10-7-12 - St. Martin of Tours Parish
10-7-12 - St. Martin of Tours Parish
October 7, 2012 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Martin of Tours Roman Catholic Church Pastor: Parochial Vicar: In Residence: Deacon Father John Meyers Father Rayford Emmons Father William Small Stanley M. Zaleski Mass Schedule Sundays: Weekdays: Saturday: Holy Days: 7:30 a.m., 9:00, 10:30 Spanish, 12:00 p.m. 6:30 a.m., 8:15 a.m. 8:15 a.m., 4:00 p.m., 7:30 p.m. Brazilian Consult pg. 2 for times Confessions: Saturdays 3:00-3:45 p.m. & by Appt. Eucharistic Adoration: Weds 9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Website: www.smtparish.org Webmaster: [email protected] Rectory Office Hours Monday - Wednesday- Friday 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM Tuesday and Thursday 9AM - 8PM From 6:30 - 8:00 someone is at the rectory for the Spanish Community. Closed 12:00 - 12:30PM Saturday: 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM Sunday 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM Scrip Hours Monday: 1:00 PM to 6:30 PM Tuesday-Friday: Closed 12:00 - 12:30PM 11:00 AM to 6:30 PM Saturday: 3:00 PM to 5:30 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM Convent 999 Sanger St. Philadelphia, PA 19124 215-535-8771 Parish Offices 5450 Roosevelt Blvd. Phila. PA. 19124 Rectory: 215-535-2962 FAX: 215-535-3091 Use the above Rectory phone with the extensions listed below: Finance Beatrice Rolland C. P. A., ext 403 Tuition & Notary Public Mrs. Sandy Zaleski, ext 404 Homebound / Hospital To make arrangements for a home or hospital sick visit, contact the rectory. 162—Saint Martin of Tours School Office Mrs. Susan Kedra, ext.420 FAX: 215-533-1579 Principal Sister Ellen Giardino, I.H.M. Religious Education Mr. Gregory Stejskal ext. 415 RCIA PROGRAM: Thursday Evenings PREP (CCD) - Tuesday Evening 6:45 - 8:00 PM (School Year) Eucharistic Adoration Every Wednesday from after the 8:15 Mass until 5:00 PM Funeral Please have your funeral director contact us directly. Holy Name Second Sunday of every month 9:00 AM Mass Parish Prayer Groups: English-Monday Evenings 8:00PM in the Lower Sacristy Spanish-Thursday (same place) Brasilian– Sunday 7pm upper church Choir Wednesday Evenings 7:30 PM The Kings Men Men’s Parish Prayer Group Wednesday 7:15—9:00 PM Rectory Board Room Sodality Tuesday Mornings following the 8:15 am Mass in the Chapel (School Year) Ultreya (Spanish) 7pm in the chapel on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Senior Citizens Friday 11:00 AM School Hall (School Year) Learning English (ESL) Tuesday & Thursday Evenings 6:45 - 8:15 PM Registration We welcome new parishioners to register: After Saturday Vigil or Sunday Masses. Pre-Jordan First Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM (Spanish) First Thursday of every month at 7:00 PM (English) Baptism Contact the priest after Sunday Mass to begin the preparations. Spanish Baptism - 2nd Sunday English Baptism - 4th Sunday Godparent / Sponsor A person must be registered in the parish for 6 months & be a Catholic in good standing to receive a letter of eligibility. Marriage Contact a priest for an appointment immediately upon formal engagement. Wedding dates will only be set after meeting. A minimum 6 months required prior to a wedding. Quinceaneras / Sweet 16 Contact a priest at least 6 months in advance and before committing to a date. Prerequisites: Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, and attendance at a workshop. MAY THE LORD BLESS US ALL THE DAYS OF OUR LIVES. Psalm 128 My Dear People, Estimados Feligreses; Next weekend we will have a visit from members of the Legion of Mary who will be inviting us to start a group here in our own parish. Aside from their weekly meetings for prayer, study, & fellowship, they are widely known for their apostolate to those who are on the margins of our community and for outreach to unbelievers in a simple and gentle way. En el fin de semana que viene, representantes de la Legión de María van a visitarnos para ofrecer establecer una “Curia” en nuestra parroquia. Aunque empezamos solo en ingles al principio, hay tantos que son bilingües en la comunidad que no debe ser difícil a extender el movimiento hacia los Hispanos también. A few years ago St. Athanasius parish was on the verge of closing when a campaign sponsored by the Legion of Mary began to not only save the parish but substantially increase its membership in a very short time. The first gathering of prospective members will be at 9am on Saturday, October 20th. Please consider prayerfully the invitation that is being extended to our parish at this time and the difference the Legion of Mary can make in the life of our parish. In advance I thank you for the warm welcome and