in English - Oxford University Press
in English - Oxford University Press
2016 Difusión Your publisher for ELE 8 ctlg_ele_2016_eng_cover.indd 1 436016 732154 © Fotografía de cubierta: David Grau 19/01/16 10:56 WELCOME TO THE FUTURE! We are delighted to present you our new catalogue for 2016, and do so looking forward t o times that are as uncertain as they are exciting. The future, for us, means contributing to the growth of Spanish language teaching in the global primary sector; for that reason, and because our aim is to contribute creativity and high-quality materials to the field, this year we’re publishing Lola y Leo, a unique Spanish language course for children: playful, warm, so alive that it will captivate its users with its visual universe, its dynamism and its music The future lies with providing new tools for the Teaching of Spanish at higher levels and in universities. We are convinced that C de C1 will be a watershed for courses at this level. The authors, seven great specialists in their areas, are cooking up a small revolution: a course that presents a wide range of aspects of the language and of cultures in Spanish from a very up-to-date perspective, a user-friendly course that will enormously enrich the baggage of learners at C1 level… and that of their teachers. For its part, with Campus Sur we hope to equip university students of Spanish with an up-to-date tool that will open up possibilities for them in that so-open future, developing their critical skills, their autonomy and empowering them to perform effectively in Spanish in the academic sphere, as well as in others. The future lies in continuing to innovate methodologically and break new ground in task-based and lexical approaches with Bitácora Nueva edición, a title which we believe will go great things in terms of facilitating the in-class application of the latest methodology. The future lies with giving the pedagogy of language teaching its rightful place in our catalogue by launching the Cuadernos de Didáctica collection. The first title, La formación del profesorado, marks the path that we want to follow: texts that are modern and academically sound —yet, at the same time, close to teaching practice— written by the most renowned specialists. The future lies with offering a digital platform designed as the integrated tool for the teaching and learning of Spanish for the next few years. Starting this spring, will make thousands of resources available to teachers and learners of Spanish: new video collections, digital coursebooks, interactive activities, projectable worksheets and images for use in class, a system for class management, the chance to create and organize your own lists of resources and, amongst many other surprises, a meaty section on teacher training. But if there’s one theme running through all our visions of the future, it’s our desire to put teachers and students at the heart of our work. That’s how we manage our new projects: involving numerous international advisors to help us shape the new editions of our coursebooks and pilot new ones, with teams of authors closer than ever to classroom reality, with an ever-growing number of collaborators from different places, paying more attention than ever to the needs of non-native teachers and making it all ever more learner-centred. That’s how we want to be your ELE publisher. Agustín Garmendia Head of ELE Departament Catálogo ELE 2016 1 01-16_ctlg_ele_2016_eng_intro.indd 1 19/01/16 14:57 Difusión. Your ELE publisher 27 More than years working alongside teachers and Spanish-learning centres around the world 307 references in our catalogue More than 2 1 200 trips Visits, training sessions, workshops, Practical Meetings, Conferences, etc. And more than 500 contacts in 2015 Collections for Young Learners, Adolescents and Adults, grammatical and lexical complements, readers, complementary material, as well as DELE exams preparation. new platform and new web 01-16_ctlg_ele_2016_eng_intro.indd 2 in 2016 19/01/16 14:57 More than 2 500 000 students around the world have learnt Spanish with our methods Aula and Gente More than 50 special editions of our titles for special centres, markets and specific educational contexts. More than 1 300 000 visits to our channel Look out for videos about our courses, workshop presentations, webinars, etc. 30 webinars on teacher training a year More information on our presential and on-line training on pages 6 and 7. 3 01-16_ctlg_ele_2016_eng_intro.indd 3 19/01/16 14:57 Training and Communication Department (DFC) WHO WE ARE, WHAT WE DO... Our Training and Communication Department is made up of a great team of professionals tasked with keeping a permanent dialogue going with teachers and ELE centres around the world. • Teaching and materialsguidance • Educational support • Presential and on-line teacher training • Informative visits to teaching centres Amaya Núñez Marketing manager and institutional relations [email protected] Edith Moreno Teacher support and event organization [email protected] Carmen Mora Teacher support and communication [email protected] 4 01-16_ctlg_ele_2016_eng_intro.indd 4 19/01/16 14:57 [email protected] Iñaki Calvo Communication and digital marketing [email protected] Sergio Troitiño Teacher training and institutional relations [email protected] Chus Blázquez Educational guidance and teacher support in Italy [email protected] Eva Martí Management and Logistics [email protected] Editorial Difusión Barcelona Editorial Difusión Madrid c/ Trafalgar 10, entresuelo 1ª 08010 Barcelona (España) Tlf. de información general: +34 932 680 300 c/ Sánchez Pacheco, 39 28002 Madrid (España) Tlf. +34 682 621 068 Urquinaona · Catalunya · Arc de Triomf Prosperidad · Cruz del Rayo 5 01-16_ctlg_ele_2016_eng_intro.indd 5 19/01/16 14:57 Teacher training Encuentros prácticos for ELE teachers An unmissable event for ELE teachers The Encuentros prácticos ELE, organized by International House Barcelona and Difusión, have become one of the leading referents in ELE training in the world. Featuring top specialists in teaching, each meeting is also a unique opportunity to exchange and share experiences with colleagues. ELE BCN 16 2016 sees the 25th anniversary of the Encuentro práctico de profesores de ELE in Barcelona and it’ll be quite a party. Don’t miss out! ELE ELE ROM BER 16 16 And we’ll also be seeing you in Rome, Berlin, Paris and Russia. ELE ELE PAR RUS 16 16 Jornadas didácticas of Difusión Our commitment to professional development Two days of intense training in Madrid to find out the latest tendencies in teaching methodology, and to foster professional excellence. The Editorial Difusión-PROLINTER Awards (UPM) to the best practising teacher, which is presented during the Madrid conference, reflects our mission to promote and recognise innovative educational projects in the teaching community. 6 01-16_ctlg_ele_2016_eng_intro.indd 6 19/01/16 14:57 [email protected] Webinars: on-line teacher training Open webinars Customized webinars Take part from anywhere in the world, completely free of charge in: •educational workshops on various topics related to the teaching and learning of Spanish •presentations and tutorials about our teaching materials You can access all the contents of previous webinars at For teaching centres that want to use our materials, or who are already using them, we provide on-line workshops to get know the materials better and help get the most out of them in the classroom. For more information, contact: [email protected]. Do you want to receive an invitation to our webinars? Create your user account at and you’ll receive our e-bulletin and all our notifications. 