4th Sunday - St. Paul Church


4th Sunday - St. Paul Church
11th Sunday in
June 12, 2016
Ordinary Time
The Week Ahead
Mon – Fri: Morning Prayer 7:30 a.m.; Daily Mass 8:00 am
S 12
Dear friends in Christ,
M 13
If last weekend outside was any indication,
summer is most certainly upon us! I am sure
that most of you would agree that having the
air conditioning installed this past December
and January was a good investment. Thank
you to all who were involved in the HVAC
T 14
W 15
The summer months for most of us means life
slows down a bit: religious education &
sacramental prep classes are finished, school
is out, college students are home, and BBQ’s
and vacations are planned. If you plan on
traveling this summer, don’t forget to include
Sunday Mass in your itinerary! If you are not
sure where the nearest Catholic church is as
you roam about, check out MassTimes.org
online for the Mass nearest you! May everyone
have a safe and enjoyable summer!
S 19
In Christ,
Rev. Basil Lawrence, OSB
Financial Stewardship
Needed Weekly: $ 7,313 / Monthly: $ 29,250
June 5
June Parish Pay
$ 7,300
Th 16
F 17
S 18
Spanish Mass
Rosary for Howard Wurdinger
Funeral Mass for Howard W.
Hispanic Charismatic Group
Adult Choir Practice
Youth Movie Night
“The Princess Bride”
Knights of Columbus mtg
Youth Choir Practice
Spanish Mass
8 & 10:30 am
12 pm
10 am
10:30 am
7 pm
6:30 pm
7 pm
7 pm
7 pm
4 pm
4 pm
5 pm
8 & 10:30 am
8 am – 12N
12 pm
A Christian is: a mind through which Christ thinks,
a heart through which Christ loves, a voice through
which Christ speaks, and a hand through which
Christ helps.
~St. Augustine of Hippo
Mass Intentions
M 13
T 14
W 15
Th 16
F 17
S 18
S 19
----Priest’s Intentions
+ Howard Wurdinger Sr.
----+ Joyce Weigel
No morning Mass
+ Mickey Volker from John & Diane Bizon
+ Joann Beyer from Bob & Jan Schaefer
St. Paul Parishioners
We Remember…
$ 7,300
Parishioners are encouraged to donate one hour’s
pay per week to the parish, or 3% of income. The
motive for this generosity is thankfulness for God’s
goodness to us.
Howard Wurdinger Sr., who passed away this week.
Rest in peace, gentle man.
Senior Spirit Lunch will be Tuesday June 21
at 11:30 am. Please make plans to join us for
Fr. William’s final attendance at this event.
Pastoral Council
As you enjoy your summer vacation,
please don’t forget to make your weekly or
monthly Offertory contribution, because
parish expenses don’t go on vacation!
Marilyn Terhaar
Victor & Ana Nava
Betty Jean Cordill
Mary Dunbar
Mindy Doeden
Katie Edmonds*
Bill Wolfard
Patrick Fogarty
Phil Appleton
Jon Edmonds
Finance Council:
Laura Salgado
Mary Fogarty
Clarissa Bay
Judy Lowery
Kathy Beutler*
*Council Chair
June 12, 2016
Readings for the Week
We Pray…
1 Kings 21:1-16
Matthew 5:38-42
1 Kings 21:17-29
Matthew 5:43-48
2 Kings 2:1, 6-14
Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18
Sirach 48:1-14
Matthew 6:7-15
2 Kings 11:1-4, 9-18, 20
Matthew 6:19-23
2 Chronicles 24:17-25
Matthew 6:24-34
Zechariah 12:10-11; 13:1 Galatians 3:26-29
Luke 9:18-24
For those who are ill in body and spirit, may they feel
God’s healing in their lives. We pray especially for:
Adam Buhr, Betty Zander, Marilyn Terhaar,
Aurilie Olson, Paul Buchheit, Mary Corsetti,
Andy & Marilyn Schemmel, Jim Hupp, Zach Power,
Claudia Cunningham, Howie Wurdinger,
and all who have asked for our prayers.
Names will be removed after 45 days unless otherwise updated.
