The Messenger ~ El Mensajero - St. Luke`s ~ San Lucas Episcopal
The Messenger ~ El Mensajero - St. Luke`s ~ San Lucas Episcopal
MESSENGER MENSAJERO S T . L U K E ’ S E P I S C O P A L CTHE HURC H ~ S A N LU C AEL S IG L E S I A E P I SC O P A L The Messenger ~ El Mensajero Volume 46 Issue 6 JUNE 2015 ~ JUNIO 2015 Rector’s Corner Rincón del Rector SEVEN THINGS CHURCH MEMBERS SHOULD SAY TO GUESTS IN A WORSHIP SERVICE 7 COSAS QUE MIEMBROS DE LA IGLESIA DEBEN DECIR A VISITANTES A LA MISA [We celebrate our value of hospitality above all values. Here is something from Thom Rainer’s blog: I’ve edited it.] “Thank you for being here.” It’s j ust that basic. “Let me help you with that.” To hold doors, umbrellas, young children, diaper bags, purses, and other items is a gesture appropriate for everyone, even members. “Please take my seat.” This is especially appropriate for visiting a family or a group trying to find a place to sit together. “Here is my phone/email. Please let me know if I can help in any way.” Used with discretion, this can be a hugely positive message to a guest. “Can I show you where you need to go?” Even in smaller churches, guests will not know where to find the nursery, restrooms [… parish hall]. “Let me introduce you to ___________.” Guests need to meet other people. Any church member has the opportunity to introduce the guest to the pastor, other church staff, and other members of the church. “Would you join us for lunch?” What if your church members sought to invite different guests 6 to 12 times a year? The impact would be huge. Wouldn’t you like to be treated that way? Fr. Jaime Case (English articles continue on page 4) Celebramos el valor de la hospitalidad. El Pastor Thom Rainer escribió esto: “Gracias por estar aquí.” Es sencillo y básico. “Déjeme ayudarle con esto.” Abrir puertas, llevar paraguas, niños, mochilas será un gesto de hospitalidad, aún para miembros. “Tome mi asiento.” Especialmente apropiado para permitir familias sentarse juntos. “Tenga mi celular, si puedo ayudarle en algo.” Con discreción, un gesto muy amigable. “¿Le puedo mostrar (el baño, la guardería, el salón parroquial, el salón de clase)? Es difícil a veces encontrar cosas en nuestros edificios. “Déjeme presentarle a __________.” Cualquier miembro necesita conocer a los demás para sentirse en casa. Es importantísimo. “Acompáñenos a la hora de café/lonche.” ¿Qué tal si tenemos almuerzo para cada domingo, y hay manera de invitar a los visitantes a quedarse? Piénsalo: ¿No querrás ser tratado de la misma manera? Padre Jaime Case REPORTE DEL GUARDIÁN MAYOR Este mes pongo énfasis sobre los héroes sin elogios que trabajan detrás de la escena para asegurar que cada misa regular, especial, boda, quince, o entierro ande bien. La Cofradía del Altar trabaja en equipos de 3-4 individuales más un equipo de tres personas para a la 1:00. Los equipos trabajan en una vez el mes y son 2 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO responsables por los servicios durante toda la semana. El equipo se reúne sábado en la mañana para preparar para las misas de domingo. Ponen en orden los linos, vestimentas, marquen el Evangelio, despliegan los números de himnos, preparen en pan y vino, limpian las sacristías, despolvan el Columbario, cambian las velas, instalan las nuevas flores y quitan las flores al Atrio o al Columbario, depende de su condición. Uno o dos miembros del equipo asisten a todas misas, poniendo los vasos sagrados sobre el altar, limpiando después de misa, tomando los linos sucios para lavar y plancharlos. Los miembros son: Carol Hiltz and Sandra Kimura (directoras), Anne Ammerman, Cheryl Becker, Janet Butler, Barbara Charbonneau, Jim Christen, Marsha Colberg, Pam Gunn, Ellen Hiromura, Lynn Hulse, Susan Marentette, Jane Melhuish, Corinne Routtu. Mary Ellen Sandberg, Ginger Harris, Lupita Castillo, Lola Vasquez, y Maricela Prado. Por favor, denles gracias por su ministerio, y si estás interesado, habla con Carol o Sandra para juntarse a ese ministerio importante. Contactos: Carol Hiltz (360) 597-3094 Sandra Kimura (360) 693-8518 Stefanie Aschmann P. ELIACÍN VIENE P. Elaicin comienza su trabajo en San Lucas el 1 de julio, y termina 30 de junio 2017. Antes de llegar se ordena el P. Elaicin en la Catedral de San Marcos (St. Mark´s Cathedral) Seattle, el 16 de junio a las 7:00 de la tarde. Su familia llega con el. Ricci, su esposa y el tienen tres hijos: Cate (12), Gabriel (8) y Elias (6). Actualmente buscan una casa para alquilar cerca de la Iglesia. LA CRUZ ROJA VIENE La Cruz Roja desea una porción de su sangre. Jueves, 11 de junio, de 2:00 -6:45 de la tarde. Pueden inscribirse en el Atrio o por internet con designación SaintLukesEpiscopal. MINISTERIO A NIÑOS Hora de Fiesta Vengan con nosotros a celebrar el fin del año escolar y la Escuela Dominical en una Fiesta. 