SAF catalog 2013_TEMP
SAF catalog 2013_TEMP
science fiction PRISONER OF THE STARS by Alfonso Font In this environmentally aware age, there are those who predict the destruction of our planet if we do not amend our ways. Can mankind survive its own arrogance? Alfonso Font paints a futuristic image of what may be in store for humanity: a planet condemned by a scorching sun, where people live in overpopulated cities below the surface. Only the disinherited “outsiders” are forced to survive on the inhospitable surface. It is here that a beautiful woman, full of life, joins forces with an escaped rebel in a desperate attempt to reach salvation in “the city of domes.” This duo will be exposed to the dark side of human nature. But they’ll also witness the heights of humanity, personified by rebels who aspire for a better, more just world; and who if need be, will give up their lives for it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science fiction GREGOR KA by Martin Frei Germany. The year is 2018. A week before the Nazis are about to once again come into power, a group called the TEN takes over the government. Now seven years later, Gregor Ka, an insurance investigator, tries to solve several grisly murders… and get a promotion. Somehow getting involved with Revolutionaries, Ka finds that his own loyalties are now in question. Things get even worse when he discovers that the government is conducting a major scientific experiment involving… an alien being. For some reason, the alien has chosen to communicate with Ka, which causes him to start transforming into an alien himself! What does this mean for Ka, and for humanity? Find out in this high voltage, amazing science fiction adventure. $ An&$%%)&%! actress with a sonnamed Adrian $!"$(!'%$$$$%2+$! from a previous marriage marries 83-year-old &' 9!F!" $&%!$&' (% magnate Bunge de Hoz, hoping&! to inherit his fortune) when %' he dies. Bunge gives $ %!)$! 3&&$%% her an'&&'3%'%&($&&!%%! ultimatum: she must give birth to his son.'&& But things go wrong: the actress $%&$"&%&)!!+% +&$ bears triplets, two boys and$&%$!&!+% a girl. She gets rid of the boys and"%! keeps only the girl, &'% %'$ && $ $&%&! + thus ensuring that Adrian will inherit all the money. @' %&$E&!+% %!*9 !&% Rummaging&$!'$ through garbage, a man finds the rejected boys inside a box. He notices !one!&%%%&( %6 of the babies is still alive andnames him Cain.9%%&!&+"%% He sells him to the gypsies, )$6 %%($+$%' &/%"'& &!$!$&!$+ where Cain%" spends several years until he’s put into a reformatory. One+6 day Cain $ ! &$&%! +! learns%&%! the shocking&$'&!'&%!$ truth about his origins% and$!& from that moment on concentrates $( I only on revenge… TALES OF AN IMPERFECT FUTURE by Alfonso Font These science fiction tales, as told by an extraterrestrial, warn of the dangers that await us as human beings if we continue to behave as stupidly and selfishly as we have done up until now. Our actions have put the entire universe in danger. But as the alien shows us fragments of the future, we might still be able to prevent these worst case scenarios: Earth so polluted, that life on its surface is almost impossible; the human race continuing its destructive and fatal expedition into the galaxy to colonize other planets; inferior human beings being killed for their organs for transplanting to superior ones; humans using robots as companions, though these robots lack the ability to think and feel, which, ironically, may be the only thing that prevents us from our predicted horrible future. JEREMIAH by Hermann This fascinating