For those receiving care at home or in a
healthcare facility:
Elmira Boehmer, Pauline Beals,
Joyce Manahan, and Carolyn Ilg.
Let us trust in him who has placed this burden
upon us. What we ourselves cannot bear let us
bear with the help of Christ. For he is allpowerful, and he tells us: “My yoke is easy, and
my burden light.”
“Open your heart, open your mind, and
open your soul to the miracles God
wants to work in and through you.”
~Matthew Kelly
~St. Boniface
From “Rediscover Catholicism”
Parish News & Events
We Congratulate and Offer ourThanks… and Welcome!
Thank you to our retiring members of Pastoral Council: Marilyn Terhaar, Victor & Ana Nava, and Betty
Jean Cordill. Thanks also go to retiring Finance Council members Bill Wolfard and Patrick Fogarty. We
commend you for your commitment to being an integral aspect of seeing our parish develop and grow throughout
the duration of your terms. Our grateful thanks go with you.
Congratulations to incoming Finance Council members Tom Unger and Chris Fleshman, and to Pastoral
Council members Jenelle Gasper, Annmarie Hare, and Evelin Vazquez. As we seek to move forward with the
current projects and issues our parish is facing, your commitment to serve is a powerful testament of your devotion
to our Parish. Congratulations and Welcome!
A special THANKS to all those who were nominated and said “YES” to the opportunity to serve in our parish on one
of the open council positions. Your devotion to our parish is noted and appreciated. You are an asset by your
willingness to step up and help strengthen our parish.
Looking Forward / Upcoming:.
Car Wash Sunday June 19 from 8 am – 12Noon, with proceeds to benefit Youth attending
Senior Spirit Lunch will be Tuesday June 21 at 11:30 am. Please make plans to join us for
Fr. William’s final attendance at this event.
Farewell Reception for Fr. William on June 25 – 26
o Saturday 6 pm reception after Mass in the Parish Hall
o Sunday, a Potluck reception 1 – 3:30 pm in the Parish Hall
Second Collection for the Collection of the Holy Father on June 26
K of C Oktoberfest Sausage Booth, September 15 - 18
Parish Auction: February 4, 2017 (You may bring in donations any time!)
On our recent 5,300 Mile "drive about" through God's gorgeous West and Southwest we stopped in northern Tucson
at the foot of the Catalina Mountains to check up on Dan & Helen Nunez on their recently purchased 2 1/2 acre plot
and to see their new modular home. Dan had prepared a spot next to the house to back in our 5h wheel complete
with all "full hookup" amenities! Being back in the warmer climate has been good for them both! They asked us to
extend their greetings to their St. Paul family and to invite any who travel their way to stop in for a visit...mailing
address is 3725 South Aldon Road Tucson, AZ 85735 and e-mail [email protected]
~Pat & Mary Fogarty
June 12, 2016
YOUTH: Check the bulletin and Facebook page throughout the
summer for info on movie nights, events and other activities.
Wednesday Movie: The Princess Bride: A kindly grandfather sits down with his ill grandson and reads
him a story. The story is one that has been passed down from father to son for generations. As the
grandfather reads the story, the action comes alive. The story is a classic tale of love and adventure as
the beautiful Buttercup, engaged to the odious Prince Humperdinck, is kidnapped and held against her
will in order to start a war. It is up to Westley (her childhood beau, now returned as the Dread Pirate
Roberts) to save her. On the way he meets a thief and his hired helpers, an accomplished swordsman
and a huge, super strong giant, both of whom become Westley's companions in his quest.
Next Wednesday: Remember the Titans
In the Area
SACA (Silverton Area Community Aid) is looking for volunteers on a weekly basis and for
special events. Please call our Volunteer Coordinator, Jennifer, if you would like to volunteer
at 503-873-3446.
65th Annual Silverton Hills Strawberry Festival, June 19, 11 am – 5 pm. Father’s Day bring Dad to
the 65th Annual Strawberry Festival at Silverton’s Coolidge McClaine Park. Enjoy crafts, music, food,
beer garden, and of course: STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE with a second helping of strawberries!
