holy apostles santos apóstoles


holy apostles santos apóstoles
The Church of
Iglesia Catolica de
June 5, 2016
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Our Mission Statement: The Church of Holy Apostles is a compassionate, welcoming and
healthy family that strives to love God and serve others with respect and dignity.
God Bless Our Missionaries!
Please keep them in your prayers as
they travel to:
New Orleans, June 11 to 19 and
Cincinnati, June 12 to 18
G-Force Vacation Bible Camp, July 11-15
Register at thechurchofholyapostles/biblecamp
Help us communicate with you!
Download our app on our website,
thechurchofholyapostles.org or on iTunes or
Google Play Store
Subscribe to Flocknote on
thechurchofholyapostles.org or flocknote.com/
CHURCH & PARISH OFFICE: 5211 W. Bull Valley Rd. • McHenry, IL 60050 Telephone 815-385-5673 FAX 815-385-6045
FAMILY FAITH FORMATION OFFICE: 815-385-5673, Ext. 218, 220 or 225
Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.thechurchofholyapostles.org
MASS SCHEDULE: Mon: 7:30 AM & 12:10 PM; Tue: 7:30 AM & 6:30 PM; Wed: 7:30 AM & 12:10 PM;
Thu: 7:30 AM & 7 PM (en Español); Fri: 7:30 AM & 12:10 PM; Sat: 7:30 AM & 5 PM and
Sunday: 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM (en Español) & 5 PM
CONFESSIONS: Tue: 5:30 to 6:15 PM; Thu: 8 to 8:45 AM & 6 to 6:45 PM (Spanish & English); Sat: 4 to 4:45 PM
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The Church of Holy Apostles, McHenry, IL
Dear Holy Apostles Parish Family,
Thank you to all the people that worked so hard
to make Fr. Sherry’s 50th such a wonderful
celebration. The Mass was beautiful. We had
awesome donuts and cake from Riverside Bakery.
The video has been seen by many on Facebook.
The committee led by Russ Dixon did an incredible job with the dinner. It looked beautiful and a
fun night was had by all due to many people
working so hard together to make it wonderful.
One of the priests came up to me and said, ”This
is not usually what a 50th is like, with all these
people, a video and people working together.” He
is right. It was the first I have seen. Thank you to
all of you who made it happen.
This week our seminarian Aaron Downing Is
joining us for the next year. He will miss this
weekend due to ordinations, but you will get to
know him this summer. He is a wonderful young
man who is between college and seminary in his
formation. Do not worry, Fr. Ruben will be in
charge of his spiritual formation.
This Wednesday, June 8, I will have a meeting
to roll out the next parish trip abroad. We will be
going to Italy for 11 days. We start in Florence,
then to Assisi and Sienna, along the way, then to
Sorrento and Capri, finally ending in Rome with
the Pope. My hope is that Fr. Ruben will be able
to join us for this trip. I will have the brochure
that night and can get information to anyone
interested. Have a Blessed Week! Father Paul
All the homeless, the unemployed, the military, the addicted, the
grieving, the imprisoned, and the physically and emotionally ill.
Nancy Hoffman
Marisa Diedrich Richardson Sharon Justice
Carole Dumont
Patrick Waldron
Bill Michaelis
Glenn Ehrhart
John Jelinek
Annette Feller
Clara Williams
Donald Gauwitz
Len Kubiak
Kathy McCormick
Ethel Parisi
Joan Flood
Tom Majercik
Toni Nolde
Darlene Briscoe
Diane Briscoe
Carole Ann Walberer
Michael L. Prihoda
Gene Seaver
Frank Sweeney
Anthony Scianna
Tracy Norlen
Bennie Brown
Bertha Smith
Jean Bower
Victor Ortiz
Baby Maxine Branson
Reg Hawkes
Robert Holas
Liz Vavrik
Baby Lukas Zalewski
Jamie Dusthimer
Baby Kale Brenner
John Christensen
Irene Agrella
Erick J.
Mike Moore
Germaine Henningfield Baby Cole Schwarz
Fernando Acevez
Mary Yeagley
Yolanda Mendoza
Laura Smith
Nancy Guzzo
Maureen Skinner
Denise Lucas
Donald Nolde
Colton Wray
Grace Wesinger
Alexander Pacheco
Bill Fenwick
Rev. Msgr. Wm. Clausen Mark Patterson
Brendan W. Thompson
Ann Gaul
Ruth Gantz
Julia Ramsland
Donna Spino
Sandi Baumgartner
John Baumgartner
Jen Finch
Cindy Koeune
Maureen Kasarski
Guliana Gentile (child) Donnie Schoen
Terri Anderson
Jennifer Siegler
Bernie Matchen
Goldie Withrow
Ken Michaels
Karen Egolf
Linda & Roger Thietje
Joshua Pahr
James Johnson
Katie Smith
John McGrath
Logan James Delhanty
God hears our prayers! Please call the Parish Office at 815-385-5673 to
add a name to our Prayer List. If you or loved ones need prayers but do
not want names to be published here, please contact the Holy Apostles
Prayer Line at 815-385-2404 or email to [email protected].
