DANOBAT Mitre Bandsaw machines
DANOBAT Mitre Bandsaw machines
CPI Mitre bandsaw machines SAWHEAD / SAW DRIVING FASTENING CLAMPS Sawhead: It is built in one only piece, in electrowelded and stabilised steel. Made by both sides of blade. Sawhead is guided hydraulically on prismatic twin columns and lineal bearings. Automatic positioning of the clamps. Both columns are illed in with concrete polymer to avoid vibrations. The ix clamp is grooved and tempered to avoid wearings when feeding. Saw driving: High performance gearbox, specially sized for great loads at low revolutions. Motorized cleaning brush and air-oil mist spray allow getting a longer bladelife. AUTOM ATIC GUI DI NG / AUTOM ATIC TE NS IONING A U T O M AT I C M I T R E POSITIONING CNC Automatic guiding: Guiding is made with a combination of bearings and hard metal plates, allowing any readjust of blade’s position. Mobile blade guiding arm is blocked hydraulically to avoid vibrations. Automatic tensioning: An hydraulic cylinder keeps always the correct blade tensioning. Automatic mitre positioning CNC +45º, -60º Accurate ball malformations. bearing to avoid It is made by a gearbox that activates a rack/pinion system specially designed. Mitre positioning control by CNC. OT H E R S AW I N G A N D D R I L L I N G S O LU T I O N S Vertical cutting Drilling units Plasma cutting Complete solutions Este documento no es contractual. DANOBAT se reserva el derecho de realizar los cambios que considere oportunos, sin previo aviso. El contenido gráico de este catálogo es propiedad de Danobat. 09/2009 Horizontal cutting DANOBAT Arriaga kalea, 21 - P.O. Box: 28 E-20870 ELGOIBAR (Gipuzkoa) Spain Tel.: + 34 943 74 81 50 / +34 943 74 80 44 Fax: + 34 943 74 81 82 [email protected] www.danobat.com