Most Holy Trinity, Sunday, June 7, 2009
Most Holy Trinity, Sunday, June 7, 2009
Pastoral Staff / Equipo Pastoral Fr. William Hoffman-Pastor Dcn Patrick Whitcomb-Dir. Of Faith Formation Sr. Mary Jane Knitter-Musician Carlos Herrera-Hispanic Ministry C O N G R E G A T I O N St.Therese PARROQUIA DE SANTA TERESITA Parish Office Staff / Personal de Oficina Barbara Miller-Business Administrator Chrissy Armstrong-Receptionist O F 213 E. Wisconsin Avenue • Appleton, WI 54911-4875 June 7, 2009 Telephone / Teléfono Most Holy Trinity Office / Oficina ....................................... 733-8568 Carlos Herrera...........................................739-0794 Fax ...............................................................954-5727 Email [email protected] Website Office Hours / Horas de Oficina Mon - Thur / lunes a jueves 8:00 am-4:30 pm Fri / viernes...........................8:00 am-12:30 pm Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas Sat - sáb / Confessions /Confesiones 3:15-3:45 pm Saturday ...................................................... 4:00 pm sábado............................................................5:30 pm Sunday...........................................................9:00 am domingo .......................................................11:00 am Tue - Fri / martes a viernes ..................8:00 am 1st Thu * Adoration..............8:30 am -7:00 pm 1° jueves * Hora Santa & Misa ......... 6:00 pm Felicidades en celebrar su Primera Comunion! Randy Esteves Stephanie Vargas . “G o, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” - Mt 28:19-20 “V ayan, pues, y enseñen a todas las naciones, bautizándolas en el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo, y enseñándolas a cumplir todo cuanto yo les he mandado; y sepan que yo estaré con ustedes todos los días, hasta el fin del mundo”. - Mt 28, 19-20 2 Welcome to St. Therese Parish · Appleton, WI “Notes from Fr. Bill” Welcome, Sister Gemma Therese! Sister Gemma will be joining us in July and will be working with our religious education program and faith formation. Sister comes to us with experience as teacher and principal in Catholic Schools, as parish pastoral associate and director in religious education… well prepared in parish ministry. Our Sunday “Family Program” will be in good hands. I look forward to working with and sharing with Sister Gemma in the ministry of faith formation. Volunteer: (noun) a person who offers to perform some task or service willingly. This Sunday I would like to express our thanks to our volunteers for they are truly “Hands That Serve, Hearts That Care.” This Sunday afternoon we have invited our volunteers to gather in the Family Room for fellowship, refreshments and food… just a small token of our appreciation. Carlos has prepared a power-point presentation of our “volunteers in action” during this past year… candid photos of “willing Service” to our parish community… Thank You! Gracias! Bienvenidos, Hermana Gemma Therese! La Hermana Gemma comienza con nosotros en julio, trabajará con el programa de catequesis y formación en la fe. La Hermana viene con experiencia como maestra y directora en escuelas católicas, ministerio parroquial y directora de catequesis… bien preparada en pastoral parroquial. Nuestro “Programa Familiar” estará en buenas manos. Espero con ilusión oportunidad de trabajar con Hermana Gemma en el ministerio de formación. Voluntario: (nombre) una persona que ofrece hacer algún trabajo o servicio. Este domingo quiero expresar nuestro agradecimiento a nuestros voluntarios porque son “Manos que Sirven Corazones que se Preocupan.” Este domingo hemos invitado nuestros voluntarios en la Sala de La Familia para un convivio… un