prayerful consideration of this great lay movement in the Church. Fr. John COLLECTIONS September 16, 2012 Mass 4:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Rectory Total SMT $1,207.25 1,372.00 1,085.00 1,101.50 1,002.00 692.00 $6,459.75 Archdiocese Attendance $15.00 226 13.00 127 22.00 175 20.00 335 10.00 218 20.00 1081 $100.00 October 7, 2012 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time "Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it." - Mark 10:15 One of the characteristics of a child is that they are completely dependent of their parents. Being dependent leads them to be obedient for fear of losing the comforts of their parents' home. Are we living in a way that we aren't scared of losing the comforts in our Father's celestial home? XXVII Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario "En verdad les digo: quien no reciba el Reino de Dios como un niño, no entrará en él." - Marcos 10:15 Una de las caracteristícas de un niño es que son completamente dependiente a sus padres. Por ser dependiente, también son obediente por miedo de perder su comodidad en la casa de sus padres. ¿Vivimos de manera que no tendremos miedo de perder nuestra comodidad en la casa de nuestro Padre celestial? 162—St. Martin of Tours No muy lejos de aquí había una parroquia al punto de cerrar (St. Athanasius) cuando la Legión de María empezó una campaña de renovación a través de visitas a casas, etc. Que no solamente salvo la parroquia sino la hizo crecer rápido en poco tiempo. La primera reunión esta programado para el sábado, 20 de octubre a las 9 AM. Si hablas algo de ingles y estas interesado en envolverse en una obra apostólica que tiene abundante éxito en otras partes, considera en oración que Dios puede ser llamándote a ingresarse. Y si no puedes al momento, considera animar a otros a hacerlo. Antemano les doy gracias por su consideración Padre John SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7 10:30 Eulalia Polledo MONDAY, OCTOBER 8 6:30 Isabelle Healey 8:15 Allen Notis 1st Anniversary TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9 St. Denis & Companions & St. John Leonardi 6:30 Agnes Edwards 8:15 William J. Fishburn 28th Anniversary WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10 6;30 Dorothy McCullough 8:15 Bray Carroll & Lauterwasser Families THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11 8:15 Amorose Appoitt 8:15 Margaret Gordon FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12 6:30 Molly Rattigan 8:15 John J. Lyons 8th Anniversary SATURDAY, OCTOBR 13 St. Bruno & St. Marie Rose Durocher 8:15 Special Intention 2 Horas de oficina Rectoría Lunes - Miércoles-Viernes 9:00 AM a 7:00 PM Martes y jueves de 9 a.m.-8 p.m. De 6:30 - 8:00 alguien está en la rectoría de la comunidad española. Cerrado 12:00-12:30p.m. Sábado: 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM Domingos de 9:00 AM a 1:30 PM Adoración del Santísimo Los miercoles - En la capilla - Después de la misa a las 8:30 A.M. hasta 5:00P.M. Misericordia ! Misericordia! - Bendición a las 5:00 P.M. HORAS DE TARJETAS DE REGALOS Lunes 1:00 P.M.—6:30 P.M. Martes Viernes 11:00 A.M.—6:30 P.M. Sábado 3:00 P.M.—5:30 P.M. Domingo 9:00 A.M.—12:30 P.M. REGISTRATI ÓN Les damos una bienvenida a los nuevos feligreses a nuestra parroquia. Se puede registrarse: después de la misa domencial. BAUTISMO Deben hablar con un sacerdote después de la misa. Deberán estar registrados y ser miembros activos en la parroquia por lo menos 3 meses antes del bautismo de su hijo(a). PADRINO Es necesario ser registrado en la parroquia y ser un católico práctico por lo menos 6 meses antes de que pueda recibir una carta de elegibilidad. ELIGIBILIDAD Uno que necesita una carta de eligibilidad, tiene que ser inscrito en la parroquia por lo menos seis meses antes de pedirla. Inscripción--Para inscribirse como miembro de San Martín de Tours, Deben l hablar con un sacerdote después de la misa a 215-535-2962. Círculo de Oración--Cada jueves a las 7 PM se reúne el grupo de oración en la iglesia. Boy Scouts will be selling pop-corn after all masses, this weekend and next. Please support them. Thank you. BODAS Llame a un sacerdote para hacer una cita tan pronto que se hayan comprometido. Es necesario que se reúnan con un sacerdote para obtener una fecha. Se requieren 6 meses para hacer preparativos. FUNERALES Nuestro personal de la rectoría estará dispuesto asistirles para hacer los arreglos para la misa. Favor de pedir que el director de la funeraria nos llame también. QUINCEAÑERAS / SWEET 16 Favor de comunicarse con un padre por lo menos con 6 meses adelantado y antes de que decida una fecha. Pre-requisitos: Bautismo, Primera Comunión, Confirmación y hay que asistir a un taller. HOSPITALES y ASILOS de