ST. MONICA Catholic Church
ST. MONICA Catholic Church
December 1, 2013 ST. MONICA Catholic Church First Sunday of Advent One Parish, One Journey Una Parroquia, Un Viaje 6131 N. Michigan Rd. • Indianapolis, IN 46228 • Phone: (317) 253-2193 • Fax: (317) 253-3342 • Mass Schedule/ Horario de las Misas Weekend / Misas de fin de semana Saturday (anticipation)/Sábados 5:30 PM and 7:15 PM (Español) Sunday/Domingos 7:40 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:45 AM, 12:30 PM (Español) & 6:00 PM Holy Days Please call Parish Office Weekday / Misas Diarias Monday-Thursday / Lunes-Jueves 5:30 PM Wednesday & Friday / Miércoles, Viernes 8:00 AM Reconciliation/Confesiones Saturday 4:00-5:00 PM Monday & Tuesday 6:00 -7:00 PM or by appointment. Lunes y Martes de 6:00 pm a 7:00 pm o por la cita. Eucharistic Adoration / Adoración Eucarística Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM in the Daily Chapel Tuesdays 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM in the Church Lunes, Miercoles, Jueves 6:00 PM a 9:00 PM en la Capilla y los Martes de 6:00 PM a 9:00 PM en la Iglesia 24-Hour Adoration is also available at the Divine Mercy Chapel at St. Michael the Archangel Church, 3354 W. 30th Street También hay Adoración las 24-Horas en la Capilla de la Divina Misericordia en la Iglesia San Miguel Arcángel ubicada en el 3354 W. 30th Street You also must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come. Matthew 24:44 También ustedes estén preparados, porque a la hora que menos lo piensen, vendrá el Hijo del hombre. Mateo 24, 44 Feast of the Immaculate Conception The Immaculate Conception of Mary is the national patronal feast day of the United States, and is usually celebrated on December 8. Because that date falls on a Sunday this year, the second Sunday in Advent takes precedence, with the Feast of the Immaculate Conception transferred to Monday, December 9. It is NOT a Holy Day of Obligation this year. Everyone is still encouraged and welcome to join us for Mass at 5:30 PM in English and 7:30 PM in Spanish on December 9 to honor Immaculate Mary, our nation’s special protector! The Immaculate Conception Novena A Novena will be said in preparation for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The 9-day prayer will start on Sunday, Dec. 1 as follows: Date December 1, 8 December 2, 4, 5, 9 December 3, 7 December 6 Time after the 12:30 pm Mass after the 5:30 pm Mass after the 5:30 pm Mass after the 8:00 am Mass Place Main Church Main Church Daily Mass Chapel Daily Mass Chapel A copy of the novena will be available in the narthex and the Daily Mass Chapel. Please join us for this prayerful time of preparation. If you cannot be present during the scheduled times, you can take the novena with you and pray it at home. Please contact Kim at [email protected] with any questions. PTO News Weekly Collections November 16-17, 2013 Collection Envelopes Electronic Giving Loose Cash Weekly Collections Weekly Budget Weekly Shortfall Year to Date Actual Year to Date Budget Year to Date Shortfall # 444 53 497 Amount $27, 808 $3, 207 $2, 381 $33, 396 $39, 414 ($6, 018) $697, 307 $709, 212 ($11, 905) Total # of Households 2, 875 Total # of Households Donating 497 % Households Donating This Week 17% SMS Blood Drive All parishioners are encouraged to support the St. Monica School Blood Drive on December 3 from 2:00 PM to 5:30 PM in the St. Ambrose Gym. A picture ID is required. Please consider donating blood, the gift of life! Parents Night Out On December 6 from 6 - 9 p.m., drop your kids off at St. Monica so you can get your Christmas shopping done, run errands, or however you would like to spend your free time! The children will watch movies, play games, do crafts and eat pizza. The cost is $15 for the first child, $5 for each additional child. Children must be at least four years old. Please contact Heather Johnson for the permission slip and with any questions at email [email protected] Dining to Donate at Texas Roadhouse Mark your calendars for the next St. Monica School PTO Dining to Donate at Texas Roadhouse (9111 Michigan Road) on December 10. St. Monica School will get a portion of the proceeds when a flyer is presented. Look for more details to come. The next PTO Meeting will be Tuesday, December 3 at 7 p.m. Advent Evening of Reflection St. Monica’s Annual Memorial Service Christmas is a time of great joy and family spirit as we celebrate the profound truth of the birth