7 01-16_ctlg_ele_2016_eng_intro.indd 7 19/01/16 14:57 New web In 2016 we’ll be launching a new web designed to let you find what you’re looking for easily from any device. Easier • Optimized for desktops, mobiles and tablets • Clear, intuitive browsing • Elegant, clear design at the service of the contents • Safer and faster More complete • Updated product files • Sample units and audios, tables of contents and videos • All the technical information 8 8 Catálogo ELE 2016 01-16_ctlg_ele_2016_eng_intro.indd 8 19/01/16 14:57 To be ed launch ng i in Spr 2016 More help • Help and FAQ sections • Improved contact page • Improved information about our distribution More content • A blog for learning and keeping up-to-date • A completely renovated events agenda • A section that introduces you to our team Catálogo ELE 2016 9 9 01-16_ctlg_ele_2016_eng_intro.indd 9 19/01/16 14:57 New platform Complete renovation of In 2016 you can enjoy our new digital platform, whether you use our coursebooks or not. Create a free account to gain access to the basic contents, or a premium account, which offers an infinity of resources for your classes, for your ongoing teacher development, and for your students. A premium subscription gives you it all Digital coursebooks A premium subscription gives you access to all our digital courses for PC or Mac and tablet (iPad or Android). Each course contains hundreds of resources: audios, videos, projectable worksheets, assessments, etc. What’s more, our main Workbooks are now 100% interactive. Videos with educational exploitation We’ve made over 200 videos with teaching exploitations to enrich your classes without having to waste time searching for videos and preparing worksheets. Interactive exercises Do you want your students to be able to practise and learn Spanish on-line? Our platform makes it easy for you with over 1000 exercises classified by level. Hoy en clase Our weekly Hoy en clase worksheets bring current affairs into your classroom. With this resource you can work on news items in class every week. 10 01-16_ctlg_ele_2016_eng_intro.indd 10 19/01/16 14:57 A place for ongoing training Our training videos and on-line workshops will help you stay updated and improve your teaching practices and skills. To be ed launch ng i in Spr 2016 Class management Set up groups with your students; send them tasks and assess them; make up lists of resources to share with your class; etc. All on the same platform, and with a clear, userfriendly. We want to transform access to our material for Spanish as a Foreign Language with our new platform. A subscription to our campus will give teachers everything they need to teach their students Spanish, and everything the students need to learn it. It is without doubt our most important project over the next few years, and we’re going to equip the platform with more resources so that it grows more and more, and becomes an indispensable tool for teachers and students. Agustín Garmendia Head of ELE Department 11 01-16_ctlg_ele_2016_eng_intro.indd 11 19/01/16 14:57 Our titles and the Common European Framework of Reference ADULTS/YOUNG PEOPLE (+ 16) 1 Nueva edición A1 •• AA ula ula internacional 1 Nueva edición • B itácora 1 • B itácora 1 Nueva edición • C ampus Sur • G ente hoy 1 • ¡Nos vemos! 1 • ¡Nos vemos! A1-A2 • ¡Nos vemos! Paso a paso 1 y 2 • R ápido, rápido • S ocios 1 • V ía rápida 2 Nueva edición A2 •• AA ula ula internacional 2 Nueva edición • B itácora 2 • B itácora 2 Nueva edición • C ampus Sur • D e tú a tú • G ente hoy 1 • ¡Nos vemos! 2 • ¡Nos vemos! A1-A2 • ¡Nos vemos! Paso a paso 3, 4 y 5 • R ápido, rápido • S ocios 1 • V ía rápida 3 Nueva edición B1 •• AA ula ula 4 Nueva edición • A ula internacional 3 Nueva edición • B itácora 3 • B itácora 4 • C ampus Sur • D e tú a tú • G ente hoy 2 • ¡Nos vemos! 3 • ¡Nos vemos! Paso a paso 6, 7, 8 y 9 • R ápido, rápido • S ocios 2 • V ía rápida banico B2 •• AA ula 5 Nueva edición CHILDREN (6-11) AND TEENAGERS (12-15) • A la una, a las dos, a las tres 1 • A la una, a las dos, a las tres 2 • L ola y Leo 1 • L ola y Leo 2 • ¡Vamos al circo! • ¡Vamos al cole! • L ola y Leo 3 • C uadernos de vacaciones A1 • C uadernos de vacaciones A1-A2 • G ente joven 1 Nueva edición GRAMMAR AND EXAMS • L as claves del nuevo DELE A1 • G ramática básica del estudiante de español • C uadernos de gramática española A1 • C uadernos de gramática española A1-B1 • L as claves del nuevo DELE A2 • L as claves del DELE A2/B1 para escolares • G ramática básica del estudiante de español • C uadernos de gramática española A2 • C uadernos de gramática española A1-B1 • C uadernos de vacaciones A1-A2 • G ente joven 2 Nueva edición • G ente joven 3 Nueva edición • L as claves del nuevo DELE B1 • L as claves del DELE A2/B1 para escolares • G ramática básica del estudiante de español • C uadernos de gramática COMPLEMENTARY MATERIAL • D e dos en dos • T odas las voces A1-A2 • T odo oídos • C lase de música • L os vídeos de Difusión A1 • C omplementos de gramática y vocabulario: - Aula 1 Nueva edición - Aula internacional 1 Nueva edición - Gente hoy 1 • C lase de cine • C lase de música • D e dos en dos • T odas las voces A1-A2 • T odo oídos • L os vídeos de Difusión A2 • C omplementos de gramática y vocabulario: - Aula 2 Nueva edición - Gente hoy 1 • C lase de cine • C lase de música • D e dos en dos • T odas las voces B1 • L os vídeos de Difusión B1 española B1 • C uadernos de gramática española A1-B1 • G ente joven 4 Nueva edición • L as claves del nuevo DELE B2 • C lase de cine • C lase de música • L as claves del nuevo DELE C1 • C lase de cine • C lase de música • A ula 6 Nueva edición • A ula internacional 4 Nueva edición • A ula internacional 5 Nueva edición • E xpertos • G ente hoy 3 C1 C1 •• CE ldeVentilador 12 01-16_ctlg_ele_2016_eng_intro.indd 12 19/01/16 14:57 Index Methods young people and adults Grammar and exams Bitácora Nueva edición............................................. 18 Bitácora....................................................................... 20 Aula internacional Nueva edición............................ 22 Aula Nueva edición................................................... 24 Gente hoy................................................................... 26 Complementos de gramática y vocabulario.......... 28 ¡Nos vemos!................................................................ 30 C de C1......................................................................... 32 Todas las voces.......................................................... 34 Abanico....................................................................... 35 El Ventilador............................................................... 35 Campus Sur................................................................ 36 Vía rápida.................................................................... 38 Rápido, rápido............................................................ 38 De tú a tú ................................................................... 39 Socios | Expertos....................................................... 40 Gramática básica del estudiante de español......... 60 Cuadernos de gramática española.......................... 62 Las claves del DELE A2/B1 para escolares............. 63 Las claves del nuevo DELE....................................... 64 Methods children and teenagers Lola y Leo................................................................... 42 ¡Vamos al circo!, ¡Vamos al cole!............................. 45 A la una, a las dos, a las tres.................................... 45 Gente joven Nueva edición...................................... 46 Cuadernos de vacaciones......................................... 48 Teacher Training and complementary material La formación del profesorado de español............. 66 Clase de música ........................................................ 67 Todo oídos ................................................................. 67 De dos en dos............................................................ 67 Clase de cine ............................................................. 68 Los vídeos de Difusión ............................................. 68 Distributors Difusión around the world ....................................... 69 Our books in Spain.................................................... 72 Readers Our materials Serie Un día en........................................................... 50 Serie Lola Lago, detective........................................ 52 Serie Grandes personajes ........................................ 53 Serie Perfiles Pop...................................................... 53 Serie América Latina................................................. 