During This Week We Remember:
Pray for Military Personnel
Please continue to pray for the safety of friends
and family of our parish members especiallyAdam Krey, Dan Carrick,
Benjamin Smeenge, Joseph
Salgado, Keith LaRock, Andy
Schiera, David Yeazell, Gavin
Laskowski, Jaan Sass, Daniel Snow, Kyle Floyd,
TJ Dinkelman, Chris Mahood, William Vincent, Jr.,
Alex Pavia, Andrew Morales, John DeCicco, Jack
Walberg, Michael Kinnerk, Daniel Richardson,
Christopher M. Chapman, Alex McDonagh, Will
Banville, Brad Roudebush, Patrick Phelan, Zach
Fonk, Tim Heatley, Jason Moak, Matthew Montani,
John J. Gibson and Joseph Kandray, who are
serving our country either stateside or in a foreign country. Please let us know if you have a
family member serving in the military.
Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands.
Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their
families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our
time of need and give us peace. We ask this in the
name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
Mitchell A. Sabaj, Sr.
Next Sunday:
1 Kgs 17:1-6/Ps 121:1-8/Mt 5:1-12
1 Kgs 17:7-16/Ps 4:2-5, 7-8/Mt 5:13-16
1 Kgs 18:20-39/Ps 16:1-5, 8, 11/Mt 5:17-19
1 Kgs 18:41-46/Ps 65:10-13/Mt 5:20-26
1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-16/Ps 27:7-9, 13-14/Mt 5:27-32
Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3/Ps 98:1-6/Mt 5:33-37
2 Sm 12:7-10, 13/Ps 32:1-2, 5, 7, 11/Gal 2:16, 19-21/Lk 7:36--8:3
For complete daily Mass readings, visit the United States Conference
of Catholic Bishops website, usccb.org. Click on the date on the calendar
for that day’s readings.
Saturday, June 11:
5 PM—Fr. Tim
Sunday, June 12:
8 AM—Fr. Rubén
10 AM—Fr. Rubén
12 PM—Fr. Rubén
5 PM—Fr. Tim
*Subject to changes in priests’ schedules.
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Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
SUNDAY, JUNE 5, 2016
8:00 AM Mass:
†Ann & Robert Palm and †Michael Palm
10:00 AM Taped Mass with Baptims
†Eugene Freeze and †Taylor Young
12:00 PM Misa en Español con Bautismos
†Salvador Botello, †Jenifer Fuentes y Familia Bautista
Alvarez (for blessings)
1:30 PM Estudio de Biblia in Room of Remembrance
3:00 PM Spanish Emmaus Mass
3:30 PM FYRE Choir Rehearsal in Church
5:00 PM FYRE Mass:
†Evelyn & Leo Diedrich and †Tom Low
6:00 PM Youth Group in Sherry Center
7:00 AM Rosary
7:30 AM Mass:
†Chester Krasucki
9:00 AM Hope Takes Action Meeting in Seraphim
12:10 PM Mass:
†Gordon & Brian Doyle
6:00 PM Community Kitchen Dinner in Sherry Center
6:00 PM RICA Training in St. John
7:00 PM Emmaus Meeting (English) in St. Catherine
7:00 AM Rosary
7:30 AM Mass:
†Gerald John Sarafini
2:00 PM Mass at Alden Terrace Nursing Home
5:30 PM Confession/Reconciliation until 6:15 PM
6:30 PM Mass:
†Patricia Schultz
7:00 PM Charismatic Prayer Group in O’Neill Reading Room
7:00 PM Adult Faith Formation Study in Sherry Center
7:30 PM Gratitude & Hope Meeting in St. Ambrose
7:30 PM Knights of Columbus Council 1288 Mtg. in St. John
7:00 AM Rosary
7:30 AM Mass:
Blessings on Diedrich Family
10:00 AM Dementia Support Group Meeting in Ss Ambrose/Catherine
12:10 PM Mass: †Florence Kayser and †Alice Hutchinson
6:00 PM Church Housekeeping
6:00 PM Italy Trip Information Meeting in Room of Remembrance
7:00 PM Teen Faith Formation in Family Center
7:00 PM Men’s Emmaus (Spanish) Meeting in Thrones
7:00 PM Community Kitchen Meeting in St. Theresa
7:00 PM Video Ministry Meeting in TV Studio
7:30 PM Marriage Ministry Meeting in St. Ambrose
7:30 PM Knights of Columbus Bishop Boylan Ass’y. Mtg. in St. John
7:30 PM Compassionate Ministry Meeting in Ss. Francis/Augustine
7:00 AM Rosary
7:30 AM Mass:
†José S. Buan and Sarah Roper (birthday blessing)
8:00 AM Confession/Reconciliation until 8:45 AM