27 de junio, 4:30 a 7:30 de la tarde, en la casa de P Dennis Cole, 3917 NE 44th Street, Vancouver. Hamburguesas y hot dogs proveídos. Traigan frutas, vegetales, chips o semejante. Habrán juegos, artes manuales, y mucha diversión para toda la familia. Todos bienvenidos. ESCUELA DE VERANO Este verano la escuela se llama “Everest” por la montaña más alta del mundo, el 14-17 de julio, de a las 9-12 del día. Se celebra el amor de Dios con canciones, grupos trabajando juntos, hacer comida, experimentos científicos, además de la Biblia y aprender de la fe. Cada día los padres, familiares y amigos están invitados a la Celebración de Culminación a las 11:45. Everest es para edades de 4-12 años. La donación sugerida es $10. Hay becas. Más información llame a 360-696-0181. Uno no tiene que ser miembro de la iglesia para inscribirse o para recibir becas, así que inviten a sus vecinos. ¡Marquen sus calendarios! Siquienes aynday, avísamle. Ebie Mountford 433-2239 [email protected] ACTIVIDAD DE JÓVENES Sábados las 6:00 - 8:00 El 13 y 20 de j unio. Contacte a Donna por texto 360-609-2180. Retiro de escuela secundaria 5-11 de julio, en Pleasant Valley Camp, Mineral, WA. Donna Greene y Don Lawry DIOCESANOS EVENTOS PARA LOS JOVENES 6-Días Campamento 5-11 de julio Ple asant Valley Cam p, Mineral, WA THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO CAMPAMENTO HUSTON Campamento de Verano 2015 Inscripciones Abiertos Ahora Para registrar a sus niños, vaya a Todas fechas de campamentos se encuentran ahí. Preguntas, pueden hablar directamente con Alex en 360-793-0441 o [email protected]. CONFIRMACIÓN La Confirmación es un Sacramento en que uno bautizado mientras niño hace sus votos bautismales frente a un Obispo y “confirma” la fe que los padrinos y padres hicieron por su cuenta. Las Clases comienzan el 2 de agosto, y terminarán cuando el Obispo viene, 18 de octubre, el día de la Fiesta de San Lucas. ¿QUIERE APRENDER INGLÉS O RUSO? Estamos invitando personas que quieren practicar inglés, español y-o ruso en una serie de clases este verano. Se reúne una vez la semana (martes o jueves) por 30-45 minutos de diálogo. Los estudiantes de inglés pueden ayudar a anglo-parlantes en español o ruso, mientras los maestros siguen estudios en inglés. Si está interesado, hable con Stefanie (503)8677289 o P. Jaime (360)606-4285 FLORES DEL ALTAR EN SAN LUCAS ~ ST. LUKE’S Ahora se puede hacer una donación de $35 para regalar las flores del altar en memoria de un querido difunto o para agradecer por las bendiciones de Dios. Los formularios se encuentran en el Atrio. Se incluirá fecha del domingo que quiere dedicar, nombre en quien lo dedica, como quiere expresar la dedicación, y el nombre del donador. 3 De Brandon Hudson: Doy porque de verdad creo en el trabajo que la Iglesia está haciendo en nuestra comunidad y en el mundo. Mi contribución regular ayuda para fundar un número de ministerios locales y en el mundo, que ayudan a muchas mas personas que yo solo podría hacer. Esta es la realidad en breve. De Stefanie Aschmann. ¿Por qué doy a la Iglesia? Me siento bien al compartir las bendiciones que he recibido para mantener la Iglesia y ayudar a los menos afortunados. De Lew Hampton: Es mi manera de decir Gracias a la Iglesia por los muchos beneficios que recibo de ella. ¿Qué es tu razón para dar? ¿o estás perdiendo la oportunidad? Si no has experimentado la bendición de dar, puedes comenzar hoy. Aproveche del sistema del internet. Nunca ha sido más fácil apoyar a tu Iglesia, y por medio de ella, a tu comunidad. Sharon Mayhew JAZZ VESPERTINA 6 de junio en la iglesia. Entrada gratis. La musica comienza a las 5:50 de la tarde. Traigan amigos, familiars, y vecinos. Todos bienvenidos. ARTES MANUALES Este año la venta de Manualidades y Regalos de Navidad será el 21 & 22 de noviembre, la semana antes del Día de Acción de Gracias. No es demasiado temprano para planificar su manualidad. Aun de vacaciones o descansando, puede amarrar algo para vender. Si tienen ideas o sugerencias hazle saber a Joseph Ziemba, [email protected]. Preguntas, llame la oficina 696-0181. ACOGER UN NIÑO ¿POR QUÉ DAMOS? Mientras que continúo la exploración de las razones variables por la cual personas dan a la Iglesia, les pregunté a la Junta Parroquial las razones porque ellos dan. Esto es lo que aprendí: Caridades Catolicas busca familias para hospedar un niño/a por un tiempo. Niños rescatados de esclavitud sexual o que llegaron no acompañados de otros países. Son bajo custodia Federal. Llame a Rosalinda Ramos 253-502-2639 4 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO OUR CURATE IS COMING SOON! Eliacin Rosario-Cruz will start on July 1, 2015 and remain with us until June 30, 2017, two full years. A curate is a new priest who is working as fully ordained with support and supervision in an existing parish under an experienced priest. Charbonneau, Jim Christen, Marsha Colberg, Pam Gunn, Ellen Hiromura, Lynn Hulse, Susan Marentette, Jane Melhuish, Corinne Routtu. Mary Ellen Sandberg, Ginger Harris and Lupita Castillo, Lola Vasquez, and Maricela Prado. Please thank them for their service, and if you are interested, please see Carol or Sandra about joining this important ministry. Before he arrives Eliacin