54 Serie Marca España................................................... 55 Serie Marca América Latina..................................... 55 Serie Novela Histórica............................................... 55 Serie Descubre........................................................... 56 Serie Pepa Villa, taxista en Barcelona.................... 56 Yo que tú..................................................................... 56 Gael y la red de mentiras ......................................... 56 El Camino de las Estrellas......................................... 57 El puesto de fruta ..................................................... 57 Serie El Mediterráneo................................................ 57 Serie Plaza Mayor, 1................................................... 57 Serie Aventura joven................................................. 58 Colección Hacerse mayor......................................... 58 .......................................................................................... Paper books .......................................................................................... CD, CD-ROM and DVD .......................................................................................... MP3 (downloadable) .......................................................................................... PDF (downloadable) .......................................................................................... Digital packs .......................................................................................... USB/Pen drives .......................................................................................... Digital resources (online and downloadable) 13 01-16_ctlg_ele_2016_eng_intro.indd 13 19/01/16 14:57 New in 2016 New in 2016 We’d like to present our new projects for 2016, for which we’ve had input from numerous international experts and teams of authors close to the reality of the classroom. This wide range of new items completes our catalogue, and lets us continue to be your ELE publisher. Methods: children and teenagers Lola y Leo • A1.1, A1.2 and A2.1 levels Gente joven Nueva edición • B1.1 level 14 01-16_ctlg_ele_2016_eng_intro.indd 14 19/01/16 14:57 Methods: young people and adults Bitácora Nueva edición • A1 and A2 levels Campus Sur • A1-B1 levels C de C1 • C1 level 15 01-16_ctlg_ele_2016_eng_intro.indd 15 19/01/16 14:57 New in 2016 Readers Un día en... • A1 level Teacher training and complementary material La formación del profesorado de español. Innovación y reto Exams Las claves del DELE A2/B1 para escolares • A2/B1 level 16 01-16_ctlg_ele_2016_eng_intro.indd 16 19/01/16 14:57 METHODS: YOUNG PEOPLE ADULTS AND Methods: young people and adults bitácora NUEVA EDICIÓN Innovative Bitácora, now with clearer sequencing NEW New edition with new sections! Authors: Ernesto Martín Peris, Neus Sans and Agustín Garmendia HIGHLIGHTS (( Now with clearer sequencing and new sections (( The Punto de partida section provides lexical mind-mapping and video exploitations at the start of the unit (( The Dosier section gives a text and its activities on a double-page spread (( The Agenda de aprendizaje appears after every dossier and includes links to the Workbook exercises (( Taller de uso contains form-noticing activities related to themes in the agenda (( Archivo de léxico gives specific activities to work on the lexis in the unit (( Proyectos closes each unit and spotlights the final tasks 18 THE EXPERTS SAY... The new edition is outstanding for its user-friendliness, the reflexion activities on grammar and lexis, and an intercultural perspective. The texts: fresh, current and meaningful, incentivize reading and encourage speaking, as well as integrating the learning of grammar and lexis Laura López Universidad de Alicante LA SIESTA ¿Qué es la siesta? En Latinoamérica y España, algunas personas duermen después de comer. En general, no duermen más de una hora y no lo hacen en la cama. Eso es la siesta. Necesitamos la siesta Necesitamos la siesta por razones biológicas: después de comer, la sangre se concentra en el sistema digestivo y provoca sueño, especialmente cuando hace calor. Científicamente está demostrado que una siesta de 20 minutos (o menos), mejora la salud y reduce el estrés. Además, si dormimos una pequeña siesta, descansamos mejor por la noche. La siesta: ¿realidad o leyenda? Los días laborables, la mayoría de las personas no tiene tiempo para la siesta. Trabajan por la mañana y por la tarde y, durante la pausa del mediodía, comen cerca del trabajo. Por eso, solo los fines de semana o durante las vacaciones comen en casa y pueden dormir la siesta. Ana Vargas Instituto Cervantes de Múnich 17-21 01 LA SIESTA Antes de leer ¿Qué sabemos de la siesta? Texto y significado Hábitos colectivos: los españoles y la siesta A Marisa Chacón Jubilada ¿Qué ideas nos sugiere la palabra siesta? C B Con dos compañeros, antes de leer los textos, tratamos de contestar a estas preguntas: Lucía Peña Médica Eva Canales Maestra de preescolar —¿Qué—es—la—siesta?— — —¿Crees—que—todo—el—mundo— — duerme—la—siesta—en—España?— —¿Siempre?—¿Y—en—tu—país?— — —¿Crees—que—es—una—buena— — costumbre—dormir—la—siesta?—— ¿Por—qué?— 17-21 E Leemos los textos y marcamos las palabras que conocemos. D Ahora leemos los textos y buscamos las respuestas a las preguntas de la actividad B. Escuchamos los testimonios de las personas que acompañan el artículo. ¿Quiénes duermen la siesta? ¿Qué hace la mayoría? Comparamos nuestros resultados con los de un compañero. 17-21 F Volvemos a escuchar y anotamos por qué duermen y por qué no duermen las personas del audio. Yo—creo—que—es...— En—España—se—duerme—.. Muchos—españoles—duermen—.. Texto y lengua Acciones cotidianas Jorge Herrera Estudiante Laura Santos Alumna de 1º de ESO Raúl Pinilla Funcionario Tomás Fernández y Teresa Suárez Comerciantes “Al mediodía, cuando salgo de la universidad, voy a hacer deporte: al gimnasio o a correr un rato. Como algo en casa y, luego, por la tarde, estudio. Pero no duermo.” “Yo como todos los días en el colegio. Después de comer, vamos al patio un rato y jugamos o hablamos antes de volver a clase.” “Yo soy funcionario y tengo horario intensivo. Salgo a las 15 h y como muy tarde, a las 16 h o así, pero después duermo un rato.” “Nosotros cerramos la tienda a las 13.30 h y vamos a casa, porque vivimos muy cerca. Comemos tranquilamente y yo duermo unos minutos en el sofá. Mi marido no: él lee el periódico, ve la tele... Luego volvemos a la tienda. Abrimos a las 17 h.” G Miramos cómo expresan estas personas algunas acciones cotidianas en español. ¿Cuáles hacemos nosotros? ¿Con qué frecuencia? ¿Coincidimos con las personas del texto? ¿Y con nuestros compañeros? Pedro Ibáñez Comercial todos los días al mediodía por la tarde nunca a veces ... duermo la siesta hago deporte corro estudio leo el periódico Javier Durán Empleado de supermercado veo la tele voy al gimnasio 76 | setenta y seis setenta y siete | 77 bitacora_v2_7_pab.indd 76-77 level 26/11/15 10:50 student's book + CD workbook + CD USB STICK WITH DIGITAL BOOK digital resources A1 BITÁCORA 1 NUEVA EDICIÓN 978-84-16347-64-3 978-84-16347-65-0 978-84-16657-07-0 A2 BITÁCORA 2 NUEVA EDICIÓN 978-84-16347-66-7 978-84-16347-67-4 978-84-16657-08-7 19 Methods: young people and adults bitácora A great contribution to Spanish language teaching Whole series now available! Authors: Ernesto Martín Peris, Neus Sans, Agustín Garmendia, Emilia Conejo and Pablo Garrido SPECIAL EDITION for Germanspeaking countries HIGHLIGHTS (( Bitácora is cutting-edge for communicative methodologies (( The most attractive, motivating Spanish language course, blending the most careful design with the most advanced methodology (( Focus on acquisition of lexis (( Punchy texts with high cultural interest (( Short units that fit class-lessons (( With its Agenda de aprendizaje, it lends itself to different learning needs, and fosters learner autonomy 20 THE USERS SAY... The way I teach has changed thanks to Bitácora. And since the student feels so engaged, learning is more intense and becomes more efficient. Bitácora is the best GPS that a teacher could have. It’s a dynamic, motivating