St. Therese -


St. Therese -
Pastoral Staff / Equipo Pastoral
Rev. Ryan Starks - Pastor / Párroco
Rev. Mr. Tony Abts - Deacon / Diácono
Rev. Mr. Ernesto Gonzalez - Deacon / Diácono
Matt Walsh - Musician/Director de Música
Carlos Herrera, Mphil. - Pastoral Associate / Ministerio Hispano
Margaret Jensen - RE Coordinator / Coordinadora Catecismo
Tina Poppe - Parish Nurse / Enfermera
Parish Office Staff / Personal de Oficina
213 E. Wisconsin Avenue • Appleton, WI 54911 -4875
August 7, 2016 / 7 de Julio de 2016
Nineteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time
Luis Giraldo - Business Manager / Administrador
Richard Schreiter - Book Keeper / Tenedor
Chris Armstrong - Receptionist & Secretary / Recepcionista
Roberto Martinez - Maintenance / Mantenimiento
Trustee-Treasurer / Fiducirio-Tesorero
Kathy O’Connell
Trustee-Secretary / Fiducirio-Secretario
Norys Piña Lozano
Telephone / Teléfono
Office / Oficina ................................................. 733-8568
Carlos Herrera ....................................................739-0794
Fax......................................................................... 954-5727
Website / Página internet…
Office Hours / Horas de Oficina
Mon - Thur / lunes a jueves......... 8:30am-4:30 pm
Fri / viernes .................................. 8:30 am-12:30 pm
Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas
Sat - sáb /Confessions / Confesiones 3:00-3:45 pm
Saturday Mass 4:00 pm / Sábado Misa 5:30 pm
Sunday Mass 9:00 am / Domingo Misa 11:00 am y 7:00 pm
Weekday Mass Tue - Fri / martes a viernes8:00 am
1st Thu * Adoration ...................... 8:30 am -7:00 pm
1° jueves * Hora Santa & Misa ................ 6 & 7pm
Ministries / Ministerios
Please call the office for info / Por favor avísenos con una llamada a la oficina
CARE Ministry ............ Tina Poppe, Coordinator
Vision In Action ............................ Nancy Bourassa
Prayer Chain ....................................... Judy Hietpas
Worship Committee ...................Matthew Walsh
Ladies of St. Therese....................... Dorothy Mach
St. Vincent de Paul ............... Greg & Jean Pethan
Comité de Pastoral Hispana................Carlos Herrera, Mphil.
Litugia y enfermos ..........................Martha Franco
Divina Misericordia .........................Lupita Muñoz
Sacraments / Sacramentos
Pero Dios le dijo: '¡Insensato! Esta misma noche vas a morir. ¿Para quién serán todos tus bienes?' Lo mismo le pasa
al que amontona riquezas para sí mismo y no se hace rico de lo
que vale ante Dios". - Lc 12, 20-21
Leccionario II © 1987 Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica
de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano.
But God said to him, 'You fool, this night your life will be
demanded of you; and the things you have prepared, to
whom will they belong?' Thus will it be for all who store up
treasure for themselves but are not rich in what matters to
God." - Lk 12:20-21
Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD.
St. Therese “New” Office Hours
Baptism / Bautismo
By appointment with Father Ryan / Hay que hacer cita con el Padre o Carlos Herrera
Reconciliation / Confesiones
Saturday / Sábado 3:00 – 3:45 pm or anytime by appointment with Father Ryan /
o haga una cita con el Padre o Carlos Herrera
Marriage / Matrimonio
By appointment with Father Ryan /Haga una cita con el Padre o Carlos Herrera
Communion Calls / Comunión para los Enfermos
Please call the office to advise us / Por favor avísenos con una llamada a la oficina
Beginning August 8, 2016
the Parish Office will be
open from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm,
Monday thru Thursday
and on
Friday the office will be open
from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm.
ios puso a prueba la fe de
od tested the faith of many of
Pastoral Staff Notes / Notas del Equipo Pastoral
muchos de nuestros antepasaour ancestors in the Bible.
dos en la Biblia. Pero, ¿qué es la fe? De
But, what is faith?
acuerdo con nuestras lecturas de hoy, la fe es la
According to our readings today, Faith is the
realización de lo que se espera y la convicción de lo
realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things
que no se ve. Es a través de nuestra fe que creemos
not seen. It is through our faith that we believe as
como católicos que Jesús vivió, sufrió, murió y resucitó
Catholics that Jesus lived, suffered, died and rose for us
por nosotros y abrió las puertas del Cielo. Es a través
opening the doors of Heaven. It is through faith that
de la fe que sabemos que Dios nos ama
we know God loves us unconditionally. It is our faith
incondicionalmente. Es nuestra fe en la que nos
that we rely on as we journey through life. Our faith
DRE, Margaret Jensen
apoyamos cuando pasamos por la vida. Nuestra fe nos
helps us make those difficult decisions in times of trouayuda a tomar esas decisiones difíciles en tiempos de problemas.