post-apocalyptic series takes us through the ruins of the United States, and the attempted rebuild of society. We follow the exploits of Jeremiah and Kurdy -- two argumentative pals who struggle for survival on a daily basis. Created in 1975 by SAF’s Belgian artist and writer Hermann, there are so far 28 graphic novels in the series. These amazing stories range from a tyrannical man forcing poor farmers to sell him their land for nothing, to the sect of the god Inemokh led by a priest who drugs his pupils. In one story Jeremiah and Kurdy encounter a girl who learns that Japanese commandos are preparing an invasion. In another story the two friends end up in Langton, the city where Jeremiah used to live, and discover conspiracy and murder... adventure & mystery $:1'6$'35 Abraham Stone was born on a small farm in Pennsylvania during the late 19th 1A070<(C>=4F0B1>A=>=0B<0;;50A<8=&4==BH;E0=80)74C8<48B;0C4C7 century, the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Railroads are stretching tracks 24=CDAHC741468==8=6>5C74=3DBCA80;'4E>;DC8>='08;A>03B0A4BCA4C278=6CA02:B from East to West, North to South. Automobiles and airplanes are becoming 5A><0BCC>,4BC$>AC7C>(>DC7DC><>18;4B0=308A?;0=4B0A42><8=68=C> common modes of transportation. Telephones and radios connect people as never 2><<>=DB4)4;4?7>=4B0=3A038>B0A42>==42C8=6?4>?;40B=4E4A145>A4=3 before. And a new form of entertainment called “movies” is all the rage. 0=4F5>A<>54=C4AC08=<4=C20;;43V<>E84BW70B2><48=C>148=6 Abe’s family has been murdered by robber land barons, and the young boy 14XB50<8;H70B144=<DA34A431HA>114A;0=310A>=B0=3C74H>D=61>H70B barely escapes with his own life. He wanders over the great land from New York 10A4;H4B20?43F8C778B>F=;8544F0=34AB>E4AC746A40C;0=35A><$4F.>A: to California to Mexico. In Hollywood, he becomes involved with the movie C>0;85>A=80C>#4G82>=>;;HF>>374142><4B8=E>;E43F8C7C74<>E84 business. Then in Mexico, he becomes the unwilling ally of Pancho Villa. 1DB8=4BB=#4G82>74142><4BC74D=F8;;8=60;;H>5&0=27>+8;;0 #3$: .(3'&1#45'..+6%+1+.+226%%+ )744GCA0E060=C6;>14CA>CC8=603E4=CDA4B>5A#HBCKA4C>;31HC746>>3>2C4DA The extravagant, globe-trotting adventures of Dr. Mystère, told by the good Docteur 78<B4;58=C74BCH;4>5C740A>=+>=#P=2770DB4=C0;4B0A40=7><064C>C74 himself in the style of the Baron Von Münchhausen tales, are an homage to the 2;0BB82C724=CDAH03E4=CDA4=>E4;F78;40CC74B0<4C8<4?0A>3H8=68CBBD1 classic 19th century adventure novel, while at the same time parodying its subgenres 64=A4B>5DA10=54D8;;4C>=F4BC4A=B0=3+82C>A80=B284=24582C8>= of urban literature, westerns, and Victorian science fiction. Dr. Mystère and his faithful assistant, Cigale, are summoned to Milan to find A#HBCKA40=378B508C75D;0BB8BC0=C860;40A4BD<<>=43C>#8;0=C>58=3#A Mr. B***, who has gone missing during the construction of a revolutionary underF7>70B6>=4<8BB8=63DA8=6C742>=BCAD2C8>=>50A4E>;DC8>=0AHD=34A6A>D=3 ground railway in the city. The case would be quite simple were it not for the fact A08;F0H8=C7428CH)7420B4F>D;314@D8C4B8<?;4F4A48C=>C5>AC74502CC70CC74 that the man’s disappearance coincides with the emergence of Si Fan in the city, <0=XB38B0??40A0=242>8=2834BF8C7C744<4A64=24>5(80=8=C7428CH05A867C5D; a frightful Chinese gang that has come to conquer the city of Milan! 78=4B460=6C70C70B2><4C>2>=@D4AC7428CH>5#8;0= $:#%11%# =C74<83C724=CDAHC74;70<1A00#>>A8B75>ACA4BB8=(?08=F0B050E>A8C4 In the mid-19th century, the Alhambra, a Moorish fortress in Spain, was a favorite 34BC8=0C8>=5>AA><0=C82CA0E4;4AB5A><DA>?40=3<4A820;8:4DBC0E4>AJ destination for romantic travelers from Europe and America, like Gustave Doré 0=3,0B78=6C>=AE8=6;4G0=34A20A>0A4=270AC8BCCA0E4;BC>C74;70<1A0 and Washington Irving. Alexander Icaro, a French artist, travels to the Alhambra 8=B40A27>50=4G>C820=3?82CDA4B@D4;>20;4C74<0682;0=3>5C74A0180=C0;4B in search of an exotic and picturesque locale, the magic land of the Arabian tales. *?