Catholic Church
Catholic Church
fàA fçÄäxáàxÜ YEAR A Catholic Church Father John F. Kelly, Pastor Father Alvaro Pio González, Parochial Vicar Deacon Charles Sukup The Spirit comes to aid us in our weakness You taught your people that those who are just must likewise be kind (Romans 8:26-27). Jesus proposes parables to the crowds, teaching them of the reign of God (Wisdom 12:13, 16-19). Lord, you are good and forgiving (Psalm 86) (Matthew 13:24-43 [24-30]). Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil Sunday 4:00pm 9:00am & 11:00am Sunday Spanish Mass 5:00pm Mon., Wed., Fri. 8:30am Tue., Thu. 6:00pm Holy Days 8:30am & 7:00pm 6464 Gulf Breeze Pkwy Gulf Breeze, FL 32563 850-939-3020 Welcome. . . . . New Parishioners: Please register at the Welcome Table in the vestibule after Mass or stop by the office. Active Membership is determined by: St. Sylvester Parish Office Phone: 850-939-3020 FAX: 850-936-5366 Website: Email: [email protected] Hours: Monday -Thursday 9:00am to 2:00pm Registration in the parish Faithful attendance at Sunday Mass and on Holy Days of the parish through time, talent and treasure Support Monthly Finance Report Anointing of the Sick Month of June 2014 Offertory: 1,064,122.07 CSA Rebate: $31,550.39 Sharing Vision Rebate: $189,326.57 Other Income: $125,056.46 Total Income: $1,410,055.49 Operating Expenses: $1,264,773.55 Capital Improvements/Repairs: $19,150.30 Total Expenses: $1,283,923.85 Net Income: $126,131.64 Please remember to submit bulletin items to [email protected] The normal deadline for the weekend bulletin is Monday of that week by 1:00pm. Baptism Must have Baptism Preparation Class Sacraments and Services Year to Date (July 2013-June 2014) Call the parish office Religious Education Classes Offertory: $90,211.56 CSA Rebate: $2,000.31 Sharing Vision Rebate: $0.00 Other Income: $8,122.01 Total Income: $100,333.88 Operating Expenses: $97,945.82 Capital Improvements: $1,149.95 Total Expenses: $99,095.77 Net Income: $1,238.11 English classes on Second Sunday of each month English Baptisms are on Third Sunday of each month English, call Shirley Richards, 850-916-1337 Spanish classes 1st and 2nd Thurs. of each month Spanish, call Kenia Redondo, 850-357-5087 Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction First Fridays, 7:00pm Marriage Arrangements Six months in advance; please call the office Reconciliation English—Saturday 3:00-3:30pm Spanish & English--Sunday 4:30-5:00pm by appointment ROCK (1st-5th) Will resume in September EDGE (6th-8th) Will resume in September LIFETEEN (9th-12th) Will resume in September ADULT FAITH FORMATION (AFF) Various RCIC (Children) & BC (Basic Catholicism) Will resume in September RCIA (Adult) & RCIT (Teen) Will resume in September Children’s Liturgy of the Word (4-6 yrs.) Sundays during the 9:00 or 11:00am Mass. No registration is required. The teacher will call the children to the front of the sanctuary before Mass begins, and they will return during the offertory. Mass Intentions Sunday, July 20 9:00am † Kitty Schitting 11:00am † Ben Trevino 5:00pm For the Parish by The Pigoski Family by Loving Wife & Family Monday, July 21 8:30am † Ed Carron by Chick & Julie Alberghini Tuesday, July 22 6:00pm † Max Pigoski by The Pigoski Family Wednesday, July 23 8:30am † Gilma Zeledon and † George Canarte by The Dale & Grimm Family Thursday, July 24 6:00pm † Bert Wallace by Peter & Patti Brown Friday, July 25 8:30am † John Takacs by Loving Wife Rita Saturday, July 26 4:00pm † Debbie Cromwell by Jim & Monica Nolan Sunday, July 27 9:00am † Patrick McGough 11:00am For the Parish 5:00pm † Carmen Morales by Roe & Bill Trimble by The Dale Family During the month of July the Sanctuary Lamp above the Tabernacle burns in Loving Honor of The Traynor Family For World Peace and the Sick, Zoe Allen, Anissa, Selena Barthe’, Eva Becker, Kathy Benson, Donna Boldes, Dennis Boyce, Frank Brehm, Wesley Brewer, Lanie Brewster, Larry Broussard, Cindy Floda Burleson, Bob & Joyce Burns, Margie Butler, Chick Jr., Bill Combs, George & Lorraine Crepeau, Cathy Chrisco, Dale Curtis, Nancy Daniel, Thomas Doherty, Barbara Donahue, The Fremin Family, The Fontaines Family, Elsa Garcia, Carrie Grundt, Paul Hanson, Savannah Hill, The Hoskamer Family, Henry Hughes, Jerry Hutchinson, Fay Johnson, Lois Jones, Nobue Kaigler, Greg Kerry, Timmy Kurtz, Sandy Laverty, Debbie Martin, Kelly McKinney, Eryn R. Miles, Pat Miller, Carson Morton, Julie Neville, Fr. Phi Nguyen, Sharon O’Neil, Dan Ramsey, Ted & Julia Rollins, Bob Simpson, Cathy Spoffard, Brayden Starr, Gabriel Suarez, Diane Watkins, Eric Watts, Lucille Floda Williams and Penny Zickert. Please notify the Parish Office if someone is in need of prayer. Names will remain on the list for four weeks unless the office is notified. Readings for the week Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. July 21 July 22 July 23 July 24 July 25 July 26 World Library Publications 800-566-6150 Mt 12:38-42 Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 Mt 13:1-9 Mt 13:10-17 Mt 20:20-28 Mt 13:24-30 Sunday, July 27 1 Kgs 3:5, 7-12 Rom 8:28-30 Mt 13:44-52 [44-46] Each week we highlight one of our bulletin sponsors. Because of these ads we are able to get our bulletins FREE. Please Support these businesses. Our “sponsor of the week” is: Mi 6:1-4, 6-8 Mi 7:14-15, 18-20 Jer 1:1, 4-10 Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13 2 Cor 4:7-15 Jer 7:1-11 If you and/or your family would like to present the GIFTS during Mass, please see the LEAD USHER before Mass. DO Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. --Theodore Roosevelt REFLECTION…………... Week At A Glance Year A Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Overcoming weakness Readings: Wisdom 12:13, 16-19 (on God’s mercy) Romans 8:26-27 (the intercession of the Spirit) Gospel: Matthew 13:24-30 (the parable of the weeds) Key Passage: Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. QUESTIONS? Adult— What weakness can the power of the Spirit help you overcome? Child— When will you need the help of the Holy Spirit this week? WORDS AND WEEDS A man of words and not of deeds Is like a garden full of weeds. --Anonymous nursery rhyme Needs of Interfaith Ministries please help those less fortunate: Juice Snacks Sugar Canned Chicken Boxed Meals Jelly Meats for FREEZER (Hamburger, Pork, Chicken) Dish Soap Laundry Soap Diapers size 3 Diapers size 4 Baby Wipes THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY Sunday 9 & 11am Sunday Masses July 20 4:30pm Reconciliation (Spanish & English) 5pm Spanish Mass Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday 8:30am Daily Mass July 21 7:30pm Grupo Oracion St. Lawrence of Brindisi Tuesday 6pm July 22 6pm Daily Mass Paradise Prdctns St. Mary Magdalene Wednes- 8:30am Daily Mass 6pm Paradise Prdctns day Choir Practice July 23 7pm St. Bridget Thursday July 24 6pm 6pm 7pm 7pm Daily Mass Paradise Productions Choir Practice Knights of Columbus Assembly St. Sharbel Makhluf Friday July 25 8:30am Daily Mass Saturday July 26 7am St. James 3pm 4pm EDGE CAR WASH/ YARD SALE Reconciliation Vigil Mass Ss. Joachim and Anne Sunday 9 & 11am Sunday Masses July 27 4:30pm Reconciliation (Spanish & English) 