St. Rose of Lima Church
St. Rose of Lima Church
St. Rose of Lima Church 269 Parkville Avenue • Brooklyn, New York 11230 Rectory (718) 434-8040 Rev. !ukasz Trocha, Pastor Sister Maureen Sullivan, Pastoral Associate Rev. José Lopez, Parochial Vicar Rev. Ilyas Gill, Pakistani Apostolate Coordinator Deacon Francis M. Pittie RECITATION OF THE ROSARY: Monday to Friday MASS SCHEDULE: At 8:40AM before the 9:00AM Mass and after the Saturday: 5:00 PM (Satisfies Sunday Obligation) 10:45AM Mass on Sundays. Sunday: 8:00 AM, 9:00 AM (Español), 10:45AM, 12:30 PM (Polish) 5:00 PM (Urdu-Pakistani) THE DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET: Monday to Weekday: 9:00 AM Saturday after the 9:00 AM Mass. Holydays: 9:00 AM and 7:30 PM RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Friday: 9:00AM to 4:00PM Tuesday through Thursday: 7:00PM to 9:00PM Saturday 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM to 12:30PM Emergency calls at any time CONFESSIONS: Saturdays from 4:00PM to 4:45PM in the lower church (or any time upon request for appointment). ANOINTING OF THE SICK: The celebration of this sacrament takes place within the 9:00AM Mass on the first Saturday of each month (or any time upon request for an appointment). WEDDINGS: Couples must make an appointment with one of the parish priests at least six months prior to their intended wedding date. MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA: Wednesdays after the 9:00 AM Mass. SPANISH CHARISMATIC Tuesdays at 7:00 PM. PRAYER GROUP: SPANISH CURSILLO ULTREA: Wednesdays at 7:00PM FILIPINO/ENGLISH MARRIAGE GROUP: Thursdays at 7:00 PM. ENCOUNTER FILIPINO APOSTOLATE: Mass and music in the Filipino language every second Sunday of the month at 2:00 PM followed by the social gathering. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES: Sunday morning from 9:00AM to 10:30AM. BAPTISMS: For Baptism in English or Español, please contact Sister Maureen. Parents must register and attend a class prior to their child’s Baptism. For Baptism in Polish please contact fr. Luke. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION AND BENEDICTION: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Saturday morning in the lower church from 8:00AM to 9:00AM. Come at any time during this Holy Hour to pray in the presence of the Eucharistic Lord. Benediction takes place at 8:50 AM. 31t Sunday in Ordinary Time November 4th, 2012 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, November 3rd 9:00 Purgatorial Society (November) Lucy Rusolo, Elwin Marcellin, Anna Quinones, Rose Bernardo, Janusz Trocha 5:00PM In Thanksgiving to All Saints SUNDAY, November 4th 8:00 + Proceso Cruz 9:00 Delfina & Maria Cox 10:45 People of the Parish 12:30PM + Rodzina Szakalskich (Polish) 5:00PM (Urdu) MONDAY, November 5th 9:00 + Lucy Rusolo TUESDAY, November 6th 9:00 Souls In Purgatory WEDNESDAY, November 7th 9:00 + Olivo Gomez THURSDAY, November 8th 9:00 + Deceased Members of the Savarese, Fusco & Coppola Families FRIDAY, November 9th 9:00 + Michael Mastellone SATURDAY, November 10th 9:00 Purgatorial Society (November) 5:00PM People of the Parish SUNDAY, November 11th 8:00 + Maria Ramos Cruz 9:00 + Lillian Lugo 10:45 + Marion & Frank Dukes 12:30PM + Rodzina Jakowlew (Polish) 5:00PM (Urdu) PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF THE PARISH Mary Lou Jean Baptist, Aida Mendez, Rosana Hidalgo Spigno, Betty Scharff, Dennis Egen, Jean Claude Louis Jean, John Cortes, Joan Spletzer, Teresa Campos, Marie Ricottone, Robert Ungaro, David Nocera, James Seidelbach, Josephine