
705 East Brandon Boulevard | Brandon FL 33511
"Joyfully and faithfully evangelizing for Christ!"
Second Sunday of Lent
Rev. John Tapp
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr. James C Lara
Parochial Vicars: Rev. Nelson Restrepo
Rev. Victor Amorose
Rev. Dr. Mark Taylor
Rev. Mr. Robert Harris
Rev. Mr. Elix Castro
Church Office:
Faith Formation: 813.689.9101
Youth Ministry: 813.689.4147
Pastoral Care:
Food Pantry:
Scan this code
with your
smartphone for
online giving.
Daily Mass
Weekend Mass
7:00am (Monday through Friday)
Saturday Vigil Mass
8:00AM (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat)
4:00PM (Interpreted for Deaf)
8:15AM (Wednesday)
4:00PM Español (Capilla)
7:00PM (Español Martes y Viernes)
Sunday Masses
Morning Prayer
7:00, 8:30, 10:30AM
10:30AM Family Mass (Chapel) 7:45AM (Monday through Saturday)
Confession Schedule
12:30PM Español
Saturday in Church: 3:00 to 4:00PM
6:00PM LifeTeen
5:00 to 5:30PM
arish Mission – Our annual Lenten Mission begins this
Sunday, February 21st and continues through Tuesday,
February 23rd. A parish mission is an excellent way to enter
more deeply into the experience of the season of Lent. The
mission in English will be led by Stephen Binz. Stephen is a
biblical scholar, award­winning author of over 40 books,
psychotherapist, and popular speaker. He speaks throughout
the US and the world offering keynotes, seminars, and
workshops. He holds graduate degrees at the Gregorian
University, the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, and
Hebrew University in Jerusalem and has developed Bible
studies in the church for three decades. The focus for our
mission this year is Pope Francis’ call to celebrate a Jubilee
Year of Mercy. Stephen will speak at the following times:
Sunday, February 21st @ 7pm (Church)
isión Parroquial ­ Nuestra Misión anual de Cuaresma
comienza este domingo, 21 de febrero, y continúa
hasta el martes, 23 de febrero. Una misión parroquial es una
excelente manera de entrar más profundamente en la
experiencia de la temporada de Cuaresma. La misión en
inglés será dirigida por Stephen Binz. Stephen es un erudito
de la Biblia, un galardonado autor de más de 40 libros,
psicoterapeuta y popular orador. Habla por todo los EE.UU.
y el mundo, ofreciendo conferencias magistrales, seminarios
y talleres. Tiene títulos de posgrado en la Universidad
Gregoriana, el Instituto Pontificio Bíblico de Roma, y la
Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén y ha desarrollado estudios
Bíblicos en la iglesia durante tres décadas. El enfoque de
nuestra misión este año es el llamado del Papa Francisco
para celebrar el Jubileo del Año de la Misericordia. Stephen
hablará en los siguientes horarios:
Monday, February 22nd @
(also, Social Hall at 9am)
Domingo, 21 de febrero, a las 7:00 pm (Iglesia)
Tuesday, February 23rd @
(also, Social Hall at 9am)
Lunes, 22 de febrero, a las 7:00 pm (Iglesia)
(y en el Salón Social a las 9:00 de la mañana)
A parish mission in Spanish will be presented by Fr. Jorge
Mario Naranjo OCD. Fr. Jorge will be speaking at the
following times:
Tuesday, March 1st at 7 pm
Martes, 22 de febrero, a las 7:00 pm (Iglesia)
(y en el Salón Social a las 9:00 de la mañana)
La misión parroquial en Español será presentado por el
Padre Jorge Mario Naranjo OCD. El Padre Jorge estará
hablando en los siguientes horarios:
Wednesday, March 2nd at 7 pm
Martes, 1 de marzo, a 7:00 pm
Thursday, March 3rd at 7 pm
Miércoles, 2 de marzo, a las 7:00 pm
Friday, March 4th at 7 pm.
Jueves, 3 de marzo, a las 7:00 pm
Please join us for these great mission presentations. You will
not be disappointed.
PA / Almsgiving – One of the three hallmarks of the
Lenten season is “almsgiving” or assisting the poor and
needy with our treasure. A simple but profound way to
participate in almsgiving is by contributing to the Annual
Pastoral Appeal (APA). Your APA contribution will help our
parish and those in need throughout our five county diocese.