ANCIANOS Para hacer cita para hospitales, casas o asilos de ancianos para personas enfermas, favor de comunicarse con la rectoría. ******************************************************************************************** SICK LIST We will keep the names of the sick on the sick list for a six week period. At that time the name will be removed, and you will have to call the rectory to have the person placed back on the sick list. We remember the following people in our prayers: May God give you, and your caregivers, patience in your suffering. Jackie Aichce, Kendall Ball (child), Josephine Bauer, Rufus Blanton, Mary Bogdonavrge, Jake Brown (baby), Marisa Butter, Ron Calvy, Patrick Jacob Carlettini,(baby), Michael Colfer, John Cunningham, Mary Cunningham, Leslie DiIenno, Andrew, Dennis (child), Josephine DiRaddo, Martha Dominico, Clair Duffy, Dan Dwyer, Ava Flane (child), Kathryn Forsyth, Joseph Fox, Terry Ganges, Angelina Gilorma, Rita Glenn, Mary Guerin, Harry Haas, Mary Heintz, Darice Henwood, Linda & John Humphries, Tara Hosein,, Joshua Hosein, Eileen Hunsberger, Larry Kenny, Robert Knobbs, Ed Kuhn, Stephen Kuhn, Baby Adelynne Lake, Frances Lawton, Anne Levine, James Lewis, Patti Lucas, Loretta McKenzie, Donna McElroy, William J. McMahon, Jr. Dawn Meehan, Jacqueline Minio, Joan Mortimer, Martin Notis, Natalie Notte, Dorothy Oakley, Doris Olley, Anne Rosso Reed, Jose Santini (baby), Fancis Scott, Julie Ann Seiler, Alma Short, Dolores Stevenson, Joseph M. Tagg, Joseph Taylor, Lois Wagner, John Wallen, Rose Wawrzyniak, Mary Zinni Please pray for all those in hospitals and nursing homes. Don’t forget the caregivers! 162—St. Martin of Tours “Today there is an assault on our traditional values from all corners and often we fail to respond either because we are unaware of what is happening or else we don’t know what to do. Fortunately, there is a website entitled OneMillionMoms.com that alerts people to TV programs and other issues that challenge these values and provides a written protest to the sponsors who support them. The letter may be sent as written or can be edited and/or modified by the sender. Hit the word ”SEND” and you have registered your protest and taken as stance for traditional values in this Culture War. Remember, values that are not defended will be replaced by values that are defended.” St. Bartholomew’s Cancer Support Group, is a nodenominational group that meets the second Thursday of every other month. Our support group consists of survivors of cancer, those on the journey to a cure, individuals with life-threatening diseases, and their caregivers. The support group is lead by a Registered Nurse. It is a way to express your joys, sorrows and frustrations. You are not alone, we care for and support you. Our next meeting will be held on October 11, 2012 at 7:00 PM, in the parish rectory. St. Bartholomew’s Catholic Church, GPS address is 5560 Harbison Avenue, Phila. PA. Every Saturday at the 4:00 PM Mass, the prayer of St. Peregrine is prayed. Also, after Mass the St. Peregrine relic is available for veneration. CONGRATULATIONS TO Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Casselberry who won the 50/50 for September. They won $530.00. Have fun spending it! 3 DOOR MONITORS Please come and join our great “Door Monitor Team”. Some Volunteers have served for many years to help keep our children safe at S.M.T. School, but a few had to “retire” because of poor health or family commitments. We really need your help!! If you can spare 1 1/2 hour, one day a week, to volunteer as a Door Monitor at S.M.T. School, call the main office: 215-535-2962 (ext. 420) and leave your name and phone number for Sister Pat. She will return your call to explain how easy the program is and to set up a mutually convenient time for you. NB: Anyone who works in school must have a “PA Criminal Release” form & a “Child Abuse Clearance” form which take a few weeks to come from the State so please respond as quickly as possible. The Rectory takes care of the fee and the paper work. Thank You and God bless you! Join us next Saturday, October 13, 2012 for fun, food, and excitement! 