Question of the Week Pregunta de la Semana Fifteenth Sunday in
Question of the Week Pregunta de la Semana Fifteenth Sunday in
WELCOME TO ST. MARY OF THE VALLEY CATHOLIC COMMUNITY/ ST. CHRISTOPHER OF THE DESERT Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 13, 2014 You have crowned the year with your bounty, and your paths overflow with a rich harvest. — Psalm 65:12 Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 13 de julio de 2014 Tú coronas el año con tus bienes, tus senderos derraman abundancia. — Salmo 65 (64):12 Question of the Week Pregunta de la Semana Theme: Discipleship—opening our hearts to Jesus’ word and acting upon it. Tema: Ser discípulos, abrir nuestros corazones a la palabra de Jesús y actuar de acuerdo con ella. Breaking Open the Word Suggested text for faith sharing: Today’s Gospel. Apuntes de la Palabra Texto sugerido para compartir la fe: El Evangelio de hoy, la versión corta Step One: Listen to the Word Hearing the Gospel re-read today, what words or phrases in the reading strike you? What image from this reading lingers in your mind? Paso uno: Escuchar la Palabra Al escuchar el Evangelio nuevamente hoy, ¿qué palabras o frases los impactan? ¿Qué imagen de esta lectura persiste en su mente? Step Two: Look into Your Life Question for Children: Who helps you to grow deeper in your faith? Paso dos: Ver tu vida Pregunta para los niños: ¿Quién te ayuda a crecer más profundamente en tu fe? Question for Youth: When the sower, in this week’s Gospel, sowed his seed, not all of it fell in “good soil.” What can you do in the coming week to make sure that you are open to God in your life? What is getting in the way of your being “good soil?” Pregunta para los jóvenes: ¿Qué estrategia estás usando en tu vida de joven para asegurarte que tu fe sigue creciendo y no se marchita o se muere? Question for Adults: Using the parable of Jesus in this reading, describe how faith has been planted in your life? How long did it take for that seed to land “on good soil?” READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Is 1:10-17; Ps 50:8-9, 16-17, 21, 23; ......................... Mt 10:34 — 11:1 Tuesday: Is 7:1-9; Ps 48:2-8; Mt 11:20-24 Wednesday: Is 10:5-7, 13b-16; Ps 94:5-10, 14-15; Mt 11:25-27 Thursday: Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; Ps 102:13-14ab, 15-21; ......................... Mt 11:28-30 Friday: Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8; Is 38:10-12abcd, 16; Mt 12:1-8 Saturday: Mi 2:1-5; Ps 10:1-4, 7-8, 14; Mt 12:14-21 Sunday: Wis 12:13, 16-19; Ps 86:5-6, 9-10, 15-16; Rom 8:26-27; Mt 13:24-43 [24-30] Pregunta para los adultos: Usando la parábola de Jesús en esta lectura, describa cómo la fe ha sido plantada en su vida. ¿Cuánto tiempo tomó para que la semilla cayera “en tierra fértil”? LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Is 1:10-17; Sal 50 (49):8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; ......................... Mt 10:34 — 11:1 Martes: Is 7:1-9; Sal 48 (47):2-8; Mt 11:20-24 Miércoles: Is 10:5-7, 13b-16; Sal 94:5-10, 14-15;Mt 11:25-27 Jueves: Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19;Sal 102 (101):13-14ab, 15-21; ......................... Mt 11:28-30 Viernes: Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8; Is 38:10-12abcd, 16;Mt 12:1-8 Sábado: Miq 2:1-5; Sal 10 (9):1-4, 7-8, 14; Mt 12:14-21 Domingo: Sab 12:13, 16-19; Sal 86 (85):5-6, 9-10, 15-16; ......................... Rom 8:26-27; Mt 13:24-43 [24-30] Larry Abessoen, Leo Arciniega, David Andrew, Don & Betty Ambrose, Jack Anderson, Joseph Bartley, Dr. R. Bentley, Danny Bergin, Liz Blair, Catherine Blanchard, Frank Blankenship, Gloria Blaser, Susie & Vic Boka, Alida Boorn, Peggy Cambon, Remie Casilla, Debbie Cava, Mary Chambers, Bob Christino, Mary Cho-Sabol, Margaret Clark, Kay Collins, Elise Colson, Sherry Cota, Carmen Croci, William Curley, Donald & Pauline Curry, Ethel Cyr, Rose Cruz, Marianna Cruz, Robert Daugherty, Brianna Denckley, Mary Denny, Celeste Doherty, Michael Doherty, Juan Duran, Melissa Delaney, Grace DiNardo, Cindy Evaro, Martin Farrington, Vince