We would like ALL families to participate in this appeal.
APA envelopes can be found on the windowsills throughout
the church and can be returned to the offertory baskets at
Mass. Thank you for your generosity
arish Penance Service – Our Lenten Penance Service
will be celebrated on Monday, February 29th at 7 pm.
The Sacrament of Penance is an excellent way to prepare for
Easter. Please mark your calendars for this special event.
Viernes, 4 de marzo, a las 7:00 pm
Por favor, únase a nosotros para estas grandes presentaciones
de misión. Usted no será decepcionado.
PA / Limosna ­ Uno de los tres sellos de la temporada
de Cuaresma es "limosna" o ayudar a los pobres y
necesitados con nuestro tesoro. Una forma sencilla pero
profunda para participar en la limosna es mediante la
contribución a la Apelación Pastoral Anual (APA). Su
contribución a APA ayudará a nuestra parroquia y los
necesitados a través de nuestros cinco condados diocesanos.
Nos gustaría que todas las familias participaran en esta
apelación. Sobres para APA se pueden encontrar en los
marcos de las ventanas en toda la Iglesia y pueden ser
devueltos en los canastos de ofertorio en la Misa. Gracias
por su generosidad
ervicio Parroquial Penitencial ­ Nuestro Servicio
Penitencial parroquial se celebra el lunes, 29 de febrero,
a las 7:00 pm. El Sacramento de Penitencia es una excelente
manera de prepararse para la Pascua. Por favor marque su
calendario para este evento especial.
Parish Lenten Missions
Parish Missions ­ the word "mission" means "to be sent."
The purpose of a parish mission during Lent is to renew us
so that we can be sent out into the world to share the Good
News of Jesus Christ with others. There are missions being
offered in English and Spanish. I encourage every
parishioner to participate in them. A parish mission is a
simple yet profound way to deepen our faith in order that we
might share that faith with others.
Be sure to get in touch with
Thomas Sanjurjo,
[email protected]
to contribute to our bulletin.
The Door of Mercy: Crossing the Threshold ­­ A
Mission for the Holy Year of Mercy
Stephen J. Binz—Catholic biblical scholar,
author—will offer our Parish Lenten Mission
beginning February 21, 22, 23
Spiritual Growth
Ministries in Action
Community Bulletin
P4 ­ Stewardship Bulletin Reflection, Mass
Intentions, APA Thanks
1) The Divine Mercy of Our God
P5 ­ Pray for One Another, Regulations for
Fasting and Abstinence, The Book of
Revelation, Returning to the Faith?
Presented one night only, February 21 at 7:30 in the Church
P7­8 ­ Reflexión de las Escrituras
Three Presentations:
2) The Sacred Heart of Jesus
Presented morning 9:00 am (St. Francis Room, Social Hall)
and 7:00 pm Church
3) The Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy
Presented morning 9:00 am (Chapel) and 7:00 pm Church
Misericordia quiero y no sacrificios. Mt. 12.7
El P. Jorge Mario Naranjo, OCD ­Maestro de
estudiantes en el Aspirantado de Medellín y el
Filosofado en Bogotá y Superior de la Casa de
Espiritualidad Monticelo­ nos va ayudar a
mirando el tema que el papa nos ha regalado
para este año de meditación sobre la misericordia, y a
comprender el gran amor que Dios nos tiene a cada uno de
sus hijos.