Rosado, Judy Koziara, William Howard, Paul Sanner, Dennis Sanner WEEKLY COLLECTION 1st Collection - Your Gift to St. Rose of Lima Parish 2nd Collection - Donation for Monthly Maintenance & Repairs COLLECTION COMPARISON Weekend of (10/27/12 - 10/28/12) $3960 Weekend of (10/29/11 - 10/30/11) $3881 DONATIONS FOR MONTH OF NOVEMBER Host: In Loving Memory of Peter Wojcik Donated by Mary Savage Candles: In Loving Memory of Peter Wojcik Donated by Joan Wojcik REMEMBRANCE BOOKS On November 1st, remembrance books will be placed in the front of the upper and lower church and will remain there for the month of November. We invite you to write the names of your deceased loved ones on the pages of these books. As a parish community, all of these faithfully parted will be remembered in our prayers during the “Month of All Souls”. PILGRIMAGE TO NATIONAL CENTER FOR PADRE PIO On Saturday, November 17th, St. Rose of Lima has scheduled a bus trip to Barto, Pennsylvania to visit and worship at this renowned site. The bus will leave at 8AM Sharp from behind the church on Newkirk Avenue. The cost of the trip is $40 per person. To purchase a ticket, please call the rectory at (718) 434-8040. We will also be visiting the Coventry Mall in Pottstown, PA on the way back home, with departure from the mall by 6PM. Hope you can join us. PARISH FUNDRAISER 2012 All registered parishioners have received a book of raffles in the mail. About half of the parishioners have returned their books. THANK YOU!! Please return your book by the 1st. week of November (week of November 4th). Extra books are available in the rectory. Winners will be picked up at a luncheon on November 11th at 2PM in the St. Joseph’s Cultural Center. The price of tickets for the luncheon is $30 per person. This includes hot food, soda, wine, coffee, and cake. Space is limited, so please call the rectory (718) 434-8040 to reserve your tickets. We will need a headcount for the luncheon by November 5th. Please help make this a successful fundraiser for the parish, and spend a nice afternoon with fellow parishioners and friends. Thank You. THANKSGIVING We are in need of canned vegetables and canned yams for Thanksgiving baskets for the needy families of our parish. SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT de PAUL For each car, truck or van (running or not), The Society of St. Vincent de Paul will give back to our parish $50/$100 per vehicle. If you, or maybe a friend, neighbor, or relative have an old/neglected car that you would like to dispose of, please call The Society of St. Vincent de Paul at (718) 4912525. Thank you. LOVE GOD SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES As we near the end of the liturgical year we listen to Gospel readings from the final stage of Jesus’ ministry his teaching in Jerusalem. This Sunday Jesus is in conversation with one of the scribes of the temple. In a rare occurrence Jesus and the scribe agree on the two greatest commandments - to love God with all your being and to love your neighbor as yourself. In today’s selection from Deuteronomy Moses gives this teaching to the Israelites as the core of their life of faith and prayer, and Psalm 18 echoes this prayer with the words, “I love you, O LORD, my strength” (Psalm 18:2). Jews and Christians agree that our greatest responsibility is to love the one and only God, and that we cannot claim to love God without loving our neighbor as ourselves. Sunday: Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading - The LORD, the God of your fathers, will give you a land flowing with milk and honey (Deuteronomy 6:2-6). Psalm - I love you, Lord, my strength (Psalm 18). Second Reading - Jesus is always able to save those who approach God through him (Hebrews 7:23-28). Gospel - To love God with all your heart and to love your neighbor as yourself is worth more than all burnt offerings and sacrifices (Mark 12:28b-34). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. PRAY FOR THE DEAD Let us not hesitate to help those who have died and offer our prayers for them. -St. John Chrysostom NEITHER DESPAIR NOR PRESUME Two criminals were crucified with Christ. One was saved; Tuesday: Friday: Saturday: Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time; Daylight Saving Time ends Election Day The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica St. Leo the Great TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Both the history and the theology of this Friday’s feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome make its liturgical ranking more understandable. The early Christians were forced to worship secretly until the year 313, when the Emperor Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire. Christians were then free to worship openly. The first public consecration of a church took place eleven years later; that church, built by Constantine, is known today as St. John Lateran. Until the fourteenth century the Lateran Basilica was the official seat of the bishop of Rome and it is still the cathedral of Rome. Today’s feast, then, reminds us that although our parish is our local and primary church, we are related in a special way to the universal Church, which is symbolized by the “Mother Church” in Rome. Indeed, the inscription over its east entrance reads, “Mother and Head of All Churches in the City and throughout the World.” It provides us with a physical reminder that we are all members of the same Body of Christ. -James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LESS GRUMBLING If Christians spent as much time praying as they do grumbling, they would soon have nothing to grumble about. -Anonymous do not despair. One was not; do not presume. -St. Augustine READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Phil 2:1-4; Lk 14:12-14 Phil 2:5-11; Lk 14:15-24 Phil 2:12-18; Lk 14:25-33 Phil 3:3-8a; Lk 15:1-10 Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Phil 4:10-19; Lk 16:9-15 1 Kgs 17:10-16; Ps 146; Heb 9:24-28; Mk 12:38-44 [41-44] Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time November 4th, 2012 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength; you shall love your neighbor as yourself (Deuteronomy & St. Mark) MSZA "W. W J#ZYKU POLSKIM: ! niedziele - godz. 12:30; soboty letnie - godz. 20:00 ! w !wi"ta ko!cielne - zapowiedziana godzina SAKRAMENT POJEDNANIA: ! w Pierwsze Pi#tki Miesi#ca o godz. 19:00-20:00 ! zawsze w nag$ych wypadkach lub po wcze!niejszym umówieniu si" ! w zapowiedziane soboty od godz. 16:00 (dolny ko!ció$) ! podczas rekolekcji SAKRAMENT MA!$E%STWA: ! narzeczeni proszeni s# o skontaktowanie si" z kap$anem przynajmniej 6 miesi"cy przed planowan# dat# !lubu SAKRAMENT CHRZTU: ! w trzeci# sobot" miesi#ca o godz. 12:00 (w po$udnie) BIURO PARAFIALNE: ! otwarte w godz. 9:00-16:00 & 19:00-21:00 w dni pracy; 8:00-16:30 w soboty; 9:00-12:30 w niedziele ! kontakt telefoniczny po polsku z ks. %ukaszem Trocha: u Ró&y - tel. (718) 434-8040, nast"pnie wybra& #1 w trakcie wiadomo!ci tak by us$ysze& meniu po polsku. DATY DO ZAPAMI#NIA! - WYSTAWA Zapraszamy na przyparafialn# wystaw", pod nazw# „Katy' Niespisany Testament”, organizowan# przy wspópracy z Rodzinami Katy'skimi w Nowym Jorku z grupy „Pomost Nadzieji” wraz a stowarzyszeniem „Pami"& i To(samo!