Ferrari, Ginger Ford, Peggy Frakes, Maureen Fuller, Cindra Gartwait, Sara & Rueben Garrido, Allyson Giese, Irene Gherlan, Angie Gutierrezas, Jeffrey Hanghol, Mark Hartl, Carole Hernandez, George Hertel, Miriam Hix, Audrey Hofmann, Phil Hood, Lisa Hughes, Mary Hunter, Mary Irons, Joaquin Juarez, Dorothy Juhs, Robert Koeppel, Spencer Koptis, Sharron LaCasse, Lew LaFrench, Sandy Lambert, Gina Laughton, Oscar Lopez, Louvert family, Raymond & Lenore Liberatore, Earlene McCloskey, Cindy McManhan, Virginia Michaels, Sharon Miller, Liz Mindivil, Walter Mistal, Marlene Mitchell, Mary Monk, Bill Monsimer, Margie Morris, Jacqueline Newsom, Cadence Nield, Bill Nelson, Vinnie Orabona, Adela Pasillas, Thelma Patten, Katherine Payne, Sunae & Carl Pennington, Eliz. Peterson, Forest Prusso, Jose & Silvia Ramirez, Mary Ragan, Margaret Reindel, Karen & Red Renish, Tina Reinehardt, Betty Rittmiller, Dianne Robertson, Perry Robertson, MaryLou Robillard, Antonio Rubalcaba, Samantha Sabo, Susan Sabol, Gregory Schoffstall, Roy Schaefer, Faith Schrepping, Cass Shaneman, Sal Sortino, Audrey G. Strasser, Tammy Taylor, Steve Tercel, Roger Thompson, Carlos Valdez, Suzy Van Camp, Lynne VanDyke, Josette Vettel, Debbie Wajack, Theresa Wiencek, Clara Williams. All the men and women deployed overseas. To include and/or remove a name from the list, please contact the parish office at 365-2287. If a person is ill long term, know that they are in our daily prayers. 1 FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Saturday, 7/12/14 JT 4:00 p.m. Sunday, 7/13/14 YV 8:00 a.m. YV YV 10:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Monday, 7/14/14 YV 8:00 a.m. Tuesday, 7/15/14 YV 8:00 a.m. Wednesday, 7/16/14 JT 8:00 am Thursday, 7/17/14 YV 8:00 am Friday, 7/18/14 YV 8:00am Saturday, 7/19/14 JT 4:00 pm Sunday, 7/20/14 YV 8:00 am Lorraine Schaefer, RIP Requested by Roy Schaefer Irene Neznick, Spec Int Requested by Jim & Debi Golon Walter Mazur, RIP Requested by Patricia Mazur Jose Macias, RIP Requested by Rosa Macias Jane Theresa Delphin, RIP Requested by family & friends JULY 13, 2014 Saturday, July 12 MISSION APPEAL WEEKEND Confessions (JT) Vigil Mass (JT) 3:00 pm 4:00 pm Sunday, July 13 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Sunday Mass ~ English~ (YV) Sunday Mass ~ English (YV) Sunday Mass ~ Spanish ~ (YV) Summer office hours: 8:30 ~ 12:30 Monday, July 14 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Daily Mass (YV) Spanish choir (YV Spanish Faith sharing group (YV) Spanish Rosary (YV) Tuesday, July 15 Augusta Louisa Stein, RIP Requested by family & friends JoJo Talay, Spec Intention Requested by Jim & Aloha Murphy Garland Morton, RIP Requested by his family Lester Stein, RIP Requested by his family 8:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Daily Mass (YV) Youth Choir (YV) Adult Choir (YV) Girl Scouts (YV) Evening Star prayer group (YV) Wednesday, July 16 7:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 5:00 pm 7:00 p.m. Rosary ~ (JT) Daily Mass ~ (JT) Youth Ministry BBQ ~ (Scott’s house) Mediation prayer group (YV) Thursday, July 17 8:00 a.m. Daily Mass ~ (YV) Friday, July18 Maggie Murphy, Happy Birthday Requested by Peg Murphy Shaneman family, RIP Requested by Will & Cass Shaneman YV 10:00 a.m. Adrian Guerrero Sr, RIP Requested by Norma Lucero YV 1:00 p.m. People of the Parish 8:00 am Daily Mass ~ (YV) Saturday, July 19 9:30 am 4:00 pm Confessions ~ (JT) Vigil Mass ~ (JT) Sunday, July 20 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Mass ~ English (YV) Mass ~ English (YV) 11:30 am Kof C installation of officers (YV) 1:00 p.m. Mass ~ Spanish ~ (YV) Summer Daily Mass Schedule Father Kelly will be on vacation in August. Listed below is the daily Mass schedule for the summer. Weeks of July 7, 14 and 21st regular schedule Monday July 28 and Monday’s in August ~ NO Mass Tuesday ~ Friday July 28 thru August 29 ~ Mass Summer Office Hours In order to conserve energy, the parish office is open Monday ~ Friday from 8:30am ~ 12:30pm. The answer machine is checked regularly for emergencies. The chapel will remain open until 4:30pm ,or you may contact the parish office for 24/7 access. Horas de Oficina Durante el Verano El 30 de junio, la oficina de la parroquia comenzara su horario de verano. La oficina estará abierta de lunes a viernes de 8:30 ~ 12:30pm. La capilla permanecerá abierta hasta las 4:30pm. Si desean pueden contactar la oficina para acceso las 24 horas. 