Sabor de la Selva Jungle Dinner Club Ryan Webster November 2014


Sabor de la Selva Jungle Dinner Club Ryan Webster November 2014
Sabor de la Selva
Jungle Dinner Club
Ryan Webster
November 2014
This document outlines the Business and Marketing plans for Sabor de la Selva.
(commonly referred to throughout simply as Sabor) Sabor is an exclusive 5-course fine
dining experience bringing the best produce that Kalu Yala's permaculture farm has to
offer to the heart of Panama City's growing network of food fanatics. The report analyses
the external and internal market factors affecting the project and goes on to propose
effective Marketing strategies to best suit the needs of the target audience.
Mission And Vision
Sabor de la Selva aims to be a premier destination for exclusive, contemporary dining in
Panama, with a reputation as such that can rely solely on word of mouth marketing
Sabor de la Selva will provide Panama residents and visitors alike with a new style of
dining; local farm and foraged fresh produce with total transparency in an authentic jungle
Core Objectives
Encourage more conscious food consumption by Panama residents and visitors and
further diversify the city's burgeoning gastronomy scene
• Increase awareness of Kalu Yala Farms and provide an additional revenue source for
canned produce
• Establish a self-sufficient seasonal operation with limited assistance though in
partnership with Farm-to-Table and Business teams
Longer Term
Establish Panama's first ever pop-up restaurant (Not a food Truck!; See Appendix B:
Notes on Pop-up Restaurants)
Become a formal business providing employment opportunities to interns and
residents and profits to investors
Market Overview
Currently the Services Industry relates to 78.4% of the total economy and GDP is
consistently growing by around 10% each year. (CIA World Fact-book) This stability and
steady growth can be attributed to the peg to the US dollar as well as the expansion of the
canal, the Colon free zone and increase in foreign investment.
In terms of the Restaurant scene itself in Panama city, Fodor's guide (2010) describes it as
'not quite New York or London but impressive for a city of its size' and cites its
cosmopolitan nature as increasing the quality and variety of ethnic offerings. The main
areas for dining out are considered the historic Casco Viejo neighbourhood, and the
banking and financial districts where the majority of the high-end hotels are also located.
External Environment
PESTEL Analysis
The New Panamanian President Juan Carlos Varela recently sworn in to office in July 2014
is noted for tightening controls on immigration which could also effect foreign nationals
and expatriates. He is likely to invest heavily in infrastructure and is an advocate of the free
market so will hopefully encourage new business ventures to thrive.
As Previously noted Panama's economy is still experiencing steady growth thanks to the
expansion of the canal the country's largest revenue source and the increase in foreign
investment. However there is significant income disparity compared to Central American
policies with around 25% of the population living below the poverty line.
Recent trends have shown increasing levels of consumers entertaining themselves in their
own homes as a result of the growing cost of alcohol when going out, higher youth
unemployment and more cultural acceptance as a result of the success of television
programs such as Come Dine With Me, which promote home entertainment.
Panamanian residents are demonstrating similar social media adoption patterns to
western countries with around 435,00 Facebook users out of a total population of 3.864
million (11.3%) Smart-phone up take is also on the rise and online services bookings will
eventually overtake telephone bookings
There is evidence that many of the higher-end restaurants currently operating in the
market could perform much better in terms of locally sourcing ingredients in order to
reduce food miles. Though many may be operating in a niche and fulfilling a specific
consumer market such as French artisanal food, importing these luxurious items from over
continents can not only damage profit margins but bring into question the seriousness of
the organisation's commitment to corporate social responsibility.
Currently there are many barriers to entry for new market entrants including 2 separate
health and safety certifications, in addition to formal permissions from neighbourhood
authorities and fire departments before licensing permissions can be authorised. Without
Panamanian residency, permissions will be virtually impossible to secure. Supper clubs
represent an opportunity to get around these barriers though if the venue is not in direct
ownership of the operation, difficulties are still likely to ensue.