&”. Wystawa po$#czona jest z prelekcj# p. Teofila Lachowicza oraz pokazem filmu dokumentalnego. Poczatek programu godz. 16:00, 4 listopada, 2012 w Centrum. Wst"p wolny. KATY% KATY% - Przyjd', spotkaj si( z histori)... ZAPRASZAMY NA NABO$E%STWA KU PAMI#CI NASZYCH ZMAR!YCH, W KA$D* NIEDZIEL# LISTOPADA O POD KONIEC MSZY "WI#TEJ. DARMOWE LEKCJE J#ZYKA ANGIELSKIEGO Osoby zainteresowane nauk# j"zyka angielskiego zapraszamy na przyparafialny kurs w poniedzia$ki, pomie"dzy godz. 19:00-20:00 w Centrum. Nauk udziela amerykanin i zawodowy nauczyciel j"zyka angielskiego. Wej!cie od Centrum od ulicy Newkirk Ave. ANDRZEJKI - ZABAWA Przed Adwentem czas na wspóln# zabaw" andrzejkow#. Bawi& go!ci b"dzie zespó$ z porzednich andrzejek, czyli, „Milano Next”. Kiedy? sobota, 1 grudnia. Gdzie? Sala przy szkole „Brooklyn Dream Academy”, wej!cie od strony Newkirk Avenue. Cena biletów? $50 od osoby. 31 NIEDZIELA OKRESU ZWYK!EGO Moj!esz tak powiedzia" do ludu: B#dziesz si# ba" Pana, Boga swego, zachowuj$c wszystkie Jego nakazy i prawa, które ja tobie rozkazuj# wype"nia%, tobie, twym synom i wnukom po wszystkie dni !ycia twego, by& d"ugo móg" !y%. S"uchaj, Izraelu, i pilnie tego przestrzegaj, aby ci si# dobrze powodzi"o i aby& si# bardzo rozmno!y", jak ci przyrzek" Pan, Bóg ojców twoich, !e ci da ziemi# op"ywaj$c$ w mleko i miód. S"uchaj, Izraelu, Pan jest naszym Bogiem - Panem jedynym. B#dziesz mi"owa" Pana, Boga twojego, z ca"ego swego serca, z ca"ej duszy swojej, ze wszystkich swych si". Niech pozostan$ w twym sercu te s"owa, które ja ci dzi& nakazuj#. Ksi!ga Powtórzonego Prawa 6,2-6 Jeden z uczonych w Pi&mie zbli!y" si# do Jezusa i zapyta" Go: Które jest pierwsze ze wszystkich przykaza'? Jezus odpowiedzia": Pierwsze jest: S"uchaj, Izraelu, Pan Bóg nasz, Pan jest jeden. B#dziesz mi"owa" Pana, Boga swego, ca"ym swoim sercem, ca"$ swoj$ dusz$, ca"ym swoim umys"em i ca"$ swoj$ moc$. Drugie jest to: B#dziesz mi"owa" swego bli(niego jak siebie samego. Nie ma innego przykazania wi#kszego od tych. Rzek" Mu uczony w Pi&mie: Bardzo dobrze, Nauczycielu, s"usznie& powiedzia", bo Jeden jest i nie ma innego prócz Niego. Mi"owa% Go ca"ym sercem, ca"ym umys"em i ca"$ moc$ i mi"owa% bli(niego jak siebie samego daleko wi#cej znaczy ni! wszystkie ca"opalenia i ofiary. Jezus widz$c, !e rozumnie odpowiedzia", rzek" do niego: Niedaleko jeste& od królestwa Bo!ego. I nikt ju! nie odwa!y" si# wi#cej Go pyta%. Marek 12, 28b-34 Co czyni&, aby nasze (ycie by$o udane? S$owo Bo(e podkre!la dzi! znaczenie przykaza' Bo(ych, a zw$aszcza przykazania mi$o!ci Boga i bli)niego. Sk#d jednak czerpa& motywacj" do ich przestrzegania, kiedy przyt$acza nas w$asna s$abo!& i grzeszno!&? Ostateczn# odpowiedzi# Boga na nasze poszukiwanie szcz"!cia nie jest przepis, lecz osoba Jezusa Chrystusa, który z mi$o!ci ofiarowa$ samego siebie za nasze grzechy. Tylko przyjmuj#c Jego mi$o!&, mo(emy naprawd" kocha& siebie i bli)nich, (yj#c w blisko!ci królestwa Bo(ego. Mira Majdan, „Oremus” Wieczne odpoczywanie racz Zmar"ym da% Panie... ESPAÑOL: !"Domingos: 9:00am. (Español) El 12 de cada mes misa en honor de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en la iglesia de abajo a las 7:30pm. Todos los segundos miercoles de cada mes tendremos la misa para los cursillistas HORARIO DE MISAS EN HORARIO DE LA RECTORIA: !"Lunes a Viernes: 9:00am - 4:00pm. Martes a Jueves: 7:00pm - 9:00pm. Sabados y Domingos: 9:00am -12:30pm. CONFESIONES: !"Sabados de 3:45pm - 4:30pm en la Iglesia de abajo (o a cualquier hora por cita) UNCION DE LOS !"Este sacramento se administra en la misa de 9:00am el primer sabado de cada mes. MATRIMONIOS: !"Las parejas deben de hacer una cita con el sacerdote 6 meses antes del dia de su boda. BAUTIZMOS: !" Favor contactar Sister Maureen. Los padres deben registrarse para una clase, antes del bautismo. 