>=78B0AA8E0;20A>58=3BC74;70<1A08=0B70<1;48=7018C431H;>20;E06A0=CB Upon his arrival Icaro finds the Alhambra in shambles, inhabited by local vagrants. DCC74>;3#>>A8B75>ACA4BB8B2;>0:438=<HBC4AHU?4>?;4;8E8=6C74A46>8=B0=4 But the old Moorish fortress is cloaked in mystery -- people living there go insane F8C7>DC>1E8>DB20DB40=32><<8C2AD4;<DA34AB20A>342834BC>74;?0?C08= without obvious cause and commit cruel murders. Icaro decides to help Captain M86>03L0>5C74'>H0;>ACA4BB>5C74;70<1A038B2>E4AC7430A:>A868=>5C74 Iñigo Badía of the Royal Fortress of the Alhambra discover the dark origin of the 2DAB4>5C74;70<1A0F7827;84B344?8=B834C745>ACA4BB0;>=6F8C7#>>A8B7 curse of the Alhambra which lies deep inside the fortress along with Moorish CA40BDA4 treasure. horror THE NURSE by Zalozabal Theresa is a nurse hired to accompany young, wheelchair-bound Toby to a controversial clinic in Transnistria. It’s the only medical institution in the world that can offer Toby hope that he will one day walk again. They use radical experimental treatments. Sometimes their results are miraculous; other times, tragic. Once at the clinic, Theresa quickly becomes aware of just how “radical” their treatments are. She then meets a Frenchman, who says: “You’ve got to help me. I broke my arm just so they would admit me to the clinic. I came to save my son from that evil... nurse!” Theresa wants to help, but soon realizes she is a prisoner here. Now she must get Toby out of this terrible place! 9% %%& +$!!+)!% !& He is a nameless ten-year-old boy who has not been &!!$(&!'% able to die for five thousand +$%>!$ years. Nor can $!)'"$!&&!&?$!%%$!F he grow up. From the time of the Pharaohs, he has been frozen in !! %&$ &! ! ('invulnerable $H($+&&%' childhood. In a strange accident long ago he became -- every time the $%% %! %!+$ &+'$(%%)!' sun rises+)!' any wounds on his body are%& instantly healed. If buried alive, his flesh would $!($&! & recover the moment&&)$*"!%&!$&%' it were exposed to direct sunlight, and)!'( he would live again. >($&%%% +H)! &! Nevertheless, he has an enemy -- a womanH)!% -- who has been&$+ trying to kill him. $!'!'&%(&!'% $ % Throughout his five thousand+$% years, and' under many+%'%% disguises and% false names, %%!!) %! she has followed and!'&$( fought him, driven +! by one)%3&! wish: to finish him once and!$ for all. THE LABYRINTH by Ricardo Barreiro & Horacio Lalia In a prison built deep in the belly of a planet, six prisoners, only known by their prisoner numbers, barely co-exist with their hardened warden. Totally out of touch with anyone or anything from the outside world, they retreat into the labyrinth of their minds to help them deal with their sub-human conditions. But when the barely edible, cockroach-infested food stops coming from the outside world, they must try to escape this seemingly inescapable prison. In addition to the labyrinth’s maze-like-structure, there is also an unseen, howling beast that adds to their fears and bars their escape. But man’s instinct for survival is a strong one. Knowing any passage they take may lead to death, they still make the attempt, hoping against hope they may find a way to the planet’s surface and the goal of any prisoner anywhere: Freedom! Will any of them make it? Odds are against it. VIDEO