will be ordained into the priesthood on Tuesday, June 16, 7PM at St. Mark’s Cathedral in Seattle. If you’re interested in attending his ordination please contact the office as there might be others who would want to carpool. Contacts: Carol Hiltz (360) 597-3094 Sandra Kimura (360) 693-8518 We are looking forward to Eliacin’s and his family’s arrival. He is married to Ricci and they have 3 children, Cate (12), Gabriel (8), and Elias (6). They are currently looking for a house to rent near to the church: 3-4 bedrooms, 1 ½-2 bathrooms and a yard. Up to $1800 in rent. Keep on the look-out for a home for them. If you find a possible home please email Eliacin at [email protected]. As I continue to explore the various reasons why people donate to the Church, I asked members of the Vestry to share the reasons why they give. Here’s what I learned: SENIOR WARDEN’S REPORT This month I’m highlighting the unsung heroes who work behind the scenes to make sure every regular service, special service, weddings, quinces and funeral runs smoothly. The Altar Guild works in teams of 3-4 individuals plus a team of three, who support the Sunday 1:00 service. Each team is assigned one week a month and is responsible for all the services during that week. The team meets Saturday morning to prepare for the Sunday services. They lay out the linens and garments, mark the gospel, post the hymn numbers, prepare the bread and wine, clean the sacristies, dust the columbarium, replace candles, and place new flowers on the altar, moving the old flowers to the Narthex or the Columbarium, depending on their condition. One or two members of the team attend each service, setting up before the service and cleaning up afterward, taking the soiled linens home to wash and iron. The current Altar Guild members are: Carol Hiltz and Sandra Kimura, co-chairs, Anne Ammerman, Cheryl Becker, Janet Butler, Barbara Stefanie Aschmann WHY DO WE GIVE? From Brandon Hudson: I give because I genuinely believe in the work that the Church is doing in our community and in the world. My regular financial contribution helps to fund a number of ministries, both local and abroad, that serve many more than I could possibly help on my own. I guess that's it in a nutshell. From Stephanie Aschmann: Why do I give money to the Church? It feels right to share the blessings I have received to keep the Church running and help those less fortunate than me. From Lew Hampton: It is my way of saying thanks to the Church as a whole for the benefits I receive from it. What is your reason for giving? Or are you missing out? If you have not yet experienced the blessing of giving, you can start today. Check out the e-giving option on our website—it’s never been easier to support your local Church and, through it, your community. Sharon Mayhew. Vestry Member THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO Spiritual Development CHILDREN'S MINISTRIES The last session for the 10AM Sunday School will be May 31, until we start again in September. But there is summer fun coming. See below! Party Time Join us for an end of the Sunday School Year Party June 27th from 4:30 to 7:00PM at Fr. Dennis and Susan Cole's home. 3917 NE 44th St. Vancouver. Hot dogs and hamburgers provided. Bring side dish such as fruit, veggies or chips. There will be games, crafts and lots of fun for the whole family. Every family welcome whether you came to Sunday School once or every Sunday. Vacation Bible School! This summer kids’ event called Everest VBS will be hosted at St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas Episcopal Church from July 14 to July 17. At Everest, kids discover what it means to hold on to God’s mighty power in everyday life. Kids participate in memorable Bible-learning activities, sing catchy songs, play teamwork-building games, make and dig into yummy treats, experience one-of-a-kind Bible adventures, collect Bible Memory Buddies to remind them of God’s love, and test out Sciency-Fun Gizmos they’ll take home and play with all summer long. Each day concludes with a Summit Celebration that gets everyone involved in living what they’ve learned. Family members and friends are encouraged to join in daily for this special time at 11:45 AM. Everest is for kids from ages 4 to 12 and will run from 9 AM to 12 PM each day. Suggested donation is $10, scholarships available. Come and join our great Everest Adventure. Sign up sheets will be available soon. Mark your calendars and SAVE these dates! If you want to volunteer please let me know! Ebie Mountford 360 433-2239 [email protected] 5 YOUTH EVENTS On June 6 we will be attending the Jazz Vespers, starts at 5:50PM. Youth Nights are planned for the 13th and 20th 6-8 PM. No youth night on the 27th, due to Donna and other youth attending the General Convention in Salt Lake City. Don’t forget High School 6-Day Camp, July 5-11, 2015 at Pleasant Valley Camp, Mineral, WA. The theme this year is "Rainbow s: God Reigns, the Son Shines". Donna Greene and Don Lawry DIOCESAN YOUTH