Internal Environment
Stakeholder Analysis
= Core Team
= Directly impacted by operations
= Indirectly impacted by operations
Roles of Core Team
F2T Director
A crucial person to the organisation's short-medium term success. Whilst kitchen support
this may be permissible initially it is anticipated that a full time Chef will needed to be
hired longer-term and ultimately the director will be the source of contact and advice for
the new recruit and not usually present on the night. They would still have some degree of
responsibility but largely in menu design/ experimentation and harvesting if they and their
team were happy to help out in that department.
Head Chef
Not essential, though can help ensure consistent high standards though must have
considerable experience.
Rotating Chefs
One new idea further proposed by the author is that of rotating chefs; specialists from
across the field who can be contacted in person around Panama City and inspired to
partake in such a new and culturally significant event.
These Chefs will be willing to spare their time in order for the exposure and potential new
business opportunities and relations as a result of being associated with such a prestigious
We will be required to establish a significant reputation beforehand in order to attract such
talent for free, though they could be employed instantly if offered a reasonable financial
Servers/ Assistants
Will ideally need to be recruited on an apprenticeship style basis. Namely benefits for
aspirants being the opportunity to train under professional chefs in addition to financial
compensation. Previous companions are an excellent starting point (including friends of if
necessary) with other programs and current interns also considered. Would be beneficial
to ultimately incorporate industry recognised certifications and qualifications.
Sous Chef
On the night my major contribution will be playing the role of host. Ensuring guests are
satisfied, and suitably entertained/humoured with one another's company. Yet I will also
make a point to serve dishes with my team as well as substantial preparation in advance of
the event and the other employees arrival. How long I dedicate my undivided attention to
this project depends on assistants' willingness to get involved, basically. I envision the
project being under my guiding hand until such time that the ship can be left to be
steered by its crew or the combination of a crew and captain. It would however be hugely
beneficial if there was there genuine willingness to carry on with the foundation work by
Spring and Summer 2016 Interns.
Impacts on Secondary Group
Hispania Manager
This person will need to be informed well in advance potential event dates and times to
minimise disruption to internship and other plans at the apartment. Ultimately their say is
City Interns
As these are paying customers to KYI who expect to have full use of the facilities during
their stay their wishes must receive the upmost respect and they should be politely
encouraged to consent to Sabor's use of the boardroom and Director side of the
apartment during the event window.
Neighbours could potentially be impacted on the increased noise pollution as a result of
the increased number of people occupying the building at a given time, however it is
unlikely they will notice a considerable difference to the usual array of guests that pass in
and out of the building. They should be pre-warned of any upcoming events and events
should not overspill until unsociable hours with guests leaving promptly by the curfew.
City Residents
They will benefit from an increased diversity of dining-out-options
Impacts on Tertiary Group
Although unlikely to be significantly adversely affected by Sabor operations, may
disapprove of unlicensed method and attempt to inflict reputational damage. Potential
threat of imitation, and devaluing Sabor offering by undercutting/adding value to product.
For further information see SWOT analysis and Competitor Analysis.
As previously alluded to, city officials and health and safety authorities may seek to
interfere if they believe us not to have correct infrastructure or met the minimum
requirements for selling food in.
Other Interns/Directors
The dining events will run in co-ordination with the internship stint system and therefore
will be most beneficial to host them during working weekend where there will be no valley
disruption in the city. To increase demand amongst likely employed consumers and to
negate disruption to neighbours these will also run at the weekend I.e Friday and Saturday
nights. Other interns may benefit with by getting on hands on experience with the
project.. for example a F2T intern could have an enriched experience by actually cooking
at a real food event and a business intern could enrich their experience by designing a
bootstrap marketing campaign prior to an event. There may also be financial opportunities
in the medium-term helping negate the cost of the tuition fee.