of Jesus. Yet when a loved one has died, that same time of joy and celebration may leave us feeling empty and cold. In Christian love and prayer, the St. Monica community wants to accompany those who are grieving this season by helping you to honor memories and to experience the spirit of your deceased loved one in a special way. The St. Monica Bereavement Ministry invites all who are grieving a death to join us for our annual Memorial Service on Saturday, December 7 at 10 a.m. in the St. Augustine Room. At that time we will remember by name those we have lost. All are welcome, especially friends and family of the deceased. Please RSVP with the names of all who will attend. Contact Mary Jo Gallagher, 872-3005 or [email protected] Remember in Faith…and speak their names. Remember in Hope…and light a candle. Remember in Love…and pray with us. 2 Everyone is invited to join us on Wednesday, December 4 for Open Hearts, Open Doors, an Evening of Reflection on the Gift of Hospitality. The evening starts with a wine & cheese gathering 6:30-7:00 PM in the Emmaus Center, and the reflection time will be 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. will be presented by Dede Swinehart and promises to be a joyful evening with other parishioners as we gather to reflect on the gift of hospitality in our lives. Babysitting is available on request. Please RSVP to the Parish Office by noon on December 2, 253-2193, ext. 2 or by email at email [email protected]. Pray for Our Vocations! Please keep the following St. Monica parishioners in your prayers as they continue their journeys toward priesthood and religious life—and pray for even more vocations! Evelyn Lobo (religious life) Anna Marie Miller (religious life) Jeffrey Dufresne (priesthood) Vincent Gillmore (priesthood) José Neri (priesthood) Rafael Quintero (priesthood) Coming Soon—the 2014 Parish Directory! Our last paperback St. Monica Parish Directory was published in 2012—It’s time to update, and we need your help! This resource lists not only all of the members of our parish community with contact information, it also lists all of our parish and school ministries, with descriptions and contact information. If you have moved or added new members to your family in the last year or so, please contact the Parish Office at 253-2193, ext. 2, or by email at [email protected] and let us know before December 31. If you would prefer NOT to have your household listed in the new directory, please contact us and let us know. Ministry leaders, if you would like to update your ministry’s description and/or contact information, please contact us with that information, too. We hope to have the new directory out by the end of January. Church Cleaning Rectory In Need of a Bed There will be a church cleaning on Saturday, December 7 from 10:00 am to 1:00pm. Please come anytime between 10 and 1 to help make God's church sparkle. This is a great service hour opportunity for parents of SMS students as well as for high school students. Please contact Kim Marks at [email protected] with any questions. The priests are currently experiencing a great problem over at the rectory, namely, they do not have enough beds! In order to accommodate the growing number of seminarians from our parish, we need one more bed. If you or someone you know is willing to donate a new or gently used twin mattress, box spring and bed frame to the rectory, please have them email Fr. Dustin at [email protected]. And please keep praying for more vocations to priesthood. Hopefully this will become a growing problem! CYO News LAST CALL for any girl (grades 4-8) or any boy (grades 5-8) interested in playing CYO Volleyball. If you are interested in participating in this year's CYO volleyball season, you MUST be registered by Monday, December 2. If you are interested, please contact St. Monica Athletic Director, Kelly Young at email [email protected]. OL of Guadalupe Feastday Activities Thursday, December 12 6-6:30 PM Rosary and Procession 6:30-7:00 PM Apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe 7-9 PM Mass with Aztec -Maya Dancers 9:15-10:30 PM Reception in the gym with dancing, food and drinks accompanied by Musica Guapango 10:30-11:30 PM a DJ and more surprises! Please note that there will not be a 5:30 PM Mass on December 12! Religious Education News Our young parishioners are invited to participate in our Christmas Eve Masses at 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM on Tuesday, December 24. If you wish to sing in the Children’s Choir, 1st6th grade, or to participate in the Christmas Pageant for 3 year old - 6th grade, please fill out the registration forms given to the Sunday School students and St. Monica school children. Rehearsals for the Children Choir are Mondays, 6:00-7:00 PM on December 2, 16 and 23; please contact Christine Seitz to sign up at email [email protected] or 253-2193, ext. 6. Rehearsals the Children’s Pageant are 9:00-10:00 AM on Saturdays, December 14 and 21 in the church; call the Religious Education office, 253-2193, ext.. 4 to sign up. All Sunday School morning sessions, which include Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, faith formation for 3 year old through 8th grade, and SPRED do not meet Sunday, December 1 for Thanksgiving break. All sessions resume December 8 and meet December 8, 15, and 22. 2014 Race for Vocations Please join us on Saturday, May 3, 2014 as we celebrate the 7th year of the Race for Vocations! Our prayer is to continue to raise awareness for vocations by bringing the sacred to the secular! The Race for Vocations takes place within the One America Festival Mini Marathon and 5K and is sponsored by the Office of Young Adult and College Campus Ministry and Vocations Office of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis and the Diocese of Lafayette in Indiana. The Race for Vocations welcomes people of all ages to run/walk in the mini or 5k to both promote and pray for vocations to the priesthood, religious life, sacred married life and sacred single life. Hundreds of participants pray while they train, attend the Mass for Vocations and Pasta Dinner the Friday night before the race (5/2/14) and then run/walk in the mini or 5K (5/3/14). Participants wear vocations runner-shirts that create a greater awareness of Catholic vocations. The race began in 2008 and since then literally thousands of prayers have been offered and hundreds of runners have participated. Register for the Race for Vocations at our new website, 3 ¡Viene Pronto—el Directorio de la Parroquia del 2014! Nuestro último Directorio de la Parroquia Santa Mónica fue publicado en el 2012—¡es tiempo de actualizarlo, y necesitamos su ayuda! Este recurso no solo contiene información de contacto de todos los miembros de nuestra comunidad parroquial, sino también de todos los ministerios de nuestra parroquia y escuela, con descripciones e información de contacto. Si usted ha cambiado de dirección o hay un miembro nuevo en su familia durante estos últimos 2 años, por favor contacte a la Oficina de la Parroquia al 253-2193, ext. 9, o por correo electrónico a [email protected] y denos a saber su información correcta antes del 31 de diciembre. Si usted prefiere que NO se ponga la información en el nuevo directorio, por favor contáctenos y déjenos saber. Líderes de Ministerios, si desea poner al corriente la descripción de su ministerio y/o contacto de información, por favor contáctenos con esa información también. Esperamos tener el nuevo directorio para finales de enero. Noticias de la Educación Religiosa Nuestros Jóvenes feligreses están invitados a participar en nuestras Misas de Navidad de 4:00 y 6:00pm el martes 24 de diciembre. Si desea registrarse para el Coro de los Niños, del 1-6 grado, o para participar en la Presentación de la Navidad de los 3 años al 6 grado, por favor llene la forma que se les dio a los niños el domingo en la Doctrina y la Escuela Santa Mónica, o llame a la Oficina de la Educación Religiosa, 253-2193, ext. 4. Helping The Lord’s Pantry The Lord's Pantry depends on the nonperishable foods we bring in each week and put in the blue food bin in the Narthex. The Pantry services around 100 clients each week, every Tuesday morning from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM at the Witherspoon Presbyterian Church, 5136 N. Michigan Road. For more information, please call Bill Roeder (951-4905) or Susan Adoba (769-4412). Welcome to Immigrants at St. Monica! Trying to get answers or information on how to find resources and services about employment, utility assistance, legal advice, ESL, health care access, housing and other services and programs? St. Monica Church has an Immigrant Welcome Center Branch open every Sunday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Help is provided in Spanish, French, Kiswahili and English. Los ensayos para el Coro de los Niños son los lunes, 