P5 ­ Tithing Report, Safe Environment
P6 ­ Kairos Prison Ministry, Volunteer
P9 ­ Reporte del Diezmo, Ministerio
de Prisiones Kairos
P6 ­ Boxtops for Education, Car for
Kyle Bell, Missing Anything?, In the
Spirit of the Year of Mercy
P9 ­ Perdiste Algo?, Box Tops para
educación, Coche para Kyle
Días: Marzo 1­4
Hora: 7pm­9pm
Lugar: Capilla
Other Lenten Events
Friday Adoration ­ All day
Stations of the Cross ­ Friday @ 6:30 pm
Friday Fish Fry ­ 4:30 ­ 7:00
Lenten Missions (see above)
Parish Penance Service ­ Feb 29th @ 7:00pm
English Cantata ­ Feb 23rd @ 7:30
Spanish Cantata ­ Feb 27th @ 7:30
P6 ­ Womens' Emmaus
P7 ­ Week at a Glance
P8 ­ Retiro Emaus
Stewardship Bulletin Reflection
Gn 15: 5­12, 17­18; Ps 27: 1, 7­9, 13­14; Phil 3: 17–4:1; Lk 9: 28B­36
As significant as the Transfiguration was and is, that is
exactly the basic point of this Gospel and all of our readings
for today: each of us is called to conversion. We, too, must
reach an understanding that what we do now, what we
prepare for now, and how we live now, is all a prelude to
something so glorious it is beyond our ability to fully
e are surrounded by examples of
stewardship — in our own
families, in our neighborhoods, in our
parish families, and certainly in the
world. However, some of those
Mass Intentions | Feb 22nd ­ 28th
examples come to us through Holy
Monday, February 22
Scripture. We may have an intellectual
Leonila Louwallien
understanding of what Lent is all about, and we may even 7:00 am
Britt Hardy
appreciate what we are supposed to be doing to prepare for 8:00 am
Tuesday, February 23
Easter. In today’s readings we find the examples and the
7:00 am
Jared Noriega
models we should be following.
8:00 am
Collin Messerschmidt
Valencia Medina
The First Reading comes to us from the Book of Genesis. It 7:00 pm
Wednesday, February 24
relates how God reminded Abram of the promises made to
Dr. & Mrs. Bart Regencia
him. God offers us reminders all the time of the promises He 7:00 am
Birth of Baby Cardillo
makes to us as well. God knows we need to be reminded. 8:15 am
Thursday, February 25
Many times we have reflected how important it is to trust in
Jim Lee
the Lord. This reading shows how Abram still had doubts. 7:00 am
Virginia Pascua
We, too, may share those doubts when it comes to the Lord’s 8:00 am
Friday, February 26
promises. Abram and God make a divine covenant. We have
James McWilliams
a divine covenant with God also. It begins with our Baptism. 7:00 am
8:00 am
Al Garcia Jr.
Zenovia Morales & Inez Vega
Most of us know that St. Paul is an excellent example of 7:00 pm
Saturday, February 27
stewardship for us. In his letter to the Philippians, from
Leo Wendell
which our Second Reading is drawn, Paul invites us to be 8:00 am
Al Garcia Jr.
imitators of him, but he also points out that there are many 4:00 pm
Rosaura Castillo
others to whom we can look to see how we should live: 4:00 pm
Sunday, February 28
“Observe those who thus conduct themselves according to
Cosi Gonzalez Belloso
the model you have in us.” During this Lenten season it is a 7:00 am
Mary Ann Casale
good time for us to identify those around us who live lives of 8:30 am
Betsy Huantes
faith and sacrifice and love, and then to attempt to do
10:30 am
Carita Mottola (Chapel)
something in our lives which is similar.
12:30 am
Deacon Lou & Lucy Zayas (Spanish)
Pete Saya
Paul points out that we are citizens of heaven. That may be a 6:00 pm
difficult concept for us because that means we are not
APA Update and Thanks
citizens of earth, but aliens here. Nevertheless, that is exactly
the case for us as Christians, especially as we prepare for Thank you to the over 600 families who
Christ’s Resurrection His redemption of us. Were you aware have already made their commitment, at
that Caesars, the rulers of the Roman Empire, were also home, at Mass last weekend, or online.
referred to as Lords and Saviors. Paul is very careful to make We are nearly halfway to last year's
it clear to us that as citizens of Heaven rather than of participation totals! With a $470,000
something like the Roman Empire, we have but one Lord goal we need everyone's support to keep
and Savior, Jesus Christ. That, too, should be part of our Nativity Catholic Church and School
out in front as a Diocesan leader in this
reflections during Lent.
worthy cause.
Transfiguration. Our Catholic Catechism explains the Important note ­ if you contributed online last year and
Transfiguration in this way: “Christ’s Transfiguration aims at would like to renew your commitment to this worthwhile
strengthening the apostles’ faith in anticipation of His and awesome appeal visit our website for a link to use your
Passion: the ascent into the mountains prepares for the ascent USER ID and PASSWORD that you used last year. When
to Calvary. Christ, Head of the Church, manifests what His you're logged in, just add APA 2016 as a fund you'd like to
Body contains and radiates the sacraments: ‘the hope of give to this year, and renew your commitment!
glory’.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 568).