coursebook, and guides the construction of really meaningful learning Lieve Vervoort Ace Groept Leuven Carmen Ruiz Alcalingua, Madrid 30 VIDEOS DIGITAL MATERIAL DIGITAL BOOK Can be projected and personalized, with all the resources in just one click. Interactive activities, many more resources as well as information for teachers and learners. Download a sample unit from NIVEL STUDENT'S BOOK + CD WORKBOOK + CD teacher's book USB STICK WITH DIGITAL BOOK DIGITAL RESOURCES A1 BITÁCORA 1 978-84-8443-746-8 978-84-8443-747-5 978-84-8443-901-1 978-84-8443-841-0 A2 BITÁCORA 2 978-84-8443-805-2 978-84-8443-806-9 978-84-8443-952-3 978-84-16057-25-2 B1.1 BITÁCORA 3 978-84-8443-808-3 978-84-8443-809-0 978-84-15846-00-0 978-84-15846-01-7 B1.2 BITÁCORA 4 978-84-8443-811-3 978-84-8443-812-0 978-84-15846-02-4 978-84-15846-03-1 21 Methods: young people and adults AULA INTERNACIONAL The most-used Spanish-language course in the world Whole series now available! Authors: Jaime Corpas, Eva García, Agustín Garmendia, Nuria Sánchez and Carmen Soriano HIGHLIGHTS 22 (( Thoroughly revised and updated, based on teacher feedback (( Renewed with clear, attractive graphics (( Updated cultural aspects, and new Internet activities (( Student's Book, Workbook and Grammar Summary now in one volume (( Numerous audio documents and a video per unit (( Clear, intuitive unit structure THE USERS SAY... It’s versatile, modern, attractive, well-organised and balanced. The cultural contents are very well chosen and handled. Furthermore, it’s easily adaptable to learners’ different objectives or needs thanks to the large number of exercises and texts A real gift, with impeccable presentation that guides you through each unit, encouraging learning and interaction Jorge Coronilla SALT Edinburgh Raquel de la Fuente Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad de Valladolid The resources at are a great complement to the course. Above all I use the videos and the interactive activities to flip the lesson, which lets me devote more class time to speaking, clearing up doubts, etc. Antonio Ramos Instituto Cervantes de Estambul 43 VIDEOS DIGITAL MATERIAL DIGITAL BOOK Can be projected and personalized, with all the resources in just one click. Interactive activities, many more resources as well as information for teachers and learners. Download a sample unit from level digital Pack FOR STUDENTS digital Pack FOR TEACHERS STUDENT'S BOOK + WORKBOOK + CD TEACHER'S BOOK 978-84-15640-09-7 978-84-15846-04-8 978-84-15846-57-4 978-84-15846-58-1 USB STICK WITH DIGITAL BOOK digital RESOURCES A1 LEVEL 1 A2 LEVEL 2 978-84-15640-10-3 978-84-15846-05-5 978-84-16057-73-3 978-84-16057-72-6 978-84-15846-06-2 B1 LEVEL 3 978-84-15640-11-0 978-84-15846-07-9 978-84-16273-31-7 B2.1 LEVEL 4 978-84-15620-85-3 978-84-15846-09-3 978-84-16273-34-8 978-84-16273-33-1 B2.2 LEVEL 5 978-84-15846-80-2 978-84-16273-53-9 978-84-15640-63-9 978-84-16273-30-0 978-84-15846-08-6 978-84-15846-10-9 978-84-16347-00-1 978-84-16273-99-7 978-84-16273-54-6 23 Methods: young people and adults AULA The most effective Spanish course for students on immersion courses in Spain Whole series now available! Authors: Jaime Corpas, Eva García, Agustín Garmendia, Nuria Sánchez and Carmen Soriano HIGHLIGHTS 24 (( Thoroughly revised and updated with input from over 30 teachers (( Updated cultural aspects, and new Internet activities (( Enlarged Más ejercicios appendix (( Both Student's Book and Workbook now in one volume (( Numerous audio documents, plus a video per unit (( Clear, intuitive unit structure THE USERS SAY... It's incredible how just one book can bring together such a variety of smooth-flowing units that foster communicative skills and cultural awareness. It's a coursebook that offers a wide range of activities that never lose sight of the needs of both learners and teachers. Rocío Santamaría Centro de idiomas de la U. Carlos III de Madrid María Luisa Mateu Españolé. International House Valencia The topics arouse learners’ curiosity and the activities spark their creativity. The tasks are motivating and help create a good class atmosphere, enabling the group to gel. Ana Martínez Lara PROLINTER, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid 46 VIDEOS DIGITAL MATERIAL DIGITAL BOOK Can be projected and personalized, with all the resources in just one click. Interactive activities, many more resources as well as information for teachers and learners. Download a sample unit from level digital Pack FOR STUDENTS digital Pack FOR TEACHERS USB STICK WITH DIGITAL BOOK STUDENT'S BOOK + WORKBOOK + CD TEACHER'S BOOK 978-84-15640-06-6 978-84-8443-452-8 978-84-8443-411-5 978-84-15846-12-3 digital RESOURCES A1 LEVEL 1 A2 LEVEL 2 978-84-15640-07-3 978-84-16057-76-4 978-84-16057-75-7 B1.1 LEVEL 3 978-84-15640-08-0 978-84-16273-37-9 B1.2 LEVEL 4 978-84-15620-83-9 978-84-16273-40-9 978-84-16273-39-3 978-84-15846-18-5 B2.1 LEVEL 5 978-84-15620-84-6 978-84-16273-43-0 978-84-16273-42-3 978-84-15846-20-8 B2.2 LEVEL 6 978-84-15846-98-7 978-84-16273-98-0 978-84-16273-97-3 978-84-16273-76-8 978-84-15846-14-7 978-84-16273-36-2 978-84-15846-16-1 25 Methods: young people and adults The global referent for task-based learning Whole series now available! Authors: Ernesto Martín Peris, Neus Sans, Nuria Sánchez, Jaume Muntal and Carmen Pastor HIGHLIGHTS (( Gente hoy is the new edition of the most important coursebook in the last 20 years of Spanish language teaching methodology (( Revised and updated based on the experiences and comments of over 50 teachers (( Designed for longer courses (( Includes a video per unit, and ideas for using Internet (( Now with more exercises in the Workbook, and linked to the Student's Book (( Look out for the complementos de gramática y vocabulario specially written by prestigious users of the coursebook series in different countries 26 THE USERS SAY... In its new version, Gente is still the best ELE course on the market: for its engaging tasks, for the freshness of its written texts and the naturalness of its oral texts. It seems an excellent update, not just in the content, but also in complementary material and multimedia. The grammar and vocab complements are essential for my students. Milena Koleva Instituto Cervantes de Moscú Jesús Millán Fachhochschule Kufstein-Tirol Above all, what I really love is the complementary material: the projectable files, the grammar ones, the assessments, etc. Having videos included in every lesson is great. Gente hoy is now a very complete course. Sandra Gobeaux Speakeasy Language School, Barcelona 36 VIDEOS DIGITAL MATERIAL DIGITAL BOOK Can be projected and personalized, with all the resources in just one click. Interactive activities, many more resources as well as information for teachers and learners. Download a sample unit from level student's book + CD workbook + CD teacher's book USB STICK WITH DIGITAL BOOK digital resources A1-A2 GENTE HOY 1 978-84-15620-78-5 978-84-15620-792 978-84-15846-21-5 978-84-15620-80-8 B1 GENTE HOY 2 978-84-15640-37-0 978-84-15640-38-7 978-84-15846-22-2 978-84-15640-39-4 B2 GENTE HOY 3 978-84-15640-40-0 978-84-15640-41-7 978-84-16057-18-4 978-84-15640-42-4 27 Methods: young people and adults Grammar and vocabulary Complements Consolidation files adapted to the learners' mother tongue and specific needs Author: Carmen Pastor Authors: Sonia Izquierdo, Elena Barcellós, Esther Blanco and Óscar Domínguez Authors: José Juan Carrascosa and Katya Smirnova HIGHLIGHTS (( Worksheets of consolidation activities designed for self-directed work (( Over 100 activities to consolidate the grammatical and lexical contents of the course (( Numerous contrastive activities that take into account the learners' different mother tongue (( Explanations of grammatical, lexical and phonetic areas that represent a challenge for the speakers of each language (( MP3 phonetics exercises and free download of the answer key 28 Author: Ainhoa Bestué Authors: Davina Ferreira, Silvia López and Juan F. Urbán Authors: José Amenós, Ana Gaínza and Alba Pardina Authors: Teresa Alonso and Marina Rabadán Authors: Carmelo Fernández and Héctor Ríos Authors: J. M. Cabezas, G. Castañar, S. J. García, I. Mañas, C. Pérez, V. Rapún, O. Rodríguez