2 FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 13, 2014 From the Pastor’s Desk GIVING OF ONESELF RENUNCIAR A SÍ MISMO Scientists have recently begun to discuss the idea that the primary force behind all life in the universe is self-gift. This is how everything from galaxies to human babies are born and sustained. If we read the opening of today’s passage from Isaiah correctly, we see that he anticipated twentieth-century scientists by over twenty five hundred years. Using the self-giving example of the rain and snow clouds that water the earth, that then yields fruit, which in turn is given over to nourish creatures. Isaiah leads us to understand that the primary force behind all life is the word of God. The ultimate giving of that word, we believe, was Jesus Christ, who, in the greatest revelation of divine love, gave of himself on the cross. To what degree are we in touch with that self-giving God in whose image we are made? To what extent do we really follow the self-giving example of Christ into whose death and resurrection we were baptized, whose ultimate self-gift we celebrate every week in the Eucharist? With God’s help, our lives can be like Isaiah’s rain and snow, and we will not return to heaven until we have done our part to make the earth fruitful. copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Los científicos recientemente empezaron a debatir el hecho de que la fuerza primordial detrás de toda vida en el universo es la entrega de sí. Eso es lo que hace nacer y lo que sostiene a todo, desde galaxias a bebés. Si leemos la apertura del pasaje de Isaías de hoy correctamente, escuchamos que él se adelantó a los científicos por unos 2500 años. Usando el ejemplo de la lluvia y la nieve que dan su agua a la tierra para queue pueda dar fruto, que a su vez da su fruto para alimentar las criaturas, Isaías nos lleva a entender que la fuerza primaria detrás de toda la vida, es la palabra de Dios. El mejor ejemplo de esa entrega de sí, creemos que fue Jesucristo, quien, en la revelación más grande del amor divino, se entregó en la cruz. ¿Hasta qué punto estamos en contacto con Dios que se entrega y en cuya imagen hemos sido creados? ¿Hasta qué punto seguimos el ejemplo de entrega de Cristo en cuya muerte y resurrección fuimos bautizados; cuya entrega suprema celebramos cada semana en la Eucaristía? Es de esperarse que nuestra vida sea como la lluvia y la nieve para Isaías, y que no volveremos al cielo hasta que hayamos contribuido a hacer la tierra más fértil. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Community Food Bank Thank you to everyone for your generous donations to the food pantry. In June we served 424 families for a total of 894, which included 24 new families. We could not run the pantry without your donations. There are several items that the pantry would like to have, but we cannot afford to buy. Peanut butter, canned soup and canned fruit, potatoes, canned meat such as chicken or fish, spaghetti sauce, dry milk, hamburger helper and dry potato mixes. All donations are gratefully accepted. We do not accept clothing. The pantry is a non-profit 501C3 organization, so the value of your donation is tax deductible. Contact Deacon Glenn at 760-364-3957 for more info. Banco de Comida Comunitario Gracias por sus generosas donaciones. En junio servimos 424 familias, un total de 894 gentes. No funcionaria este banco de comida sin sus donaciones. Pero todavía estamos necesitando artículos como: Crema de cacahuate, sopas enlatadas, fruta enlatada, papas, carne enlatada, leche en polvo etc. Todas las donaciones son grandemente apreciadas. No aceptamos ropa. Este banco es una organización no-lucrativa 501 C3, asi que el valor de su donación