young adult ministry - Cathedral of the Annunciation
young adult ministry - Cathedral of the Annunciation
CATHEDRAL OF THE ANNUNCIATION 400 West Rose Street, Stockton, California Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time / Vigésimo Quinto Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario Monday, September 21, 2015: 6:30pm: RCIA for Children: School 7:00pm: Grupo de Oración: Salon del Coro 7:00pm: Bible Study: Parish House Tuesday, September 22, 2015: 6:30pm: Legion de Maria: Escuela 6:30pm: Youth Legion de Maria: Escuela 6:30pm: Muvz Fitness Class: Gym Wednesday, September 23, 2015: 8:30am: School Mass: Church 7:00pm: Baptismal Class: School 7:00pm: Jr. High Youth Group: Gym Friday, September 25, 2015: 7:00pm: Bilingual Youth Group: School 7:00pm: Practica del Coro: Iglesia 7:00pm: “From Catholic School Student to Gang Member”: Choir Room Saturday, September 25, 2015: Sunday, September 27, 2015: 9:15am: Religious Education: School 11:15am: Educación Religiosa: Escuela 11:30am: Catecismo para Adultos: Gimnasio 2:30pm: Bautismos: Iglesia Thursday, September 24, 2015: 7:00pm: YAM Bible Study: Parish House 7:00pm: Estudio Biblico: Salon del Coro STEPHEN E. BLAIRE, D.D. Bishop of Stockton / Obispo de Stockton Rev. John M. Armistead, Pastor Parish Ministry Team / Equipo Ministerial Rev. Bill Kraft, Parochial Vicar Rev. Cesar Martinez, Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Mike Wofford, Deacon Rev. Mr. Matthew Joseph, Deacon Parish House / Casa Parroquial Danielle Silva School Principal / Directora de la Escuela 425 West Magnolia Street, Stockton, 95203-2412 Office: (209) 463-1305 Fax: (209) 463-0807 Parish Email: [email protected] Shannon Rodriguez Early Childhood Ministries / Directora Preescolar Office Hours / Horas de Oficina Yvonne Harrold Family Ministry Coordinator / Coordinadora del Ministerio para la Familia Parish School/ Escuela Parroquial Grace Ayala Director of Faith Formation / Directora de Formación de Fe Monday-Friday / Lunes-Viernes: 8:30am-5:00pm 1110 North Lincoln Street, Stockton, 95203-2412 209-444-4000 Parish Preschool / Preescolar Laura Chance Director, Youth and Young Adult Ministry / Directora del Ministerio para Jóvenes y Jóvenes Adultos 440 West Rose Street, Stockton, 95203-2412 Kathy Freitas Business Manager / Administradora Saturdays / Sábados: 5:30pm Sundays / Domingos: 7:00am, 9:00am, 11:00am, 1:00pm Español Weekdays / Entre Semana: 6:30am Al Smith Plant Manager / Director de Mantenimiento Alma Suerdieck Administrative Assistant / Asistente Administrativo Maria Bobadilla Parish Secretary / Secretaria Parroquial Genieva Zollinger Sacristan / Sacristán Patti Stone Parish Communications and Safe Environment Coordinator / Comunicaciones Parroquiales y Coordinadora de Ambiente Seguro Parish Nurses / Enfermeras de la Parroquia Norah Lamond, R.N. Ginny Wallace, R.N. Nola Moccafiche, R.N. 209-463-1305 209-465-2961 Schedule of Masses / Horario de Misas SACRAMENTS / SACRAMENTOS Reconciliation / Reconciliación Wednesdays / Miércoles: 7:00pm - 7:30pm Saturdays / Sábados: 8:30am - 9:30am Baptism / Bautismo English: 1st and 3rd Sundays, 2:30pm, Español: 2o y 4o Domingo, 2:30pm Marriage / Matrimonio Arrangements must be made at least 6 months in advance of wedding date. /Arreglos para una boda deben de ser hechos con seis meses de anticipo. A Note From Sharing Our Daily Bread Ministry . . . Opening Rally This Weekend The Opening Rally for 40 Days for Life is this Sunday, September 20th, at 4:00 p.m. at the Pregnancy Help Center, 829 Rosemarie Lane, Stockton. Come enjoy fellowship and gather inspiration for the 40 days ahead. There will be a craft table for the kids, and taco dinners will be available for $6.00 (includes two tacos, rice and beans). 40 Días por La Vida El Mitin empieza este fin de semana Este fin de semana Domingo 20 de Septiembre es el mitin de 40 Días por la Vida, a las 4:00 de la tarde en el Pregnancy Help Center, 829 Rosemarie Lane, Stockton. Ven y disfruta de la convivencia y toma inspiración para los 40 Días que vienen. Habra una mesa de manualidades para los niños, y platos de tacos por $6.00 (esto incluye dos tacos, arroz y frijoles). Words to live by… Choose Life "At the center of non-violence stands the principle of love." