb John Hallberg Terri Giaimis Pamela Montferrand Carol Ann Barley Larry Klaus Janie Segura Karen Cromer Linda Kasper Sara Aguirre Alfaro Martin (Marty) Stieb Myriam Chavez Evelyn Bartos John Arroyo Peter Bohmer Kathleen Melancon Brandon Vos Matt Pici Charlie Craig Larry Duran Fred Stratton Jose Reymond Jaimes Marilyn Nelson Carolyn M. Norwood Elmo Ordeneaux Jeannine Scates Mydra Pitre Gwen Salisbury Antonio Guerrero, Lucille Ligotino, Jo Ann Castille, David Estes, Bruce Buckles, Albert Edward Ewer, Johnny Heitman, Laura Mae Davidson, Albert Toncrey, Jan Karwowski, Evelyn Haller, Janie Arias, Martin Villarreal, Guadalupe Rodriguez, Deborah Foltyn Geno, Elvin Kocich, Kevin Hinguillo, Kien Hong Phan, Deacon Frank Cromer, Jill Cutway, Anita Rodriguez, Rafael Gijon, Morris Lee Voelkel, Betty Goehring, Curtis Osborne, Richard Beserra, Mildred Matocha, Joseph Tri NguyenCynthia Ribaul, Martin Riggs, Thomas Joseph, Harold Welsh, Dorothy Raska, Arthur Hauptman, Manuel Arce We remember with gratitude, and pray for God’s mercy upon: Frances Scott Mary Camacho Martha Gonzalez Enrique Barajas Lillie Beserra Mami Lopez Matthew Cortes Darlene Marshall Danny Terral Patricia Shannon Regina Vogt Daniele Smith June & Wilma Narvacan Lucy Laurents Richard Harnois Deacon Don Senger Bolivia Schlabech Amalia Ponce DeLeon Margarita M. de Padilla Mary Bates Dolores Heitman Kevin Cisneros Sal Salinas Jorge Medina JoAnne Henry Juanita I Muniz Balvino Renoj Charlie McDonald Chris Cromer Jewel Truong Paula Johnson Bob Sullivent Bob Roberts Mary Cook Lucy M. DeVilla Servando Alfaro Lawrance Santiago Doris Gijon Doug Mewis Robert Andrews Lillian Campbell Melquiades Martinez Delia Dorman Ana Daisy Valencia Joyce Franklin John Donart Isa Corridore Bill Crosby My God, I give Thee thanks for what thou givest, and for what Thou takest away: Thy will be done. -Indulgence. 300 days 14 S .T C C M 29, 2016 THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST O G , who in this wonderful Sacrament have left us a memorial of your Passion, grant us, we pray, so to revere the sacred mysteries of your Body and Blood that we may always experience in ourselves the fruits of your redemption. Who live and reign with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. one God, for ever and ever. Amen. “I am the living bread that came down from heaven” (John 6:51). St. Theresa Catholic Church 705 St. Theresa Boulevard Sugar Land, Texas 77498 1 - St. Theresa School 2 - Community Center 9 - CCE Conference Room 10 - Parish Office 3 - Emmaus Chapel 11 - Church 4 - Family Life Center/Gym 12 - Temporary Office 5 - Choir Room 13 - Li le Flower Chapel 6 - Youth Lounge 14 - Rooms (B1 - B11) 7 - St. Catherine Room (Rm A) 15 - St. Vincent de Paul 8 - St. Thomas More Room (Rm B) 16 - Knights of Columbus 15