and L. Unda level GENTE HOY student's book + MP3 + pdf downloadable A1-A2 Grammar and Vocabulary companion for German speakers 978-84-16057-57-3 A1-A2 Grammar and Vocabulary companion for Brazilians 978-84-15846-99-4 A1-A2 Grammar and Vocabulary companion for Russian speakers Authors: Núria Murillo, Sergio Troitiño and Sandra Becerril 978-84-16057-05-4 AULA INTERNACIONAL student's book + MP3 + pdf downloadable A1 Grammar and Vocabulary companion for German speakers 978-84-16057-52-8 A1 Grammar and Vocabulary companion for Arabic speakers 978-84-15846-87-1 A1 Grammar and Vocabulary companion for French speakers 978-84-16057-50-4 A1 Grammar and Vocabulary companion for English speakers 978-84-15846-88-8 A1 Grammar and Vocabulary companion for Italian speakers 978-84-16057-19-1 A1 Grammar and Vocabulary companion for Russian speakers 978-84-16057-55-9 AULA student's book + MP3 + pdf downloadable A1 Aula 1. Grammar and Vocabulary companion 978-84-8443-967-7 A2 Aula 2. Grammar and Vocabulary companion 978-84-15846-50-5 29 Methods: young people and adults The manual that adapts to all types of courses Authors: Eva María Lloret, Rosa Ribas, Bibiana Wiener, Margarita Görrissen, Marianne Häuptle-Barceló and Pilar Pérez A1-A2 levels in one volume HIGHLIGHTS (( Clear, user-friendly unit structure (( Wide range of learning ideas in different media (( Systematic revision every three units in the Mirador unit (( Communicative and grammatical content summaries at the end of the unit (( Available in various formats: extensive, intensive and modular 30 The manual for short courses Authors: Eva María Lloret, Rosa Ribas, Bibiana Wiener, Margarita Görrissen, Marianne Häuptle-Barceló and Pilar Pérez Cañizares level student's book + CD workbook + CD digital board teacher's book 978-84-8443-757-4 A1 ¡Nos vemos! 1 978-84-8443-651-5 978-84-8443-652-2 A2 ¡Nos vemos! 2 978-84-8443-653-9 978-84-8443-654-6 B1 ¡Nos vemos! 3 978-84-8443-859-5 978-84-8443-860-1 A1-A2 ¡Nos vemos! A1-A2 978-84-8443-787-1 978-84-8443-804-5 A1.1 ¡Nos vemos! paso a paso 1 978-84-8443-799-4 A1.2 ¡Nos vemos! paso a paso 2 978-84-8443-800-7 A2.1 ¡Nos vemos! paso a paso 3 978-84-8443-801-4 A2.2 ¡Nos vemos! paso a paso 4 978-84-8443-802-1 A2.3 ¡Nos vemos! paso a paso 5 978-84-8443-803-8 B1.1 ¡Nos vemos! paso a paso 6 978-84-8443-968-4 B1.2 ¡Nos vemos! paso a paso 7 978-84-8443-969-1 B1.3 ¡Nos vemos! paso a paso 8 978-84-8443-970-7 B1.4 ¡Nos vemos! paso a paso 9 978-84-8443-971-4 31 Methods: young people and adults The most up-to-date offering for the more advanced level NEW Authors: Rosana Acquaroni, José Amenós, Virginia González, Pedro Gras, Josefina Simkievich, Carmen Soriano and Iñaki Tarrés HIGHLIGHTS (( Starts with varied, authentic contexts for language work: press, radio, advertising, conferences, social networking, etc. (( Contains an abundance of audiovisual documents (( Builds learner autonomy (( Offers the chance to flip the classroom (( Pays special attention to lexis and collocations (( Emphasizes pragmatic aspects appropriate for the level 32 THE AUTHORS SAY... In C de C1 we highlight the treatment of discourse: above all, we take a close look at questions of register, which are difficult to perceive but very important at this level. Our starting point is real texts, real audios and videos, from which we pick out the most interesting lexical, grammatical and discursive areas for the level. Our aim is for there to be a clear learning yield by the end of the units. José Amenós Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Madrid-Embajadores Iñaki Tarrés Instituto Cervantes de Berlín We encourage critical reading in learners, so that they perceive what lies behind the texts: who authors them and with what intention, what genre they belong to, etc. Josefina Simkievich Escuela Kingsbrook, Barcelona Download a sample unit from LEVEL C1 C DE C1 STUDENT'S BOOK WORKBOOK USB STICK TEACHER'S BOOK 978-84-1-6273-48-5 978-84-16657-02-5 978-84-16657-03-2 33 Methods: young people and adults Course in culture and civilization HIGHLIGHTS (( A course specifically aimed at Hispanic culture (( 12 thematic units covering different aspects of Spanish-speaking culture and society (( A huge number of informative, culturally- valuable authentic documents (texts, images, audio and videos) (( Audio and audiovisual comprehension activities (( Ideal to begin an exploration of the most significant aspectsof Spanish and Latin-American culture Authors: César Chamorro, Matilde Martínez, Núria Murillo and Alejandro Sáenz 34 level student's book + CD + DVD teacher's book A1-A2 Todas las voces A1-A2 978-84-8443-754-3 B1 978-84-8443-722-2 Todas las voces B1 HIGHLIGHTS (( Revised and updated edition of thispopular course that explores the B2 level while consolidating the previous levels (( Offers a huge variety of ideas for learning and practising grammatical areas, together with lexical, discursive and cultural aspects (( The units include a special new section for developing the skill of writing Authors: M. Dolores Chamorro, Gracia Lozano, Pablo Martínez , Beatriz Muñoz, Francisco Rosales, J. Plácido Ruiz and Guadalupe Ruiz student's book+ CD level B2 Abanico workbook teacher's book 978-84-8443-686-7 978-84-8443-687-4 HIGHLIGHTS (( A flexible manual that meets the range of needs of the C1 learner (( Fosters a balance between fluency, accuracy and expression appropriate for the level (( Provides a wide range of written documents Authors: M. Dolores Chamorro, Gracia Lozano, Aurelio Ríos, Francisco Rosales, J. Plácido Ruiz and Guadalupe Ruiz student's book + CD + DVD level C1 El Ventilador 978-84-8443-226-5 35 17-40_ctlg_ele_2016_eng_methods_young_adult.indd 35 22/01/16 11:59 Methods: young people and adults CampUS Sur Intensive Spanish course for universities HIGHLIGHTS (( A new intensive course that covers A1 to B1 (( Has a clear, flexible structure (( Provides up-to-date, motivating texts as a starting point (( Integrates linguistic objectives with content relevant to the university world (( Facilitates flipped-classroom methodology and empowers autonomous learning (( Offers a wide range of complementary material at 36 NEW THE EXPERTS SAY... Many ELE professionals in the university field go for published materials that seamlessly blend relevant academic themes with linguistic reflexion. What we look for in our classes is a balance between content and language. In the academic sphere what is needed are materials that equip students for a professional future that will involve working with people from different cultures, in varying types of professional relations, handling a wide range of texts, in different communicative situations and with differing objectives. PIlar Salamanca SDI München, Hochschule für angewandte Sprachwissenschaften Francisco Rosales Universidad de Columbia, Nueva York Download a sample unit from LEVEL A1-B1 Campus Sur student's book WORKBOOK TEACHER'S BOOK 978-84-16347-79-7 978-84-16347-99-5 37 Methods: young people and adults HIGHLIGHTS (( Intensive Spanish-language course aimed for adults and young adults (( Each unit consists of oral and written work tasks, sections on listening and reading comprehension, culture and lexis (( Includes a short novel, a grammatical summary and a section on pronunciation and spelling Authors: María C. Ainciburu, Virtudes González, Alejandra Navas, Elisabeth Tayefeh and Graciela Vázquez LEVEL A1-B1 Vía rápida STUDENT'S BOOK + 2 CD WORKBOOK TEACHER'S BOOK 978-84-8443-655-3 978-84-8443-656-0 HIGHLIGHTS (( For rapid-progress, intensive courses (( An efficient, user-friendly tool (( 18 units with texts, grammatical explanations and communicative activities Authors: Lourdes Miquel and Neus Sans 38 level A1-B1 Rápido, Rápido STUDENT'S BOOK + 2 CD WORKBOOK TEACHER'S BOOK 978-84-8443-461-0 978-84-8443-083-4 The first Spanish-language course for private classes and small groups HIGHLIGHTS (( For teaching Spanish in individual classes or small groups (( Wide range of functional, communicative, grammatical and lexical content (( Perfectly adapted to the lesson-class format (( Special attention to key aspects of the world of work (( Flexible, with 50 units grouped into eight thematic blocks Authors: Brian Brennan and Daniel Sánchez level STUDENT'S BOOK + CD didactic guide A2-B1 De tú a tú 978-84-8443-871-7 978-84-16057-35-1 39 17-40_ctlg_ele_2016_eng_methods_young_adult.indd 39 22/01/16 11:59 Methods: young people and adults y Learning to communicate in the workplace HIGHLIGHTS (( Perfect manual for teaching Business Spanish (( Meets communicative needs in the working environment (( Task-based focus (( Includes videos with real examples from the working world Authors: Marisa González, Felipe Martín, Conchi Rodrigo, Elena Verdía, Lola Martínez and Maria Lluïsa Sabater (( Includes model cover letters, CVs, reports, etc. (( Prepares for the Madrid Chamber of Commerce's Certificado de español de negocios Author: Marcelo Tano 40 level student's book + CD workbook + CD teacher's book A1-A2 Socios 1 978-84-8443-415-3 978-84-8443-416-0 B1 Socios 2 978-84-8443-418-4 978-84-8443-419-1 B2 Expertos 978-84-8443-586-0 978-84-8443-587-7 B2 Expertos. DVD DVD Included in the Student's book METHODS: CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS Methods: children and teenagers Dynamic, visual and fun: the small ones learn NEW Spanish while having a good time Authors: Marcela Fritzler, Francisco Lara and Daiane Reis HIGHLIGHTS (( Specially devised for the teaching of Spanish to children (( Introduces the Spanish-speaking world to kids with an intercultural, integrated perspective (( Presents topics appropriate for the world of kids (( Facilitates gradual progress with lexical and grammatical help (( Contains dynamic, playful activities that enhance creativity (( Contains a socio-cultural complement, a visual glossary and a section of cut-outs to energize (( Comes with fun, up-to-date music and images, created specially for this course 42 THE AUTHORS SAY... Lola y Leo is a new course for children, taking an approach that is pedagogically creative, visual and digital, so that kids learn actively, by getting involved and, more importantly, by enjoying themselves with the language and the activities given. Francisco Lara Internationale Friedensschule Köln With Lola y Leo children learn Spanish in a context that is playful, warm, cultural, and packed with resources like games, songs, and craftwork. With Lola y Leo's stories, kids have a good time and learn Spanish more actively. Daiane Reis Instituto Cervantes de Brasilia Lola y Leo leads children through the adventure of learning Spanish as a foreign language in a natural way, by means of dramatizations, games, music, creating and recreating their world, awakening their desire to learn a bit more each day and, without even realizing it, coming to know a new culture. . Marcela Fritzler Instituto Cervantes de Tel Aviv Download a sample unit FROM 43 Methods: children and teenagers DIGITAL MATERIALS DIGITAL BOOK Can be projected and personalized, with all the resources in just one click. Interactive activities, many more resources as well as information for teachers and learners. LEVEL 44 STUDENT'S BOOK + CD WORKBOOK TEACHER'S BOOK USB STICK digital RESOURCES A1.1 Lola y Leo 1 978-84-16347-69-8 978-84-16347-70-4 978-84-16347-89-6 978-84-06657-04-9 A1.2 Lola y Leo 2 978-84-16347-71-1 978-84-16347-72-8 978-84-16347-41-4 978-84-06657-05-6 A2.1 Lola y Leo 3 978-84-16347-80-3 978-84-16347-81-0 978-84-16347-42-1 978-84-06657-06-3 HIGHLIGHTS (( Spanish course for children aged 6 to 10 (( Includes activities for colouring, writing, cutting out and pasting (( Playful focus to facilitate learning at young ages Author: Begoña Beutelspacher STUDENT'S BOOK CD audio DIDACTIC GUIDE A1.1 ¡Vamos al circo! 978-3-12-514213-8 978-3-12-514214-5 978-3-12-514215-2 A1.2 ¡Vamos al cole! 978-3-12-514216-9 978-3-12-514217-6 978-3-12-514218-3 LEVEL HIGHLIGHTS (( Spanish course for children aged 8 to 11. (( Contains a wide variety range of progressive, fun activities. (( 0Very practical Teacher's Book with photocopiable complementary material. Authors: Marina Russo and Manuel Vázquez LEVEL STUDENT'S BOOK WORKBOOK TEACHER'S BOOK A1.1 A la una, a las dos, a las tres 1 978-84-8443-401-6 978-84-8443-820-5 A1.2 A la una, a las dos, a las tres 2 978-84-8443-242-5 978-84-8443-821-2 45 Methods: children and teenagers The most motivating course for teens NEW Authors: Encina Alonso, Matilde Martínez and Neus Sans Edition adapted to school curricula HIGHLIGHTS (( Devised specifically for learning in school environments (( Presents topics that match the interests of teenagers (( Provides a first contact with the culture of Spanish-speaking countries (( Gradual progression with lexical and grammatical help (( Fosters the use of new technologies (( Contains skills evaluations in each unit 46 SPECIAL EDItIONS for Austria, France, Italy and Poland level A1.1 GENTE JOVEN 1 A1-A2 GENTE JOVEN 2 A2+ GENTE JOVEN 3 B1.1 GENTE JOVEN 4 THE USERS SAY... For me, what's outstanding in this new edition is the additional material, especially the projectable files and the interactive activities, which adolescents find motivating. What I love about Gente joven Nueva edición is that the materials are so stimulating, not just for the students, but also for me, and which I can adapt perfectly to my style of teaching. They give me more and more ideas. Mercedes Villegas Escuela Europea de Alicante Mari Carmen Llerena Liceo Carducci de Pisa I'd highlight the variety of the activities. I love how Reglas, palabras y sonidos has expanded to become a more visual reference. I think this material is necessary for these Scandinavian contexts that sometimes lack warmth, diversity or independent and social learning. . Belén Ambrosio Internationella Engelska Skolan, Linköping DIGITAL MATERIALS 18 VIDEOS DIGITAL BOOK Can be projected and personalized, with all the resources in just one click. Interactive activities, many more resources as well as information for teachers and learners. Download a sample unit FROM STUDENT'S BOOK+ CD WORKBOOK 978-84-15620-75-4 978-84-15620-76-1 TEACHER'S BOOK STUDENT'S digital Pack TEACHER'S digital Pack USB STICK digital RESOURCES 978-84-15640-04-2 978-84-8443-740-6 978-84-8443-739-0 978-84-15620-98-3 978-84-15620-87-7 978-84-15620-88-4 978-84-15620-93-8 978-84-8443-916-5 978-84-8443-819-9 978-84-15620-89-1 978-84-15846-31-4 978-84-15846-32-1 978-84-15846-25-3 978-84-16347-02-5 978-84-16347-01-8 978-84-15846-33-8 978-84-16057-21-4 978-84-16057-22-1 978-84-16057-23-8 978-84-16347-04-9 978-84-16347-03-2 978-84-16057-24-5 47 Methods: children and teenagers For revising and learning Spanish in summer HIGHLIGHTS (( Material specifically designed for studying and revising Spanish in summer (( Written for adolescent students between 13 and 15 (( Includes attractive documents and revision of grammar and lexis (( Includes a comic strip about a group of friends in every unit Author: Matilde Martínez Sallés student's book + CD LEVEL A1 Cuadernos de vacaciones A1 A1-A2 Cuadernos de vacaciones A1-A2 48 (( Contents organised by weeks (( Lightweight format for easy carryings 978-84-1562-091-4 978-84-8443-868-7 READERS Readers Un día en... NEW A day. A city. A story Author: Ernesto Rodríguez HIGHLIGHTS 50 (( Stories set in different Spanish cities (( See four cities in 24 hours of breathtaking adventure (( Intrigue, love, culture, gastronomy, tourist information and current affairs (( Includes cultural notes in the form of articles or short reports (( Contains numerous activities to work on lexis (( Social networks like YouTube or Instagram can be used as an extension of the book Ideal novels to discover the most emblematic ELE cities THE EXPERTS SAY... When you read it, you feel like applying for an Erasmus scholarship to study in Salamanca, improve your Spanish, practise it with natives and have a great time. Vega Llorente Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Salamanca Creativity, innovation and modernity are for me the main tools that he uses to put together Un día en Málaga . Yolanda Domínguez Centro Internacional de Español, Universidad de Málaga A book that invites you to discover Madrid; cultural vignettes... that take you there. María Jesús Sánchez Madrid Plus Download a sample unit FROM level BOOK + DOWNLOADABLE MP3 E-BOOK IN AMAZON A1 Un día en Madrid 978-84-16273-50-8 978-84-16347-19-3 A1 Un día en Barcelona 978-84-16273-49-2 978-84-16347-20-9 A1 Un día en Málaga 978-84-16273-52-2 978-84-16347-21-6 A1 Un día en Salamanca 978-84-16273-51-5 978-84-16347-22-3 51 Readers The most famous detective in the ELE world HIGHLIGHTS (( Gripping thriller plots (( Includes audio-book to practise listening comprehension (( Lexical and cultural notes (( Post-reading comprehension activities Authors: Lourdes Miquel and Neus Sans Also available in 7-novel pack! level 52 book + CD E-BOOK in AMAZON A1 Vacaciones al sol 978-84-8443-128-2 978-84-15620-40-2 A2 Una nota falsa 978-84-8443-129-9 978-84-15620-41-9 A2 Poderoso caballero 978-84-8443-130-5 978-84-15620-43-3 A2 Por amor al arte 978-84-8443-131-2 978-84-15620-42-6 A2-B1 La llamada de La Habana 978-84-8443-132-9 978-84-15620-45-7 A2-B1 Lejos de casa 978-84-8443-133-6 978-84-15620-44-0 B1 ¿Eres tú, María? 