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr. ~ Flowers on the altar in loving memory of Victoria Garcia Campos We thank you on behalf and in the name of those 240 recipients that were provided with food assistance last month because of your generosity...among the recipients were families, individuals and senior citizens. This month’s numbers: 125 parcels containing canned vegetables, soup, rice, beans and pasta including the much needed cereal and peanut butter; 7 cases/multi-paks of various food items including cup of noodles; plus 7 boxes of various non-perishable food items were collected last weekend. Special thanks to those persons who drop off their food donation at the Parish Office before going out of town. We offer you our heartfelt appreciation for your faithful support of this ministry. Una nota del Ministerio Compartamos Nuestro Pan . . . Le damos las gracias en nombre de aquellos 240 beneficiados que se les proporciono con alimentos el mes pasado gracias a su generosidad….entre los beneficiados estan familias, personas solteras y personas adultas. Los numeros de este mes: Se colectaron este fin de semana 125 paquetes con un contenido de vegetales, sopas, pasta, arroz y frijoles y ademas de cereal y crema de cacahuate que estabamos necesitando; 7 cajas de envases multiples de varios alimentos, incluyendo fideos; mas 7 cajas de alimentos que no se estropean. Un agradecimiento en especial para aquellas personas que trajeron sus donaciones a la Casa Parroquial antes que salieran de la ciudad. Queremos ofrecerles un sincero agradecimiento por su apoyo leal a nuestro ministerio. Ongoing Faith Formation… Join the journey What’s new in Faith Formation?... A group of fifth graders in Sunday morning Faith Formation are striving to demonstrate the importance of being the hands and feet of Jesus by putting their faith into action. Next weekend - September 26th & 27th, they will be participating in their first project of the year- collecting new socks for the homeless. Their hope is to collect enough new pairs of socks to help fill a huge Christmas Stocking. Please show your support by bringing new socks to church next weekend. There will be bags in the vestibules for your donation. For this project, we will only be accepting socks and they must be new. Socks will be collected no later than September 30th. Your support is greatly appreciated. MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Join us on Friday evening, September 25th at 7:00pm the Choir Room to hear the informational and inspirational story, "From Catholic School Student to Gang Member". For questions or additional information contact Irene at [email protected] or 4631305. HIGH SCHOOL TEENS: Join us Monday, September 21st at 7pm in the gym for youth group. Come and learn about being free in Christ! YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Priest, Prophet, King Bible Study Young Adults 19-35: Starting September 24th, there will be a bible study every Thursday from 7-9pm, which will be led by one of our parishioners. If you are interested, please call the office to RSVP. Jóvenes Adultos de 19 a 35: Empezando el 24 de Septiembre, tendremos Estudio de la Biblia cada Jueves de 7 a 9 pm en la Casa Parroquial, el cual sera dirigido por uno de nuestros feligreses. Si, estas interesado, por favor llama a la oficina para reservar tu lugar. Muvz Fitness Class Young Adults: Beginning September 22nd, we will be having a workout/fitness class here at the Cathedral from 6:30-7:30pm in the gym. If you are interested, please call the Parish House to reserve a spot, but walk-ins are welcome also. Suggested donation is $3.00. Empezando el 22 de Septiembre tendremos clases de ejercicios para adultos de las 6:30-7:30pm en el gimnasio. Si, estas interesado por favor llama a la oficina para reservar tu lugar. El costo es de $3.00. Butte Fire Bundles Have you been wondering what you can do to help the victims of the Butte Fire? Well here’s your chance! On Sunday, September 27, 2015, from 8:00 A.M TO 1:00 P.M on the Annunciation Plaza, we