pequeño muestro de agradecimiento. Carlos nos tiene preparado una presentación de fotos de nuestros “voluntarios en acción” durante este año… fotos de “servicio volun tario” con la comunidad parroquial. Por mi parte y por parte de toda la parroquia… Gracias! Thank You! TO “ADOPT-A-PRIEST” WHO SERVES THE DIOCESE OF GREEN BAY AND PRAY FOR HIM FOR ONE YEAR June 19th, 2009 – June 19th, 2010 If interested, please Telephone: (920) 272-8310 or Toll free: 1-877-500-3580 ext. 8310 or Email: [email protected] . Most Holy Trinity ·● June 7, 2009 3 ACTIVIDADES Ministerio Hispano ESTUDIO DE BIBLIA en el salón de la familia, impartido por el Padre Bill a las 8 am. Rosario por la Paz y Justicia a los inmigrantes. Sábados a las 5 pm. Y Sábados a las 6:30 pm. Se reúne el Grupo de Oración Carismático y grupo de jóvenes. Inscripciones 1ras Comuniones, Curso 09-10. Tome por favor la aplicación en la entrada de la iglesia. $20 de Inscripción y actas de bautismo. Reunión de la Liga de Soccer. Miércoles 10 de Junio. 6 pm. Oficinas. Desfile de la Bandera. 13 de Junio. Tendremos antojitos para que venga a disfrutar el inicio del desfile en la iglesia. Retiro Carismático. 20 y 21 de Junio. Informes Ernesto Soriano. 312-8732 Clases de Guitarra. Lunes 5 pm salón de la familia. Hispanic Ministry BIBLE STUDY. Family Room at 8 am in Spanish. ROSARY FOR THE PEACE AND JUSTICE FOR THE IMMIGRANTS. Every Saturday at 5 pm. And Charismatic Group and Youth Group Saturdays at 6:30 pm. REP Hispanic Enrollment. Take the application at back of Church. Soccer meeting. June 10th 6 pm Office. Flag parade. June 13th. Come, see and eat!! Hispanic Charismatic retreat. June 20 and 21st. Call to Ernesto Soriano 312-8732 Guitar Classes. Every Monday 5 pm at Family Room. ELDAR CARE MINISTRY - Come join us! WHAT: ELDAR CARE MINISTRY MEETING WHEN: JUNE 11TH, @ 6:30 PM WHERE: ST. THERESE PARISH CONFERENCE ROOM WHO: IF YOU’RE INTERESTED IN THIS MINISTRY St. Therese Annual FLAG DAY PARADE Brat / Hamburger Sale Saturday, June 13, 2009 11:30 till 2:30 St. Therese Garage / Driveway Volunteers are needed! And Home-baked COOKIES donated for the sale. Please drop them off to the office by noon Fri. June 12th. Contact: Chris & Mike Blevins, 749-0936. . Deacon Patrick’s Farewell Party Please join us in wishing Patrick Goodwill & Godspeed in his new assignment at St. Augustine, Wausaukee, WI & St. Agnes, Amberg, WI Date: Sunday, June 14, 2009 Place: St. Therese Family Room Time: After the 9 am Mass of His Farewell Celebration in Church If interested in volunteering to set up, take down or donate Hors d’oeuvre or Juice, please contact the office, 733-8568. Banns of Marriage / Amonestaciones Matrimoniales Bann I Juan León & Maria Guadalupe León Bann II German Antonio Reyes & Adriana Lorena Father Clement Machado St. Therese Church July 29 & 30, 2009 Confession 4 pm Mass 7 pm Many Graces flow from special missions like Father Machado’s - Please Join us... SAINT THERESE PICTORIAL BOOK The pictorial books are here! Also, there are limited extra’s for sale for $10, if interested, you may purchase one at the office. ALBUM FOTOGRAFICO DE LA IGLESIA Si usted se tomó la foto para el album, favor de recogerlo en las oficinas de la parroquia. Hay albums extras que tendrán un costo especial. You’re Welcome To Bible Study “Monte Alverno Retreat House” Every Monday starting with Mass @ 6:15 am, followed by Bible Study @ 6:45 am. “St. Bernadette Parish” Bible Study every Friday@ 6:30 am. “St. Patrick’s Parish, Menasha” In the Parish Center, Centering Prayer The first 3 Monday’s of the month. 4a St. Therese Parish Appleton, WI Stewardship / Colecta Collection / Colecta Date .......................................