6:00 PM Confessions (Spanish & English) until 6:45 PM
6:00 PM Rosario
7:00 PM Misa en Español:
†Por las almas del purgatorio
June 5, 2016
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
7:30 PM
8:00 PM
Mission Trip Meeting in Sherry Center
Emmaus Meeting (English) in Archangels/Angels
Al-Anon Meeting in Seraphim
Spanish Marriage Ministry in St. John
Foster Parent Group in O’Neill Reading Room
FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 2016
7:00 AM Rosary
7:30 AM Mass:
†Jerry Maas
12:10 PM Mass:
Donald Sponholz (birthday blessing)
6:30 PM Spanish Marriage Ministry in St. John and Upper Room
7:00 PM Spanish Marriage Ministry in Room of Remembrance
7:00 AM Rosary
7:30 AM Mass:
Steve Roper (birthday blessing)
9:00 AM Hearts Afire Meting in Archangels/Angels
4:00 PM Confession/Reconciliation until 4:45 PM
5:00 PM Mass
†Patricia Byrne and †Shirley LaBocki
5:00 PM Spanish Women’s Emmaus 4th Day Mtg. in Apostles Bay
SUNDAY, JUNE 12, 2016
8:00 AM Mass:
†Michael A. Freund and the People of Holy Apostles
10:00 AM Taped Mass
†Julia Huska and †Ray Donahue
12:00 PM Misa en Español
†Antonia Cerda de Delgadillo and Davina Providencia
1:00 PM Girl Scout Troop 1807 Meeting in St. Joan
1:30 PM Estudio de Biblia in Room of Remembrance
3:00 PM Spanish Emmaus Mass
3:30 PM FYRE Choir Rehearsal in Church
5:00 PM FYRE Mass:
†Marge Flynn
6:00 PM Youth Group in Sherry Center
Arranging Mass Intentions
Please call the Parish Office at 815-385-5673 or stop by during
office hours (9 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Thursday, 9 AM to
3 PM on Friday) to arrange for a Mass Intention for a deceased
or ill loved one or other special intention. The customary
donation is $10 per Mass intention.
Advertiser of the Week
We wish to thank the business people who use our bulletin for
advertising their products and services. Our advertisers
make it possible for Holy Apostles to provide our weekly
bulletin to you AT NO COST TO THE PARISH. Please patronize our advertisers. This week we especially thank:
Foundation Fire Protection, Inc.
920 Boone Creek Ct., McHenry IL
815-363-FIRE (3473)
[email protected]
Contact Jeff Tkachuk of LPI Publications at 1-800-950-9952,
Ext. 2513 or [email protected] to place an ad.
Page 4
The Church of Holy Apostles, McHenry, IL
Stewardship of Treasure
We Share Our Blessings
April 2016
Our Parish Tithe this week will be given to Interfaith
Committee for Detained Immigrants.
Sunday Envelopes
Loose Offertory
Children’s Gifts
Total Collection
$ 72,359.00
$ 9,718.00
$ 1,374.00
Budgeted Income Year to Date:$
Actual Income Year-to-Date
$ 921,090.00
$ 867,034.00
$ (54,056.00)
April Tithes
Wonder Lake Neighbors Food Pantry$
Catholic Assistance Missions
Habitat for Humanity
Senior Care Volunteer Network
Debt Reduction:
Anchors Aweigh
Thank you for your generous giving!
Please remember Holy Apostles in your Will.
Help Build Our Parade Float
McHenry’s annual Fiesta Days Parade will be on
Sunday, July 24 and the three Catholic parishes of
McHenry (St. Mary, St. Patrick and Church of Holy
Apostles) will enter a joint float for the first time! All
parish members are invited to take part—kids
(decorate your bikes and strollers!),
teens, and adults of all ages. A wagon
has been secured and plans have
been made for the design of the float.
A target date for having the float built
is July 13th but in order to do this
help is needed with the construction
of the float. If you are able to volunteer some time to
build the most awesome float in the parade, please
contact Jen Marsh at 815-388-0163 or email to
[email protected]. All three
parishes will help build the float but construction will
take place in Holy Apostles garage.
Garden Ministry Coordinator Needed
Use GiveCentral to Donate Easily!