NOIRE by Carlos Trillo & Eduardo Risso Seedy private eye Evan Gelin is hideously murdered in his office after taking tawdry, career-threatening photos of Miss Dready, the beautiful host of a popular children’s show. When Gelin’s associate J.C. Benedict searches for the answers behind his friend’s killing, he is drawn into a netherworld he never imagined existed and discovers truths he wishes he had never found. Indeed, it turns out that Miss Dready is no less than an emissary from Hell infiltrating children’s minds for her sinister purposes, and that the fate of the entire humanity lies in Benedict’s hands! A taut, hard-edged journey into violent passions, forbidden obsessions…and an ancient battle between Good and Evil. horror Come on, babies! Get out! Now I’ve got you where I want you. Asshole! My name is Violet. We have to talk. horror 6$%% &&!$ 7A8B8B0=0DC8BC8268A;F7>70B144=03>?C43B4E4A0;C8<4BB8=24C74340C7>574A Chris is an'&%&$)!% autistic girl who has been !"&%($&%% adopted several times since the death of her $"$ &%! !'"+%&$!'%+ &$%" A40;?0A4=CB>=;HC>70E4402703>?C8=62>D?;4384<HBC4A8>DB;H8=C748AB;44? real parents only+&!(!"& to have each adopting couple die mysteriously in their sleep. %"$ % &! )$&$:' $ % B?8A8=6B284=24582C8>=FA8C4A D0=;40A=B>5C74BCA0=6420B40=3342834BC> Aspiring science-fiction writer Juan learns%!&%&$ of the strange case and%&! decides to 8=E4BC860C40=3FA8C40=4FB0AC82;4*=0F0A4>5C7430=64AC>0=H>=4F7>2><4B (%&&and )$& )%$&A )$!& $&! +! )!!% investigate write a news article. Unaware of the danger to anyone who comes 8=2>=C02CF8C7;8CC;47A8B741468=BC74?4A8;>DBC0B:>534;E8=68=C>74A?0BC &&)&&&6$% &!$"%& in! contact with little Chris, he begins%&"$!'%&%!( the perilous task of delvinginto her past. B%& &"&+!'%!6$%/!!"$ &%:' *"$ %'&!$+ +8B8C8=6C744<?CH7>DB4>57A8BX18>;>6820;?0A4=CB D0=4G?4A84=24B0D38C>AH Visiting the empty house of Chris’s biological parents, Juan hears a child’s voice ' %!/%(!" 70;;D28=0C8>=B>50278;3XBE>824?;4038=65>A74;?45>;;>FBC74278;3XB pleading&! for help. He follows the child’s!$"9!!)%&/% instructions and finds a secret passage 8=BCAD2C8>=B0=358=3B0B42A4C?0BB064C>C7410B4<4=CT % %%$&"%%&!&% &I to%&$'&! the basement… thriller thriller AFRIKA by Hermann The story takes place in equatorial Africa, where park ranger Dario Ferrer protects animals from poaching. A female journalist pays him a visit, hoping Dario can arrange an interview with these poachers. Dario agrees begrudgingly, all the while doubting this woman will be able to survive the cruelty of daily African life. Then there’s Dario’s African mistress to contend with. She lives with the hope that Dario will provide her with a better life, and now fears this woman will jeopardize her dreams. Somehow, Dario and his guest come upon the remains of a bloody, brutal massacre. All at the hands of a corrupt government. Now the two must run for their lives as they are hunted by a hitman who wants to stop them from telling the world what they have just seen. Will they survive to tell their tale? BLOODY WINTER by Sergio Bleda On the day of his mother’s untimely funeral, Ralph, a wheelchair-bound child, is abducted. Twenty years later he returns and is now linked to Norton Gable -- a heartless drug-traf¿cking monster. What’s their connection? That’s what tough F.B.I. agent Michelle Pollock wants to know after the strangely quiet Ralph tells her where to ¿nd a serial child killer’s latest victim. As Agent Pollock gets sucked further and further into Ralph and Norton Gable’s twisted world, she encounters deception, betrayal and violence -- the likes of