12 Noon to 5PM St. Martha Parish 11301 Academy Road Phila. PA. 19154 is having a Fall Carnival starting Wednesday October 16th. Family Night is Wednesday. Rides, food, games and more. RESPECT LIFE SUNDAY Today is Respect Life Sunday - to observe this day, we will especially pray, to end abortion. Members of the Respect Life Committee will be at the Parking lot door to accept donations for the annual Pro-Life Fundraiser. Accept and wear the lapel roses and “Precious Feet” pins, they will be offering. Also, there will be a table with a ProLife news bulletin, and literature that is useful in the effort to help our brothers and sisters in difficult situations. LIFECHAIN We invite everyone to give an hour of your time, this day, to show your solidarity for God’s precious infants. MEET: In the parking lot at 1:45 P.M. We will stand on Roosevelt Blvd., from 2 to 3 P.M. This is a prayerful, silent witness - we will be speaking for those who cannot speak for themselves. Our Lady of Guadalupe pray for the preborn. MILITARY LIST We remember all our Military Personal who are serving our country. May God bless you and keep you safe. Major Richard Alsdorf Jr. A.F. Stevielynn Brown, SSGT James Carey, Sr. Airman Michelle Carey, A.F.Tech Sergeant Daniel Colon, PFC, SS James Daniels, PRI. Robert Dooner, Commander Erin McAvoy, Major Thomas McAvoy, Lewis (Kip) Moore, Corporal Sam Quintana, Marieeliana Russo, Staff Sgt. Andrew Sickel, SFC. Jose L. Vera, Jeffrey J. Wallen, SSG Christopher Weber, SFC Matthew Weber GOD BLESS OUR UNITED STATES MILITARY! October 8 - Columbus Day - Honor Veterans - Fly the Flag There are placed in the Bonaventure Program at Archbishop Ryan High School for students who have learning disabilities. Our program is unique because of our Apple I-Pad Program, Kurzwiel text reading software, the learning strategies class in an accredited course, coordination of accommodations with academic teachers, and the SAT testing accommodations that our students are able to obtain. Scholarship opportunities are available for Philadelphia residents. Come to the October Open House (Oct. 11th. From 6:30 to 8:30 P.M.) to meet the students and staff. For further information call 215-637-1800 ext. 273 or visit our website at www.archbishopryan.com (click on the academics tab for the Bonaventure Program). Rosary Novena With the election drawing near, the US Bishops have asked Catholics to take part in a Rosary Novena for Life and Liberty, from Sunday October 14 through Monday October 22. Last year, a federal mandate required virtually all employers to include sterilization, abortifacient drugs and contraceptives among the benefits covered in the healthcare plans they offer employees. To protect our religious liberty, and in recognition of October being respect life month, St. Martin of Tours will offer this novena beginning on Sunday, October 14, after the 12:00 mass. On Monday October 15 through Saturday October 20, the rosary will be offered immediately after the 8:15 mass in the chapel. On Sunday the 21st, it will again be after the 12:00 mass, and the novena will conclude on Monday the 22nd, after the 8:15 mass. Booklets containing the intentions for this rosary novena will be available at the entrances of the church. If you cannot make it to the public recitation of the rosary novena, please take a booklet home and pray it with your family. 162—St. Martin of Tours 4 Coaches for CYO We are in need of a few more coaches for CYO basketball. Each team usually has practice 1-2 times per week, starting in the first week of November, and there are 1-2 games scheduled every week, beginning after Thanksgiving and running until early February. If you think you might be interested in being a coach, please contact Tom Lavin at 267-539-0980. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ SMT School still has some openings in the Pre-K 3 program. Children need to be three years old by September first of this year and potty trained. We have a full as well as a half-day program available. Our children receive many opportunities to grow in faith, as well as emotionally, socially, and creatively. The curriculum includes learning games and activities, basic introduction to math and reading readiness skills. Group activities include songs, finger plays and movement activities. Before School Care is available from 7:00 am; After School Care is available for full day students until 6:00 pm. Half-day program is from 7:50 to 11:15 am; full-day program is from 7:50 am to 2:20 pm. For more information, please call the school office: 215-535-2962 x 420. ****************************************************************** the newly painted doorways and walls on the first floor of the school, the doors on the “bridge” between the buildings, the colorful benches outside some classrooms, freshly painted bathroom stalls and railings? Did you notice the improvement on the convent grounds? Thanks to the 43 volunteers from Villanova, some of our faculty and staff, parents, and even students in our school’s NOVAcane Engineering Club…all this and more was accomplished one beautiful Saturday, September 22nd! We are very grateful that Villanova sent, not only willing and capable volunteers, but also provided the paint and supplies to get the job done! THANK YOU, NOVA! 162—St. Martin of Tours 5
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