This year the strawberries, while supplies last, are FREE! As a special THANK YOU for almost 100
years of support, Silverton Health is picking up the entire tab! As Silverton Health transitions to
Legacy Heath, the Silverton Health Governing Board decided to do something special for a special
community. What better way than treating the town to this long-time tradition!
As Christ’s sons and daughters we are called to be imitators of Him; to die to our selfish,
self-centered ways and follow him. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is
August 27th - 29th at Our Lady of Peace Retreat Center in Beaverton, Oregon. For more
information call 503-853-2758 or apply on-line at www.rediscoverthespark.org. Additional
dates and locations are listed on-line.
The monks of Mount Angel Abbey invite you to dine, drink, play and pray with them at the Saint
Benedict Festival on Saturday, July 9. They will share Willamette Valley wines and seasonal beer from the
abbey’s Benedictine Brewery. A farm-to-fork picnic will celebrate the bounty of local farms and
ranches. Monks will lead behind-the-scenes tours of Abbey art and treasures. Guests can challenge monks to
lawn games such as bocce ball and croquet. The festivities will open with chanted noon prayers and close with
4 p.m. Vespers in the Abbey church.
The adults-only event costs $50 per person, which includes picnic, beer and wine, parking and all
activities. Buy tickets online (https://www.mountangelabbey.org/saint-benedict-festival-2016/) or by sending a
check to Abbey Foundation of Oregon, PO Box 497, Saint Benedict, OR 97373-0497.
Questions: [email protected] or (503) 845-3064.
June 12, 2016
Escucha, Señor, mi voz y mis
Mes de JUNIO
Recemos el Sto. Rosario
en Familia
Mes del Sagrado Corazón
Oficina de la parroquia
Horario de Lunes a viernes 9:00am – 2:30 pm
Teléfono: 503-873-2044
Coordinadora de Eucaristía, Coordinadora de Lectores,
Ministerio Hispano, Clases Pre-Bautismales: Sr Rocio
Información sobre Matrimonio: llamar al padre William
6 meses de anticipación o con Sister Rocío Moreno OSB
Confesiones: durante la misa del sábado y Domingo
Misas los Domingos 8:00am10:30am (Ingles)
12:00pm (Español)
Misa diaria: De Lunes a Viernes a las 8:00am
DOMINGO 19 Junio de 2016
Ministros de Eucaristía:
1. Yesenia Martinez / Rosalba Gómez
2. Lupita y Ernesto Santos
Primera Lectura: Yoselín Galicia
Segunda Lectura: Narcy de la Cruz
1. Jesse Gómez
2. Niña de Elisa Galeno
3. Yesenia Gaspar
Boletín: Niños
(supervisados por mayores )
clamores y ven en mi ayuda,
Dios salvador mío.
Aquí en la Parroquia San Pablo. Todos los
lunes de las 7:00pm hasta las 9:00 pm
Tenemos música, cantos, alabanza y oración
para alabar a nuestro Padre Dios. Tenemos
también predicadores especiales que vienen
de lejos a proclamarnos la Palabra de Dios, y a
guiarnos en la oración y nos motivan todo el
tiempo en la Oración. Cada lunes venimos aquí
seguros de que hay alguien que nos espera
y va a escuchar nuestros problemas y
necesidades que tenemos. Sabemos que Dios
está presente escuchando y atendiendo las
suplicas de todos los que se acercan y lo
buscan. VEN, Búscale y pídele!*
Oremos unidos por los
Por la Paz del Mundo y
en especialmente por las
de nuestras familias.
Se invita a todas las personas que gusten participar en la convivencia que vamos a tener el
domingo 26 de Junio después de la Sta. Misa, para agradecer al Padre William todo lo que ha hecho
por nuestra comunidad estos 13 Años que ha estado con nosotros como PASTOR de esta Parroquia de
San Pablo.
La convivencia va a ser de traje. (Traer rica comida para compartir con los demás) las dos
comunidades nos reuniremos para compartir y estar juntos en esta convivencia. LOS ESPERAMOS!!
June 12, 2016
2 LIBRO DE SAMUEL: 12, 7 – 10. 13
La escena destaca sobre todo la misericordia de Dios para con el pecador arrepentido. Así, la misericordia es una
prueba más de cómo ama Dios al hombre, como en el caso de David.