will be collecting donations. Items especially needed are clothing, toiletries, water bottles, dry goods, snacks, animal crates of all kinds, gift cards of all kinds, Post-It notes, stationary, zip lock bags, tooth brushes, toothpaste, shampoo, children’s toys, blankets, diapers, baby wipes and reward vouchers to help victims of the Butte Fire. We hope to generate enough donations to make bundles for families and individuals. For more information, call 209-986-7794, or email [email protected]. Our Family Congratulations and blessings to the families of Marithza Sabina Lopez-Garcia, Juan Emmanuel Hernandez Estrada, Adalynn Cachua, and Ervin SaavedraPlacencia Ramirez, who were baptized last week. Please pray for those of our community who are ill, especially Elsa Patricia Ceballos, Fabian Diego Corona, Terry Costa, Jackie Ente, Maria Elena Gates, Ken Gates, Johnie Jones, Bob Harrold, Brendan Lindsay, Julissa Lopez, Raul Lopez, Stevie Lopez, Coy Lyn Odom III, and Kathleen Mendoza Reyna. Please pray for those who have passed through death into a new life with Christ, especially Cornelia Bernabe. Mass Intentions for This Week: Hey ! Lo ok a t thi s! Have you visited Annunciation’s official Facebook page? You can find us at We’d love to hear what you’d like to see on your parish Facebook page. Be sure to tell your family, friends, and fellow parishioners to check us out, also! And make sure to “like” us! AND WHILE YOU ARE ON YOUR COMPUTER … Have you visited our “new and improved” website yet? If not, go to and check it out! 9/21/15 6:30am: Matthew Harrold (Special Intention) 9/22/15 6:30am: Robert Giannecchini 9/23/15 6:30am: Robert Giannecchini 9/24/15 6:30am: Robert Giannecchini 9/25/15 6:30am: Kathleen Equinoa (Special Intention) 9/26/15 5:30pm: Alessio Menconi and Joseph Ghio Flowers for the Altar Donating flowers to adorn the sanctuary is a lovely way to remember a loved one who has passed away or to honor a friend or relative. If you would like to donate flowers, please call the Parish House at 463-1305 to reserve a date and make arrangements. DIOCESE AND COMMUNITY ST. GEORGE CHURCH AND SCHOOL FESTIVAL The St. George Church and School Festival will be held September 25th through 27th, 2015, starting Friday from 4:00-7:00pm, and continuing Saturday from 10am to 9pm, and Sunday from 9am to 9pm at 120 W. 5th Street, Stockton. There will be FOOD, GAMES and ENTERTAINMENT! Invite your family and friends! A parish SPAGHETTI AND CHICKEN DINNER will be offered Friday, September 25th, from 4:00-7:00pm, for only $10 for adults and $6.00 for children. Dinner tickets are available at the Parish Rectory, 463-3413, or from Richard Calderon, 601-1497. All proceeds go to St. George Church and School. Worldwide Marriage Encounter 6th Annual Olive Oil Festival The 6th Annual Olive Oil Festival, celebrating agriculture in the San Joaquin Valley, will be held from Noon to 5pm on Sunday, September 27th at St. Mary's High School, located at 5648 North El Dorado Street in Stockton. There will be live entertainment, wine tasting, food booths, cooking demonstrations, craft beers and more!! Visitors can stroll through the Farmers Market and Kids Zone and visit with local olive oil vendors. Live entertainment and Fun Run, too! Tickets are $5 for adults; $3 for students w/ID; Free for children 10 & under. For more information, please call Development at (209) 957-3340, ext 195 or visit RELIGIOUS VOCATION DISCERNMENT WEEKEND RETREAT MARRIED COUPLES: Marriage Encounter is a positive, simple common sense, private experience between you and your spouse, that revitalizes marriage by helping you to see again those loving qualities in each other that you may be taking for granted. Have you ever thought about becoming a Sister? Single Catholic women ages 18-40 are invited to a prayerful and reflective Religious Vocation Discernment Weekend Retreat with the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, October 16-18, Los Altos Hills, CA. The next Marriage Encounter Weekends are: Oct 2-4, 2015 in Modesto, CA, and Feb 12-14, 2016 in Modesto, CA. Early registration is highly recommended. For reservations and more information, contact