Make all your donations/payments to Holy Apostles the easy
way! Sign up for Give Central and design your giving to YOUR
specifications, done electronically through your checking
account or credit card. Just visit thechurchofholyapostles.org
and click on the “I’m New” tab and then click on “Sign up to
GIVE.” This will link you to the Give Central site.
Please make your pledge to the
2016 Diocesan Appeal TODAY!
Envelopes at the Information
On-line through
GiveCentral.org. or
Help us reach our goal now!
To Date Our Parish Has Achieved:
2016 DA Goal:
$ 145,279.00
We Pledged:
Pledges Paid to Date: 35,494.60
Owed to Diocese
No. of Families in Parish
No. of Donors
Percentage of Participation
Thank you for your
generous giving!
A Coordinator for our Garden Ministry is needed as
soon as possible. Responsibilities include:
Contacting ministry members for meetings and
to advise of work to be done/changes to be
Assigning garden areas for cleaning, maintaining, and landscaping .
Working with Father Rubén who coordinates
with Spanish-speaking ministry members.
Setting standards to go by with regard to
conformity of landscaping.
Please contact Marilyn Gauwitz at 815-385-7071 or
[email protected] for more information/to volunteer.
Pleasepray this Vocation Prayer with a special
intention for our parish member, Jordan Roth,
and her desire to enter religious life!
Father, in the name of Jesus,
through the power of Your Holy Spirit,
inspire men and women to labor for
Your Kingdom.
We especially pray for those discerning
their state in life: single, celibate or
married, religious, ordained or lay.
Inspire them to be generous,
courageous, and joyful.
We pray through the intercession of
Mary, our Mother, St. Ignatius,
and all the saints. Amen.
Page 5
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 5, 2016
Bring the Eucharist to Homebound
Serving as a Compassionate Minister is a rewarding
and gratifying way of sharing your time with your parish
and serving the homebound.
Distributing the Precious Body of
Christ and praying with our fellow
brother and sisters at area hospitals,
retirement centers and at private
homes is a gift. A meeting of the
Compassionate Ministry will be held
on Wednesday, June 8, at 7:30 to
9 PM in St. Augustine room. If you are interested in
joining this ministry, please come to this meeting and
enjoy fellowship, learn about the ministry and hear
some amazing testimonials of how rewarding this
ministry is. Questions? Contact JoLynn Simon at 708642-4418 or [email protected].
Join Four Seasons for Lunch
Four Seasons is Holy Apostles; group of age 50 and
better men and women who enjoy socializing, eating and learning about new
things, places and people. They meet
monthly for lunch and/or an activity.
This month it will be lunch at Vickie’s
Place, 1211 N. River Rd., McHenry, on
Tuesday, June 14, at 11:30 AM. Please
RSVP to Barb Haffner at 815-385-7479 if you plan on
attending. Come join us—bring a friend or make new ones!
Enjoy a Cubs/Brewers Game!
Be part of our Holy Apostles group
traveling north to see a Cubs/
Milwaukee Brewers game at Miller
Park in Milwaukee on Friday, July 22!
Travel in luxury on a coach bus that
will leave Holy Apostles at 3:30 PM.
Bring your grills, food and drinks for
a tailgate party before the game
(game begins at 7:10 PM). Come
along and cheer on our hometown team! Tickets are
$55 each and include bus and game ticket. Contact
Jeanne Fraser at 815-388-0164 or jfraser@thechurch
ofholyapostles.org to order your tickets.
Holy Apostles Cemetery News
This coming week, the
columbarium name plaques
will be removed for cleaning.
This work will take two to
three weeks to complete and
for the plaques re-mounted.
For more information contact Loren Schiera at 815385-5673 Thank you for your patience and cooperation!
Knights Invite You to Golf Outing
The annual Knights of Columbus McHenry Council
1288 Golf Outing will be held at Boone
Creek Golf Course, 6912 Mason Hill
Rd., McHenry, on June 11. Registration
is at 11 AM; shotgun start at 1 PM.
Please include golfer names when you
register. If you're paying for yourself but
joining other golfers, include their
names at checkout. A dinner ticket is included with
each golf ticket, but additional dinner tickets may be
purchased. The cost is $60.00 which includes golf,
prizes, reception and dinner. Dinner only tickets are
$20. Purchase tickets online at store.koc1288.org.
Please make reservations by June 5.
St. Peregrine Cancer Support Group
This is a multi-parish group of cancer survivors formed
to offer a place for caregivers, families,
individuals and anyone who is concerned
about cancer to meet with others to tell
their stories, to share information and to
pray together. This month we will meet
on Tuesday, June 7, at St. John the
Baptist Church, 2302 Church St.,
Johnsburg, in the “Father Schroeder” Red Brick building at 10 AM. For detalils contact Jeanne Fraser at 815
388-0164 or [email protected]
Dementia Discussion Group Meeting
Our presentation at this, our last meeting will be
Don Herman Gaul, our facilitator for the past nine months.
