Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church 25-02 80th Street, East Elmhurst, NY 11370 Telephone (718) 899-2801 Fax (718) 429-6404 Parish Web Site: www.olfatimaparish.org E-mail Address: [email protected] Rectory Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:30 am-12Noon, 1:00 pm-4:00 pm Evenings: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Sat. 9:00 am - 6:00 pm / Sun. 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Rev. Msgr. John E. Mahoney, Pastor Rev. Msgr. Edward J. Breen, P.E. Rev. Michael Udoh, In Residence and Part Time Parochial Vicar Rev. Edwin H. Lozada, In Residence Rev. Patrick J. Frawley, In Residence Rev. James Fedigan S.J., In Residence Deacon Marco Lopez, Permanent Deacon Ms. Leslie De Paz, Financial Secretary Mrs. Anna Maria Mejia, Parish Secretary MASS SCHEDULE Sunday Liturgy Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am 9:15 am - Family Liturgy (Sept. - May) 12:00 pm 5:30 pm Weekdays: Monday thru Friday 7:00 am & 8:30 am Saturday - 8:30 am First Fridays and Holy Days - As announced in the Bulletin INFANT BAPTISMS For children under 8 years of age, the sacrament is celebrated the FIRST Sunday of the month at 2:00 pm. The parents must register in the parish office at least 3 weeks prior to the baptism. Both parents and godparents are expected to attend one catechetical session in advance, on the Tuesday before the baptism, at 7:00 pm. SACRAMENTS OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION Before being fully initiated into the sacramental life of the Church, children over the age of 8 will need catechetical preparation through the RCIC process. Teenagers and adults will participate in separate RCIA processes. CONFIRMATION and COMMUNION For those already baptized, preparation for these Sacraments will take place according to the person’s age and knowledge of the Catholic Faith. For further information contact the Office of Faith Formation Program. MARRIAGES Couples should contact the parish office at least six months in advance to make the proper arrangements for the Sacrament of Matrimony. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please contact the parish office. RECONCILIATION A priest is available for Confessions on Saturday afternoon from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm. You can also make an individual appointment. PARISH DEVOTIONS Our Lady of Fatima Novena and Rosary Monday 7:30 pm First Friday: Exposition 10:00 am / Holy Hour 6:30pm, followed by Benediction & Mass at 7:30 pm Mrs. Cassie Zelic, School Principal 25-38 80th Street 718-429-7031 Sister Patricia Reills PBVM, Pastoral Associate & Director of Faith Formation 25-02 80th Street 718-457-3457 Mr. John Cook, Music Director & Organist Mr. José Aquino, Trustee Mr. John Blaney, Trustee HORARIO DE MISAS en español Domingo 10:30am Jueves 7:00pm Dias Festivos: Se publica en el boletín. EL BAUTISMO DE NIÑOS Solamente para los niños menores de los 8 años de edad, se celebra el sacramento el SEGUNDO y el CUARTO domingo del mes a las 2:00pm. Es preciso que los padres se inscriban en la parroquia por lo menos tres semanas antes del bautismo. Ambos padres y padrinos deberán asistir a una instrucción catequética, la noche del Martes anterior al bautizo a las 7:00 pm. SACRAMENTOS DE LA INICIACION CRISTIANA Con el propósito de participar plenamente en la vida sacramental de la Iglesia, los niños mayores de los 8 años de edad, necesitarán prepararse en el proceso de Iniciación Cristiana Para Niños. Los jóvenes y los adultos se preparán separadamente en el proceso del RICA. CONFIRMACION Y COMUNION La preparación para estos Sacramentos se cumple según la edad de la persona y su conocimiento de la Fe Católica. Para más información comunicarse con la Oficina de Formación de la Fe. MATRIMONIOS La pareja deberá hacer su solicitud en el despacho pastoral por los menos seis meses antes de la fecha de la boda, para entrevistarse con el sacerdote e iniciar la preparación matrimonial. UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS Comunicarse con el despacho pastoral. RECONCILIACION El Sacramento se celebra semanalmente los sábados de las 3:30 a las 4:30 pm. También se puede fijar una cita para la Confesión otro día de la semana con un sacerdote. DEVOCION EN HONOR AL DIVINO NIÑO Ultimo Viernes de cada mes. 6:00 pm - Confesiones - Rosario - Novena 7:00 pm - Misa SATURDAY, AUGUST 30 8:30 am - Mary Belokostolsky 5:00 pm - Rose Mary Raymond SUNDAY, AUGUST 31 8:00 am - For the People of the Parish 10:30 am - Carlos Rafael Jimenez 12:00 pm - Angelina Camusci 5:30 pm - Joseph Mikah Azurin MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 7:00 am - NO MASS 8:30 am - Silvia Bosco TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 7:00 am - Angela & Mary Grilli 8:30 am - Marie Guaglardi WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 7:00 am - Joseph Calace Mattola 8:30 am - Francesco Micheli THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 7:00 am - Joseph C alace Mattola 8:30 am - John A. Blaney 7:00 pm - Misa Comunitaria TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The name of the LORD has become like fire burning in Jeremiah’s heart (Jeremiah 20:7-9). Psalm — My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God (Psalm 63). Second Reading — Be transformed; renew your mind; discern what is good (Romans 12:1-2). Gospel — Those who lose their lives for Jesus’ sake will find them (Matthew 16:21-27). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Cor 2:1-5; Ps 119:97-102; Lk 4:16-30 Tuesday: 1 Cor 2:10b-16; Ps 145:8-14; Lk 4:31-37 Wednesday: 1 Cor 3:1-9; Ps 33:12-15,20-21 Thursday: 1 Cor 3:18-23; Ps 24:1bc-4ab, 5-6 Friday: 1 Cor 4:1-5; Ps 37:3-6, 27-28, 3940Saturday: 1 Cor 4:6b-15; Ps 145:17-21; Lk 6:1-5 Sunday: Ez 33:7-9; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Rom 13:8-10 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: Labor Day Wednesday: St. Gregory the Great Friday: First Friday Saturday: First Saturday; Blessed Virgin Mary FIRST FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 7:00 am - Mary Dabao 9:00 am - School Children & Teachers 7:30 pm - Mirtha Guerrero SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 8:30 am - Genoina & Luigi Raimondo 5:00 pm - Joseph & Rose Avitabile SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 8:00 am - For the People of the Parish 10:30 am - Neftali Banderas Ospina (1st Anniversary) 12:00 pm - Carolyn Baer 5:30 pm - Rita J. Mahoney Please pray for the sick: Arthur Peralva Cuenca, Wayne Warren, Alex & Olivia Murillo, Margaret Grabowski, Ana Guzman, Jennifer Garcia Yepes, Rita Morris, Katerina Kaldi Gomes Please pray for the deceased: Antonio Maria Barrera Perez, Alfonzo Neggli, Evaristo Reinoso, Fernando Rosales, Miguel Hermita, Jorge Caceres SUMMER PARISH SUPPORT Please continue your financial support of the parish over the summer! We need your help to ensure the financial health and stability of YOUR PARISH! LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Me sedujiste, Señor, y me dejé seducir por ti (Jeremías 20:7-9). Salmo — Mi alma está sedienta de ti, Señor, mi Dios (Salmo 63 [62]). Segunda lectura — No se dejen llevar por las cosas del mundo, más bien transfórmense por la renovación de su mente (Romanos 12:1-2). Evangelio — Si quieres seguirme, renuncia a ti mismo, carga con tu cruz y sígueme (Mateo 16:21-27). Memorials The ALTAR CANDLES will be lit in loving memory of Maya Rosario The BREAD and WINE are given in loving memory of Paul & Rose Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time August 31, 2014 Be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect. Dejen que una nueva manera de pensar los transforme internamente, para que sepan distinguir cuál es la voluntad de Dios, es decir, lo que es bueno, lo que le agrada, lo perfecto. — Romans 12:2 LABOR DAY SCHEDULE st Monday, September 1 is LABOR DAY. There will be NO 7 A.M. MASS and NO EVENING NOVENA. The church will be locked immediately after the 8:30 A.M. Mass. The rectory office will be opened for limited service from 9 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Lunes, 1 de septiembre es DÍA DEL TRABAJO. NO ABRA MISA DE 7 AM y NO NOVENA. La iglesia sera cerrada inmediatamente después de la Misa 8:30 A.M. La oficina de la rectoría se abrirá con servicio limitado de 9 AM a 4:00 PM. MSGR. BREEN Msgr. Breen, our retired Pastor, is continuing to adjust to his new home at the Immaculate Conception Center in Douglaston. His sister has indicated that he would be happy to receive visitors from the parish. His room number is 327 and the main phone is 718-229-8001. COLLECTIONS August 24, 2014 - $5,326.71 Poor Box - $118.00 August 25, 2013 - $5,130.00 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL CONGRATULATIONS– WE HAVE REACHED OUR GOAL IN PLEDGES, BUT WE WANT TO GO WAY, WAY OVER THE GOAL! Our sincere thanks for your generosity during the 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal. Your gifts and pledges will have a lasting impact on or ability to serve the People of God here in Brooklyn and Queens. As of August 19th our parish had 173 pledges for a total of $59,583 which represents 110.3% of our parish goal ($53,901). Of this amount, $52,721 has already been paid. This means that about 17% of our registered parish families have already pledged almost 100% of our parish goal! Your generosity is crucial to providing vital pastoral, charitable and educational ministries throughout the Diocese and all gifts, great or small, help us to do God’s work. We thank ALL who have pledged so far and urge every family to make an effort to support the Appeal. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT ALL MONIES RECEIVED OVER THE GOAL WILL BE RETURNED TO THE PARISH AND WILL ASSIST US IN MEETING OUR MANY EXPENSES. WE STILL NEED 70 ADDITONAL PLEDGES TO EQUAL LAST YEAR’S TOTAL OF 242. PLEASE HELP US!! May God bless each one of us for responding to this call with so much enthusiasm and generosity! SPECIAL MEMORIALS The parish provides opportunities for special donations for various special intentions, which can be for the living or the deceased: BREAD & WINE (used at Mass) for a week - $30 ALTAR CANDLES for a week - $25 SANCTUARY LAMP for a week - $25 The intentions of the donors will be printed in the bulletin. For further information, please contact Anna Maria at the Rectory office Monday-Friday (Office Closed from 12-1:00 PM) LEGION OF MARY Our Lady of Fatima Legion of Mary invites you to join them on Thursday mornings, after the 8:30 AM Mass. If anyone would like a visit from us, please contact the rectory and we’ll be happy to visit and pray with you. FIRST FRIDAY PRIMER VIERNES This Friday, September 5th is the First Friday of the month. Please note that Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 A.M rather than 8:30 and will mark the Opening of the School Year. Following the Mass there will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, which will conclude with Holy Hour and Benediction at 6:30 P.M., followed by Mass at 7:30 P.M. Este viernes, 5 de Septiembre es Primer Viernes del mes. Note que la Misa será a las 9:00 A.M. en vez de 8:30 y marcara el comienzo del Año Escolar. Despues de Misa seguira la Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento, para concluir con la hora Santa y la Bendición, seguida de la Misa a las 7:30 PM. Todos quedan invitados. SUNDAY RELIGIOUS EDUCATION We are accepting Registration for our Sunday Religious Education Program. Come and register at the Religious Education Office. ALL children who attend the Public Schools are urged to attend from Grades 1 through 8. High School students who desire to receive the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation are welcome to sign up as well. They will be instructed according to their age group at whatever time is best. EDUCACION RELIGIOSA DOMINICAL Estamos aceptando inscripciones para nuestro programa de Educación Religiosa Dominical. Vengan y registrense en la Oficina de Educación Religiosa. Todos los niños que asisten a las escuelas públicas se les insiste participar en especial los grados 1-8. Los estudiantes de High School que desean recibir los sacramentos de la Eucaristía y de la Confirmación quedán invitados a inscribirse y serán puestos en clases de acuerdo a su edad. PRO-LIFE CORNER – Would we be more horrified with the death of the preborn if they were slaugh- tered by guns? We would then witness the horror of the destruction of a pregnancy and not ignore it because abortion is done in secret. A dead baby is still just as dead, regardless of how they are killed. CATHEQUISTS & SUBSTITUTES Our Sunday Religious Education Program which operates from September through May is always in need of more adult volunteers to serve as Catechists or team up with a partner or substitute for a catechist who is sick, etc. Sister Pat will give the basic training during the month of August. Please contact Sr. Pat if you think you would like to share in this ministry. (718-457-3457) El Programa de Educación Religiosa Dominical que abre desde septiembre a mayo esta en la necesidad de adultos voluntarios para enseñar como catequistas o formar un grupo con un compañero o sea un sustituto de un catequista que está enfermo, etc. La Hermana Pat dará clases de formación básica durante el mes de agosto. Por favor, póngase en contacto con la Hermana Pat si usted piensa que le gustaría compartir en este ministerio. (718-457-3457) S AV E DA E TH T E! PARISH CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS FOURTH ANNUAL PARISH GOLF OUTING Monday, September 22nd FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK Dear Parishioners, I want share with you some important and happy news. The Diocese of Brooklyn recently awarded a three-year grant of $45,000 per year to the parishes of Blessed Sacrament, St. Joan of Arc and Our Lady of Fatima. The purpose of this grant is to enable us to hire a full-time Youth Minister, who will work in all three parish communities. I am pleased to announce that we have hired a young man, JERRY RODRIGUEZ, for this position. He will officially begin his ministry in September. We all know the critical importance of ministry to our young people and I am sure that you will agree that it is a great blessing to have a trained and experienced person to assist our parish in developing a youth ministry program. Let us pray for Jerry as he begins his ministry for the young people of our three parishes! Msgr. Mahoney Queridos Feligreses: Quisiera compartir con ustedes unas importantes y felices noticias. Recientemente hemos recibido una subvencion de La Diócesis de Brooklyn de $45,000 por año durante tres años a las parroquias del Santisimo Sacramento, Santa Juana de Arco y de Nuestra Señora de Fátima. El propósito de esta subvención es para permitirnos contratar un Ministro de Juventud de tiempo completo, quien trabajará en las tres comunidades parroquiales. Me complace anunciarles que hemos contratado a un joven, JERRY RODRIGUEZ, para esta posición. Émperazá oficialmente en Septiembre. Todos sabemos la importancia crítica del ministerio para nuestra juventud y estoy seguro que estarán de acuerdo que es una enorme bendición el tener a una persona capacitada y con experiencia para ayudar a nuestra parroquia en el desarrollo de ministerio juvenil. Oremos por Jerry al comenzar su ministerio para la juventud de nuestras tres parroquias! Mons. Mahoney THANK YOU, STEPHEN & JOSEPHINE TODAY will be the last Sunday that Josephine Sanges and Stephen Smith will share their music ministry in our parish community. For many, many years Our Lady of Fatima has benefited from their generous and faithful service. We thank them both from the bottom of our hearts. They will always be a part of Fatima’s “extended family!” We are planning to have a Parish Farewell Celebration for them some time in September. GRACIAS, STEPHEN Y JOSEFINA HOY será el último domingo que Josephine Sanges y Stephen Smith compartirán su música con nuestra comunidad parroquial. Por muchos, muchos años Nuestra Señora de Fátima se ha beneficiado de sus servicios generosos y fieles. Le agradecemos a ambos desde el fondo de nuestros corazones. Ellos permaneceran siempre con nosotros y son parte de nuestra "familia extensa". Estamos planeando tener una pequeña celebración parroquial de despedida para ellos un dia en septiembre. OPENING OF SCHOOL Our Lady of Fatima School will officially open on this Wednesday, September 3rd. Please pray for all teachers and students who are returning to school at this time, that they will have a blessed and fruitful school year. La Escuela de Nuestra Señora de Fatima abrirá oficialmente este Miércoles, 3 de septiembre. Por favor oremos por todos los profesores y estudiantes que regresan a la escuela en este momento, que tengan un bendito y fructuoso año escolar. WELCOME to our 4th Annual Our Lady of Fatima Church Golf Classic Monday, September 22nd, 2014 CLEARVIEW PARK GOLF COURSE Golf Registration: 10:30 - 11:00 A.M. B.B.Q. for Golfers: 11:00 A.M. - 12 P.M. Golf Starts at 12 Noon Golfers: $175.00 per golfer Includes Greens fees, golf cart, BBQ and Dinner Dinner only (6:00 PM - 8:00 P.M.) - $50.00 Signage: Hole Sponsorships: @$150 Hole in One Co-Sponsorships $200 Longest Drive Co-Sponsorships $150 Closest to pin Co-Sponsorships $150 Table Sponsorships @$300 Event Co-Sponsorships @$500 Dinner Co-Sponsorsihps @$500 Donations of raffle prizes are greatly appreciated and acknowledged. Contact: Bernard Smyth @ 917-361-0421 John Blaney @ 917-440-1056 _______________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE PRINT Name: _________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ Phone # Home/Business: ____________________ Cell: _________________ #______ of Golfers @$175 Total: $ _________________ Please list the names of Golfers on reverse side. #______ Dinner only @$50 Total: $ ________________ Sponsorship: Select from above:_____________________ $ __________ Please make your check to Our Lady of Fatima Church and return to: Our Lady of Fatima Church 25-02 80th Street East Elmhurst, NY 11370 Tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Thank You!