6:00-7:00 PM el 2, 16 y 23 de diciembre; ensayo de la Presentación de Navidad son 9:00-10:00 AM los sábados, 14 y 21 de diciembre en la Iglesia. Todas las sesiones de la mañana, las cuales incluyen Catequesis del Buen Pastor, formación de fe para los niños de 3 años al 8 grado, y SPRED no se reunirán el domingo 1 de diciembre por el descaso de Acción de Gracias. Nos reuniremos de nuevo el 8, 15 y 22 de diciembre. Servicio Anual del Día de los Muertos en Santa Mónica La Navidad es un tiempo de gran gozo y espíritu familiar en lo que celebramos la profunda verdad del Nacimiento de Jesús. Pero cuando un ser querido muere, el mismo momento de gozo y celebración nos deja un sentimiento vacío y frío. En una amor Cristiano y oración, la comunidad de Santa Mónica quiere acompañar a aquellos que están de luto en esta temporada ayudándolos a honrar los recuerdos y sentir el espíritu de tu ser querido que ha fallecido de una manera especial. El Ministerio de Condolencias invita a todos los que sufren la muerte de un ser querido a venir a un Servicio Anual en Memoria del ser querido el sábado 7 de diciembre a las 10 a.m. en el Salón San Agustín. En ese día recordaremos por nombre a aquellos que hemos perdido. Todos son bienvenidos, especialmente amigos y familiares del fallecido. Por favor haga su reservación y díganos los nombres de las personas que asistirán. Contacte a Shirley Alveal al 251-3393 Recuerde en Fe…y diga sus nombres. Recuerde en Esperanza…y encienda una vela. Recuerde con Amor…y ore con nosotros. 4 Noche de Reflexión de Adviento Todos están invitados a venir el miércoles 4 de diciembre a Corazones Abiertos, Puertas Abiertas, una Noche de Reflexión acerca del Don de Hospitalidad. La noche empezará con aperitivos 6:30-7:00 PM en el Centro Emaús, la reflexión empezará a de 7:00 PM a 9:00 PM. Será presentada por Dede Swinehart promete ser una noche muy agradable con otros feligreses al unirnos para reflexionar en el Don de la hospitalidad en nuestras vidas. Habrá cuidado de niños si lo pide con anticipación. Por favor llame a la Oficina de la Parroquia para hacer su RESERVACIÓN antes del 2 de diciembre, 253-2193, ext. 9 o por correo electrónico [email protected]. No tiene que esperar el domingo para asitir a la Santa Misa. Venga de lunes a jueves a las 5:30. Seguido de la Adoración al Santísimo hasta las 9:00 pm. Clases de inglés como segundo idioma para principiantes e intermediarios empezarán el 3 de septiembre. Las clases son cada martes y jueves de 6:30 p.m. a 8:30 p.m. Todos los adultos están invitados. ¡Ore por Nuestras Vocaciones! Por favor tenga a los siguientes feligreses de Santa Mónica en sus oraciones al continuar su jornada al sacerdocio o la vida religiosa— ¡y ore también por más vocaciones! Evelyn Lobo (vida religiosa) Anna Marie Miller (vida religiosa) Jeffrey Dufresne (sacerdocio) Vincent Gillmore (sacerdocio) José Neri (sacerdocio) Rafael Quintero (sacerdocio Festividad de la Inmaculada Concepción La festividad de La Inmaculada Concepción de María la patrona nacional de los Estados Unidos, usualmente se celebra el 8 de diciembre. Debido a que esta fecha cae en domingo este año, el Segundo domingo de Adviento toma prioridad, y la festividad de la Inmaculada Concepción se transfiere al lunes, 9 de diciembre. Este NO es un día Santo de Obligación este año. ¡Pero se les anima y se les da la bienvenida a todos los que deseen acompañarnos a la Misa de 5:30 PM en ingles y a la 7:30 PM en español el 9 de diciembre en honor de la Inmaculada Concepción de María, protectora especial de nuestra nación! Una novena se dijo en la preparación para el 9 de diciembre, fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción de la Bienaventurada Virgen María La oración de 9 días se iniciará el domingo 1 de diciembre como sigue.: Fecha 1 de diciembre de 8 2 de diciembre, 4, 5, 9 3 de diciembre, 7 6 de diciembre Tiempo después de la misa de las 12:30 PM después de la Misa de las 5:30 PM después de la Misa de las 5:30 PM después de la misa de 8:00 AM Lugar Principal Iglesia Principal Iglesia Capilla Misa Diaria Capilla Misa Diaria Una copia de la novena estará disponible en el atrio, así como la capilla de misa diaria. Por favor, únase a nosotros en este tiempo de oración de preparación. Si no puede estar presente durante las horas programadas, se puede tomar la novena con usted y dice que en su casa. Por favor comuníquese con Kim en [email protected] con cualquier pregunta. Servicio