$ YTD / Año ..........................................................$ Budgeted / Presupuestado .....................................$ Bishop’s Appeal........................................$23,422.61 Due to the Holiday & Barb being on vacation, these last two weeks financial amounts will be in the June 10th bulletin. Just days after conception a human embryo’s heart begins beating. The little heart will beat nearly 54 million times before he or she is born! ********** Solo 22 dias después de la concepción, el corazón de un embrión humano comienza a latir. ¡Este corazón pequeño latirá cerca de 54 millones de veces antes de que él o ella nazca! ICE CREAM SOCIAL St. Mary’s Church Black Creek, WI Wednesday, June 10th 4 –8 pm Menu: Hot Pork Sandwiches, Hot Dogs, Spanish Hamburgers, Potato Salad Baked Beans. Strawberry shortcake, Ice Cream, Homemade Pies, Lemonade, Milk and Coffee Sacraments / Sacramentos Baptism / Bautismo The Week Ahead / Esta Semana Monday, June 8 Tuesday, June 9 8:00 am Mass ....... Sachs Family, Living & Deceased 6:30 pm ......................Worship Committee - PC Wednesday, June 10 8:00 am Mass ................................. Kushenberg Family, ....................................Living & Deceased Thursday, June 11 8:00 am Mass ............................. Howard M. Anderson 6:30 pm ......Elder Care Ministry Meeting / PC Friday, June 12 8:00 am Mass ..............Paul Radtke & Tom Flanagan 6:00 pm .......Hispanic Ministerio de Enfermos Saturday, June 13 FLAG DAY PARADE 8:00 am ...................................................Bible Study 1:00 am ..........................................................Bautizo 11:30-2:30 pm ..................................Flag Day Brat Sale 1:00 pm Misa .................Quinceanera, Andrea Arvizu 4:00 pm Mass .......Dan & Deb O’Laughlin & Family ...........................................................(living) 5:30 pm Misa .......................................................................... 6:30 pm ............................Hispanic Youth Group Sunday, June 14 The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ 9:00 am Mass ..............................In Memory of Parents ...............................of Dick & Judy Bauer 10:00 AM ...........Reception for Deacon Patrick 11:00 am Misa ........ La Comunidad de Santa Teresita ................ w/ Hispanic 1st Communion Minister Schedule / Horario para los Ministros June 13 & 14, 2009 4:00 pm L Eileen Spoo / Jean Navickas C Edward Kiefer / Karen Redlin / Michele Malinski / Donnis Van Domelan S Lawrence Spoo Saturday / Sábado 3:15 – 3:45 pm or anytime by appointment with Father/ o haga una cita con el Padre o Carlos Herrera 9:00 am L Laura Biskupic / Larrie Brazner C Lynn Betts / Colleen West / Kathy Recker / Roger De Bruin S Molly Biskupic / Vinnie Biskupic Marriage / Matrimonio 5:30 pm L Gabriela B. / Mayra B. / Martha F. C Miguel V. / Carmen V. S Brian Z, / Mayra V. / Angelica V. Communion Calls / Comunión para los Enfermos 11:00 am L Manuela M. / Maribel S. / Jose C. C Pablo G. / Norma G. / Juan H. / Martha F. / Rosa G. S Ethan D. / Jose B. / Monica A. Arrange by appointment with Father / Hay que hacer cita con el Padre o Carlos Herrera Reconciliation / Confesiones Arrange by appointment with Father / Haga una cita con el Padre o Carlos Herrera Please call the office to advise us / Por favor avísenos con una llamada a la oficina . 4b
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St. Therese -
Carlos Herrera ....................................................739-0794 Fax......................................................................... 954-5727 Website / Página internet…www.commu...
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