Don’s wife, Ann, has had memory issues for the past
seven years and now has Alzheimer’s. He will discuss:
The Capabilities of the Loved One and the Caregiver,
The Types of Residential Care Facilities and Additional
Handouts. Family members, caregivers and loved ones
are once again encouraged to attend, to offer comments
and ask questions. Our meeting will be in Apostles Bay
from 10 to 11:30 AM on Wednesday, June 8.
Page 6
The Church of Holy Apostles, McHenry, IL
Congratulations to our Noah’s Ark
Preschool 2016 Graduates!
Four Year Olds
Cole Calucci
Sean Daily
Maria Jelinek
Dylan Jimenez
Lily Lopez
Khloe Lundy
Alyssa Misch
Dublin Powe
Carson Ryan
Owen Schol
Ellie Wall
Ian Weinreis
Reese Widhalm
Colton Wray
Sophia Zamora
Grace Betts
Colin Bronars
Blake Davidson
Charlie Deblok
Ella Erber
Penelope Green
Austen Hacker
Sophia Lanci
Luke McCafferty
Bryan Mickelson
Claire Niedermayer
Liam Rice
Peyton Rebman
Andi Valenziano
Kaden Winkelman
Sean Jungmann
Elizabeth Klebosits
Cece Mickle
Gabriela Rodriguez
Cristian Rodriguez
Brooklyn Rundle
Lexie Watson
Three Year Olds
Josie Bergdahl
Jackson Heinrich
Adam Kendall
Sophia Lang
Trevor Michals
Violet Milbrandt
Victor Milbrandt
Isabel Milbrandt
Mia Scaman
Annabelle Simon
Cameron Snelten
Ella Tonyan
Delilah Unger
Eli Urgo
Claire Betts
Mia Cordoba
Isidora Green
Mason Mueller
Mariah Mundt
Mason Osborn
Finn Plautz
Mitchell Schwartz
Gianna Seeberger
Vivianna Sotka
Abby Stewart
Sophie Tabor
Erick Waters
Jamie Wolfert
Explore Noah’s Ark Preschool
Come explore our parish’s
own preschool, Noah’s Ark
Preschool and consider giving
your child a faith-based start to
his or her education. Noah’s
Ark offers morning and afternoon classes for three and
four-year-olds (your child must be three by September,
2016 to enroll for the coming school year). For more
information, call Terri Vrasich, Preschool Director, at
815-385-5673 or email [email protected].
Help free our
parish of the
debt “anchor!”
Make your pledge today!
Go to thechurchofholyapostles.org—click on Anchors Aweigh
or complete the pledge cards in the pews or Information Center
and drop them in the collection basket or Parish Office. Thanks!
Pastoral Council Openings
Four Pastoral Council members’ terms are expiring in
September. To be considered for the Council, please
submit an application, which is available at the Information Center or at the parish web site thechurchofholyapostles.org. The Pastoral Council serves as an advisory council to the Pastor. Members serve a three year
term, strive to discern the needs of the parish, and offer
guidance and help in following our Parish Mission Statement. Meetings are held the first Thursday of each
month. Please submit your applications to Kathy Gulvas
at kgulvas@thechurchofholyapostles.
org. by July 15.
Join Fr. Paul for Catholic Pilgrimage to Italy
Father Paul invites everyone to join him in a trip-of-alifetime to Rome, Florence, Assisi and several other Italian cities and concludes in Rome with an audience with
Pope Francis (if he is in residence). Travel dates are
September 25 through October 5, 2017. Come find out
the details of this amazing trip at an informational
meeting on Wednesday, June 8, at 6 PM in Room of
Father Sherry Thanks All
Dear Friends,
Many, many thanks for all your well wishes. I thank
Fr. Paul White for inviting me to celebrate my 50th
ordination anniversary at The Church of Holy Apostles
last weekend. What a wonderful weekend for me. And I
hope for you.
There are so many to thank, not only for your remarkable dedication to Jesus and Holy Apostles during my 23
years with you, but also for this 50th year celebration.
Please accept these more public words of gratitude
until I can pen more personal words of appreciation to
What does Father talk about? He talks about the
wonderful people at The Church of Holy Apostles.
God bless you all.
Fr. Bob Sherry
Page 7
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 5, 2016
Be sure to visit
our Facebook
page to view
many more
photos and
An amazing weekend celebrating
with an awesome
Shepherd who’s
been serving for
fifty years!
May God bless you!