EVENTS High School 6-Day Camp July 5-11 Pleasant Valley Cam p, Mineral, WA Fall High School Youth Conference (HYC) September 25-27 Good Shepherd , Vancouver High School Youth to The Episcopal Diocese of Olympia Annual Convention Nov. 13-14 Lynnwood Convention Center Lynnwood, WA Fall Junior High School Youth Conference (JYC) Nov. 20-22 Trinity Episcopal Church, Evere tt CAMP HUSTON - SUMMER CAMP 2015. REGISTRATION OPEN! To register for camp go to . All the dates are up on the summer camp page. If you have any questions, please call, Alex 360-793-0441 or email [email protected] Keep in mind that Fr. Jaime will be the Camp Chaplain during the July 26-Aug. 1 session VISUAL ARTISTS GROUP The Visual Artists of St. Luke's ~ San Lucas will meet on Monday evening, June 1st, at 6:30 PM in the home of Dena and Kelly Cassidy: 4520 NE 24th Av , Vancouver, WA 98663. Please RSVP to Dena at 360 695 6079. New members always welcome. As always, bring new work, articles, info, and ideas! We will discuss next workshop offerings, fieldtrips, progress on gift card sets, liturgical year projects ...etc. Hope you are carefully considering a contribution to the 6 card 6 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO note set. Keep creating and looking forward to catching up with everyone on June 1st! Don Lonsbrough CONFIRMATION - OCTOBER 18 Confirmation Classes will start in August in preparation for Confirmation on October 18th, St. Luke’s Festival Day. Please let the office know if you want to be confirmed, received or reaffirmation of faith. WOMEN’S SPIRITUALITY GROUP Saturday, June 13 from 10 AM-1 PM. We start with refreshments and friendly conversation then continue our study and discussion based on the book, The Story of Ruth: Twelve Moments in Every Woman’s Life by Joan D. Chittister. This month we will be focusing on the last three chapters of our book, SelfDefinition, Invisibility and Fulfillment. Please bring 1-2 of your favorite quotes from each of these three chapters. We will celebrate this year of study with a pot luck salad luncheon. All women are welcome. Please find the luncheon sign-up sheet in the Narthex. If you have any questions contact any of the conveners. Mary Boettcher, Janet Butler , or Kris Lawless RETIREMENT GROUP Rev. Chuck Barnes, a retired Lutheran Pastor worshipping now at 10AM service, continues to lead a coffee fellowship group for those who are retired on Wednesday mornings. Come join the discussion as we explore the question of where to shine in retirement while reflecting on the next Sunday’s gospel, Wednesdays from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM in the Library. Please Note: during the summer we will meet every other Wednesday, beginning June 10th. LIFE GOES ON Life Goes On meets monthly to support those as they go through the grieving process. Fr. Dennis Cole facilitates this group. All are welcome. The group meets off-site at the Glenwood Place Senior Living (5500 NE 82nd Ave). Next meeting is on Thursday, June 25 at 2PM. Worship NOTES FROM THE MUSIC ROOM We will have a special treat at the Jazz Vesper service on June 6th. John Moak will be with us for jazz on the trombone. He’s a virtuoso on that instrument and will give the service yet another musical twist. Bring your family, friends and neighbors to the Saturday evening service. Music begins at 5:50. The following day, June 7th, will be the final choir Sunday for the season and the hand bells will also play for a final time. As usual, I will proclaim that day “Pat a Church Musician on the Back Sunday” to thank our volunteer musicians for a wonderful year. My estimate is that they each put in an average about 250 hours of volunteer work through the year. For the group, that adds up to about 5000 hours of labor. Their summer break is well earned. I will be away on Father’s Day, June 21st so the guitars of St. Luke’s will lead the music with help from the voices of some of the choir members. The group leading music for the Spanish service is also expanding and good things are happening at 1 PM on Sundays as well. Thank you to everyone who has been involved in making a joyful noise to the Lord this year at St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas. Tim Nickel, Director of Music THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO WEDNESDAY NOON SERVICES In June there are two Wednesdays when there will NOT be a Holy Eucharist and Healing service at 12:15 PM, June 10 and 17 due to priests’ vacation schedules. Please mark your calendars. USHERS AND GREETERS Ushers and Greeters provide support for Sunday services and more. You have all seen and been greeted by the ushers and greeters. What do they do? Ushers and greeters make sure the entry doors are open, the automatic door is on, people are greeted as they enter, the lights are on, heat is on, service bulletins are handed out, cushions are available, restrooms are open, watch for people who may need assistance, collect and take up the offertory, respond in emergencies, help direct