de la Iglesia Habrá una iglesia de limpieza el sábado, 7 de Diciembre de 10:00 am a 1:00 pm. Por favor, venir en cualquier momento entre el 10 y 1 para ayudar a hacer brillar la iglesia de Dios. Esta es una gran oportunidad horas de servicio para los padres de estudiantes de SMS, así como para estudiantes de secundaria. Por favor, póngase en contacto con Kim Marks en [email protected] con cualquier pregunta. Actividades Guadalupanas ¡Bienvenida a los Inmigrantes en Sta. Mónica! ¿Intentado obtener respuestas información de cómo encontrar recursos y servicios acerca de empleos, asistencia con sus utilidades, consejo legal, ESL, acceso a cuidado de salud, vivienda y otros servicios y programas? La Iglesia Santa Mónica tiene una sucursal del Centro de Bienvenida al Inmigrante abierto cada domingo de 2 p.m. a 5 p.m. Jueves, 12 de diciembre! 6-6:30 PM Rosario y procession de Nueastra Señora 6:30-7:00 PM Apariciones de la Virgen 7-9 PM Misa con danza Aztec-Maya 9:15-10:30 PM Recepcion en el gimnacio con comida, bebidas y bailemos acomañadas de Musica Guapango 10:30-11:30 PM ¡DJ y mas sorpresas! No habrá Misa de 5:30 PM en el 12 de diciembre! El Grupo de Oración Carismático Legión de María La Legión de María le invita a todas las personas a que nos acompañen a recitar el Santo Rosario todos los domingos en la Capilla a las 2:00pm (después de Misa de 12:30). El rosario se reza en Inglés y en Español. “Yo soy el pan que da vida. El que viene a Mi, nunca tendrá hambre; y el que Cree en Mi, nunca tendrá sed.” Juan 6:35 El grupo de oración de Santa Mónica “Espíritu Divino” le invita a estar en la presencia de Dios, a gozarse con alabanzas y oración. El Padrecito Todd y Padrecito Dustin compartirán la Palabra De Dios con enseñanzas del Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica. Todos los viernes a las 7:30 PM. Para mas información contacte a Sandra Rivera, 220-8069 o Teresa Torres, 293-6805. 5 Small Church Communities (SCC) Join any time! Call Anne Corcoran in the parish office, 253-2193, opt. 5. SAM Substance Addiction Ministry Are YOU or a LOVED ONE touched by Addiction? You are Not Alone. Call 317-690-4624 Ministry to the Sick and Shut-Ins If you know of anyone who would like communion brought to them, please contact the Parish Office, 253-2193, opt. 2. Sacraments Baptism Celebrated each week. Contact the Parish Office for dates and times of baptisms & required prep classes. Marriage Contact parish office 9-12 months prior to your wedding date. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults & Children (RCIA) Call Anne Corcoran in the parish office, 253-2193, opt. 5. Mass Intentions/Intenciónes de las Misas (I)=Intention of... Monday, December 2, 2013 5:30 PM Adam Boehm Tuesday, December 3 5:30 PM Joseph Menezes Wednesday, December 4 8:00 AM Tom Grillot 5:30 PM Dante Schiavone Thursday, December 5 5:30 PM Claire Sinise Friday, December 6 8:00 AM Juan & Isabel Consiglieri Saturday, December 7 5:30 PM St. Monica Parish 7:15 PM Esperanza Aguilar Sunday, December 8 7:40 AM Jean Bart 9:00 AM Gene Dottery 10:45 AM Abby Kivett 12:30 PM Jesus Orta 6:00 PM John Affonso St. Francis Xavier, pray for us! December 3 Wedding Banns Guillermo Santos / Cinthya Lopez III Religious Education Religious Education (September through May) 3 years-Grade 6 ..... Sunday 9:00-10:00AM or 10:45-11:45 AM Grades 7-8 ....... Sunday 9:00-10:10 AM or 10:45-11:55 AM SPRED (Special Religious Education) Youth—Sunday 9:00 - 10:30AM Adults—Tuesday 7:00 - 8:30PM Confirmation Preparation Grades 7-8 call Mary-Jo Thomas-Day at 253-2193, opt. 4 for details. Automatic Withdrawal Parishioners can now tithe using automatic withdrawal. Find the form on our website under the “Contact/How To” tab. Fill it out and return it to the Parish Office with a voided check. Call the Business Manager at 253-2193, ext. 2 with questions. On Saturday, December 7, Fr. Todd Goodson will be hearing confessions from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Praying for One Another Prayers of the Faithful and Bulletin Prayer List and Prayer Tree: Call the Parish Office at 253-2193, opt. 2 to have your intention included. Prayer Tree email address: [email protected]. Si desea incluir una intención en el boletín por favor llame al 253-2193, anexo 9 y hable con la Hermana Ana Maria o Julia Gonzalez, o déjele un mensaje. Please remember in your prayers / Por favor recuerde en sus oraciones a: Tanya Barker; Kyle Daehler; Sharon