Pagina 8
Servicios en Español , Rev. P. Rubén Herrera
La Iglesia de Santos Apóstoles , McHenry, IL
Intenciones del Papa Francisco para Junio
MISAS: Domingo a las 12 PM en la Iglesia
Jueves a las 7 PM en la Capilla
Para solicitar una misa pasar a la oficina por lo menos dos
semanas antes de la fecha.
CONFESIONES: Jueves de 6:00 a 6:45 PM.
ROSARIO: Jueves a las 6 PM.
PRESENTACIONES : Son e l segundo y cuarto domingo de
cada mes en la misa de las 12 PM. Si desea anotar a su
niño(a) comunicarse al 815-385-5673
*''Para que los ancianos, marginados
y las personas solitarias encuentren,
incluso en las grandes ciudades,
oportunidades de encuentro y
*”Para que los seminaristas los
novicios y novicias tengan formadores que vivan la alegría del Evangelio
y les preparen con sabiduría para su
Horario de Oficina
Veladoras en la Capilla de Adoración
Les recordamos que el nuevo horario de la oficina es de:
9 AM a 5 PM de lunes a jueves y de 9 AM a 3 PM en viernes.
Fechas para Bautizar en Domingo en la misa de 12 pm.
Junio 5; Julio 3; Agosto 7; Septiembre 4; Octubre 2
Los Bautismos en Sábado son las 9 am. Jun 25; Jul 23;
Agosto 27 y Septiembre 24 esta es la ultima fecha)
Clase Pre-bautismal: Lunes 6:45 pm. En la iglesia. La entrada es por la puerta principal. Junio 27; Julio 25; Agosto 29
Necesita REGISTRARSE para tomarla la Clase.
Llamar a la oficina el cupo es limitado. “NO TRAER NIÑOS”
Requisitos para Bautizar
*Traer copia del acta de nacimiento del niño(a)
*Asistir a la clase pre-bautismal Papás y Padrinos.
Padrinos esposos traer certificado de matrimonio.
Distribución de la Eucaristía en los Hogares
¿Le gustaría servir como ministro de Eucaristía llevando la
comunión a las casas, asilos de ansíanos y hospitales?
Habrá una reunión el miércoles 8 de junio a las 7:30 de la
noche en el salón St. Agustine. Si usted desea ser parte de
este ministerio le esperamos o si tiene alguna pregunta comunicarse con JoLynn Simon al 708-642-4118.
Campamento de Biblia
Traiga a sus niños al campamento de Biblia para esta verano será una semana divertida; habrá muchas actividades,
manualidades y mucha diversión del 11 al 15 de julio de
9:30 AM a 12 PM. Venga y regístrelos en la oficina o en el
website de la iglesia/biblecamp “Los Esperamos.”
McHenry Fiesta Days
Por primera vez las tres iglesias Católicas de McHenry estarán juntas en un carro alegórico en el desfile de la inauguración del evento Fiesta Days. (St Mary, St Patrick y Los Santos Apóstoles). Le invitamos a que participe con nosotros en
este desfile que será el domingo 24 de julio. Los niños pueden decorar sus bicicletas o las carriolas. Necesitamos también voluntarios para la construcción del carro alegórico.
Si puede ayudar comunicarse a la oficina con Gladys o Ana.
¿Desea que una de las veladoras que están en la
Capilla de Adoración al Santísimo sea encendida por
alguna intención personal? Solo tiene que pasar a la
oficina de la Iglesia para solicitarla. Dura 14 días encendidas y el costo $15 dólares por veladora. En esta
ocasionan son encendidas por las intenciones de la
Familia Liberato y Familia Kamiski.
Viaje de Misiones para Jóvenes 2016
Si aun no ha experimentado el hacer un viaje de
misiones aprovecha esta oportunidad. Los invitamos a
servir y ayudar a los necesitados. Habrá dos fechas
para poder realizar este viaje. Jóvenes de High School
que sean Juniors y Seniors el viaje es a New Orleans
del 11 al 19 de junio. Y jóvenes que cursan de octavo
grado en adelante, el viaje será a Cincinnati del 12 al
18 de junio. Interesados llamar a Joe Filpi –ext. 212
Para las mujeres que tomaron su retiro de Emaús les
recordamos que el retiro termia hasta el sábado 11
de Junio a las 6 PM. No pierdas la oportunidad de
clausurar tu retiro con esta reunión. Se llevara acabo
en la Iglesia de los santos Apóstoles. En lo salones del
área de Apostles Bay. ¡Te esperamos!
Limpieza de la Iglesia
Seguimos invitando a la comunidad a formar parte del
equipo de limpieza de la Iglesia. La siguiente fecha es
el 8 de mayo a las 5:45 pm. Nos reunimos en el
Nartex. Gracias por participar.