Competitor Analysis
As this will be the first regular advanced ticketed dining event of its kind in Panama it is
difficult to assess how we will impact and be impacted by our competitors. We are
operating in an existing, highly competitive market, though offering a slightly different
product. The Matrix below (known as Ansoff's Matrix) shows our market position compared
to traditional restaurants such as Buzios and Las Bovedas in Casco Viejo. Where most
restaurants will receive a split of advance reservations and on the night diners (unexpected
but anticipated) who simply show up, Selva will sell all seats in advance. The disadvantage
of this is that we will be unable to benefit from passing trade, however the advantages are
First and foremost selling tickets in advance will ensure that we will generate an income on
each seat even if an individual diner fails to show up on the night. According to the BBC,
no-shows account for anywhere between 5-20% of advanced bookings in restaurants.
Secondly knowing exactly how many diners to cater for will make advanced preparation
and planning of meals tremendously less taxing and enable much of the work to be done
ahead of time, reducing the workload on the night and allowing more opportunities for
interaction between hosts and guests. Knowing dietary requirements beforehand will also
reduce undesirable surprises on the night.
Although Selva is offering a fundamentally different service to the majority of dining
options already in the city, it is important to note that is not only traditional restaurants that
will be competing for the same consumers custom.
Since the global recession many studies have shown that consumer lifestyle preferences
are changing in order to conserve what precious disposable incomes they have after the
bills have been paid. Many are now favouring nights in instead of nights out, realising that
the cost savings from food and drink bought in supermarkets is substantially cheaper than
in a restaurant, cinema or nightclub. This shift in consumer behaviour coupled with
advancements in digital and mobile technologies has seen a phenomenal increase in
online food orders, a sector of the industry which is growing 300 percent faster than dinein traffic ( Deli Centro is the major player in Panama and is likely to continue to grab market
share from dine-in restaurants. Other companies, such as Sophia's, also use an online
platform and offer home delivery but they capture a different segment of the market,
namely busy young professionals who want a regular, healthy and nutritious meal plan but
have little time to organise things themselves.
The Ansoff matrix is a useful tool for new business in assessing their market position and
competitive advantage and how they should proceed with their strategy when launching
the business.
As you can see for new entrants into the food scene with the tried and tested format of a
traditional restaurant a Market Penetration strategy is suggested in order to gain an early
market share. This could be executed with the use of price-cutting or Sales Promotions
and is usually accompanied with a substantial Marketing investment. The aim is to
encourage early adoption and generate attention for the brand before loyalty is built by
which time prices can increase and expenditure can decrease in order to increase profit
Whereas with specialist online ordering companies, there is a new market opening up,
namely price or time (or both) conscious urban dwellers. A Market Development strategy
is considered relatively high risk at the market is still in its infancy. A strategy of this kind
should be flexible and informed by plenty of research. The aim of this strategy is to attract
new users to the product class, such as in the case of Sophia's organisation.
Yet most importantly in the case of Selva it is a Market Penetration Strategy that is required
since it is a new product yet essentially the same market as Las Bovedas, albeit it is more
interested in attracting 'niche seeking consumers'. The key for Selva will be marketing a
highly desirable product which is in short supply, yet generates significant loyalty and
positive word of mouth communications. Sophia has noted that there is a growing interest
in the 'new and unusual' in the city's dining scene, and well crafted glossy print advertising
will not only impress potential customers but build a dedicated following.
Finally, I did mention there were no direct competitors to Selva, as in no similar preticketed offerings. During my time in the city there were in fact 2 such one off culinary
events. (both of which took place at restaurants) I found out about one of these through
Que Hacer Hoy, and the other through the Facebook expat group Tropical Cowboys &
Cowgirls, but this is not to say there were not more taking place that passed by unnoticed.
The first one was actually at a beach side restaurant (Playa Pacifica) 1 hours drive from
Panama City, and was an asian fusion menu with (unsurprisingly given the location) a heavy
bias towards seafood. The price for a ticket was $45 and the booking instructions given
were to contact the promoter (not the restaurant) by telephone. The second one was near
Via Israel in the City centre, and was called 'Fonda Urbano'. The price for a ticket was $30
but seemed to be largely vegetarian with an emphasis on foraged foods and locally grown
produce. It was the second event of it's kind implying there may be more in the future. To
book tickets one was required to purchase in advance from one of 3 participating
restaurants. Both events featured three courses.