which she’s never known. Dark, gritty and relentless, Sergio Bleda’s “Bloody Winter” is frighteningly compelling as it creates a world where good doesn’t always conquer evil. by Abuli Carlos TrilloVega & Eduardo Risso CHICANOS - “A.Y. by Jalisco, Enrique P.I.” Sanchez & Felix MARIA DOLARES Raised in aanimals shantytown outside of Mexico unlucky andwife unloved Gene loves and tends to them when City, they’re hurt. His hatesAlejadrina animals. And Yolanda Jalisco escapes her parents’ suffocating grip, and moves to Manhattan. Gene. Enter sexy Maria Dolores. Dolares She needs Gene to ¿x her injured dog, but turns out Once there,dog sheisfulfills heran dream of becoming a hard-boiled just like the the injured actually injured criminal, Eddy Rock, ondetective, the lam from the law. ones she saw in the black and white movies in Mexico. Eddy needs Gene to remove a bullet. And then he wants Gene to help him rob a bank. Gene says no, but him.and She’s a hard to say no to.One client But her dream jobthen is farMaria fromasks dreamy A.Y. is farwoman from hard-boiled. commits suicide; another almost gets her killed. When she finally lands a great All Gene is embroiled to get home… animals. Butinbeing chased cops, lusting case, she wants ends up with to thehis mafia and gets way over herby head. Her after lusty Maria, and on-the-run with a hardened criminal, Gene’s chances of returncareer is going badly, her love life even worse, yet somehow A.Y. is determined to ing to his simple life seem to be slipping away. See how it all turns out in this excitmake it work. She is A.Y. Jalisco -- P.I. for Hire. She’s looking for a killer case, but ing, not sexy a casecaper. that gets her killed. TAXI by Alfonso Font Beautiful, fearless, resourceful and talented. That’s Taxi. One night, a man named Nelson rescues her from an attack… and changes her life. He works for a news agency called Control Press, and “recruits” Taxi for his investigative team. In “The Dragon’s Labyrinth,” a rampant disease is killing only black people. Taxi risks her life to expose the sinister plot behind this “Black Death.” In “A Cruise to Hell,” things heat up as Taxi finds herself in the middle of an international crisis involving Israelis, Palestinians, arms dealers and lethal quantities of Plutonium. This time Taxi may be in way over her head. In “The Devil’s Trench,” an informant supplies Taxi and her cohorts with details to crimes before they happen. Taking on drug lords, assassins and corrupt police, Taxi needs eyes in the back of her head if she wants to survive this escapade. period pieces period pieces BARCELONA AT DAWN by Juan Antonio de Blas & Alfonso Font The year is 1923. On a hot summer night, four corpses wash up at the port of Barcelona. When Journalist Pere Marsé investigates these murders he is shocked to discover that one of the victims is in fact a German policeman. As he digs even deeper, Marsé soon realizes this is only the tip of what turns out to be an intricate plot of both criminal and political intrigue. As each layer of the onion is peeled away, more questions than answers come to the surface. Anarchists, local police, German nationals, French Secret Service and Military leaders all play their parts. This fascinating book -- based on real circumstances and characters -- recounts events that happened in Barcelona in the early 1920s. These events were a direct reason why Hitler failed with his attempted coup in Munich on November 8, 1923. !