ble. As parents we are the first teachers of our Catholic faith to
Como padres somos los primeros maestros de nuestra fe católica
children. We teach our children about Jesus. We teach our
nuestros hijos. Enseñamos a nuestros hijos acerca de Jesús.
children their prayers. We plant the seeds of faith and pray that
Enseñamos a nuestros hijos a sus oraciones. Plantamos las
they will grow and prosper as our children grow and prosper. We
semillas de fe y rogamos que vayan a crecer y prosperar mientras
live in a dangerous world where our children are exposed to so
nuestros hijos crezcan y prosperen. Vivimos en un mundo
much evil. Our children need their faith to survive.
peligroso donde los niños están expuestos a mucho mal. Nuestros
niños necesitan su fe para sobrevivir.
How do we teach and keep the faith in our families?
¿Cómo enseñamos y mantenemos la fe en nuestras familias?
1. Orar en familia. Especialmente rezar la oración de San Miguel
para nuestro mundo.
O San Miguel, Arcángel defiéndenos en la batalla.
Sé nuestra protección contra el mal y las trampas del Diablo;
humildemente te rogamos que Dios los reprenda.
O Príncipe Celestial de la Santa Hostia, que con la ayuda de Dios
echaste a Satanás al infierno y a los espíritus que vagan por el
mundo para arruinar las almas.
2. Asistir a misa regularmente en familia y participar en la
Eucaristía cada semana.
3. inscribir a sus hijos en el REP para aprender sobre su fe. El
aprendizaje de su fe no es sólo asistir a clases por un año o dos
para celebrar un sacramento. La fe es una experiencia de
aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida. Los niños deben asistir a clases
todos los años.
4. Como adulto, compartan su fe con nuestros hijos siendo
catequista. ¡Qué gran alegría hay al enseñar a un niño sobre la
bondad del Señor!.
Tenemos que equipar a nuestros hijos con fe para que cuando
salgan al mundo como adultos jóvenes, puedan confiar en Dios
en las buenas y en las malas. Nuestra fe es el don más grande que
tenemos de Jesús. ¡Mantengan la fe!
1. Pray as a family. Especially pray the St Michael prayer for our
St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen
2. Attend Mass regularly as a family and participate in the
Eucharist every week.
3. Enroll your children in REP to learn about their faith.
Learning your faith is not just attending classes for a year or two
to celebrate a sacrament. Faith is a live long learning experience.
Children should attend classes every year.
4. As an adult, share your faith with our children as a catechist.
What greater joy is there to teach a child about the goodness of
the Lord.
We need to equip our children with faith so that when they
venture out into the world as young adults, they can rely on God
in the good times and in the bad. Our faith is the greatest gift
we have from Jesus. Keep the Faith!
Another reminder and invitation to our annual parish meeting and election of Trustee-Secretary.
We will begin with a “pot-luck” supper at 6:00 pm in the Family Room, and proceed with our meeting at 6:30 pm.
Copies of our Parish Annual Report will be available in church the 8/20&21st weekend, and at the meeting on Thursday.
I want to thank the members of our parish staff for the reports on their areas of parish ministry.
Each member of our parish staff will be invited to present their reports at the meeting on Thursday, August 25th
Una vez más le recordamos e invitamos a nuestra reunión anual de la parroquia, y elección de Fiduciario-Secretario.
Comenzaremos con una comida “de traje” a las 6:00 pm en la Sala de la Familia.
Copias del reporte anual de la parroquia están disponibles en el templo este fin de semana, y en la
reunión este jueves. Quiero dar las gracias al equipo parroquial por informarnos de sus ministerios. Cada
miembro del equipo hará una presentación de sus reportes en la reunión.
Director, Margaret Jensen
!Es esa época del año otra vez! Registro para REP
Catecismo. Favor de registrar a sus hijos para un gran año de aprendizaje
su fe. Los formularios de inscripción se
encuentran en la parte posterior de la iglesia y en la
Oficina Parroquial.
Voluntarios, te necesitamos!
Catequistas, ayudantes de catequistas, monitores del pasillo y de
estacionamiento. ¡No tenga miedo de decir SÍ!
It is that time of the year again!
REP Registration! Please register your children for a great year of learning
their faith. Registration forms are in the back of church and in the Parish
Volunteers, I need you! Catechists, catechist helpers, hall monitors and
parking lot monitors. Do not be afraid to say YES!!!
