Our Lady of Lourdes Parish - Our Lady of Lourdes Colusa


Our Lady of Lourdes Parish - Our Lady of Lourdes Colusa
Our Lady of Lourdes
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
Colusa, California
St. Joseph’s Mission
Parochial Adm.:
Fr. Matthew Blank
Parish Office: 745 Ware Avenue
Telephone: (530) 458-4170
Website: www.ourladyoflourdescolusa.com
Our Lady of Sorrows
Ruben Fuentes
Telephone: (530) 313-5110
Barbara Genera
Telephone: (530) 458 8208
Website: www.theollschool.com
Parish Email: [email protected]
Mass Schedule /Mass Coordinator
Sat: Colusa
-5:00pm English
-7:00pm Spanish- Jaime Lopez
Sun: Princeton
-8:30am Bilingual – Vince Garofalo
Sun: Colusa
-10:00am English-Sharon Hernandez
-12:00noon Spanish – Hector Morales
Mon, Wed,Thurs: Divine Mercy Chapel
-7:30 English
Fri: Our Lady of Lourdes Church
- 7:30 a.m. English
Wed.: Our Lady of Lourdes Church
-6:00pm Spanish
Confessions: by appointment or
Sat: - 4:15 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.
Sun: - 11:15 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
(Sat.) Aug. 13 (5:00)
Divine Mercy Chapel
+Marshall Davis
+Arturo Guana
(Sun.) Aug 14 (10:00) +Mary Margaret Davis
(Mon.) Aug. 15:
+Barbara Mattson-Fernandez
Religious Education: Dianne Luoma 530-632-7497
[email protected]
Pastoral Council: Raylene Lyss
Finance Council: Marge Wallace
Hispanic Coordinator: Eva Meraz-Robey 530-218-8473
Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers Coordinator: Megan Farrel
Music: Saturday 7:00pm
Sunday ( Princeton)
Sunday 10:00
Sunday 12:00
Mario Reyes
Mary Beth Massa
Mary Overton
Spanish Choir/ Children’s Choir
Baptismal Coordinator: Rocio Meraz
Pastoral Care: Louise Woodring 530-458-2515
Bible Study: English
Dr. Julian Delgado
Tuesdays, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
St. Bernadette’s Hall
Deacon Ruben Fuentes
Wednesday 6:00- 800 p.m.
Divine Mercy chapel
RCIA: Dr. Julian Delgado
Wednesdays 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Parish Center
Our Lady of Lourdes Museum: Louise Woodring
Open by appointment
Catholic Ladies Relief Society
1st Wednesday of the month, 7:00 p.m.
St. Bernadette’s Hall
Knights of Columbus
4th Tuesday of the month, 7:00 p.m.
Knights of Columbus Hall
Altar Servers
Altar Society
Sarah Anderson
Norma Ahumada
Golden Pheasant Committee
Marilyn Acree
Bulletins: Deanna Garofalo (English)
August 14, 2016 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
11th Annual
Crawdad Festival
… for those who are ill ;
Bill Wallace, Joe Unzueta, Louie Evans, Riley and Spencer
McMillan, Marta Garcia, Leticia Gonzalez, Mark Hicks, Jim
White, Teresa Medina, Bertha Franco, Isabelle Delgado,
Teresa Espindola, Olga Mansilla, Bob Hodel, Richard
Steidlmayer, Karla and Bud Williams, Eva Meraz -Robey,
Christian Munoz Silva, Michael Roy, Nell Krause and Brizia
Tafolla Martinez.
… for those who are hospitalized or homebound: Lila Lee
Sankey, Maria Riley, Debbie McEntire, Elizabeth Mace, Ludy
Vaughn, Carmelita Shely, Richard Robey, Valorie
Ingebretsen, Mary Cervantes, and Gina Mena. Also, please
keep Fr. Myles in your prayers.
If anyone needs Holy Communion or Prayers for Healing please
call Louise Woodring (530-458-2515) or Fr. Matt (530-4584170).
Feast Days this Week
Aug. 16: St. Stephen of Hungary
Aug. 19: St. John Eudes
Aug. 20: St. Bernard
Aug. 12: St. Jane Frances ds Chantal
Please pray for Adrian Reyes as
he follows God’s calling to study
at The Blessed Jose Sanchez
del Rio Minor Seminary.
Join us for the 11th
Annual Colusa
Crawdad Festival,
Saturday September
3, 2016, at the Colusa
County Fairgrounds,
from 1 PM to 10 PM.
Two great bands: CZ
and the Bon Vivants,
and Mark St.
Mary. Admission is
just $10. Kids 13 and
under are free.
