Our Lady of the Mountains All sAints` dAy DÍa de todos santos


Our Lady of the Mountains All sAints` dAy DÍa de todos santos
Our Lady of the Mountains
October 25, 2015
All sAints’ dAy
DÍa de todos santos
First Reading — John’s vision of a vast throng from every
nation and people, whose robes had been made white in
the blood of the Lamb (Revelation 7:2-4, 9-14).
Psalm — Lord, this is the people that longs to see your
face (Psalm 24).
Second Reading — By God’s love, we may be called God’s
children (1 John 3:1-3).
Gospel — The Beatitudes: your reward will be great in
heaven (Matthew 5:1-12a).
Primera lectura — Visión de Juan de una muchedumbre de
todos los pueblos y naciones cuyas vestiduras habían sido
blancleadas con la sangre del Cordero
(Apocalipsis 7:2-4, 9-14).
Salmo — Señor, este es el pueblo que espera ver tu rostro
(Salmo 24 [23]).
Segunda lectura — Por el amor de Dios podemos ser llamados hijos suyos (1 Juan 3:1-3).
Evangelio — Las Bienaventuranzas: Su recompensa será
grande en el cielo (Mateo 5:1-12a).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9;
Jn 6:37-40,
Rom 12:5-16b; Ps 131:1bcde-3;
Lk 14:15-24
Rom 13:8-10; Ps 112:1b-2, 4-5, 9;
Lk 14:25-33
Rom 14:7-12; Ps 27:1bcde, 4, 13-14;
Lk 15:1-10
Rom 15:14-21; Ps 98:1-4; Lk 16:1-8
Rom 16:3-9, 16, 22-27; Ps 145:2-5, 10-11;
Lk 16:9-15
1 Kgs 17:10-16; Ps 146:7-10; Heb 9:24-28;
Mk 12:38-44 [41-44]
Sab 3:1-9; Sal 23 (2):1-6; Rom 5:5-11 o 6:39; Jn 6:37-40
Rom 12:5-16b; Sal 131 (130):1bcde-3;
Lc 14:15-24
Rom 13:8-10; Sal 112 (111):1b-2, 4-5, 9;
Lc 14:25-33
Rom 14:7-12; Sal 27 (26):1bcde, 4, 13-14;
Lc 15:1-10
Rom 15:14-21; Sal 98 (97):1-4; Lc 16:1-8
Rom 16:3-9, 16, 22-27; Sal 145 (144):2-5,
10-11; Lc 16:9-15
1 Re 17:10-16; Sal 146 (145):7-10;
Heb 9:24-28; Mc 12:38-44 [41-44]
Eight hundred years ago, the church’s practice of penance
underwent major revision as theologians, called scholastics, reflected on the practice of their day. By then, penance was normally a very secret rite, celebrated completely apart from the community. Public penance had mostly
disappeared behind the walls of monasteries and the
cloister grills of convents. The scholastics trimmed penance down to bare essentials, even sweeping aside ageold traditions like a laying on of hands and prayers of absolution. All that was left was the confessor’s simple statement, “Ego te absolvo,” “I absolve you.” In 1614 a new
ritual book tried to make penance more public and solemn. It suggested, but did not require, that the priest
wear a surplice and stole, and hear the confession in a
confessional. For the first time, we have the directive that
the priest be separated from the penitent by a screen, a
rule that some bishops applied very strictly. By the 1940s,
large numbers of Catholics availed themselves of the sacrament of confession every Saturday, and most people
thought confession was a prerequisite for Communion. In
some urban parish churches, confessionals were staffed,
usually by the junior priest, for several hours every day,
even during the celebration of Mass. It is remarkable how
quickly things changed, but as we have seen, the system
has collapsed before and what often comes next is an impulse of the Spirit, new life, and a fresh start.
En el Evangelio de san Mateo se encuentra el sermón
mas largo de Jesucristo. Abarca tres capítulos y contiene
una serie de instrucciones para quienes desean ser sus
discípulos. El famoso Sermón de la Montaña, es para Jesús
y los cristianos lo que los Diez Mandamientos son para
Moisés y los judíos. Jesús proclama la nueva Ley. La Ley de
Israel se sintetiza en los Diez Mandamientos, mientras que
la ley cristiana se resume en ocho bienaventuranzas.
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Estas bienaventuranzas son algo extrañas ya que unen
cosas completamente opuestas a la felicidad, y las beatifica. Es decir, son cosas aparentemente contradictorias:
“Dichosos los que lloran”; “felices los pobres”; “bendito tú
cuando te calumnien por causa mía”. Jesús toma lo que la
sociedad maldice y lo convierte en camino de bendición,
porque nuestros caminos y pensamientos no son los de
Dios. Dios ve mucho más de lo que podemos ver o imaginar. Por eso las bienaventuranzas son ocho y no diez, porque más que una ley para cumplir, las bienaventuranzas
son la esperanza de un nuevo día. Son la promesa de un
nuevo inicio para la humanidad, gracias a Dios.