Summer Fest (Kermes)
Próximamente mas información acerca de la kermes
que se esta organizando por segundo año con nuestra comunidad de los Santos Apóstoles. La fecha es el
14 de agosto y deseamos que nos pueda acompañar
en este día con su familia. Habrá juegos para sus niños, música y variedad de comida. Venga a pasar una
tarde divertida, será en el estacionamiento de la iglesia
al terminar la misa de las 12 PM. La misa será Bilingüe.
Si alguna persona puede o desea hacer algún tipo de
donación comunicarse a la oficina de la Iglesia. 815385-5673. “Separe el día en su calendario.”
Pagina 9
Décimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Mes del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
Adoramos el Corazón de Cristo porque es el corazón del
Verbo encarnado, del Hijo de Dios hecho hombre
La imagen del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús nos recuerda el
núcleo central de nuestra fe: todo lo que Dios nos ama
con su Corazón y todo lo que nosotros, por tanto, le debemos amar. Jesús tiene un Corazón que ama sin medida. Y tanto nos ama, que sufre cuando su inmenso amor
no es correspondido. La Iglesia dedica todo el mes de
junio al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, con la finalidad de
que los católicos lo veneremos, lo honremos y lo imitemos especialmente en estos 30 días.
Esto significa que debemos vivir este mes demostrándole a Jesús con nuestras obras que lo amamos, que correspondemos al gran amor que Él nos tiene y que nos
ha demostrado entregándose a la muerte por nosotros,
quedándose en la Eucaristía y enseñándonos el camino
a la vida eterna. Todos los días podemos acercarnos a
Jesús o alejarnos de Él.
De nosotros depende, ya que Él siempre nos está esperando y amando. Debemos vivir recordándolo y pensar
cada vez que actuamos: ¿Qué haría Jesús en esta situación, qué le dictaría su Corazón? Y eso es lo que debemos hacer (ante un problema en la familia, en el trabajo,
en nuestra comunidad, con nuestras amistades, etc.).
Debemos, por tanto, pensar si las obras o acciones que
vamos a hacer nos alejan o acercan a Dios. Tener en casa o en el trabajo una imagen del Sagrado Corazón de
Jesús, nos ayuda a recordar su gran amor y a imitarlo en
este mes de junio y durante todo el año.
Sugerencias para pasar la Hora Santa de adoración
Qué se debe hacer mientras se está en adoración Eucarística? Ser conscientes de quién está delante de nosotros. Esto es lo esencial. Muchas veces en las capillas
hay ayudas para la meditación, libros de espiritualidad.
En esto conviene recordar la recomendación de san Pedro Julián Eymard : el Señor aprecia mucho más nuestras pobres palabras y pensamientos que los mejores
dichos o escritos por otros. Es importante acostumbrarse
al silencio y establecer un diálogo con el Señor. Contarle
lo que nos aqueja, interceder por las personas que han
pedido oración o que a nosotros nos preocupan, pero,
por sobre todo, contarle cuánto lo amamos. Él sabe de
nuestras miserias y se lo podemos decir pero también
que, pese a esas miserias, lo amamos.
Pidamos que aumente nuestro amor, nuestra fe, nuestra
esperanza, nuestra adoración. Hagamos luego silencio.
Claro, no es fácil el silencio porque llevamos mucho rumor interior. Pero, a adorar se aprende adorando y el
silencio interior en algún momento se logrará. Hay que
dejarse amar y abrazar por el Señor en cada momento
de adoración. Eso es entrar en su intimidad. Una recomendación también beneficiosa es leer algún pasaje del
Evangelio, siendo conscientes que el Señor del cual habla el Evangelio está delante de nosotros.
5 Junio, 2016
(Continuacion) Nunca disociar la presencia del Señor en
el Santísimo con la lectura que hagamos ni con el Rosario
–que es otra de las cosas que se puede hacer durante la
adoración- que recemos. Que no esté la persona por un
lado con su oración y el Señor allá solo por el otro. Terminemos, recomienda también san Pedro Julián Eymard,
con otro acto de amor. Volviendo al Evangelio, es muy
recomendable la Lectio Divina, que es orar con la Palabra
de Dios. Para entender y de modo muy resumido, qué es,
es tomar un pasaje, por ejemplo del Evangelio, que pueda
ser escogido de antemano o bien el que salga, y ver qué
dice ese pasaje usando inclusive la imaginación para situarse en el contexto del relato. Luego, ver qué me dice,
qué resonancia hay en mí, qué eco tiene esa Palabra, qué
me ha tocado del pasaje, en qué me siento interpelado, y,
finalmente luego de rumiarlo viene lo que brota desde mi
interior, es decir qué respondo yo en oración.