Christ’s divinity, His Transfiguration, is proclaimed to
catechumens and baptized alike. St. Thomas Aquinas stated
in his Summa Theologiae “At His transfiguration Christ
showed His disciples the splendor of His beauty, to which
He will shape and color those who are His. He will reform
our lowness configured to the Body of His glory.”
New givers can also give online at the above weblink!
You can mail in your commitment card that you received in
the mail at home.
Commitment Envelopes can still be found on the
windowsills in our Church and Chapel.
Pray for One Another
The Book of Revelation
Pray for the sick, suffering, and shut­ins to welcome the
strength of God’s love, especially:
“Behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age”
(Mt 28:20).
Pedro Roldan Sanchez, Danny Rossi, Leo Rossiter, Virginia Ruth,
Maria Saenz, Dr. Charles F. Schramm, Richard Sanderson, Lisa
Ziroli Seaholm, Josie Sellers, Bill Shea, Don Shea, Mike
Showalter, Jimmy Smith, Barbara Spears, Alice Sperandio, Brett
Strong, Heather Sturz, William Swantek, Theresa Taffe, Suzie
Taylor, Sam Troncalli, Ann Ulbricht, Christina Van Alstyne, Luis
and Carmen Vargas, Rose Vier, Joan Wagner, Christie Washburn,
Auburn Wells, Barbara White, Howard Wiebeld, Vincent Wildgen,
Cathy Williams, Kenneth Wilson, Evelina Zambrano, Charlotte
Zorn, George Wagner, Steve Alley, Bessie LoScalzo, Dr.
Greenwell, Francis Davis, Anna Cifuni, Bienvenida Kjeer, Vincent
Wilgen, Alex Hernandez, Stephanie Koch, Kay Walczak, Louise
Rogers, Christine Alvarez, Addia Limtiaco, Alex Kepler, Norma
Damico, Robert Landee, Bobby Dass, Ashlyn Conly, George
Thomas, Virginia Lascera, Rosa Valentin, Richard Byerly, Natalie
Lizanich, Ed Gefre, Angel Vasquez, Theresa Fraser, Joseph Ruzzi,
Virginia Pascua, Richard & Betsy Mahoney, Joe LaPerna,
Monserrate Gonzalez, Jose Gonzalez, Jessie Perez Gonzalez,
Sylvia Perez Gonzalez, Jeanne A. Woodke, Katalin Lazzara, Dr.
Joseph Chiarmonte, Aida Luz Betancourt, Courtney Daniels,
Leonora Maggio, Irma Barrett, Estelito Rubio, Mary Demery, Ed
The Thursday Evening Scripture Study Group will begin a
15 week study of the Book of Revelation on Thursday
February 18, 2016. This study invites the modern reader to
hear the call to conversion and experience God's ultimate
triumph over evil. Those who remain steadfast in their faith
and confidence in the risen Lord need have no fear.
This group meets Thursday evenings from 7:00 pm –
9:00 pm in the Adult Education Building (west side of
the campus).
There is a $15.00 fee for study materials and the 20
minute video presentations.
If you have any questions please contact William at
813­752­9312 or call the Nativity Parish ­ Faith
Formation Office at 813­689­9101.
Returning to the Faith?
Catholics Come Home offers you a safe, non­judgmental
place to start. We will have volunteers from our parish on
In your hands O Lord, we commend the souls of our recently hand to welcome you and answer your questions.
departed. May their souls and the souls of the faithful
Sessions are held on Thursdays,
departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
at 7:30 pm in St. Francis Room
Susie Taylor, Dr. Neida Ventura, Raul Ediberto Cerpa­Valdivia,
(Room D) of the Social Hall.
Antonio Ojeda, Barbara Brelsford, Robert DeLeon
Regulations on Fasting and Abstinence
The dual disciplines of fasting and abstinence have a
long history in the Catholic Church. Going back to the
early Church, the purpose behind the custom of self denial is
not punishment; it is to simplify our lifestyles so that we
create a certain emptiness. In this way, freed from all
distractions, we are able to hear and respond to God’s
continued call to conversion and holiness.