SWOT Analysis
Panama's economy still growing
Located in popular neighbourhood in heart
of the city
Access to home grown veggies and intern
pool- cost minimisation
Solid expatriate network already established
Lack of Spanish Fluency
Relative Chef inexperience compared to
No prior reputation in food
Limited to food on the farm
Target audience have high propensity to
spend and display traits to peers
Consumers seeking the 'hot new thing'
Online eateries such as
growing in popularity
Questions concerning legality
Imitation by established competitors,
reducing uniqueness of proposition
Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning (STP)
Consumer Profiling
'Menu innovation will also be important in retaining the attention of the growing group of
older diners as frequency of eating out tends to dwindle with age. For example, the
relative confidence and experience of food of diners aged 55-64 is leading them to be
more likely than most to look for something out of the ordinary for a special-occasion meal
out of home' (Mintel 2014)
Menu development has been key in engaging consumers in recent years. It is likely to
remain important given that over a third of diners say that they are always looking to try
new dishes that they have not had before
Many of the current trends in the market revolve around reasserting the experience
element of eating out.
Current Research (see Appendix C) is being undertaken to determine the target
demographic though most useful questions may be deemed to sensitive by respondents.
Focus groups will help further analyse customer behaviours in the high income, socially
active target demographic and propensities for brand loyalty, if any. Customer perceptions
are expected to influence purchase decisions heavily
Marketing Strategy (4 Ps)
Will be determined by results of initial primary research- a rigid structure with little to no
discounting is predicted due to luxurious product offering and danger of tarnishing brand
reputation or customer perceptions. An initial figure of $35 is anticipated for an exotic,
intimate and organic 5-course dinner party.
Studies are proving that around a third of consumers are looking for new and innovative
menus and for this reason emphasis on the un-traditional and unorthodox are critical to
providing a unique, distinguishable product. Similar Offerings have provided 80-85%
locally sourced ingredients, and one of the guiding principles of this entire project will be
to ultimately aspire to 100% Farm-to-table produce (though initially figures of around 50%
seem much more realistic.
As has been identified on multiple occasions during Secondary research, within success
defining criteria, atmosphere and quality of social interaction (between both guests and
other guests and guests and hosts) at the event have an enormous influence on overall
customer satisfaction and subsequent positive recommendations and testimonials.
Diffusion of Innovations (3 Product Classes)
= Pop-up Restaurant (Long Term)
= Jungle Dining Club (Medium Term)
= Events Experience (Short Term)
The earlier on consumers in the diffusion of innovations will judge the product on tangible
benefits, allowing little margin for error and drawing from a vast array of previous
experiences as reference points. Conversely, the mass market will focus on intangible
benefits, such as how the experience made them feel to determine whether or not they
are likely to vouch for us. Supper Clubs typically attract innovators and early adopters or
certainly those who believe they fit those market segments. The Dining club could
provide the
platform to
and demand
for the other
2 phases via
online and
face to face
activity of opinion leaders who attended the dinner parties.
The events will be deliberately portrayed as 'exclusive, invite only parties', that make
consumers feels as though they have been ushered into an inner circle. Word of Mouth is
undoubtedly the most important element to the Marketing Communications strategy and
must ultimately spearhead the entire promotional campaign in order to retain the
authenticity of exclusivity. In order to generate buzz about the club it is necessary to attract
opinion formers that will have high credibility amongst their peer group, spontaneously
posting on social media and ideally posting descriptive, praising blogs.
Helena Spicer, Senior Foodservice Analyst, notes that; “Recommendations from
family/friends are key influencers in venue choice, whilst online review sites populated with
customer-generated content are also now popular among diners. Operators are
encouraged to embrace the new era and promote peer-to-peer reviews and, where
possible, create their own legion of brand ambassadors.” Brand Loyalty and Awareness
can also receive a huge benefit from the consistent usage of a dedicated Social Media
strategy which will be added in due course upon prior research findings.