Sister Lisa Laguna, D.C., at 650-949-8890, 213-210-9903, or email [email protected] or For more information visit our website at: or contact John & Angelica at [email protected] or 209-691-0603. PRESENTATION CHURCH DEPRESSION SUPPORT GROUP Do you suffer from anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, etc.? Are you looking to share your experiences with others? Presentation Parish currently has a support group for people to gather, share and discuss issues and experiences, but you do not have to belong to Presentation to attend. All are welcome! The group is held Tuesday evenings from 6-7:00pm, St. Anne’s conference room, Presentation Church. For more information, please contact Kathleen Smith at 209-470-4169. Mike Martini 4032 N. El Dorado St. Stockton, CA 95204 For FREE LASIK Consultation call 866-325-2233 OUR CATHOLIC CEMETERIES 4600 N. Pershing Avenue, Suite D Stockton, CA 95207 OFFICE: (209) 478-5900 CELL: (209) 986-5900 [email protected] San Joaquin Catholic 719 Harding Way Stockton, CA 95201 209-466-6202 St. John’s Catholic 17871 S. Carrolton Rd Escalon, CA 95320 209-838-7134 The Only Consecrated Catholic Cemeteries in San Joaquin County. Mass is offered at the cemeteries for those entrusted to our care. Piano lessons for all ages Retirement Living at its Best! Over ten years teaching experience Private and group classes available B.M. Piano performance, UOP Ashton Roelle ¨C (408) 565-5461 [email protected] Rio Las Palmas 877 E. March Lane Stockton 209-957-4711 CALL TODAY TO SCHEDULE A COMPLIMENTARY TOUR AND LUNCH 3134 Pacific Ave. Stockton, CA 95204 Roberto A. Aguilar ARTURO VERA PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEO Specializing in Weddings Arturo Vera, Parishioner (209) 460 - 0780 Gymnastics & Cheer Tumbling instruction for all ages! FREE TRIAL CLASS! (209) 477-8978 7404 Murray Drive, Stockton Realtor® Parishioner Hablo Español CalBRE#01707444 Office: (209) 955-7907 Cell: (209) 323-9130 Efax: (209) 623-4187 E-mail: [email protected] IACOPI, LENZ & COMPANY Accountancy Corporation James J. Acosta, C.P.A. Michael Butler, C.P.A. "Parishioners" 3031 W. March Lane, Ste 300-E Stockton, CA 95219 (209)957-3691 MATTHEW W. SMITH Parishioner Commercial Industrial Residential Since 1972 SMITH HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING, INC. Commercial Kitchens · Custom Stainless Steel H.V. A/C · Ref. · Sheet Metal P.O. Box 8306 Contractors Lic. #303146 1150 N. Filbert St. PHONE 209/466-1434 Stockton, CA 95208 FAX 209/466/0452 Antonio S. Ceballos /// Fabian Ceballos /// OWNERS 2615 N. West Lane, Stockton, Ca 95205 t 209.474.9465 · f 209.478.0704 Mention this AD and Fabian’s Collision Center, Inc. Will donate $50-$100 to the Cathedral of the Annunciation D AVID M. S ILVA C E RTI FI E D PUBL I C A CC OUNTA NT (Donation amount based on total invoice) 3620 W. Hammer Lane, Suite D, Stockton, CA 95219 We work with all insurance companies. (209) 932-8740 ▪ fax (209) 932-8746 email:[email protected] Stanislaus Food Products 1202 "D" Street, Modesto 209-522-7201 Items Available At: Louie’s Frutta Market Rinaldi’s Market Podesto’s Gary S. Giovanetti Financial Services & Employee Benefits Established 1992 209-603-5460 [email protected] CHAPEL OF THE PALMS Serving Catholic Families Funeral Director M. Jim Soares 303 S. California Street 209-465-0265 Retirement Planning Medicare Covered California Health Ins. Long Term Care Eucharistic Minister Cathedral of the Annunciation MICHAEL'S PIZZA We deliver! Breakfast served every day, so swing by after Mass! 2300 W. Alpine 462-6668 Jeff Bolognini CAVAGNARO'S Shoe Repair Quality Shoe Repairing Since 1935 411 Lincoln Center 477-1578 Parishioner The Wigfall Family thanks you for your interest in “GEORGE THE PAINTER” IMPORTED CHEESE • SALAMI HOME MADE RAVIOLI FRESH SAUSAGES CUSTOM SANDWICHES 2112 Pacific Avenue Stockton, CA 95204 209-469-0108 DeYOUNG'S Memorial Chapel FD 208 601 N. California 466-8075 Shoreline Chapel FD 1479 7676 Shoreline 472-0335 HAND, MD Ophthalmology 474-2121 FINANCIAL CENTER CREDIT UNION Serving the Catholics of Stockton Diocese 18 S. Center Street 948-6024
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