people during the communion, provide for a more secure building. In addition they clean up the sanctuary after the service, count the funds collected during the offertory, put money in the safe, place food offering in the pantry. This dedicated St. Luke's ~ San Lucas group responds to many requests for service throughout the year. There is a need for more people to serve as ushers and greeters, if you can serve contact me at 6942941. Training is provided. Russ Roseberry 7 banners hung in the Sanctuary of the Church. Prior to Pentecost Sunday, the Banner Team (Bob Hiltz, Sandy Geer, Russ & Claudia Roseberry, John Rowe & Jim Christen, and John & Jamie Mathieu) raised the red and yellow banners up on special lines. Back in 2008, our Musical Director at that time, Tim Drewes, secretly designed and made the banners. They are made of a synthetic fiber, tiedyed by Tim, and glued together. With permission, Tim and his son Isaac climbed ladders to position the banners. On Pentecost Sunday that year, the conTim Drewes looks gregation was astounded by the through Streamers for beauty and meaning added to next music queue. the celebration. Other than during the recent construction, it has been a tradition each year since then. Thank you Tim Drewes, and thank you Pentecost Banner Team. Pat Lawless, Archivist TAIZÉ The Taizé service combines readings, chant-like songs, silence, soft light and a unique chancel display. Saturday, June 20 at 6:00 PM in the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament. Our theme this month is “Hallelujah! ”. Come and enjoy this unique service. Out Into The World BLOOD DRIVE Thursday, June 11 2 - 7 PM in the Parish Hall. Schedule your appointment online at using a Sponsor Code of “SaintLukeEpiscopal” or call 1-800-733-2767 or add your name to the sign-up sheet on preceding Sundays in the Narthex. A PENTECOST TRADITION WANT TO LEARN SPANISH OR RUSSIAN? We had the joy to experience a Pentecost tradition again this year in the form of the beautiful streaming We are inviting people who want to practice English, Spanish and/or Russian in a trial conversation ses- 8 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO sion this summer. We would probably meet one night per week after the ESL class (Tuesday or Thursday) for 30-45 minutes of informal conversation. This would give the ESL students a chance to be teachers and the English speakers a chance to practice or learn Spanish or Russian. If you are interested in helping with this experiment please contact Stefanie Aschmann (503) 867-7289 or Fr. Jaime (360) 696-0181. INTERNATIONAL FOSTER CARE Catholic Community Services is expanding the International Foster Care to an office in Vancouver. They are in desperate need of foster families, singles, married couples or retired. They just need folks who can open up their hearts and homes to a child in need. There are needs for short term and long term care for Unaccompanied Refugee Minors and Victims of Trafficking. If you would like more information or are interested in becoming a foster parent please contact Rosalinda Ramos at her current office in Tacoma, 253-502-2639 or by email, [email protected]. Community Life COFFEE HOUR A new Coffee Hour schedule for June 2015-May 2016 will soon be available. We will keep the same schedule as this past year. If there would be an alternate date to what you had last year please let me know so I can reserve that Sunday for you. Thanks in advance, to our June Hosts who will be providing treats during Coffee Hour. Judy Morrison, Coffee Hour Coordinator Coffee Hour Hosts for June June 7 June 14 June 21 June 28 July 5 Lawless Butlers Grads & Dads/Youth Group Kenoyers Christen & Rowe THE LUNCH BUNCH Our next luncheon will be on Tuesday, June 9 at 12 noon. We welcome anyone who would like to come to share a interesting trip, experience or hobby. Just call the church office. Please sign-up if your are coming and/or if you can help with a dish for the luncheon. Sign-up sheets are in the Narthex. As always your friends and neighbors are welcome! FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE In June, Doug and Pam Goodlett will host Friday Night Live on June 19, starting at 6:30pm. This is one week earlier than usual. The host provides the main course only and guests bring a dish to share. Guests are responsible for providing their own beverage. Look for the sign-up sheet and maps in the parish hall. We always welcome new hosts! Please address any questions to Ginger or Brad Harris. (971-373-8894) or [email protected] ATTENTION SPRING GRADUATES! We would like to recognize all our grads’ accomplishments on Grads & Dads Sunday, June 21 during Coffee Hour. If you or a family member will be graduating from high school, college or trade school please let us know by adding your name to the signup sheet in the Narthex, contact Donna Greene or the church office. A BIRTHDAY PARTY INVITATION FROM 1897 The following was found in a book kept by a former member, Mrs. Joseph Fletcher. It is shown as it was