Fasting is to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good
Friday by all Catholics between the ages of 18 to 59 years
(inclusive). On days of fasting, one full meal is allowed.
Two smaller meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be
taken according to one’s needs, but together they should not
equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not
permitted, but liquids are allowed.
Abstinence from meat is to be observed by all
Catholics who are 14 years of age and older. Ash
Wednesday, all the Fridays of Lent, and Good Friday are
days of abstinence.
If a person is unable to observe the above regulations due to
ill health or other serious reasons, they are urged to practice
other forms of self denial that are suitable to their condition.
Fasting, almsgiving, and prayer are the three traditional
disciplines of Lent. The faithful and catechumens should
undertake these practices seriously in a spirit of penance and
of preparation for baptism or of renewal of baptism at Easter.
Call the Faith Formation Office
for details, or just come by the
meeting; drop­ins are welcome.
Parishioners' Tithing Report
February 13th & 14th
# of Envelopes
Mass Total
Online Offertory
Vigil Lights
Ash Wednesday Total
Total offertory to operating budget = $60,335.20
Total Collected thru 2/7 = $1,599,521.67
Represents 59.51% of the $2,688,000 operating budget
revenues needed for 2015­16
Safe Environment Training
Tuesday, March 1st, at 6:30 p.m. in the Social Hall St.
Francis Room. Anyone interested in volunteering for
ministries out of the Pastoral Care Office is invited to
attend. Please call the Pastoral care Office at 413­8351
for more information and to RSVP for this training.
Kairos Prison Ministry
The meetings for retreat #41 @ Polk County will start
Monday Feb. 22 to prepare for this dynamic ministry.
If you want to experience the Holy Spirit at work and see
first hand "true conversion of heart" AND know that you
contributed to that effort, then come to see that prison
ministry ISN'T...what you think it is.
Call or text Richard Spinelli @ 813­495­6446 for
Volunteer Opportunity
Partners With La Victoria, Inc., is in need of an accountant.
The volunteer position does not require regular attendance at
board meetings. This position requires strong professional
skills, and the ability to work independently with motivation.
A Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from an accredited
university, and five years of accounting supervisory
experience is required. Written and oral communication
skills must be at a professional level, since it will be
necessary to communicate with and present reports to
management at the highest levels. It requires the use of
computer technologies such as MS Word, Excel, and Power
Point, and a high level of knowledge of generally accepted
accounting principles for Not For Profit organizations.
Having passed the CPA Exam is highly desirable, but not
Missing Anything?
Umbrellas – glasses – jewelry ­ toys
Lost items collected during Mass are taken to the library –
west corner of the Narthex. We will hold these in our Lost
and Found for approximately three months and those items
unclaimed will be donated to St. Vincent DePaul. End of
February will be our next donation so check us out for your
missing treasures.
In the Spirit of the Year of Mercy
Over the next 5 Sundays
Representatives from the Ministries of the Nativity Pastoral
Care Office Will be in the Social Hall to answer your
questions, share with you what you can do to be a part of
these ministries, and how they can be of help to you or
members of your family. Please stop by to learn more about
these important ministries of mercy.
Please contact Lori Fitzpatrick at 654­5348 or
[email protected] to discuss the position.
Boxtops for Education
Ever wonder what to do with the Box Tops for education
coupons you see on every day grocery products you use?
Clip and Donate them to Nativity Catholic School!
This week, join us to learn about our Telephone
reassurance ministry and our Eucharistic Ministers. Find
out how you can be a part of the work of Christ.
This is an easy way to earn cash for our parish School and all
you need to do is clip Box Tops coupons from hundreds of
participating products and turn them in to the offertory in an
Womens' Emmaus Retreat
envelope. Each Box Top is worth $ .10 cents to our school. Registration for the next Womens' Emmaus retreat will begin
In the fall semester our school earned $975.20!
this weekend, February 20in the Social Hall after all Masses
Drop the coupons at the School or Church Office during the and will continue every weekend, through the weekend of
March 13, or until the retreat is full, whichever comes first.
week, or in the offertory basket in an envelope.