#$:'3/#00 )78B2>;;42C8>=>56A0?782=>E4;BB4C8=#833;464DA>?4A4;0C4B0B4A84B>5;854 This collection of graphic novels set in Middle Age Europe relates a series of life BC>A84B5A><C74=>1;4>8B#0DAH50<8;H)7478BC>A820;3A0<0B>5?0BB8>=0=3 stories from the noble Bois-Maury family. The historical dramas of passion and 7>=>A<DA34A0=38=CA86D40=3140DCH0=37>AA>AA4E>;E40A>D=3(8AH<0A>5 honor, murder and intrigue, and beauty and horror revolve around Sir Aymar of >8B#0DAH0:=867C>56A40CB:8;;0=3344?7>=>A38B?;02435A><78B>F=;0=3B Bois-Maury, a knight of great skill and deep honor, displaced from his own lands 0=35867C8=65>A78B270=24C>A4CDA=7><40=3A42;08<C74C>F4ABC70C0A4VC74 and fighting for his chance to return home and reclaim the towers that are “the C0;;4BC0=3<>BC140DC85D;8=0;;C74;0=3W tallest and most beautiful in all the land.” )78BBD?4A1B060>51A40C7C0:8=68<064AH0=34<>C8>=0;8=C4=B8CH>554AB01A8;;80=C This superb saga of breathtaking imagery and emotional intensity offers a brilliant ?>ACA08C>50;;BCA0C0>5<43804E0;B>284CH0;C4A=0C8=66A8<CA0643H7D<>A0=3 portrait of all strata of medieval society, alternating between grim tragedy, humor A><0=24 and romance. SPAGHETTI BROTHERS by Trillo & Mandrafina In 1910, en route to America, an Italian woman dies giving birth to her fifth child. Now orphans, the Centobucchi siblings face a new world without parents. The oldest, Amerigo, grows up to be a cruel gangster whose only love is his dead mother. Carmela becomes the lover of a Jewish gangster. Frank becomes a catholic priest. Gypsy, a one-time porno actress, becomes a famous legitimate actress of the silent movie era. And Tony, the youngest, becomes a police officer. Blaming Tony for their mother’s death, Amerigo wants to kill his younger brother. Tony, meanwhile, is in love with Amerigo´s wife. Carmela becomes a killer for her mobster boyfriend. Gypsy becomes a drunk. And Frank, the priest, tries to beat the word of the Lord into Amerigo’s head with his cross. We span sixty years of this dysfunctional, yet compelling family. JON ROHNER by Alfonso Font The end of the19th century, the twilight of sailing ships, and the picturesque islands of the South Pacific, are the setting for these history-laced adventures. Jon Rohner, a likeable sailor who lives on the edge of the law, tells his stories to Robert Louis Stevenson -- the famed author of such classics as Treasure Island and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde -- who has settled on the Samoa islands and befriended Rohner. Through Rohner’s stories we are taken into a world full of excitement, action and drama: from his kidnapping a princess to prevent a war between two tribes; to a story about a man who fell in love with a cannibal queen, left his family and got tattooed over his whole body and face; to Rohner’s surviving a tsunami and volcano eruption. The stories -- Rohner’s adventures -- are seemingly in endless supply. children THE JUNGLE JOURNAL by Roberto Totaro A hilarious one-page gag series with jungle animals from SAF’s Italian artist and writer Roberto Totaro. Using his amazing, unique drawing style, Totaro brings these animals to life. Whether it is a smiling monkey falling into a trap, an elephant starting to sink into quicksand after a bird lands on his back, or dozens of animals getting together to attend Tarzan and Jane’s wedding, Totaro makes these creatures so charming and lovable, that you cannot resist wanting to read more and more of his jungle gags. And SAF has more than 120 comic pages ready for publication in magazines and books. RED MOON by by Carlos Carlos Trillo Trillo&&Eduardo EduardoRisso Risso "#!'!$#!#!$!""!'& !#!"# #%"#"##&"%$"' %&#$"#!!$" !!!"!!&' ""!#'!"$!#!&#("!"!