es deducible de impuestos. Para mas información, contactar al Diacono Glenn al 760-364-3957. Knights of Columbus July 14, 2014: Join the Knights at the 29 Palms gun range for skeet shooting and target practice. Knights will provide all the clay; you bring your firearm and ammunition. Range reserved from 10:00 a.m. until noon. Contact Knight Bernie Klemundt for more information. July 20, 2014: Knights officers installation ceremony and lunch. All are invited to witness the official swearing in ceremony of new Knight Officers and enjoy hospitality immediately afterwards. Ceremony starts promptly at 11:30 a.m. in the old church in Yucca Valley. Parish Prayer and Faith Sharing Opportunities Did you know, St. Mary’s & St. Christopher’s have the following prayer/faith sharing opportunities. Everyone is welcome to join any or all of these groups. For more information please contact the parish office at 365-2287. * Monday ~ Friday 8:00am Daily Mass Catechism and faith sharing group which meet on Tuesday at 9:00am. (On summer break . We will return in September. ) The Divine Mercy Chaplet every Friday at 12:00 noon in the chapel. (off for the summer) Temporadas de fe todos están invitados de 7:00pm ~ 8:30pm Hay un tiempo para cada cosa y un momento para hacerla bajo el cielo. Meditation prayer group: Wed @ 7:00pm For information: Call Ignazio at 760-401-0783 A charismatic prayer group on Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. Living the Catholic Faith / RCIA ~ Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. Spanish Faith Sharing at 7:00 p.m. on Friday evenings. The Altar Rosary Guild invites ALL parishioners to join them in praying the rosary every Sunday morning at 9:25 am. in the Chapel. Everyone is welcome! First Friday: Adoration from 8:30~ 11:30 am Divine Mercy Cenacle: Wednesdays at 3:00pm contact Gloria 760-366-9143 Adoration & Benediction Please join us for Adoration and Exposition in the chapel in Yucca Valley on Friday, August 7 from 8:30am ~ 12:00pm. Please sign-up to spend an hour, or even a half hour, with our Lord. The sign-up sheet is in the hall outside the chapel. If we do not have sign-ups, we will have to cancel Adoration. 3 WELCOME TO ST. MARY OF THE VALLEY CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Help support St. Mary of the Valley & Our Lady of Fatima home Rosary Our Lady of Fatima’s statue will be at the home of Rose DavSt. Christopher of the Desert enport from July 13~20. The rosary will be prayed at 8:00 pm. DDF (Diocesan Development Fund 2014 / For directions call 760– 228-3256. If you would like to sign-up to Fondo del Desarrollo Diocesano 2014): have the statue in your home, please call the parish office St. Mary’s/St. Christopher’s goal for 2014 is: $35,300. at 760-365~ 2287. Please pray about your 2014 pledge/gift. Thank you to the Rosario a nuestra Señora de Fátima anonymous giver who has pledged $35,300. ALL monies Nuestra estatua de Fátima estará en la casa de Rose Davenport given this year will be returned to the parish for our needs! 760-228-3256 del 13 y 20 julio. El rosario se rezará @ 8:00 pm . Si Families participating so far: 143. desean tener la estatua en su casa, por favor llamen a la oficina de la Stater Bros: St. Mary’s offers “gift cards” that may be parroquia al 760-365-2287. purchased to pay for your weekly grocery needs! Stop by the table after Mass, to purchase your card or for more High Desert Pregnancy Clinic ~ Dinner Support Families and their babies in the Morongo Basin by joining information. Fiscal year (13/14)…$2619.40 has been raised for the parish. us for dinner on Tuesday, July 15th at Las Palmas Mexican Food Food 4 Less is committed to helping our community grow from 4 ~ 9 pm. Order from the regular menu and proceeds will be and prosper. It’s easy!! All you have to do is: Stop by the donated to the High Desert Pregnancy Clinic Scrip table or the parish office and get your “reward” card. For information on other ways you can help the High Desert When you shop for groceries at Food 4 Less, swipe the card Pregnancy Clinic call 760 - 369-8512 