actually sent out. The St. Luke’s Auxiliary was basically the STL Guild or Women’s Group. “ST. LUKE’S AUXILIARY” “Request the pleasure of your company at a ‘birthday party’ on Thursday evening, November 4, 1897, at St. Luke’s Hall.” “This ‘birthday party’ is given to you, ‘Tis something novel, ‘tis something new; We send you each a little sack, Please either send or bring it back THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO With as many cents as years you are oldWe promise the number will never be told. Kind friends will give you something to eat. And others will furnish a musical treat. The Social Committee, with greetings most hearty, Feel sure you’ll attend your own ‘birthday party’.” Pat Lawless, Parish Archivist 9 ADDS ARTEAGA, Rodolfo & MEDINA, Erica ARTEAGA, Mateo, Antony 709 SE 139th Ave Vancouver, WA 98683 360-936-7994 CHANGES/CORRECTIONS BROWN, Greg & Kathleen Greg’s email: [email protected] Administrative & Financial RECTOR’S VACATION SCHEDULE Father Jaime will be away for continuing education June 8 - 10 and on vacation June 16 - 20. During his absence please contact the church office (360-6960181) or Senior Warden, Stefanie Aschmann (503-867 -7289) for pastoral needs. FRED MEYER COMMUNITY REWARDS UPDATE Sign up for the Community Rewards program by linking your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas at communityrewards. You can search for us by our name or by our non-profit number 88487. Then, every time you shop and use your Rewards Card, you are helping St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas earn a donation! IT'S TIME TO GET CRAFTY!! This year's Holiday Craft & Gift Sale will again be held the weekend before Thanksgiving Day, November 21 and 22. It's not too early to plan your craft. You could work on your project this summer. If you have any ideas or suggestion of items that could be made please let Joseph Ziemba know at [email protected] DIRECTORY UPDATES Are you a new member and would like a parish directory or somehow didn’t receive one? Changes to your directory information? Please contact Kris in the church office at 360-696-0181 or by email, [email protected]. CHAVEZ, Evagelina & GUARDIAN, Jose 505 Ash St #4 Kelso, WA 98626 MARTINEZ, Elizabeth 10019 NE 72nd Cir Vancouver, WA 98662-4006 McCOMB, Natalie 4202 NW Fir St. Vancouver, WA 98660 Mail: P O Box 5984 Vancouver, WA 98668 503-504-4668 PEREZ, Marlene 1000 SE 160th Ave NN324 Vancouver, WA 98683 360-241-5467 [email protected] ROUTTU, David 13828 B NW 10th Ct Vancouver, WA 98685 SANKO, Samuel & HKARAW, Margaret 1818 E Fourth Plain Blvd #B5 Vancouver, WA 98661 TOSCANO, Daniel & Erin Add new baby son: Sawyer Michael HERNANDEZ, Diana & AYALA, Nestor AYALA, Aandi 6422 NE Fourth Plain Blvd Apt E-5 Vancouver, WA 98661 DELETES CHACON, Luz Maria & PEREZ, Rubice TAPIA, Lisbet, Jasmin No longer attending. TREASURER’S REPORT BUDGET SUMMARY “Dollars and Sense” At the end of April we expect percentages to be at 33.3% of budgeted revenue and expense. 10 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO Summary as of April 30, 2015 Total Budget for the Year Amounts Revenues $432,982 Expenses $432,982 Net Income 0 Year to Date Actual Budget $190,218 $135,326 $54,892 Percent of Total 44% 31% Revenues: Clearly, revenues exceed expenses this month. These revenues for April are inflated due to a major gift that was anticipated in the budget. Expenses: Expenses are under YTD budget projections by $9,001 but this is generally due to health premiums not being paid in April due to fraud (see below). Additional Comments: Outreach and the Rector’s discretionary accounts are running below expectations so if you are looking for places to give, these are two of them. Unfortunately, the church experienced trouble with several checks that were stolen in March and cashed in April. These checks were not received by the intended vendors and one of the checks was washed and altered on four occasions that we are aware of. The bank closed our operating account on May 1 and established a new account the same day. We experienced fraud in the total amount of over $3,000 which the bank deposited in our new account because the events were classified as fraud/counterfeit. Janet Butler has been the lead person to clear up this messy situation, so be nice to her! Thanks to those who did not receive their payroll checks on time. Thankfully, Janet was able to have the bank issue cashier’s checks for them! Thanks for your continued financial support of St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas. Doug Goodlett, Treasurer VESTRY SUMMARY - May 2015 POTENTIAL BUILDING PROJECTS: The carports may be enclosed. The Williams House may add a bedroom. FIRST COMMUNION: The Rector and Curate will start a bilingual First Communion class for 10to 12-year-olds. It will help the kids understand the service, unify our youth groups, and perhaps bring in new acolytes. ALCOHOL POLICY: The Vestry approved a revised alcohol policy. It will be presented at the next Quarterly Parish