$#& #'$"##!#%!!$"!&"%! !#$!'#("!"$#&#"#$!## "'$ !%$##!'""!#%&!!!$#"(" #!("&!!!!"#!"!'("#!# $ !!!("&##!"%#"# %!'# %#$'!!"!#"!###$!#!! $#&#'###&!#!#"## "& !! %&$'$ /%%$%!!)%+!' !+ %F )!$ !$% )&$(%&!$!"%)&!!$'$!'"! !" ! %&%+ ($!) &!!) +"&%&! % %">$&%%!) ' ($%! $&$%)!!" +! ($+ &%&( &'$ & %$%&>!$&?!! & " % & *& =!$!& & !&% $ %'%)!$!&$!''&>)+% %&! !'%%!'&! &!%(&+ &!)'" &%&+ !%)$ ! One%&!$+ stormy night the laboratory of a menacing castle, Baron Frankenstein &in &!$&!$+! %&$! $ %& combines body parts of notorious scoundrels brings to life a strange, monstrous ! %!+"$&%! !&!$!'%%!' $%and$ %&!%&$ ! %&$!'% creature. Though possessing$ a criminal’s brain inside his skull, the giant&%$& has a heart $&'$!'"!%%%% /%$ %%%'& of gold and% is known to help elderly ladies or pick flowers for his friends. !! !) &!"$+%!$"!)$%!$%$ % When%%+"$%! he is falsely imprisoned for crimes he did not!&!&%$ commit, his friend,&+!' the young !$$% lovely Miss Diana, hires promising pre-teen detective Zachary Holmes to and !(+=%%7 $%&"$!% "$& &&(D$+9!%&! the crimes and the real culprit. With the help of his assistant Watson investigate (%&&&$% find &$'"$&&&"!%%%%& &&%! -- a mouse fond of Camembert and'!)&&+$$% full of witty mouse remarks -- young Zachary H!'%! !6$& &!'% 'H solvesD$+%!(%&+%&$+ the mystery and saves the creature from injustice, winning over Diana’s +!' %(%& &$! E'%&) !($ heart/%$& in the process and establishing his career as an investigator. 7 &"$!%% %&% %$$% (%&&!$ children ELE by Trillo, Maicas & Mr. Zombi Ele is is circus a circus elephant who runsoffoffwhen whenhehecould can no Ele elephant who took no longer longer take take the the audience audience laughing at him riding a bicycle or walking a tightrope. He hides out a train in laughing at him riding a bicycle or walking a tightrope. First he took ainrefugee station, but when he notices a group of children passing by, he asks them for for help. a train hangar. When he notices a group of children passing by he asks them All of them are thrilled with the idea of having an elephant as a house pet. help. All of them are thrilled with the idea of having an elephant as a house pet. But where can you hide an elephant at home without your mom noticing? They But, how to hide an elephant at home without your mom noticing? They decide to decide to hide Ele in Timotea’s spacious house – she is the only girl among boys. hide Ele inenjoys Timotea’s spacious house - the among boys. Ele really enjoys Ele really sleeping by Timotea’s bedonly andgirl successfully hides every time her sleeping by Timotea’s bed and successfully hides every time her dad cruises the dad cruises the house looking for a lost slipper, or when her mom does a big spring house a lost slipper, orhas when herfriends, mom does big they spring clean. clean. looking Besides for these children, Ele other too.aBut live in theBut city besides children, Ele has other freinds, too. They live in the city zoo... zoo... TWO WHITE WIZARDS by Andres Ponce & Dario Brizuela Miza and Vester are two wizard novices, anxious to learn the secret spells that will allow them to turn into a “White Wizard,” just like their father, the great Drazen. While Drazen is away, his young, restless novices accidentally uncover the famous Black Diamond, in which, according to legend, their father entombed his enemy, the evil force of “Blackness.” Through their carelessness, Miza and Vester break the magic container and set the Evil free. With their father gone, this inexperienced duo must take care of this situation alone - a very scary thought, indeed! Z. X. WILBUR by