or to credit your purchases. Thank you to everyone who has email @ been using their Food 4 Less cards. Thanks for your High Desert Pregnancy Clínica support… Fiscal year to date: $440.58. Para información en como ayudar a la High Desert Von’s shoppers: Von’s/Safeway is now offering “escrip”. Pregnancy Clinic. Llamen por favor al 760-369-8512 Stop by the Scrip table to sign up today!! It’s quick, easy, and or contáctense via email a helps raise funds for St. Mary of the Valley. New fiscal year (13/14) we have received $163.11 from escrip. Don’t forget….we are collecting aluminum cans and plastic Living the Catholic faith bottles with CRV (CA recycle symbol ) to help with our parish expenses. The container for cans is available before and Weekly program to learn & share more about Catholicism after Mass at the west end of the Parish Hall. Year to date: Wednesday evenings from 6:00pm ~ 7:00 pm. $474.45. Sessions are on summer break; will resume August 13th! Recycle empty inkjet & laser cartridges. This not only Evenings will include: Sharing Scripture, discussions on helps St. Mary’s financially, but is good for the environment. Catholic teachings and beliefs, modern day issues involving our faith, Fiscal year total (13/14): $128. Thank you Lasr-Ink!! as well as opportunities to share your faith experiences. Open to Catholics and non-Catholics….. Including those in the RCIA “STEWARDSHIP BY THE BOOK” and Adult Confirmation process. Thank you to those who are living their Everyone is welcome each week or you can just “drop-in” Covenant with our Lord when you are available. Total Offertory for June 28/29, 2014 For more information contact the parish office at Envelopes: $5,629.00 760-365-2287 or Paul Miller at 760-365-5169. Plate: $1,150.67 Total: $6,778.67 Homebound ~ Ministry to the Sick Do you know someone who is homebound or in the hospital and would like to receive Communion? Please contact the parish office at 760-365-2287 so that one of our Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick may bring them Communion. Ministrar a los enfermos Conoces a alguien que ya no puede salir de casa o esta en el hospital y quisiera recibir Comunión? Por favor contacten la oficina de la parroquia al 760-365-2287 para que uno de nuestros Ministros de Eucaristía a los enfermos puedan llevarles la Comunión. Prayer Shawls A new supply of prayer shawls were recently blessed and are available to the ill or shut-ins. We are always in need of people who enjoy knitting or crocheting to continue this ministry. Yarn is available to anyone who is interested, call Mary Lou Robillard at 760-366-1135. Attendance: 4:00 pm: 111 8:00 am: 124 10:00am: 248 1:00pm: 107 Total: 590 Have you remembered St. Mary of the Valley in your will or trust? Your bequest is our future! Daily Chapel Access The Daily Chapel is now available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for registered parishioners. If you are interested in access during off hours, please contact the parish office at 760-365-2287 for details. Acceso diario a la Capilla La Capilla esta disponible ahora las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana para miembros registrados en la parroquia. Si están interesados en tener acceso en horas NO de oficina, por favor contacten la oficina al 760-365-2287 para detalles. 4 FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 13, 2014 Welcome! We extend our hands and hearts to all who worship with us today. All are welcome here! Whether long time residents or newly arrived in the parish, we thank God for you. Know that you and your family are in our prayers today and everyday. We ask ALL adults living in the parish to register with the parish office. If we have this information, we can better meet your needs. Registration forms are available during the week in the parish office or from the ushers. Note: This information is confidential. Bienvenidos! Extendemos nuestras manos y corazones a todos aquellos que hoy vienen a adorar con nosotros. Todos son bienvenidos aquí! Si son residentes de mucho tiempo o nuevos en la