Beer, wine, and great food including crawdads,
carnitas, ribs, etouffee, gumbo, hot dogs, and soft
drinks will be available. Enjoy dancing, bounce
houses, and vendors. Tickets are available at the
gate. Parking is free. For more information call
530-788-3118 or visit us on Facebook. Sponsored
by the Knights of Columbus to support local
Mystagogy of the Mass
Thursday, August 25th, 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Location: St. Lawrence Catholic Church
(4325 Don Julio Blvd., North Highlands, CA)
Do you ever wonder why we do what we do during
Mass? Come find out! James Cavanagh, Director of
Worship for the Diocese of Sacramento will be the
presenter. This is especially for catechists and those
who do sacramental preparation, but all are welcome
to attend. If you have questions or to RSVP, please
contact Martha Haig @ 733-0131 or [email protected].
Forming Consciences for Faithful
Late Registration
August 19
From 5:00-7:00 pm
Please bring all certificates at the time of registration
there will be an additional $35.00 late charge fee
Questions?? Contact Dianne Luoma at
[email protected]
or text only to 530 632 7497
August 27th 9:00a.m.-12:00p.m.
Location: St. Joseph, Redding, CA
Our nation faces political challenges that demand
urgent moral choices. This event will seek to help
Catholics form their consciences in accordance with
the truth so we can make sound moral choices in
addressing these challenges. This event will be offered
in Spanish and English with two speakers from the
California Catholic Conference: Steve Pehanich and
Sandra Palacios. To register, please go to
For more information, please contact Ana Ibarra at
(530) 605-3197 or [email protected]
August 14, 2016 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Diocesan Respect Life
Leadership Gathering
August 20, 2016
10:00 a.m.-3:00p.m.
Location: St. Philomene (School Gym)
Diocesan Respect Life Leadership Gathering Join us for
the Diocese of Sacramento’s annual Respect Life
Leadership Gathering, featuring keynote speakers
Bishop Jaime Soto and Stephanie Gray. The day will
begin with an opening Mass (optional) celebrated by
Bishop Soto at 8:30am and continue from 10:00am to
3:00pm with keynotes, lunch and networking,
exhibitions, prayer, and fellowship. The event is FREE,
but registration is due no later than August 8 th. Register
at http://scddec.org/respect-life. If you’d like to put up a
display or have any questions, please contact Steve
Patton at (916) 733-0133 or [email protected] .
Horario de Oficina
Miércoles de 8:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. y Jueves de
3:00P.M. a 6:00P.M.
Correo electrónico del Padre Mateo
Gustas contactar al Padre Mateo por correo
electrónico lo puedes hacer en esta dirección:
[email protected]
Registraciones para el Catecismo
Fr. Matt’s E-mail Address
If you would like to contact Father Matt by e-mail, you
may do so at [email protected].
Regular office hours in our parish office are
Wednesdays 8:00 - 11:00 a.m. and Thursdays 3:00 6:00 p.m.
(Formación de Fe)
Registraciones tardías
El 19 de Agosto de 5:00pm a 7:00pm
Por favor de traer acta de nacimiento y acta de los
Va ver un costo adicional de $35 por ser
registración tardía.
Pregustas por favor de contactar a Dianne Luoma a
(530) 632-7497 o [email protected]
If you would like to schedule a
baptism, you must first
complete our preparation
program. This involves filling
out an application, turning in
the required documents and
fees, and attending the
preparation class.
The next baptism class will be offered on Saturday,
September 3, at 9:00 a.m. in the parish office.
Baptisms are performed on the second and fourth
Saturdays of each month. (9:00 a.m. English; 10:00
a.m. Spanish) If you have any questions, please contact
the office, 458-4170.
Anyone wishing to be married in the church must make
arrangements at least six months in advance. This
allows time for the couple to complete the preparation
classes and to secure a date for the use of the church. If
you have questions, please contact the office 458-4170.
Educación Católica
Inscripciones abiertas para la escuela Católica para
los siguientes grados; pre -escolar, kínder, del
primero al cuarto grado, y el séptimo grado. El
costo de matriculación es basado en los ingresos
de la familia. Para más información póngase en
contacto con la escuela al número (530)458-8208 o
por correo electrónico a la dirección:
[email protected].
Si desea bautizar, primero debe completar una
solicitud, traer los documentos requeridos, asistir a
la clase pre-bautismal y pagar la cuota
correspondiente. La siguiente clase de pre-bautismo
se ofrecerá el sábado 3 de Septiembre, a las
9:00A.M. en la oficina parroquial.
Los bautismos se llevan a cabo el segundo y
cuarto sábados de cada mes. (A las 9:00A.M. en
Inglés o a las 10:00.A.M. en Español) Si usted tiene
alguna pregunta, póngase en contacto con la oficina
parroquial al número (530)458-4170.
August 14, 2016 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time