978-84-8443-134-3 978-84-15620-46-4 A1-B1 Pack Lola Lago, detective 978-84-16057-43-6 – HIGHLIGHTS (( Biographies of the most interesting figures in Spanish-speaking culture (( Glossaries on every page translated into three languages, and activities at the end of the book (( MP3 o CD para practicar la comprensión oral escuchando todos los capítulos del libro Authors: Daniel Cabrera, Aroa Moreno, Laura Corpa and Cecilia Bembibre level book + CD / DOWNLOADABLE MP3 E-BOOK IN AMAZON A2 Picasso. Las mujeres de un genio 978-84-8443-735-2 978-84-15620-07-5 A2 Dalí. El pintor de sueños 978-84-16057-33-7 978-84-16347-24-7 A2 García Márquez. Una realidad mágica 978-84-16057-34-4 978-84-16347-25-4 B1 Che. Geografías del Che 978-84-8443-767-3 978-84-15620-04-4 B1 Frida Kahlo. Viva la vida 978-84-8443-736-9 978-84-15620-05-1 B1 Lorca. La valiente alegría 978-84-8443-737-6 978-84-15620-06-8 HIGHLIGHTS (( Biographies of the most interesting figures in Spanish-speaking culture (( Glossaries on every page translated into three languages, and activities at the end of the book (( MP3 or CD to practise listening comprehension of all the chapters of the book Authors: Jaime Rodríguez, Noemí Monge, Laura Corpa and Alicia López level book + CD E-BOOK in AMAZON A2 Messi. La grandeza de un pequeño 978-84-8443-734-5 978-84-15620-01-3 A2 Rafael Nadal. Dentro y fuera de la pista 978-84-8443-733-8 978-84-15620-02-0 A2 Shakira. Pura intuición 978-84-8443-732-1 978-84-15620-03-7 A2 Juanes. La fuerza de la palabra 978-84-8443-766-6 978-84-15620-00-6 53 Readers Landscape, culture and adventure in Latin America HIGHLIGHTS (( Original, entertaining stories that give you a taste of the culture and language of different Spanish-speaking countries (( All the novels are in audio-book format, and read by the actors from the country where they are set (( Numerous cultural, political, geographical and gastronomic commentaries (( Comprehension activities at the end of the book Author: Dolores Soler-Espiauba Also available in 8-novel pack! book + CD / down. MP3 E-BOOK in AMAZON level book + CD / down. MP3 E-BOOK in AMAZON 978-84-16347-26-1 A2-B1 Las nietas de... 978-84-16057-30-6 978-84-16057-29-0 978-84-16347-27-8 B1 Taxi a… 978-84-8443-405-4 978-84-15620-19-8 A1-A2 Con Frida en el... 978-84-8443-479-5 978-84-15620-14-3 B1 La vida es un... 978-84-8443-453-5 978-84-15620-20-4 A1-A2 Guantanameras 978-84-8443-402-3 978-84-15620-15-0 B1 Más conchas… 978-84-8443-481-8 978-84-15620-18-1 A1-A2 Pisco significa... 978-84-8443-480-1 978-84-15620-17-4 B1 Mirta... 978-84-8443-482-5 978-84-15620-21-1 A1-A2 Dos semanas... 978-84-8443-473-3 978-84-15620-16-7 A1-B1 Pack 978-84-16057-44-3 level A1 Los espejuelos... 978-84-16057-28-3 A1-A2 Ojalá que… 54 978-84-16347-28-5 – (( Culture and society in today's Spain (( With audio-book, a video report, glossary, notes and activities Authors: Clara de la Flor, Noemí Cámara, Gorka Álvarez and José Ángel Gonzalo level book + DvD (audio + video) E-book in Amazon level book + DvD (audio + video) E-book in Amazon A2 Flamenco 978-84-8443-729-1 978-84-15620-10-5 A2-B1 Los jóvenes españoles 978-84-8443-862-5 978-84-15620-74-7 A2 Cocina 978-84-8443-730-7 978-84-15620-08-2 B1 978-84-15620-19-9 Empresas 978-84-8443-731-4 (( Culture and society in today's Latin America (( With audio-book, a video report, glossary, notes and activities Authors: Miriam Audiffred, Cecilia Bembibre and Pablo M. Migliozzi book + DVD (audio + video) level book + DVD (audio + video) level E-book en Amazon E-book in Amazon A2-B1 Los jóvenes mexicanos 978-84-8443-865-6 978-84-15620-71-6 A2-B1 Cocina mexicana 978-84-8443-866-3 978-84-15620-72-3 A2-B1 Los jóvenes argentinos A2-B1 Tango 978-84-8443-863-2 978-84-15620-70-9 978-84-8443-864-9 978-84-15620-73-0 (( Historical literature accessible to the student of Spanish (( Includes audio-book, translated vocabulary, cultural notes and activities Authors: Alfonso Mateo Sagasta, Rosa Ribas, Juan Miguel Aguilera and Rafael Marín level book + CD level book + CD B1 El poeta cautivo 978-84-8443-745-1 B1 El lugar de la garza blanca 978-84-8443-744-4 B1 Las tres muertes del Duque de Ribera 978-84-8443-768-0 B1 Las campanas de Almanzor 978-84-8443-743-7 55 Readers (( Cultural journeys through the Spanish-speaking world, with interesting video reports, as well as reading and audiovisual comprehension activities. level Authors: Eva Narvajas, Janina Pérez, Lisi Barros-Sehringer, Lucía Borrero and Sabine Segoviano book + DVD A1 Descubre España 978-84-8443-592-1 A2 Descubre el Caribe 978-84-8443-593-8 B1 Descubre los Andes 978-84-8443-594-5 B2 Descubre Argentina 978-84-8443-595-2 (( The adventures of a funny taxi-driver (( With notes on colloquial language level Authors: Alicia Estopiñá and Neus Sans book + CD E-book in Amazon A1 Fantasmas en ... 978-84-8443-589-1 978-84-15620-47-1 A2 Apartamento ... 978-84-8443-591-4 978-84-15620-48-8 B1 Una operación ... 978-84-8443-590-7 978-84-15620-50-1 B1 Cenizas calientes 978-84-8443-588-4 978-84-15620-49-5 (( A collection of beautiful poems that showcase Spanish language and grammar level Author: Juan Vicente Piqueras A2-B1 book Yo que tú 978-84-8443-999-8 (( An adventure mystery comic to learn Spanish (( Includes lexical and cultural notes, a glossary translated into three languages, and activities level 56 Author: Ernesto Rodríguez A2 book Gael y la red de mentiras 978-84-8443-742-0 (( A journey along the Camino de Santiago that combines culture and geography with a mystery story. Authors: Clara Villanueva and Josefina Fernández level B1 book El Camino de las ... E-book in Amazon 978-84-8443-703-1 978-84-15620-35-8 (( Seven short stories full of humour, irony and warmth in which Spain is seen through the eyes of a foreigner. Author: Leo Thoma level book E-book in Amazon A2-B1 El puesto de fruta 978-84-8443-750-5 978-84-15620-56-3 (( A collection of journalistic thrills and intrigue. level Author: Jordi Surís book + CD-MP3 E-book in Amazon A1 La chica del tren A2 El secreto de las flores 978-84-89344-73-0 978-84-15620-37-2 B1 Trapos sucios 978-84-89344-72-3 978-84-15620-36-5 978-84-89344-75-4 978-84-15620-39-6 (( A humourous take on the life of this emblematic Madrid neighbourhood Authors: Lourdes Miquel and Neus Sans level B1 book + CD-MP3 El cartero no siempre 978-84-87099-12-0 llama dos veces E-book in Amazon 978-84-15620-54-9 57 Readers HIGHLIGHTS (( The exciting adventures of a group of adolescent friends in different Spanishspeaking countries Authors: Elvira Sancho and Jordi Surís level BOOK + CD / DOWNLOADABLE MP3 E-BOOK IN AMAZON level BOOK + CD / DOWNLOADABLE MP3 E-BOOK IN AMAZON A1 Aventura en La Habana 978-84-16057-27-6 978-84-16347-29-2 A2 El fantasma del ... 978-84-8443-273-9 978-84-15620-26-6 A1 Objetivo: Barcelona 978-84-16057-26-9 978-84-16347-30-8 A2 El monstruo del rock 978-84-8443-274-6 978-84-15620-27-3 A1 Persecución en Madrid 978-84-8443-272-2 978-84-15620-22-8 A2 La chica de Mar del ... 978-84-8443-543-3 978-84-15620-28-0 A1 Misterio en las Alpujarras 978-84-8443-271-5 978-84-15620-23-5 A2 Trimestre maldito A1 ¿Dónde está Emiliano...? 978-84-8443-764-2 978-84-15620-24-2 A1 Perdidos en el Camino... A1-A2 Pack Aventura joven 978-84-8443-765-9 978-84-15620-29-7 978-84-16057-45-0 – 978-84-8443-544-0 978-84-15620-25-9 HIGHLIGHTS (( Fun stories and interesting topics for today's adolescents: friends, love relationships, Internet and social networks, etc (( Ideal to understand the vocabulary that young Spaniards use (( With audio-book, and with difficult words explained on every page Author: Lourdes Miquel book + downloadable MP3 e-book for kindle A1 Cosas del amor 978-84-16057-31-3 978-84-16347-31-5 A2 Amor por sorpresa 978-84-16057-32-0 978-84-16347-32-2 level 58 GRAMMAR AND EXAMS 59-64_ctlg_ele_2016_eng_gramatica_exam.indd 59 19/01/16 10:52 Grammar and exams The most innovative ELE grammar Authors: Rosario Alonso, Alejandro Castañeda, Pablo Martínez, Lourdes Miquel, Jenaro Ortega and José Plácido Ruiz SPECIAL EDITIONS for German, English and Italian speakers HIGHLIGHTS 60 (( Very useful tool to understand and explain grammar (( The work most consulted by teachers and learners of Spanish as a foreign language (( Over 370 exercises to understand and assimilate grammar (( Over 470 illustrations to facilitate learning (( Can be used for self-learning or on teacher-guided courses (( Includes a wide range of examples of real use of Spanish (( Special versions for speakers of English, German and Italian 59-64_ctlg_ele_2016_eng_gramatica_exam.indd 60 19/01/16 10:52 THE USERS SAY... Excellent cognitive grammar to understand and learn real language. Its explanations and the accompanying images are equally valuable. With exercises for each level, and a fine dose of humour. Love it! It's a book that any ELE teacher should always have handy. Indispensable for understanding the trickiest problems in grammar teaching and, in that way, enriches our explanations with new, interesting approaches. It stands for evolution and revolution. Elvira Muñoz Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen Alicia Clavel Formadora de profesores A great leap, a sea-change in the teaching of grammar to learners of Spanish. It helps both students and teachers to understand the grammar. Essential. Juan Manuel Real Instituto Cervantes de Porto Alegre INTERNATIONAL EDITION LEVEL A1-B1 Gramática básica del estudiante de español 978-84-8443-726-0 GERMAN EDITION ENGLISH EDITION ITALIAN EDITION 978-84-16347-13-1 978-84-8443-437-5 978-84-8443-436-8 61 59-64_ctlg_ele_2016_eng_gramatica_exam.indd 61 19/01/16 10:52 Grammar and exams To understand and practise grammar HIGHLIGHTS (( The ideal complement to any coursebook (( Clear explanations with good examples in each unit (( Large bank of exercises (( Can be used autonomously or on teacherguided courses (( Includes audio activities to reinforce speaking competence (( Mundo plurilingüe section to compare Spanish with other languages SPECIAL EDITIONS for Italian speakers Authors: Bibiana Tonnelier, Emilia Conejo, Pilar Seijas and Sergio Troitiño BOOK + CD LEVEL BOOK + CD LEVEL A1 Cuadernos de gramática española A1 978-84-15620-68-6 B1 Cuadernos de gramática española B1 A2 Cuadernos de gramática española A2 978-84-15620-69-3 A1-B1 Cuadernos de gramática española A1-B1 978-84-8443-858-8 978-84-8443-476-4 62 59-64_ctlg_ele_2016_eng_gramatica_exam.indd 62 19/01/16 10:52 NEW The keys to passing DELE for students aged 11 to 17 HIGHLIGHTS (( Five units that revise the contents of each level (( Tips and advice to achieve the highest score in each part of the test (( Clear, comprehensible explanation of the characteristics of the new DELE exams (( Adapted to the contexts and situations of students aged 11 to 17 Authors: María José Martínez, Daniel Sánchez and María Vargas STUDENT'S BOOK + CD LEVEL A2-B1 Las claves del DELE A2/B1 para escolares 978-84-16273-77-5 63 59-64_ctlg_ele_2016_eng_gramatica_exam.indd 63 19/01/16 10:52 Grammar and exams To pass the new DELE exams HIGHLIGHTS (( Five units that revise the contents of each level (( Clear, comprehensible explanation of the characteristics of the new DELE exams (( Tips and advice to achieve the highest score in each part of the test (( Each manual contains five practice tests Authors: Emilia Conejo, María Pilar Soria, María José Martínez and Daniel Sánchez STUDENT'S BOOK + CD LEVEL A1 Las claves del nuevo DELE A1 978-84-8443-633-1 A2 Las claves del nuevo DELE A2 978-84-8443-657-7 B1 Las claves del nuevo DELE B1 978-84-15846-29-1 B2 Las claves del nuevo DELE B2 978-84-8443-659-1 C1 Las claves del nuevo DELE C1 978-84-8443-725-3 64 59-64_ctlg_ele_2016_eng_gramatica_exam.indd 64 19/01/16 10:52 TEACHER TRAINING AND COMPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 65-68_ctlg_ele_2016_eng_mat_complementario.indd 65 19/01/16 10:53 Teacher training and complementary material The first title in the new Cuadernos de didáctica collection NEW Authors: Encina Alonso, Jane Arnold, Daniel Cassany, Sonia Eusebio, Agustín Garmendia, Neus Sans, Marta González, María Cabot, Vicenta González, Francisco Herrera, Juan de Dios López, Antonio Orta, Susana Ortiz, Geni Alonso, Berta Sarralde and Fernando Trujillo BOOK La formación del profesorado de español. Innovación y reto 978-84-16347-98-8 HIGHLIGHTS (( First title in the collection Cuadernos de didáctica, edited by Neus Sans and Francisco Herrera (( Book to commemorate 30 years of Teacher Training at International House Barcelona (( Edited by Francisco Herrera, with an introduction by Jonathan Dykes and a prologue by Ernesto Martín Peris (( Contains 13 articles by leading names in ELE (( Handy size and modern design 66 65-68_ctlg_ele_2016_eng_mat_complementario.indd 66 19/01/16 10:53 (( Engaging material specially created working with songs in ELE classes for (( Selection of songs representative of various genres and Spanish-speaking countries Author: Matilde Martínez Sallés STUDENT'S BOOK LEVEL A1-C1 Clase de música 978-84-8443-753-6 (( 50 audio documents with activities to develop and reinforce strategies for Listening comprehension (( Includes a self-assessment section in each unit Author: Susana Martín Leralta LEVEL A1-A2 Todo oídos STUDENT'S BOOK + 2 CD DIDACTIC GUIDE 978-84-8443-727-7 978-84-8443-728-4 (( More than 60 activities for oral interaction in pairs or in groups (( Activities with games, cultural information, and lexical and grammatical commentaries Authors: Lourdes Miquel and Neus Sans STUDENT'S BOOK LEVEL A1-B2 De dos en dos 978-84-8443-449-8 67 65-68_ctlg_ele_2016_eng_mat_complementario.indd 67 19/01/16 10:53 Teacher training and complementary material HIGHLIGHTS (( Activities for classroom work that deal with different aspects of audiovisual comprehension, from 12 films in Spanish (( Includes a DVD with a carefully-chosen selection of film clips Authors: Evelyn Aixalà, Gabriela Álvarez, Mariona Anfruns, Claudia Comes and Carmen González STUDENT'S BOOK + DVD LEVEL A2-C1 Clase de cine 978-84-8443-596-9 HIGHLIGHTS (( A practical Pen-drive/USB to take the videos anywhere (( Ideal to complement any coursebook (( More than 30 videos per level (( All the videos are accompanied by classroom exploitations (( Works with PC and Mac A complete video-library for your classes VIDEOS LEVEL A1 Los vídeos de Difusión A1 978-84-16057-36-8 A2 Los vídeos de Difusión A2 978-84-16057-37-5 B1 Los vídeos de Difusión B1 978-84-16347-11-7 68 65-68_ctlg_ele_2016_eng_mat_complementario.indd 68 19/01/16 10:53 Distributors around the world ARGENTINA SBS - SPECIAL BOOK SERVICES Avelino Díaz 533 (C1424CUE) Parque Chacabuco Ciudad de Buenos Aires T. /F. +54 (011) 4926-0194 [email protected] AUSTRALIA INTEXT BOOK COMPANY & LANGUAGE INTERNATIONAL BOOKSHOP Language International Retail / Showroom 15 Station Street Kew East VIC 3102 T. +61 (03) 9857 0030 F. +61 (03) 9857 0031 [email protected] AUSTRIA MEDIENLOGISTIK PICHLER-ÖBZ GMBH & CO KG IZ-NÖ Süd, Strasse 1, Objekt 34 A-2355 Wiener Neudorf T. +43 02236 635 35 290 F. +43 02236 635 35 243 [email protected] LA LIBRERÍA Gentzgasse, 128 1180 Wien T. +43 01 478 92 59 F. +43 01 478925915 [email protected] Belgium TALENLAND Brouwersgracht 246 H 1013 HE Amsterdam T. +31 653 57 22 26 [email protected] YEBRA Rue Stévin 115ª 1000 Bruselas T. +32 2 2301029 F. +32 2 2310808 [email protected] DISTRIBUTION SDLC /LA CARAVELLE 303 rue du Pré-aux-Oies 1130 Bruselas-Haren T. +32 2 240 93 00 F. +32 2 216 35 98 [email protected] BRAzIL SBS-SPECIAL BOOK SERVICES SBS – SP – SÂO PAULO R. 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