Thank you for your time and stewardship for our parish
Car for Kyle Bell
Thank You – I am grateful to the family who donated their
used car to our seminarian, Kyle Bell. Kyle’s car died
several weeks ago. This gift will allow him to continue with
his assigned duties – visits to the hospital, the homebound,
and attending various meetings in the area. This kind gesture
is an example of what makes Nativity Parish so great!
The retreat will take place the weekend of March 18­20,
2016 at the Franciscan Center in Tampa.
The cost is $195.00 and includes transportation and all
This is a retreat where women are ministered to by other
women and it is based on the Gospel of Luke 24:13­35. Take
this opportunity to deepen your relationship with Jesus in a
relaxed environment and free from the distractions of your
daily routine while building friendships with other women in
the parish.
Week at a Glance
Monday ­ 2/22/2016
Parish Mission
Parish Mission
9:00AM ­ 10:00AM
9:00AM ­ 12:00PM
SVDP Meeting
10:30AM ­ 2:00PM
CRSP grupo 3 hombres 6:15PM ­ 9:30PM
Parish Mission
7:00PM ­ 8:00PM
Legion de Maria Hispana 7:30PM ­ 9:00PM
Parish Mission Reception 8:00PM ­ 9:00PM
Tuesday ­ 2/23/2016
Parish Mission
Diocesan Development 9:00AM ­ 1:30PM
Parish Mission
9:00AM ­ 10:30AM
Diocesan FF Leaders
9:00AM ­ 3:00PM
Girl Talk
5:00PM ­ 6:00PM
Life Force
6:00PM ­ 8:00PM
CRSP Mujeres grupo 3
6:15PM ­ 9:00PM
KofC Assembly
7:00PM ­ 9:00PM
Parish Mission
7:00PM ­ 8:00PM
CRSP CDC meeting
7:45PM ­ 9:30PM
Parish Mission Reception 8:00PM ­ 9:00PM
Wednesday ­ 2/24/2016
Parish Mission
Parish Mission
9:00AM ­ 10:30AM
Meals on Wheels
10:30AM ­ 11:30AM
Fitness Ministry Zumba 10:30AM ­ 11:30AM
St Jude Prayer
5:00PM ­ 7:00PM
Wed Faith Formation
6:30PM ­ 7:45PM
Conocer La Biblia
7:00PM ­ 9:00PM
Grupo De Oracion
7:00PM ­ 9:00PM
7:00PM ­ 9:00PM
Life Teen
7:00PM ­ 9:00PM
Chorale Rehearsal
7:30PM ­ 9:30PM
Thursday ­ 2/25/2016
Come Clean Church
7:00AM ­ 9:30AM
Come Clean Chapel
8:45AM ­ 10:30AM
Adult Bible Study
9:30AM ­ 11:00AM
Senior Fitness Class
10:30AM ­ 12:00PM
Food Pantry
1:30PM ­ 5:00PM
Sacrament Prep
6:30PM ­ 7:30PM
Womens Emmaus Prep 6:45PM ­ 8:00PM
Hispanic Leaders
7:00PM ­ 9:00PM
Evening Scripture Study 7:00PM ­ 9:00PM
Young Adults
7:00PM ­ 10:00PM
Charismatic Prayer
7:00PM ­ 9:00PM
Estudio Biblico
7:00PM ­ 9:00PM
Catholics Come Home
7:30PM ­ 8:30PM
Coro Hispano
7:30PM ­ 9:00PM
Friday ­ 2/26/2016
8:45AM ­ 6:45PM
AD of Indianapolis
11:00AM ­ 12:00PM
Winter Gathering
12:00PM ­ 1:00PM
Fish Fry
4:30PM ­ 7:00PM
Stations of the Cross
6:30PM ­ 7:30PM
Vida Joven
6:30PM ­ 9:30PM
Lenten Seminars
7:00PM ­ 8:30PM
PC (Back)
PC (Mid)
PC (Back)
SH (A&B)
SH (C)
SH (D)
SH (C1)
SH (A&B)
SH (D)
SH (C)
PC (Back)
PC (Back)
AE (B)
AE (A)
SH (D)
SH (A&B)
SH (D)
Saturday ­ 2/27/2016
Lent Migrant Ministry
8:30AM ­ 10:00AM
FBJ Meeting
6:30PM ­ 9:30PM
9:00PM ­ 10:00PM
Sunday ­ 2/28/2016
Pastoral Care Spotlight
7:45AM ­ 7:30PM
SH (B)
Sunday Faith Formation 8:30AM ­ 12:30PM
Confirmation Classes
10:30AM ­ 12:00PM
RCIA 1st Scrutiny
10:30AM ­ 11:00AM
RICA 1st Scrutiny
12:30PM ­ 12:45PM
2:00PM ­ 3:00PM
2:30PM ­ 4:30PM
SH (D)
Life Teen Prayer team
7:00PM ­ 9:00PM
Life Teen
7:00PM ­ 9:00PM
For all events and updates, please check the website calendar.