5pm Spanish Mass AA Meetings in Activity Center Mon-Sat at noon. Life Inc. Satellite here at St. Sylvester Catholic Church is now open: (Note new hours) Mon and Thu 5-7pm Tue and Wed 6-8pm Services offered are, help with: Maternity Home Pregnancy test Pregnancy counseling Earn while you learn program Material assistance Referrals For an appointment call 850-862-9020 The 'One Thing' is Three, is the third study in the series of the Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, Hearts Afire Parish Program. This study will begin on Tuesday, July 15, at 6:45pm in room #202 using Fr. Gaitley's book "The 'One Thing' is Three" and study companion. The purpose is to give group members a kind of crash-course in Catholic theology and to offer various opportuni es, ideas, and support for works of mercy. The members of the group will discern and choose an apostolate, individually, as a group, or both. This is a 10-week study and you do not have to have completed the 33 Days to Morning Glory and the Consoling the Heart of Jesus studies. To register or for more informa on contact Betsy Bowser 850-292-8349 or email [email protected]. In May, our parish started praying for vocations with the “Elijah Cup.” Praying for religious vocations is a responsibility and privilege of the laity. The “Elijah Cup” is a chalice that was presented to the Barrett family at the conclusion of Mass by Bishop Gregory L. Parkes. The Barrett family took the “Elijah Cup” home and used it as a focal point while praying daily for an increase in religious vocations. In successive weeks, the “Elijah Cup” is passed to other families at the conclusion of Mass. This program is promoted by the Serra Club of Pensacola. If you’d like to be a part of this prayerful experience or for more information contact Betsy Bowser by e-mail [email protected] or call 850-292-8349. Chet, Mary Ann Watts and family receiving the Elijah Cup 7/13/2014. Young Adult News from Sister Margaret Pensacola/Navarre: Young Adults BBQ and Game Night at 3 pm at Chris Fernandez’s House. Check facebook for details. Fort Walton Beach/Niceville/Santa Rosa Beach/Navarre Young Adult Bible Study: Join other young adults on the first and third Wednesdays of the month at Angelina & Bart Land's home in Mary Esther. We have a potluck dinner together and study scripture together. Please text or call Angelina at (850) 368-7609 for directions. Theology on Tap will be Thursday, July 24th. Congratulations! # 228 Paulette Rollant 50.00 winner of the Knights of Columbus 2nd Sunday of the month calendar drawing that took place 7/13/2014. YOU CAN BE A WINNER TOO!!! Knights of Columbus 2014 Calendars are available for a $25.00 donation. This makes you eligible for a $50.00 drawing every other Sunday, $50.00 drawing on 12 Holidays, $100.00 drawing on the first and third Sundays of each month and two $500.00 drawings, one July 4th, the other December 16th 2014. The total to be given away and you will be eligible to win is $5,400.00. All these chances to win equal 66! Still only 400 calendars sold. These make GREAT gifts! The 83rd Annual Educational Conference of the Catholic Medical Association will take place September 25-27 in Orlando. The conference is titled “Courage in Medicine: Defending the Faith in the New Evangelization.” Additional conference details and registration can be found at: events/annual_educational_conference/ Buy more than one year at a time and lock in your rate! If you renew early, you do not lose time on your previous subscription. Lifeteen youth mission work in progress!!!! ! ! ! ! ! e t a D e Save th ! d r 3 & d n 2 , August 1st Check us out at And LIKE us on our Facebook page! K I D C O S K I D S R N E R P A G E NOTICIAS PARROQUIALES VISITA LA PAGINA DEL MINISTERIO HISPANO ESTAS EMBARAZADA? ¿NECESITAS AYUDA? ¿ PENSEMOS... La fraternidad tiene necesidad de ser descubierta, amada, experimentada, anunciada y testimoniada. Pero sólo el amor dado por Dios nos permite acoger y vivir plenamente la fraternidad. Life Inc. Satellite esta aquí en St Sylvester para ayudarte HORARIO Lunes y Jueves 5-7pm Papa Francisco Martes y Miércoles 6-8pm Los servicios que ofrece para ayudarte son: Albergue o centro materno Prueba de embarazo Consejería durante el embarazo Ganar durante el aprendizaje del programa Artículos Recomendaciones Para pedir una cita llama al 850-862-9020 MEXITEL es el servicio telefónico gratuito para los mexicanos que deseen obtener una cita para el trámite de expedición o canje de matrículas consulares y/o pasaportes. 1-877-639-4835 En los Consulados Móviles NO SE ACEPTAN pagos con tarjeta de crédito, débito y money order SOLO EN EFECTIVO Mayor información visitar la página web: Clases de Educación Religiosa ROCK (1-5 grado) Reinicia en Septiembre EDGE (6-8 grado) Reinicia en Septiembre LIFETEEN (9-12 grado) Reinicia en Septiembre RCIC y BC\ (Catolicismo Básico) Reinicia en Septiembre RCIA (Adultos), RCIT (Teen) Contactar la Oficina de Educación Religiosa Liturgia de la Palabra para niños de 4-6 años de edad Domingos durante la misa de las 5:00 pm en español No se requiere inscripción. Grupo de 3ra Edad : 3er martes de cada mes 3:00 pm Pastoral de parejas: 3er martes de cada mes 7:00 pm Grupo de Oración: Lunes 7:30 pm Mar, Jul 22 1-8pm Miér, Jul 23 1-8pm Jue, Jul 24 1-8pm Vie, Jul 25 1-8pm Sáb, Jul 26 10am-5pm Mar, Ago 19 1-8pm Miér, Ago 20 1-8pm Jue, Ago 21 1-8pm Vie, Ago 22 1-8pm Sacramentos y Servicios Para todos los ciudadanos mexicanos les informamos que los CONSULADOS MOVILES Y JORNADAS SABATINAS volverán a visitar el área: Pensacola Sábado 26 y Domingo 27 de julio, 2014 7250 Plantation Road, Pensacola, FL 3250 Quincy: Sábado 25 y Domingo 26 Octubre, 2014 PAEC 315 N Key St., Quincy, FL 32351 TOMATE TUS FOTOS PARA EL DIRECTORIO DE LA PARROQUIA. Puedes registrarte en la oficina de lunes a jueves, o llamando al 850-939-3020 o en línea en Unción de los enfermos: Llamar a las oficinas de la parroquia 850-939-3020. Bautismo: Clases para la Preparación del Bautismo: primer y segundo jueves de cada mes a las 7:00 pm. Registrarse primero con Mayra Lucero 850-797-0256 o Kenia Redondo 850-357-5087 de lunes a jueves 9:00 am a 2:00pm. Matrimonio: Con seis meses de anticipación. Favor llamar a las oficinas de la parroquia Reconciliación o Confesión: Domingos de 4:30 a 5:00pm Knights of Columbus Installation of Officers 2014 THIS WEEK STARTS A NEW SESSION, BOOK NOW!!!! DATES TIMES Tue, Jul 22 Wed, Jul 23 Thur, Jul 24 Fri, Jul 25 Sat, Jul 26 1-8pm 1-8pm 1-8pm 1-8pm 10am-5pm Tue, Aug 19 Wed, Aug 20 Thur, Aug 21 Fri, Aug 22 Sat, Aug 23 1-8pm 1-8pm 1-8pm 1-8pm 10am-5pm Make your appointment NOW online at OR Call the office at 939-3020 EDGE students will put on a yard sale and car wash Saturday July 26 from 7am-12pm. We will be selling car wash tickets for $10 after all Masses this weekend. If you would like to donate yard sale items please bring them to the youth office during office hours. Monday-Thursday 9-2. Thank you so much for your support! Eileen Eley EDGE Coordinator (732)882-2399.
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Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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