'An exclusive dinner party bringing the best tropical harvest direct from our farm by the
Chagres National Park to your plate in the heart of Panama City. Come for the award
winning food, stay for your new best friends'
Logo Design
The Logo is currently being enhanced by professional illustrators.
This logo along with artistic illustrations will be incorporated into direct mailings sent
digitally via e-mail and to selected individuals in print format. Each event will have a
unique theme.
Access to premises is currently limited to Edificio Hispania in the Bella Vista
neighbourhood of Panama City. This is not a commercial property rather a residence, but
that is not to stay this isn't suited to a marketable and profitable fine-dining event. Though
guest parking may be somewhat of an issue there is a long dining room that can
comfortably seat 12 which is an ideal starting point to base the operations. In order to
boost appeal and originality future more unconventional settings should be considered
such as rooftop space or water-top space.
Below is an overview of Sales Forecasts for the first year of trading, (bear in mind this is a
seasonal operation, thus so far only incorporates months Jan-Apr) with 2 anticipated
revisions; one during post-research analysis and the second shortly during the launch
Ticket = $35
Event- Tapas
Comida Gratis*
Event- a la carte
Invitation- $40 *cept PM-25
$ 250.00
Seat = $35
Total Revenue
$ 250.00
$ 3360.00
$ 1550.00
$ 75.00
$ 375.00
$ 1585.50
$ 1774.50
-$ 125.00
$ 1649.50
$ 2058.00
$ 1649.50
$ 1141.50
>Sous Chef
>Head Chef
>F2T Director
(To Farm & Kitchen)
20 % = $7/8p.p
(50% SdS)
Event Rent
Hispania upkeep
>Print & Online
>Online Only
$ 640.00
$ 0.00
initial selva- 250.00
per selva 50.00 (15.70 flyers)
per event 50.00
Total Costs
Gross Profit
Opening Balance
Closing Balance
$ 1340.00
$ 1141.50
$ 198.50
As you can see greater revenues are being drawn from the events due to fewer space
limitations allowing more seats to be sold in additional to multiple meals during each
event. (generally anticipated 2 sessions per 4-day event. You will notice no Sabor income
during the month of January and this is due to using the feedback and lessons learned
from the first 2 events of the season which will shape the pilot dining club experience. The
Wages obviously represent the biggest expense and are paid in 2 different ways. The Sous
Chef has the largest responsibility for the project also resuming the role of host and
general manager and will therefore be paid a basic monthly wage. Being responsible for
event bookings ahead of time they will also receive a 10% commission on each ticket sale
and 5% of event takings. The Chef will be paid a fixed amount for an average 4 hour shift
for each event whereas additional help enlisted from Farm-To-Table will also require a flatrate fee.
The Farm will receive 20% of each ticket's sale price to cover the cost of ingredients and
regeneration whereas 10% will be contributed to the upkeep and maintenance of the
venue. An initial Marketing investment will be made to secure a professional website with
user account facilitation, similar in nature to an intranet of like-minded individuals able to
connect remotely. (not in the public domain) After this only high quality glossy flyers will be
ordered for each event and represent the only real financial investment into on-going
Marketing.(Though significant investments of time and energy will be required to pursue
social media and word of mouth campaigns)
The Following provides a sample of the project continuation as for the first 9 months of
Sabor de La Selva (Prior to trading) For the full 2 year model and up-to-date revisions
please contact the author at [email protected]
Appendix A: Notes on Pop-up Restaurants
Notes on pop-up Restaurants
3 Different Types:
• Pop-up
• Semi-permanent pop-up
• Permanent Restaurant (Not a pop-up)
Typically, food is served a la carte with at least 3 courses, with a set menu and a set price
for the seat.
Average Cost for 3 course meal= £35-£55
Average Cost for 5-7 course meal= £50-£75
What is a pop-up restaurant?