Meeting. PEACE GARDEN: Thanks to Tako Torres for cleaning up this outdoor area. PARISH HALL CEILING: We have a permit for repairs. Work will start after Vacation Church School ends. PLEDGE CAMPAIGN: Tell Sharon Mayhew if you want to submit a short Messenger article on “Why I Give”. PARISH HALL DISCOUNT: Hipolito wondered if we had discounts for people who work in the worship services. Fr. Jaime said we have discounts for members. Other discounts may be worked out with Fr. Jaime. SPIRITUAL FORMATION SURVEY: Look for this in the mail sometime next month. NURSERY POLICY: The Vestry approved a formal policy regarding nursery activities and staffing, Tom Amies, Vestry Clerk SUMMER PICNIC A LA MEXICANA July 12, starting at 11:30 am until 1:15 pm, with no rain we hope to put up the tables, chairs and umbrellas out on the lawn (I hope there will be a good lawn by then!) and enjoy a nice hot meal. This fundraiser will be highlighting our Hispanic ministry which mostly takes place at the 1:00 pm service. Buy tickets and come enjoy the festivities. Around the Diocese & Our Town VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL – MESSAGE RECEIVED: HEARING GOD’S CALL Church of the Good Shepherd would like to extend an invitation to your children to join them for their annual Vacation Bible School: June 23-25, 2015 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO 9:30 am – 1:00 pm Ages: Entering Kindergarten through 6th Grade Fall 2015 Cost $10 per child/$25 Family Maximum, Scholarships Available. Crafts, Games, Bible Stories, Skits, Singing, Great Snacks & More! 805 SE Ellsworth Road, Vancouver Adult and Youth Volunteer Opportunities Available Register by June 7th, go to to download forms, or contact Kara at 360-892-7770 or email [email protected] 11 SUPPORT THE PEOPLE OF NEPAL Two major earthquakes have struck Nepal causing severe damage and loss of life across the small nation. The Episcopal Relief Fund will help meet urgent needs such as food, clean water and shelter, as well as support for assessment and search and rescue teams in the initial phase of the disaster, through the ACT Alliance in Nepal and with our own partners in surrounding areas including northern India and southwest China. Following the initial relief phase, this fund will continue to support longer-term recovery efforts with local partners. You can donate via the ERD website at NepalRelief JUNE PRAYER REQUESTS 2015 CYCLE OF PRAYER Episcopal Diocese of Olympia Congregations, Ministries & Institutions June 7 June 14 June 21 Community of the Paraclete; Little Sisters of St. Clare; The Third Order of Society St. Francis; Community of the Lamb; Brotherhood of St. Andrew Episcopal Retirement Communities; Earth Ministry Episcopal Mission to Seafarers; Refugee Resettlement Ministry June 28 Center for Spiritual Development; George: Center for Community; Underhill House Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem & Middle East Congregations, Ministries & Institutions June 7 St. John’s School, Haifa, Israel June 14 Saviour Church, Zarka, Jordan June 21 Saviour’s School, Zarka, Jordan June 28 Princess Basma Center for Disabled Children, Jerusalem For those celebrating their birthday. 2 - Ellen Hiromura 2 - Ken Andrews 4 - Tony Espinoza 6 - Susan Cole 6 - Jovita Martinez 8 - Rob Yoggerst 9 - Nick Burik 9 - Jenny Roa 10 - Nancy Barnes 11 - Kelly Cassidy 12 - Luz Martinez 12 - Aurelio Torres 13 - Jorge Martinez 13 - Yasmin Casarez 14 - Adaire Coco 14 - Kreta Saathoff 14 - David Barbosa 15 - Herb Femling 15 - MonicaVazquez 17 - Angela Brothers 17 - Francisco Orozco 18 - Les Hunt 19 - Elaine Baker 19 - Peggy Bowe 20 - Kristina Clark 20 - Melanie Rios 21 - Lorrice Tomer-White 21 - Max Pauletto 22 - James Gregg 22 - Dan Lincoln 22 - Angie Samaniego 23 - David Ross 24 - Vicki Holman 24 - Stephen Brown 24 - Karl Hoch 24 - Juan Garnica 25 - Elizabeth Henry 26 - Sebastian Gutierrez 27 - Ramon Samaniego 28 - Barb Jagelski 28 - Deborah McCullum 28 - Diego Prado 20 - Donna Greene 29 - Moses Lehman 12 Sunday Summer Sunday Schedule 8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:45 Nursery Care 10:00 Choral Eucharist 11:15 Coffee Hour 12:45 Guardería de niños 1:00 Santa Misa 1:30 Clases para niños Monday 1 JUNE ~ JUNIO 2015 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 2 Food/Clothes Outreach 6:30 Visual Artists Group at the Cassidy’s 8 2nd Sunday of Pentecost SUMMER SUNDAY SCHEDULE 4 Food/Clothes Outreach Food/Clothes Outreach 9:30 Retirement Group 10:00 E S L Class 12:15 Holy Eucharist 10:00 Helping Hands 9 Food/Clothes Outreach 12:00 The Lunch Bunch 3rd Sunday of Pentecost 15 10 16 4th Sunday of Pentecost Food/Clothes Outreach 22 Office Closed 23 Food/Clothes Outreach GRADS & DADS SUMMER SUNDAY SCHEDULE 5th Sunday of Pentecost SUMMER SUNDAY SCHEDULE 12 Food/Clothes Outreach Food/Clothes Outreach 8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 9:30 Retirement Group 10:00 E S L Class 17 Food/Clothes Outreach 2:00-7:00 RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE 18 10 E S L Class Final Class with Party 29 Office Closed 13 10AM-1PM Women’s Spirituality Group 6:00 Youth Group 19 Food/Clothes Outreach NO HOLY EUCHARIST SERVICE TODAY Food/Clothes Outreach 8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 20 24 25 Food/Clothes Outreach Food/Clothes Outreach 9:30 Retirement Group 12:15 Holy Eucharist 8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 4:00 Staff Meeting 2:00 Life Goes On (off-site) Food/Clothes Outreach 6:30 Friday Night Live @ the Goodlett’s Home 6:00 TAIZÉ 26 27 Food/Clothes Outreach 30 Food/Clothes Outreach July 1 July 2 Food/Clothes Outreach Food/Clothes Outreach 12:15 Holy Eucharist 8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 4:00 Staff Meeting Reminder - If your Ministry group would like to submit an article for the July-August issue of The Messenger, please submit your written article on or before June 21 to the church office or email it to [email protected] Thank you! 6:00 Youth Group GENERAL CONVENTION AT SALT LAKE CITY, UT 4:30-7 PM SUNDAY SCHOOL YEAR END PARTY 6:30 Pastoral Care MESSENGER DEADLINE 28 10 E S L Class Father Jaime’s Vacation 7:00 EliacÍn’s Ordination into Priesthood at St. Mark’s Cathedral 21 8:00 Thursday Crew 11 Office Closed SUMMER SUNDAY SCHEDULE 6 5:50 JAZZ VESPERS NO HOLY EUCHARIST SERVICE TODAY. 14 Saturday Food/Clothes Outreach 6:30 Outreach Committee 7:00 Adult Choir Fr. Jaime at Continuing Education Office Closed 5 4:00 Staff Meeting 6:00 Handbells 6:30 Vestry 7 3 Friday July 3 July 4 Food/Clothes Outreach Church Office Hours: 9 AM-12 PM and 1 PM-5 PM Tuesday - Friday If you have any questions about the calendar, please call the church office, 360-696-0181. HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED? THE MESSENGER “Why do we put flowers on the altar? To remind us, even in December, of the Easter Springtime that fills our lives year round; to remind us that even as the Father cares for the lilies and wild flowers of the field, probably He cares for us too. Why do we put the flowers up there? Remember when you were in love and gave flowers to the One you loved?” The Rev. Scott Fisher We invite you to choose a Sunday that has special meaning to you. Often, more than one person finds a certain date important so flowers may be given in more than one name on any given Sunday. 1. Complete a “Altar Flower Dedication” form found in the Narthex (or below) and put it in the collection plate, mail the form to the office, email the information to ([email protected]) or call (696-0181), church office. 2. Pick the week your dedication will appear in the bulletin, except during Lent. 3. The donation payment is $35. Your dedication will be featured in the Sunday bulletin and when a ELmemorial MENSAJERO for a loved one(s), mentioned in the13 Prayers for the People. Payment can be by check (Include “Altar Flowers” on memo line), by credit card, using our eGiving on our website or cash, placed in an envelope and labeled with your name and “Altar Flowers”. 4. Flower donations are tax deductible. Some reasons for flower dedications: To glorify God and…. Memorial: remembrance for loved ones on their birthday or the anniversary of their death, etc. Celebration: commemoration of significant or spiritual events (baptism, confirmation, ordination etc.) Honor: recognition of special person, family, etc.) Thanksgiving: gratefulness for family, etc. If you previously signed up on the flower chart, you will need to complete and submit our new form. Any questions, please call Carol Hiltz (360-597-3094) or Sandra Kimura (360-693-8518). The Messenger ~ El Mensajero 14 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO Prepared by: St. Luke’s Episcopal Church ~ San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal 426 East Fourth Plain Boulevard Vancouver, WA 98663 Non-Profit U.S. Postage Paid Vancouver, WA Permit No. 804 Request delivery by dates: May 29 - June 2 Return Service Requested Current Resident or St. Luke’s Episcopal Church San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal The Rev. Jaime Case, Rector The Rev. Dennis Cole, Associate Clergy The Rev. Jerry Lonergan, Associate Clergy Doug Goodlett, Treasurer Janet Butler, Assistant Treasurer Tim Nickel, Music Director Kris Lawless, Parish Administrator (360) 696-0181 FAX (360) 696-0182 Email: [email protected] Facebook: Senior Warden: Stefanie Aschmann Junior Warden: Lew Hampton VESTRY MEMBERS: Hipolito Casarez, Kathryn Gallaher, Brandon Hudson, Sharon Mayhew, Michael Morrison, Ricardo Romagosa, Kreta Saathoff, Joseph Ziemba Clerk of the Vestry: Tom Amies Chancellor: F. James Mayhew St. Luke’s – San Lucas is a bilingual Episcopal Church serving Vancouver and Southwest Washington since 1853. Our vision is to answer God’s call to be an Anglo-Hispanic faith community that works together to share the love of Christ. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our mission is to extend hospitality to all, to respond to human need through service, and to grow in faith together.