Hostetter, Scott Bauserman; Suzanne Brickley; Jose Israel Jimenez; Maria Pimentel-Gannon; Kelly Lyon; Angie Martin-Penasco Recently deceased / Fallecido Recientemente: Robert Margraf Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body of parishioners who assist the Pastor in guiding the parish on issues requiring practical wisdom and investigation. The PPC has three purposes: 1) to investigate pastoral matters; 2) to give these matters in-depth consideration and prayer; and 3) to propose practical conclusions and assist in cultivating our vision. Twelve parishioners discerned their participation on PPC for a three-year term through June 30, 2015 related to the parish theme of “Immersed in Christ: One Body. One Mission.” The PPC meets the second Wednesday of the month. All parishioners are welcome to attend! The next meeting is December 11 from 6:45 PM to 9:15 PM in Holy Family Room. Agendas and meeting minutes can be found on our parish website at Connecting Faith & Life Readings for December 8, 2nd Sunday in Advent First Reading: Isaiah 11:1-10 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17 Second Reading: Romans 15:4-9 Gospel: Matthew 3:1-12 Lecturas para el 8 de Diciembre, el 2° Domingel de Adviento Primera Lectura: Isaías 11:1-10 Salmo Responsorial: Salmo 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17 Segunda Lectura: Romanos 15:4-9 Evangelio: Mateo 3:1-12 New Parishioners Are Welcome! ¡Bienvenidos Nuevos Feligreses! New parishioner registration packets are in the Narthex, right next to the Daily Mass Chapel. Parish Phone...................................................................... (317) 253-2193 Fax .................................................................................. 253-3342 E-mail ......................................... [email protected] Website .................................................... Mass Schedule........................................................................opt. 1 Prayer Tree…………………………………………..317-874-0087 Bulletin Submissions If you would like to submit an article for an upcoming bulletin, the deadline is Noon on the Sunday prior to the weekend announcement is to appear. Please send all bulletin submissions to email address [email protected]. Parish Staff Pastor, Rev. Todd Goodson ..................................................opt. 2 E-mail…..………………………[email protected] Associate Pastor, Rev. Dustin Boehm.....…………………..opt. 2 E-mail…….………………………[email protected] Emergency Line.....................................................................opt.7 Office Secretaries, Linda Pitcher & Martha Horvath . .........opt. 2 Business Manager, Barbara Bacon ........................................opt.2 E-mail Maintenance Director, Kevin Starkey .................................opt. 2 Director of Youth Ministry and Young Adults, Emily Scharbrough…………………………………...……..opt. 3 E-mail…………………....…[email protected] Religious Education Director, Mary Jo Thomas-Day .........opt. 4 E-mail .................................... [email protected] Pastoral Associate, Anne Corcoran ......................................opt. 5 E-mail ......................................... [email protected] Music Director, Christine Seitz ............................................opt. 6 E-mail ................................................ [email protected] Director of Communications/Volunteer Coordinator, Mel Ullrich………………….…….………………………….opt. 8 E-mail...……………………….…[email protected] Hispanic Ministry, Sr. Anna Marie Megel ...........................opt. 9 E-mail School Principal, Michelle Boyd ............................................... 255-7153 Fax .................................................................................. 259-5570 Website Ministerio Hispano Hermana Ana María Megel o Julia Gonzalez .............. 253-2193-9 (los días lunes a viernes de 9:00 AM a 4:00 PM) Boletín en Español - Anuncios Y Clases para Padres, Percy Consiglieri...................... .280-8551 Charlas Pre-Matrimoniales, Ricardo & Carmen Davila....691-3718 Coordinadora de Bodas, Ana Ortega...……..………….493-9436 Charlas para Bautismos, Gerardo Dimas ..................... 824-9230 Coordinadora para Quinceañeras, Luz Maria Florez..717-1635; 280-9362 Clases de Biblia, Enrique y Carmen Rosa Hurtado........ 253-8173 Catecismo y Educación Religiosa, Maria Pimentel-Gannon ........... 298-3033 Jóvenes Adolencentes, Guadalupe Pimentel..............808-430-7455 7