Peni Z.X. Wilbur is an alien boy from another planet, where children must attend an elementary school in some other galaxy, with children from other worlds. Luckily he chose our planet. Why, out of millions of planets did he choose Earth? Well, to get to know Earthlings and study their amazing culture, of course. But mostly because of French fries and fried eggs that cannot be found anywhere else in the universe. Wilbur amazes his school pals on Earth every day with his unique skills. While other kids have a hard time carrying their heavy bags full of books, Z.X. has his bag fly to school. When kids play soccer and make him goal keeper, Z.X. protects his goal with an invisible shield, so that nobody can score. He is the most fun alien you will ever meet. $:#3.143+..16#01$+..1 7D<>A>DBC0;4540CDA8=6B4GCD?;4C1A>C74AB"D20B">A4=I>"40=3A>"4>=0A3> A humorous tale featuring sextuplet brothers Lucas, Lorenzo, Leandro, Leonardo, "0;>0=3"D280=>U?7HB820;;H834=C820;H4C4027F8C778B>F=D=8@D4?4AB>=0;8CH Lalo, and Luciano -- physically identical, yet each with his own unique personality. %=450C45D;=867C05C4A0=4F3>>A<0=70BCDA=43D?0CC748A1D8;38=6"D20B One fateful night, after a new doorman has turned up at their building, Lucas =>C824B01A867C;867C4<0=0C8=65A><78B?0A4=CBX143A>><)74;867C8BBD334=;H notices a bright light emanating mysteriously from their parents’ bedroom. The light 4GC8=6D8B7430=3">A4=I>38B2>E4ABC70CC748A?0A4=CB70E4E0=8B7430;>=6F8C7 is suddenly extinguished... and Lorenzo discovers that their parents have vanished 0;;>5C748A2;>C78=6 along with all of their clothing. >A">A4=I>C741A867C;867C0=3<8BB8=6F0A3A>14<40=B>=4C78=6C748A<>C74A For Lorenzo, the bright light and missing wardrobe can mean only one thing: their 0=350C74A70E4144=013D2C431H0;84=B(CA4=6C74=8=6C74C74>AHC741A>C74AB mother and father have been abducted by aliens. Strengthening the theory, the B?>C5>DA344?<0A:B>=C74C4AA024 brothers spot four deep marks on the terrace... humor NEFERU, THE CAT by Carlos Trillo & Pedro Penizzotto Danger is afoot! Piñòn, the evil, slobbering dog has moved in on Neferu the Cat’s territory, hypnotizing his slave and mesmerizing Neferu’s mascot. Only the intervention of the Goddess Bastet and the Great Cat God Tefnut can save the world from certain canine domination. At least that’s how the world looks through the eyes of a cat in Carlos Trillo and Pedro Penizzotto’s tale. Neferu lives with his human mascot, Alex, in an apartment building in the city. When Alex becomes romantically involved with a neighborhood dog owner, Neferu’s life is thrown into turmoil. Neferu’s rough and tumble existence is grounded in the reality of the city: danger lurks everywhere, adventure fills the streets and cats rule the rooftops. Along with his fellow cat friends, Neferu has to find a way to save the feline way of life. NIRVANA by Roberto Totaro Are everyday problems weighing you down? Is anxiety threatening to eat you up? A wise man, a teacher, is now available around the clock for advice on how to reach… NIRVANA. Totaro’s jokes probably don’t lead to divine illumination but are certainly the shortest route to restoring the spirit with the sound of laughter. A wise old teacher moves to an isolated rock to lead a life of meditation, but is constantly disturbed by all sorts of annoying disciples: a poet who lacks creativity, a rejected child, an inventor, a salesman… all severely try the teacher’s mystical convictions and his patience. The whole of Western civilization seems to pass before the teacher’s remote perch, much to his chagrin, and much to our amusement.