Por último, hay veces que nos sentimos muy cansados o
muy contrariados por lo que nos ha tocado vivir, o que
estamos particularmente probados. En esos casos o no
se hace nada, simplemente se deja uno estar y que la
presencia del Señor lo toque o bien se puede rezar con
los salmos apropiados a la situación que se está viviendo.
*Formas de Registro
Las familias interesadas en inscriber a sus hijos con
anticipación para las clases de catecismo para el siguiente
año, puede encontrar las formas en el website de la
Iglesia www.thechurchofholyapostles.org.
*Para los Alumnos de Confirmación
Todos los alumnos que entraran al Segundo grado de
confirmacion y tiene alguna clase pendiente de octavo
grado por reponer, tiene que llamar para sacar una cita
para venir a tomar la clase. Comunicarse con Ericka
Cazares al 815-388-0157 o con John Jelinek al 815-3880155 de 10 AM a 3 PM Martes o Miercoles solamente.
¿Desea donar ropa que no necesita?
La Iglesia de St. Mary esta recibiendo ropa que usted ya
no desea y que quisiera donar. Con estas donaciones se
realizara una venta de garage el 16 y 17 de Junio de 9 a
5 pm. y el 18 de junio de 9-12 pm.
Las fechas en las que estará recibiendo la ropa es: junio
10, 13 y 14 de 9 –5 pm. Junio 11, de 9 a 12 pm y junio
12, de 9-12 Si tiene alguna pregunta llamar al 815-3850024 es la oficina de la iglesia de St. Mary.
Comida para la Comunidad Necesitada
Todos los lunes a las 6 PM se sirve un plato de comida a
los mas necesitados de la comunidad.
Si usted conoce a alguien que no tenga
un plato de comida caliente en su
mesa, pude compartirle esta información. Si desea participar como voluntario cocinando, llamenos a la oficina.
Page 10
Increase His Divine Life Within You...
...with each moment you spend in His Eucharistic Presence.
It will deepen your personal relationship with Him. Take
some time each week to visit Jesus in the Divine Eucharist at the All Saints Perpetual Adoration Chapel. Pray,
listen, and feel the peace that He gives us so lovingly.
Break from your busy life to acknowledge His comforting
love. Please pray about committing to these open times:
Sunday: 9 to 10 PM
Monday: 2 to 3 AM (Sunday overnight)
and 2 to 3 PM
Wednesday: 8 to 9 AM
Thursday: 10 to 11 AM
Contact Mike Thielsen, 815-385-8562 or
[email protected] to volunteer as a permanent adorer.
The Church of Holy Apostles, McHenry, IL
Celebrating Ordination Anniversaries
A few Sundays ago,
some of our clergy
celebrated milestone
We helped them
mark the occasion
with cake and coffee
after the morning
Masses provided
generously by the
members of HALO.
Shown left is
Fr. Tim Seigel, who
celebrated his
25th Anniversary.
Congrats Fr. Tim!
Good luck at your
new parish—you will
be greatly missed!
Offer Your Intentions with Candles
Four large candles surround the Blessed Sacrament in
the All Saints Perpetual Adoration Chapel, each burning
for 14 days. Request your own personal intentions for
their duration by contacting the Parish Office. The suggested
donation is $15 per candle. From June 5 through 18, with
these candles, your prayers have been requested by the
Kaminski Family and the Liberato Family.
Pope Francis’ Prayer Intentions for June
Human Solidarity. That the aged, marginalized, and those
who have no one may find—even within the huge cities
of the world—opportunities for encounter and solidarity.
Seminarians and Novices. That seminarians and men
and women entering religious life may have mentors
who live the joy of the Gospel and prepare them wisely
for their mission.
Thank you for your years of faithful service as altar
servers! Pictured from left are Sam Villont, Luke Rogers,
Zoe Villont and Erin Caner. All four are 2016 graduates
of Montini Catholic School, and so will be stepping down
from serving as they move on to high school. If your son
or daughter is interested in being an altar server, contact
Feargal King at 815-388-0159 or feargal@thechurch
ofholyapostles.org for details.
Congrats to Fr. Rubén
Herrera on your 10th
Anniversary! Your
quick and loving
smile is extended to
everyone you meet!
In addition to this
cake, he was
serenaded by the
members of the
Spanish Choir after
the 12 PM Mass.
You can view the
video of this on
our Facebook page.
Another anniversary
was also reached—
Deacon Curt Fiedler
celebrated his 6th
anniversary of his
ordination to the
Diaconate. Shown
here on the right with
Fr. Rubén, Deacon
Curt’s service to Holy
Apostles has been a
blessing. Congrats
Deacon Curt!