parroquia, damos gracias a dios por todos ustedes. Sepan que ustedes y sus familias están en nuestras oraciones hoy y todos los días. Pedimos a todos los adultos en la parroquia registrarse en la oficina de la parroquia. Si nosotros tenemos esta información, podemos conocer mejor sus necesidades. Las formas para registrarse están disponibles durante la semana en la oficina de la parroquia o de las personas que reciben a la gente en las misas. Nota: Esta información es confidencial. Religious Education Registration for the 2014-2015 school year will begin the weekend of August 2nd and 3rd. Sacramental Preparation Classes begin on Sunday, September 7th. (If you are new to the program, PLEASE bring a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate to registration. Watch the bulletin for details. Educación Religiosa Las registraciones para el año 2014-2015 comenzaran pronto. Chequen el boletín para mas detalles. Vacation Bible School: Weird Animals Thank you to the following volunteers who helped make this years Vacation Bible School the best yet. A special thank you to our chairperson Lisa Lafferty. Gloria Bueno, Austin Cambon, Carrie Castells, Arlene Castro, Graciela Cervantes, Jonathan Chacon, Bonnie Cruz, Stacy Davis, Andrea Echeverria, Gabbie Echeverria, Alora Ellison, Mikala Ellison, Isabella Falossi, Alisa Giron, Maggie Giron, Sabrina Giron, Hailey Green, Alexis Guerrero, Monica Guerrero, Maxine Hernandez, Nathan Lafferty, Lachiel Martel, Mayetta Martel, Patricia Mazur, Vianne Militar, Carissa Napier, Jeremy Napier, Viola Napier, Zachary Napier, Ivana Parker, Matthew Quinn, Kathy Quinn, Genesis Rialmo, Pam Schoenborn, Zachary Schoenborn, Fran Styles, Randee Zeller, Rikki Zeller, and Ronee Zeller RCIA/ Inquiry If you or someone you know is interested in joining the Catholic faith, please call the office at 760-365-2287. Classes beginning soon!! St. Mary of the Valley Memorial Brick Program Would you like to remember a loved one in a special way? You may purchase a memorial brick for just $50.00 to be placed in the gazebo around the statue of the Holy Family. Stop by the table in the vestibule, or contact the parish office at 365-2287 for details. Programa de Ladrillo Conmemorativo Te gustaría recordar a un ser querido de una manera especial? Por solo $50.00 puedes comprar un ladrillo conmemorativo para colocarlo en la pérgola alrededor de la estatua de la Santísima Madre. Pasa a la mesa que esta en el vestíbulo, o contacta la oficina de la parroquia al 365-2287 para mas detalles. Parishioners celebrating a Milestone Wedding Anniversary (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 or more) are encouraged to let us know! We’d like to applaud this special event with you. We will list special anniversaries in the bulletin. Please complete this form and return to the parish office. Congratulations to the following couples celebrating Anniversaries In July 7/14: Ray & Gwen Hapy ~ 58th 7/19: Harold & Doris Travis ~ 75th 7/21: Shawn & Stacy Davis ~ 21st 7/27: David & Elena Falossi ~ 29th Do You have an upcoming Wedding Anniversary? Let us know so that we may celebrate with you in our prayers! Couples names:______________________Phone:_______ Anniv. Date:_______________________ # of Years: ___ Pre Baptism Classes Fechas Próximas para Clases PRE-bautismales: Si tienen preguntas llamar a Maggie Giron al TEL 553-0089. For information on the next Pre-Baptism Class, please contact the parish office at 365-2287. The next class is scheduled for September 13, 2014 Contact the parish office to register. Calling ALL ~ High School Youth Watch the bulletin for our summer events. Everyone is invited and encouraged to join us for the “fun” scheduled for July and August. Hope to see you there!!! For more information call Kathy on Wednesday or Friday at 760-365-2287. Calling ALL ~ Jr. High Students Watch the bulletin for our summer events. Everyone is invited and encouraged to join us for the “fun” scheduled for July and August. For more information call Kathy at 760-365-2287. 5
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