'Eateries that pop up from nowhere, often at an unusual venue, or perhaps in the setting
of a private home'
Originally from prohibition speakeasies/ Cuban paladares
Rising in popularity
Ideal for up and coming chefs seeking to improve or budding restaurateurs unable
to commit full time
Unique and unusual venue and for a limited time- increasing wow factor
Often experimental menus at a premium price
1. Decide on a Purpose:Purpose Encourage more health and environmentally conscious
eating by Panama city residents and visitors. Increase awareness of Kalu Yala Farms
2. Choose a Location:- Seafront, Costera, Rooftop? Consider rent, electricity, running
3. Apply for Insurance, Permits & Licenses:- Check with existing operators, locals and
city officials to determine what is necessary and what isn't
4. Write and Price a Menu:- Research equivalent offerings, consider focus groups,
utilise jungle materials such as bamboo for authentic experience
5. Set up a Mobile Kitchen:- Only Stoves? Refrigeration? Water access? Waste
6. Set up a temporary dining room:- Collaborate with Sarah on Chairs, find a balance
between ambience and comfort. Must be easy to assemble/dissemble
Promote:- Word of Mouth, Social Media, Personal invites- critics? Possibly no marketing
and secret location in order to maintain intrigue and mystique
Appendix B: Notes on Supper Clubs
A Phenomenon that began around 2008 perhaps in response to the economic downturn,
'supper clubs' have grown immensely in popularity recently, thanks in part to the rise of
programmes such as 'Come Dine With Me', but also due to the increased usage of p2p
networks such as Airbnb and Uber, and chefs willingness to break the mould of the
mundane restaurant experience in order to try experimental dishes in an unusual location
to an open-minded audience of trendsetters. James Ramsden, who runs the Secret Larder,
emphasises that all supper clubs have a personal aspect.
The most illicit thing about supper clubs is their questionable legality. These pop-ups work
in a distinctly grey market: guests don't "pay" for their dinner, they merely offer a
"suggested donation" and, of course, they bring their own booze.
Existing Networks
Why? Bother
'SupperShare is a place where
incredible experiences are bound
Palo Alto,
to happen. We want to build
friendships and share
Phoenix, AZ
passionate conversation around the
table. We value food made with
love and conversations that come
from the heart'
Eat With Me 'Connect with interesting people by
planning or attending events to
share food and eat together'
Grub Club
Grub Club is part dining table in
your house and part experimental
kitchen, Its like your kitchen table
because it’s a great place to
socialise and get to know people;
its experimental because it’s a
space for Chefs to try out their
-'About the host section
with ratings/feedback'
-Charity Donation with
every seat sold
-Can upload and edit
menus whenever as a host
-3 step verification system
for security
Peru, Mexico
- Opportunity for hosts to
'test the water' before
committing to events.
-Latin American presence
and success
- Establish reputation
- Intuitive Website
-Heavy focus on 'Foodies'making attendees feel
valued as part of a
latest creations on a curious set of
Zoe on 'The Secret Larder', Holloway, London:
“I was apprehensive about having dinner at long tables seated next to people I had just met but it was more enjoyable
than I could have imagined. It is well worth a visit and a great way to meet new friends and fellow foodies ”
Dario on 'Kale Kitchen', San Francisco
“It was amazing having that delicious dish with such genuine people like you! ”
Appendix C: Primary Research Refinements
Originally proposed questions:
1. Which Neighbourhood do you frequent most often when eating out for special
occasions? (Multiple Choice)
A- Casco Viejo B- Bella Vista/Marbella/San Francisco C- Albrook/Clayton D- Punta Pacifica
E- Other (please specify)
2. Why is this?
A- It's convenient to get to B- My favourite restaurant(s) are there C- Other reason (please
3. How much would you consider a fair price for a meal (3+ courses) for 2 on a special
occasion (not including drinks)
A- <$25 B- $25-50 C- $50-$75 D- $75-$100 E- $100+
4. How often do you typically go out for an experience like this?
A- At least once a week B-1-3 times a month C- Less than once a month, 4 or more times a
year D- 1-3 times a year E- Less than once a year
5. What are your most important considerations when deciding on a venue for your special
night? (Circle no more than two)
A- Setting and atmosphere B- Chef's reputation C- Choice and uniqueness of dishes DRecommendations E- Service and entertainment
Peer 1 → It seems pretty OK to me. At the beginning I'd ask myself what kind of clients
would I like to target with my new potential restaurant and based on that I'd choose the
group for interviews. Right now it's not clear whom do you want to ask. And if it's
everybody randomly chosen on the street, then at the beginning you should ask them who
they are. There will be huge variances between female and male respondents, students
and employed people, blue collar and white collar workers, middle income class and high
income class, tourists and local dwellers... and many others. It's good to set up some
borders and limits so you won't find yourself with too much information (data) which are
not comparable...