REP Familias
Tenga en cuenta que hay un número de familiassaldos adeudados por el
año 2015-2016 la educación religiosa! Por favor, póngase en contacto con
Luis Giraldo, Gerente de Negocios, @ 733-8568
para hacerarreglos para el pago final. ¡Gracias!
REP Families
Please note that there are a number of families balances
due from the 2015-2016 religious education year! Please
contact Luis Giraldo, Business Manager, @ 733-8568 to make
arrangements for your final payment. Thank you!
Bautizados / Congratulations
Julio Thurman, Devoni Franco, Natali Vera,
Angela Ruvalcaba, Iritzy Gonzalez , Osvaldo Gonzalez
Congratulations /Felicidades
en celebrar su Primera Comunion!
Yamileth Martinez Simon
Actividades Ministerio Hispano
Actividades los Sábados: 1. Grupo de Oración a las
6:30 pm. Grupo de la Divina Misericordia. Se reúne los
viernes a las 7 pm en el Salón de la familia.
Hojas de Inscripción para el Catecismo, curso 20162017. Ya se encuentran en la entrada de la iglesia.
Mil gracias a las comunidades que nos ayudaron a or ganizar las
Misas en las zonas de los trailers. ¡Que Dios se los pague!
Retiro con Juan Alberto Echeverry. 13 y 14 de Agosto en el centr o
de Actividades. Organiza grupo de la Divina Misericordia. Llámenos para más información.
Fondo Regresando a Casa: Inscr íbase en este pr ogr ama que funciona como una ayuda adicional por si algún miembro de su familia falleciera. Cooperación inicial de $20 y llenar la aplicación.
Pastoral de Cuidado. Si usted sabe de algún miembr o de la iglesia
que desee visitas o recibir el Sacramento de la Eucaristía en su
hogar o casa de asistencia. Llame a la Señora Martha Franco al
Sacramentos, eventos y fotos, vaya a:
Like us
If You are Ill
In order for your Parish family to remain connected with
you when you are ill, please consider doing these things:
1. If you are anticipating a hospital stay, surgery or are
struggling with a significant illness, make an
appointment to receive the sacrament of the
Anointing of the Sick .
2. If you are admitted to the hospital, tell hospital staff
that you are Catholic and would like St. Therese Parish
notified of your hospitalization. Due to confidentiality, it
is only then that they can notify us of your admission.
Either Fr. Ryan, Tina, Parish Nurse, or another member of
the St. Therese community will visit you. (If you are
admitted through the Emergency Department, you or your
loved one will need to ask the hospital staff to notify us
when you are admitted to a hospital room.)
3. Finally, and VERY importantly, when you’re
discharged, let St. Therese know that you are home, or
perhaps at a nursing home or rehabilitation center and that
you’d like a visit. If you are unable to call us, let your
loved ones know that you would like them to keep St.
Therese Parish informed of your whereabouts.
Our desire is to provide care to all who are ill.
St. Therese desires to provide care to all who are sick.
With a little information from you about where you are
and what you need, we will be able to provide that care.
St. Patrick’s Gifts & Books, Appleton
Celebrating 40th Anniversary
Saturday August 20th 10-5pm.
Please join us for live concert
with Anna Nuzzo (from 2-4).
Register to WIN $40 Gift Certificates, Sales throughout
the store. Complimentary gift wrapping.
Hors d’ Oeuvres and refreshments.
A reminder – 10% of your sale is donated back to your
parish’s youth program.
St. Vincent de Paul of Appleton
Back-To-School Sale
St. Vincent de Paul of Appleton, 1924 W. College Avenue, invites shoppers who'd like to give something back
to their community to a two-day indoor/outdoor Back-To
-School Sale. The event will take place Wednesday,
August 10, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m., and Thursday, August 11, 9
a.m. - 8 p.m.
This is the perfect time to get all your necessary backto-school gear! All merchandise will be $25% off and all
clothing will be 50% off! The sale includes a large selection of school supplies, backpacks, lunch bags, educational books, clothing, shoes, furniture, room décor,
electronics, toys, jewelry and more! In addition, brand
new beds will also be available for purchase at a discounted rate.
All proceeds, which stay in the local community, help
fund St. Vincent de Paul's mission of helping our neighbors in need. In 2015, St Vincent de Paul of Appleton
provided over $430,000 in merchandise and financial
assistance to help local families meet their basic needs
of food, shelter, clothing, transportation, medical care
and more. Thank you for all of your support!
For additional information, visit
How shall I make a return to the Lord
for all the good He has done for me?”