YC ­ Youth Center | SH(ABC&D) ­ Social Hall | PC ­ Pastoral
Care | AE ­ Adult Education Building | LL ­ Life Lounge | OR ­
Oakwood Room | CONV ­ Convent | MP ­ MultiPurpose Room
Reflexión de las Escrituras
Gn 15: 5­12, 17­18; Salmo 27: 1, 7­9, 13­14; Flp 3: 17­4: 1; Lc 9: 28B­36
stamos rodeados de ejemplos de
mayordomía ­ en nuestras familias, en
nuestros vecindarios, en nuestras familias
parroquiales, y desde luego en el mundo. Sin
embargo, algunos de esos ejemplos vienen a
nosotros a través de la Sagrada Escritura.
Podemos tener una comprensión intelectual de
lo que tiene que ver con la Cuaresma, y podemos incluso apreciar
lo que se supone que debemos estar haciendo para prepararnos
para la Pascua. En las lecturas de hoy nos encontramos con los
ejemplos y los modelos que deberíamos seguir.
La Primera Lectura nos llega del Libro de Génesis. Se relata cómo
Dios le recordó a Abram de las promesas hechas a él. Dios nos
ofrece recordatorios todo el tiempo de las promesas que Él nos ha
hecho a nosotros también. Dios sabe que necesitamos ser
recordados. Se ha reflejado a menudo lo importante que es confiar
en el Señor. Esta lectura muestra cómo Abram todavía tenía dudas.
Nosotros, también, podríamos compartir esas dudas cuando se trata
de las promesas del Señor. Abram y Dios hicieron un pacto divino.
Tenemos una alianza divina con Dios también. Comienza con
nuestro bautismo.
La mayoría de nosotros sabemos que San Pablo es un excelente
ejemplo de mayordomía para nosotros. En su Carta a los
Filipenses, de la cual se extrae la Segunda Lectura, San Pablo nos
invita a ser imitadores de él, pero también señala que hay muchos
otros a los que podemos mirar para ver cómo debemos vivir:
"Observar los que por lo tanto se comporten de acuerdo al modelo
que tenéis en nosotros. " Durante este tiempo de Cuaresma es un
buen momento para identificar los que nos rodean que viven una
vida de fe y sacrificio y amor, y luego tratar de hacer algo similar
en nuestras vidas.
Pablo señala que somos ciudadanos del cielo. Eso puede ser un
concepto difícil para nosotros porque eso significa que no somos
ciudadanos de la tierra, sino extranjeros aquí. Sin embargo, eso es
exactamente el caso para nosotros como Cristianos, especialmente
a medida que nos preparamos para la Resurrección de Cristo, Su
redención de nosotros. ¿Estaba usted consciente de que a los
Césares, los gobernantes del Imperio Romano, también se les
refería como Señores y Salvadores? Pablo es muy cuidadoso de
que quede claro para nosotros que como ciudadanos del cielo, más
que algo como el Imperio Romano, tenemos un solo Señor y
Salvador, Jesucristo. Eso, también, debe ser parte de nuestras
reflexiones durante la Cuaresma.
Por último, nuestro Evangelio relata la transfiguración de Cristo.
Nuestro Catecismo Católico explica la Transfiguración de esta
manera: "Transfiguración de Cristo tiene por objeto fortalecer la fe
de los apóstoles en anticipación de Su pasión: el ascenso a las
montañas prepara el ascenso al Calvario. Cristo, Cabeza de la
Iglesia, manifiesta lo que Su Cuerpo contiene e irradia los
sacramentos: 'la esperanza de gloria." (Catecismo de la Iglesia
Católica, 568).