15 AÑOS: !"Queremos dar la opurtinidad para celebralos . Por favor apartar sus celebraciones de los 15 años. CELEBRACION DE LOS ADORACION AL SANTISIMO: !"Cada Sabado en la iglesia de abajo de 8:00am - 9:00pm. NOVENA A LA MEDALLA MILAGROSA LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura - Guarden los mandamientos y normas del Señor. Ama al Señor, tu Dios, con todo tu ser (Deuteronomio 6:2-6). Salmo - Ye te amo, Señor, tú eres mi fuerza (Psalm 18 [17]). Segunda lectura - Jesús permanece para la eternidad y no cesará de ser sacerdote. Él se ofreció una vez por todas por los pecados de su pueblo (Hebreos 7:23-28). Evangelio - Ama al Señor y a tu prójimo como a ti mismo. No hay ningún mandamiento más importante que estos (Marcos 12:28b-34). AMA A DIOS Al acercarnos al final del año litúrgico escuchamos las lecturas del Evangelio de la etapa final del ministerio de Jesús: sus enseñanzas en Jerusalén. Este domingo Jesús está en conversación con uno de los escribas del templo. En un hecho más bien raro, Jesús y el escriba están de acuerdo con los dos mandamientos: amar a Dios con todo tu ser y amar a tu prójimo como a ti mismo. En la selección del Deuteronomio hoy, Moisés enseña a los hijos de Israel lo que es el centro de su vida de fe y oración, y el Salmo 17 hace eco a esta oración con las palabras: “Yo te amo, SEÑOR, tú eres mi fuerza” (Salmo 17:2). Judíos y cristianos están de acuerdo en que nuestra mayor responsabilidad es amar al Dios uno y único, y que no podemos pretender amar a Dios sin amar a nuestro prójimo como a nosotros mismos. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. podamos hacer lo mismo? Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES !"Cada Miercoles despues de la misa de 9:00am. Domingo: SANTO ROSARIO: Martes: Viernes: !" Lunes a Viernes a la 8:40am antes de la misa de 9:00am. ULTREYA-CURSILLO: !"Miercoles a las 7:00 pm. EDUCACION RELIGIOSA: !"Domingos de 9:00am a 10:15am. PEREGRINACIÓN AL CENTRO NACIONAL DE PADRE PIO El sábado, 17 de noviembre, Santa Rosa de Lima ha programado un viaje en autobús a Barto, Pennsylvania para visitar y adorar en este sitio de renombre. El autobús sale a las 8am desde detrás de la iglesia en Newkirk Avenue. El costo del viaje es de $40 por persona. Para comprar un boleto, por favor llame a la rectoría al (718) 434-8040. También vamos a visitar el centro comercial de Coventry en Pottstown, PA en el camino de vuelta a casa, con salida desde el centro comercial a las 6PM. Esperamos que puedan unirse con nosotros. Sábado: Trigésimo primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario; Cambio de hora Día de Elecciones La Dedicación de la Basílica de San Juan de Letrán San León Magno CLASSES DE INGLÉS Comenzando el próximo lunes, octobre 15, habrá una clase de aprender inglés, de 7PM a 8PM en el Centro Cultural de San Jose. Las clases son GRATIS. Esos interesados de aprender inglés estan invitados. Las clases seguirán hasta el mediasto de diciembre. Trigésimo Primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 4 de noviembre de 2012 Amarás al Señor, tu Dios, con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma, con todas tus fuerzas. - Deuteronomio 6:5