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
5:30 pm
Ann Carruth, Suzie Kirvinskee
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:
Judy Greig, Becca Jewison, Sam Jewison
8:00 am
Mary Cernicek, John Doyle
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:
Stuart Palmer, Natalie Stewart, Barbara Whissel
10:00 am
John Dorsey, Carl Salerno
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:
Mo Ellingson, Barbara McPeak, Sarah Rock, Mary Salerno,
Joyce Sawczuk, Avelina Zárate Gómez
Our parishioners, friends, relatives and their families
who are in need of our prayers for
comfort, healing and strength.
Especially :
Mary De Temple,
Jennifer Kudar Tucker, Linda Hayes,
Ellen Landis, Deidre Shelton, Daniel Pérez,
Rick Cuddihy, Caroline Wettstone, Diane Fleming,
Joey and Rory Feek, Brittany Staub, Brylee Joy,
Sarah Staebell
And for the Souls of the Departed
Victoria Yurgalewicz, Deacon Bob Miller, José
Faustino Hernández
Please call the parish office to add names to our
prayer list. The names on the healing and repose of
souls’ lists will remain for one month. Please call the
parish office to add names again.
Monday, November 2
8:00 am
Steven Costes +
Tuesday, November 3
8:00 am
Special Intention
Wednesday, November 4
8:00 am
Kathleen McPeak
1:30 pm
John & Mamie Mortillaro
Thursday, November 5
8:00 am
John & Herta Aguirre Family
5:30 pm
John & Mamie Mortillaro
Friday, November 6
8:00 am
Special Intention
7:00 pm
No Intention
Saturday, November 7
8:00 am
Terry Heinrich
5:30 pm
Doris Laumeyer +
Sunday, November 8
8:00 am
Wallace Huigbretse +
10:00 am
Special Intention
7:00 pm
Bernhard Rietmann
The intentions listed here will be the intentions of the
priest and will not be announced to the gathered
A monthly Jackson pro-life prayer will begin on Wednesday,
November 4 at 12:00 pm. Good Samaritan Mission is our
host. It is planned for the FIRST WEDNESDAY of each
month. Please mark your calendars and spread the word.
We pray to:
1. Turn hearts and minds from a culture of death to a culture of life.
2. Discern God’s specific will for us to help end abortion
and support families in Jackson.
3. For Jackson churches to become a safe place for postabortive women & men to begin their recovery.
Do you live the beatitudes in your marriage? The next
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is
November 6–8, 2015 at Ucross WY. Contact Tom and
Mary Frances at 307-577-7456 or
[email protected].
Check out our websites at www.wwme.org or
Un grupo reunirá para orar por el fin del aborto. Tendrá
lugar en el Good Samaritan Mission. Será cada Primer
Miércoles del mes. Por favor, aparte el día y dígales a los
demás. Oramos para:
1. Transformar una cultura de culto al muerte a culto a
la vida.
2. Discernir la voluntad específica de Dios para que nosotros ayudemos a terminar el aborto y apoyar a familias en Jackson.
3. Para que las iglesias en Jackson sean lugares de confianza y sanación para mujeres y hombres que han sufrido de un aborto.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank two groups
of men in the Hispanic community who helped me in
moving stuff to the music room. One group helped to
move the piano from the chapel of the Sacred Heart to
my office. I am able to use that piano daily! The other
group helped to move filing cabinets and shelving units
from my garage to the music room. Now I have all of my
music and files at church and a place to store all of my
stuff! Your generosity of time and physical strength is
greatly appreciated! I pray that God will bless each of you
for helping! Thank you. Sincerely, Ron.
Me gustaría agradecer a dos grupos de hombres en nuestra comunidad quienes me ayudaron a mover unas cosas
a la sala de música después de unas Misas en español.
Un grupo me ayudó a mover el piano desde la Capilla del
Sagrado Corazón a mi oficina. ¡Ahora yo puedo usar el
piano a diario! El otro grupo ayudó a mover el archivo y
unas estanterías desde mi garaje a la sala de música.
¡Ahora tengo toda mi música y mis archivos en la iglesia y
un lugar donde guardarlos! ¡Tu generosidad de tiempo y
fuerza física es muy apreciada! ¡Pido que Dios les bendecirá a cada uno de Ustedes por haberme ayudado! Muchísimas gracias. Sinceramente, Ron
The Jackson Council of Catholic Women is once again selling beautiful holiday wreaths and greens. You can place
an order after any Mass from now thru November 15.
Items will be available for pick up at the Holiday Bazaar
on Saturday November 21. Proceeds from the sale
help JCCW fund various parish outreach programs
such as our annual women's spiritual program,
various reception, funeral dinners and Sunday
morning coffee and donuts. It's not too early to
plan for Christmas...plus greens make great gifts!
Contact [email protected] or
Dood at 413-2475 with any questions.
El Consejo de Mujeres Católicas está vendiendo las bellas
coronas navideñas y hojas de pino. Se puede ordenar
una corona u otra decoración después de Misa desde hoy
hasta el 16 de noviembre. Después de entregar las órdenes, las coronas y decoraciones estarán listas para
recoger el día del Bazar Solidario de Navidad, el 21
de noviembre de 9 AM-2 PM. Los fondos recaudados por esta venta ayudarán al Consejo de Mujeres
con varios programas—el anual retiro espiritual
para mujeres, varios convivios, comidas funerarias,
y el desayuno y café los domingos. Ahora es el momento
para comenzar a pensar en la Navidad…y las bellas coronas hechas de hojas frescas son buenos regalos. Contacta
[email protected] o 307-4132475 con preguntas.
In honor of All Saints Day and All Souls Day,
there will be a Book of Remembrance and a
Cloth of Remembrance on which to place
photos of your deceased loved ones. This
will be near the north entrance of the
church. We will honor the deceased in this
way for the entire month of November.
En honor del Día de Todos Los Santos y el
Día de Las Almas, habrán un Libro de Conmemoración y una Tela de Conmemoración
donde poner fotos de tus difuntos queridos.
Estarán cercas a la Entrada del Norte en la
Iglesia. Honraremos los difuntos en esta
manera durante todo el mes de noviembre.
The Knights of Columbus Council 9431, serving Our Lady
of the Mountains Church, is pleased to announce that Mr.
Mark Hamlin was the lucky winner of the beautiful Bill
Sawczuk painting raffle. The raffle proceeds reached over
$5000 and will be donated to Turning Point Pregnancy
Resource Center here in Jackson. Thank you to all that
participated in this event in support of Turning Point.
A Los Caballeros de Colombo Consejo 9431, en servicio a
Nuestra Señora de las Montañas, les complace anunciar
que el Señor Mark Hamlin fue el ganador afortunado del
bello cuadro de Bill Sawzcuk. Los fondos de la rifa llegaron a más de $5000 serán donados al Centro de Recursos
para el Embarazo aquí en Jackson. Muchas gracias a todos que participaron en este evento de Turning Point.
Parish Office Hours:
Parish Staff
Monday - Friday 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Closed for lunch 12:00 to 1:00 PM
P.O. Box 992
201 S. Jackson Street
Jackson, WY 83001-0992
Visit Our Page
Give online at:
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Mass Schedule For Our Lady of the Mountains
Wednesday-St. John’s Living Center
Viernes (Español)
Domingo (Español)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
8:30 AM to 5:30PM
Sacrament of Reconciliation
4:00-5:00 PM
6:15-6:45 PM
Sacrament of the Sick
Contact the Parish Office or Priest
Fr. Randy Oswald, Pastor
[email protected]
Fr. Louie Shea, Associate Pastor [email protected]
Rev. Mr. Doug Vlchek, Deacon
[email protected]
Rev. Mr. Bill Hill, Deacon
[email protected]
Rev. Mr. Harry Flavin, Deacon
[email protected]
Rev. Mr. Philip Wanek, Deacon
[email protected]
Ron Fabry, Director of Music
[email protected]
Tamra Hendrickson, Business Manager
[email protected]
Catherine Erbes , Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
Comité de la Comunidad Latina
Isaías Vargas 307-699-1413
German Sánchez 307-413-6259
Victorio López 208-430-0970
Javier Vázquez 307-690-3498
Si tienen alguna pregunta o duda, con mucho
gusto los ayudamos. Gracias.
Regular Meetings:
Knights of Columbus #9431
1st Thursday of each month
6:30 PM— Rosary
7:00 PM— Meeting
Jackson Council of Catholic Women
2nd Thursday of each month , Sept-May
[email protected]
Contact the Parish Office at least one month prior to date
of baptism or email [email protected]
Please contact the Parish Office at least six months prior to
your wedding date or email [email protected]
Communion for the Home Bound
Contact Parish Office
OLM Mission Churches
Chapel of the Sacred Heart
Grand Teton National Park
Holy Family
Thayne, Wyoming
Sunday at 10:30AM
Ramón García
[email protected]
(307) 690-7294
Adoración del Santísimo
Jueves 8:30 am a 5:30 pm
Sacramento de Reconciliación
Domingo 6:00pm (antes de Misa)
Educación Religiosa
Alcohólicos Anónimos
Los Jueves: 6 pm (610 W. Broadway, sala L-1)