La divinidad de Cristo, Su Transfiguración, se anuncia a los
catecúmenos y bautizados por igual. Santo Tomás de Aquino
afirma en su Summa Theologiae que "en Su Transfiguración Cristo
mostró a sus discípulos el esplendor de Su belleza, a lo que Él dará
forma y color a los que son suyos. El reformará nuestra bajeza
configurada al Cuerpo de Su gloria."
Tan significativa como la Transfiguración fue y es, eso es
exactamente el punto básico de este Evangelio y todas nuestras
lecturas para hoy: cada uno de nosotros está llamado a la
conversión. Nosotros, también, debemos llegar a un entendimiento
de que lo que hacemos ahora, lo que preparamos por ahora, y como
vivimos ahora, es todo un preludio de algo tan glorioso que está
más allá de nuestra capacidad de comprender plenamente.
Reporte del Diezmo
FEBRERO 13 y 14
# de Sobres
Misa Total
Ofertorio realizado Online
Miércoles de ceniza
Total recolectado hasta 2/14 = $1,599,521.67
Representa el 59.51% de los $2,688,000.00 ingresos
necesarios para el presupuesto operativo 2015­16.
Retiro Emaús Mujeres
La inscripción para proximo retiro de Emaús para Mujeres
comenzará el fin de semana del 20­21 de febrero de, 2016 en
el Salón Social después de todas las misas y continuará cada
fin de semana, el fin de semana del 12­13 de marzo de, el
año 2016 o hasta que el retiro es completo, lo que ocurra
El retiro se llevará a cabo el fin de semana del 18 al 20
marzo, 2016 en el Centro Franciscano en Tampa.
El costo es de $ 195.00 e incluye transporte y todas las
Este es un refugio donde las mujeres son ministrados por
otras mujeres y que se basa en el Evangelio de Lucas 24: 13­
35. Aprovechar esta oportunidad para profundizar su
relación con Jesús en un ambiente de tranquilidad y libre de
las distracciones de su rutina diaria, mientras se construye
amistades con otras mujeres de la parroquia.
Perdiste Algo?
Paraguas ­ copas ­ joyas ­ juguetes
Los artículos perdidos recogidos durante la misa se toman a
la biblioteca ­ esquina oeste del nártex. Vamos a tener estos
en nuestra perdidos y encontrados durante aproximadamente
tres meses, y esos artículos no reclamados serán donados a
San Vicente de Paul. Finales de febrero será la próxima
donación de modo que nos visita para sus tesoros perdidos.
Box Tops para educación
Alguna vez se preguntó qué hacer con los cupones de 'Box
Tops for Education' que se ve en todos los productos
comestibles que utilizas?
Clip y donarlos a la escuela católica Nativity!
Esta es una manera fácil de ganar dinero para nuestra escuela
parroquial y todo lo que hay que hacer es clip los cupones de
cienes de productos participantes y los convierten en el
ofertorio en un sobre. Cada Box Top se vale $ .10 centavos
Ministerio de Prisiones Kairos
para nuestra escuela. En el semestre de otoño nuestra escuela
Las reuniones de retiro # 41 @ condado de Polk empezarán obtuvo $ 975.20!
lunes 22 de febrero para prepararse para este ministerio Caída de los cupones en la escuela o la oficina de la iglesia
durante la semana, o en la canasta del ofertorio en un sobre.
Si quieres tener la experiencia del Espíritu Santo trabajando Gracias por su tiempo y cuidado para nuestra escuela
y conocer de primera mano "verdadera conversión del parroquial!
corazón" y saber que usted contribuyó a ese esfuerzo, a
continuación, llegar a ver que el ministerio prisión no es ... lo
Coche para Kyle
que usted piensa que es.
Gracias – Un profundo agradecimiento a la familia que donó
Llame o texto Richard Spinelli @ 813­495­6446 para su coche usado a nuestro seminarista, Kyle Bell. El coche de
Kyle se murió hace varias semanas. Este regalo le permitirá
más detalles.
continuar con sus tareas asignadas ­ visitas al hospital, a los
que se encuentran en sus casas, y para asistir a varias
reuniones en el área. ¡Este tipo de gestos es un ejemplo de
lo que hace tan maravillosa la Parroquia Natividad!