Stewardship / Colecta
07/31/16 Collection / Colecta .................................. $4,520.51
YTD / Año .................................................................... $27,989.46
Budgeted / Presupuestado ......................................$35,576.92
The Week Ahead / Esta Semana
(PCR = Parish Conference Room; PUCR=Upper Conference Room;
FR = Family Room; CC = Catechitecal Center; AC = Activity Center)
Monday / Lunes,
7:00 pm ....................................... Grupo Amor y Servicio / CC
Tuesday / Martes,
7:40 am ................................................... Divine Mercy Chaplet
8:00 am Mass ............................ Sanchiro Lewi & Family
Wednesday / Miércoles,
8:00 am Mass ....................................... Gladys Stojakovich
Thursday / Jueves,
8:00 am Mass ............................ Wally & Henry Stichart
6:30 pm ....................................................... Choir Practice / Loft
7:00 pm ....................................... Grupo Amor y Servicio / CC
Friday / Viernes,
8:00 am Mass .....................................................Tom Mortell
4;00 pm......................................................................................Boda
6:00 pm.............................................. Divina Misericordia / FR
Saturday / Sábado,
11;00 am .............................................................................Bautismo
4:00 pm Mass.........................Community of St. Therese
5:30 pm Misa ................................................................................ 
6:30 pm ........................................... Grupo de Oración / Iglesia
Sunday / Domingo,
9:00 am Mass ....................................................Ruth Brazner
11:00 am Misa................................................................................. 
7:00 pm Misa ................................................. Jerome Gomm
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Monday, August 15, 2016
5:00 pm Mass
Minister Schedule / Horario para los Ministros
8 / 13 & 14, 2016
4:00 pm
Jackie J. / Jesse J.
Tony A. / Jackie J. / Anne L. / Donnis V
Keaneu E. / Kenneth M. / Jackson S.
Robert / John / Michael / Larry / Sumuo
5:30 pm
L Maria S. / Veronica B. / Gerardo E.
C Ernesto /Miguel/Gonzalo/Guadalupe/Veronica
9:00 am
11:00 am
L Guadalupe A. / Ernesto S. / Maricela L.
C Ramona / Ernesto / Teresa / Rosa / Maria
7:00 pm
L Maria V. / Gerry G. / Socorro R.
C Omar C. / Carmen I.
Kathy S. / Tom V.
Tony A. / Karen R. / Joni V. / Bob V.
Ava S. / Dayne S.
Dave V. / James R. / Catherine N. / James C.
Fox Valley Warming Shelter
Please call Connie at 419-0928 if interested
in donating any of the following items:
Razors, Bus passes (single ride, 10-ride or 30-day), Rain
ponchos/umbrellas, heavy duty 39 gallon Garbage bags,
Juice (64 oz. plastic bottles or frozen) no tomato/prune
please); coffee (regular/de-caf, no flavor); dryer sheets,
Men’s/women’s underwear (all sizes) only new.
The following two biographies are
For St. Therese Parish Trustee-Secretary
for the Year 2016-2018
My name is Karen Redlin.
I've been a member of St. Therese
Parish since 1972. I'm married with
3 children and 3 grandchildren. I'm a
retired dental hygienist. I'm a new
member of the parish council (VIA). I've
also recently starting serving part time as a Sacristan. I'm one of the money counting teams. I'm secretary of The Ladies of St. Therese. During the school
year I help out the R.E.P program as a hall monitor.
You may recognize me because I've been a Eucharistic
Minister for many, many years. I enjoy all my volunteer
activities at St. Therese and would be happy to serve
as a trustee, if elected.
My name is Gerry Garcia; I was born on
September 21, 1962 originally from
Uruguay South America. I came to the US
with my parents back in 1974 to the State
of New Jersey. I graduated from Elizabeth
High School. After High school I attended
Kean College in NJ where I obtain a BCS
in Business Administration. After graduation I work in several transportation entities as fleet manager, broker, and administrative positions. In 1987 I was relocated to Wisconsin
and since then, the Fox Valley has been my home. During
this time the transportation company closes their doors in
Wisconsin and I found myself without employment. I found
a position as a mortgage broker in Appleton and later worked
in banking. Experience in banking and the education help me
open my own business in bookkeeping and accounting for
small to midsize businesses. I have been doing that since
2003 till present, in 2011 I returned back to school to the
University of Phoenix and achieve another BCS on Science
in Business looking to better my skills and change career
path to serve business customer better and help the community. In October of 2015 I was offer the opportunity to join a
nonprofit organization in their initiatives in the Fox Valley. I
am now the Regional Director of the Hispanic Chamber of
Commerce (HCCW) and Casa Hispana since November of
2015 and still do bookkeeping for several clients. My job
duties are in workforce development, economic development, and fund raising. I also teach Essential Life Skills during some of programs from HCCW in collaboration with the
Fox Valley Technical College. At last I am also bilingual,
Notary Public, and a licensed Property & Casualty Insurance
Gerry Garcia
Regional Director
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin