Eat more broccoli, cabbage, asparagus, carrots and squash. Coma


Eat more broccoli, cabbage, asparagus, carrots and squash. Coma
No. 025
We want it all - great taste, healthy foods, low cost, easy and fast.
Don’t cook so fast that you forget the veggies.
Try some easy vegetables:
Serve raw carrots, broccoli, cauliflower,
cherry tomatoes or cucumber slices
with low fat ranch salad dressing for dipping.
Heat frozen vegetables in the microwave.
Eat more
carrots and
Make a small salad. Top chopped lettuce
with chopped tomatoes, cauliflower or shredded carrots.
Make a quick coleslaw. Mix chopped cabbage
with low fat ranch salad dressing.
Nutrition Matters, Inc. -
This tipsheet can be reproduced for educational purposes.
No. 025
Lo queremos todo: buen sabor, comida saludable, bajo costo, fácil
y rápido. No cocine tan de prisa que se le olviden los vegetales.
Pruebe vegetales fáciles:
Sirva zanahorias, bróculi, coliflor, tomates cerezas
o rodajas de pepino con aderezo ranch de bajo
contenido graso para untar.
Caliente los vegetales congelados en el microondas.
Haga una ensaladita. Ponga tomates, col picada
o zanahorias ralladas encima.
Haga ensalada de col rápido. Mezcle col picada
con aderezo ranch de bajo contenido graso.
Nutrition Matters, Inc. -
This tipsheet can be reproduced for educational purposes.
Coma mas
bróculi, col,
zanahorias y