Peer 2 → First of all, I think you should elaborate the idea of “pop-up restaurant”,
instead of taking it for granted that everyone understands it. Secondly, the question you
seek to answer seems to be if there is business opportunity for pop-up restaurant in
Panama city, but your questionnaire is designed to study only the behaviour of
restaurant consumers, which I consider problematic, because pop-up restaurant could
attract people who rarely dine out because of its cheap price, but this questionnaire
seems to discriminate against this group and therefore reach biased conclusion. Overall,
I believe this is an interesting topic, but you need to work to fix the discrepancy
between study object and questions asked. And also, the wording in the questions need
to be polished.
Peer 3 → Question 1- definition of "special occasion" can is not clear. Respondents may
interpret in many different ways. Additionally, it is not clear who your target respondents
are, are they residents of the area? Will they know all of these neighbourhoods?
Question 2. I think the options you have provided here are fair. Perhaps you also want to
ask a probing question about what makes their favourite restaurant special. Question 3.
Definition of drinks here again is subjective, it may be helpful to clarify if you mean
alcoholic beverages. the wording "fair price" is also subjective because what is a "fair
price" for a seafood dinner is different than a "fair price" for a hamburger. The brackets
you have provided is also overlapping...B should start at $26, C should start at $51...
Question 4. Please clarify what you mean by an "experience like this"? go out to my
favourite restaurant, or dine out for special occasion? or dine out in general? also, does
the budget affect the answer? Question 5. You asked a price question previously –
clearly important aspect of decision, but have left it out as a choice here in question 5.
Revised Questions
The first thing worth noting is that my project's direction has changed substantially, instead
of the original proposed pop-up restaurant, (which entailed many legal complications) it is
instead going to be a 'Dinner Party Club' or 'Supper Club'. For those unfamiliar with the
concept the idea is that Restaurant owners, wannabe Chefs or simply food fanatics will sell
a limited number of seats to a one-off yet sometimes recurring evening often in their own
homes with a set menu and set price known in advance. For real life examples check out
Grub Club, Eat With Me or SupperShare.
The first comment made was they were unsure who I was trying to target. I have
considered this very much and I agree that I was trying to target too broad an audience
before. By asking some additional initial demographic questions I will be able to better
segment my target market and eliminate the results that are not relevant. However in line
with the brief, some of these questions are sensitive and may make the user
uncomfortable. Should I make them optional? If I do however, I may not get a good
enough response rate to be able to segment anyway.
1. What is your nationality/ethnicity?
-Panamanian -Other Latin American -North American -European -Asian -Other (Please
2. Where is your primary residence?
-Panama -Other Latin America -North America -Europe -Asia -Other (Please Specify)
3. Which industry do you derive your main source of income from? (will be a drop down
-Accounting & Finance -Advertising/PR -Banking -Construction -Engineering -IT -Health
-Marketing -Real Estate -Recruitment/Hr -Retail -Telecomms
4. What is your annual income from this source?
-Less than $10k -$10-$20k -$20-$50k -$50k+
These are the revisions I have made for the original questions 3-5 based on feedback:
3. How much would you anticipate spending on a meal in your favourite restaurant? (Total
bill for 2 excluding alcohol, taxes and gratuities)
4. How Often do you typically eat out?
5. Excluding price, what are your most important considerations..
References #
Eating Out: The Decision Making Process, Mintel Industry Report, July 2014
Fodor's Guide to Panama, 2010
Questionnaire Design For Social Surveys, Online Course, University of Michigan 2014