Por qué has despreciado tú la palabra del Señor, haciendo lo que a él le parece mal? Mataste a
espada a Urías el hitita y te quedaste con su mujer.”
David no se portó bien; no se hizo acreedor de los favores divinos; abusó de su poder; no se hizo uso recto de los
dones, que Dios le había dado.
SAN PABLO A LOS GALATAS: 2, 16. 19 – 21
Hermanos, como sabemos que el hombre no es justificado por las obras de la Ley, sino por la fe en
Jesucristo, hemos creído en él, para ser justificados por la fe Cristo y no por las obras de la Ley: en efecto,
nadie será justificado en virtud de las obras de la Ley. Ahora bien, si al buscar nuestra justificación en Cristo,
resulta que también nosotros somos pecadores, entonces Cristo está al servicio del pecado. Esto no puede
ser, porque si me pongo a reconstruir lo que he destruido, me declaro a mí mismo transgresor de la Ley.
Pero en virtud de la Ley, he muerto a la Ley, a fin de vivir para Dios. Yo estoy crucificado con Cristo, y ya no
vivo yo, sino que Cristo vive en mí: la vida que sigo viviendo en la carne, la vivo en la fe en el Hijo de Dios,
que me amó y se entregó por mí.
SAN LUCAS: 7, 36 –8, 3
7, 36 - 50 .
Esta es una mujer que había decidido seguir a Jesús. No dice una palabra, pero habla con sus acciones. Es una mujer
detallista. Tiene disposición e iniciativa. Va decidida. Entra en una casa donde no es bienvenida. De acuerdo a las costumbres de
esos tiempos, lo que hace con respecto a Jesús, socialmente hablando, es inapropiado. Esta mujer expresa sus emociones y
agradecimiento. Está llorando. El llanto refleja lo que siente en el interior. Posiblemente recordaba sus pecados. Se desborda a los
pies de Jesús enjugándolos con su cabello y ungiéndolos con perfume. Es una acción que es indicio de profundo agradecimiento. Al
hacer esto, toma el rol del anfitrión. Jesús mismo lo dice más adelante en la narración. Y no lo hizo porque alguien se lo ordenó,
como se les ordenaba a las personas sirvientes; lo hizo porque fue movida por lo que había en su corazón. En su corazón había
agradecimiento. En adición, ella fue más allá del protocolo que se esperaba de Simón, el anfitrión.
En vez de usar una vasija con agua y una toalla como era la costumbre de esos tiempos, utilizó sus propias lágrimas y su
cabello para lavar y secar los pies de Jesús. Se esperaba que el anfitrión besara a su huésped; ella besó fervientemente los pies de
El evangelio de hoy nos habla del episodio de la mujer que fue acogida por Jesús durante una comida en casa de Simón,
el fariseo. Uno de los aspectos de la novedad que la Buena Nueva de Dios trae es la actitud sorprendente de Jesús
hacia las mujeres.
En la época del Nuevo Testamento, la mujer vivía marginada. No participaba en la
sinagoga, no podéis ser testigo en la vida pública.
Muchas mujeres, sin embargo, se resistían contra
esa exclusión. Lc 7,36-50 “Tu fe te ha salvado. Vete en paz”. El Señor es capaz de mirar en la profundidad de nuestro
corazón y de nuestra alma. No hay nada que podamos ocultarle, porque allí, donde todos somos uno, Él lo sabe todo.
¿Por qué siempre estamos fijándonos con envidia a los demás? Que si les es más fácil, que si recibieron más, que si
tienen menos penas, menos dolor, menos sufrimiento. ¡Qué sabemos nosotros de lo que anida en los corazones de
nuestros hermanos!
¡No juzguemos! ¡Demos siempre lo mejor de lo que podemos, lo mejor de nosotros, lo mejor que tenemos, sin
mirar a quien, sin detenernos a ver si lo merece o no! ¡No somos quién para juzgar y decidir lo que cada quien merece!
Fijémonos en nuestros pies, en nuestras manos, en nuestros sentidos, en nuestros pensamientos, en nuestros
corazones. Escojamos siempre lo mejor, lo bueno, lo que nos hace santos…el servicio humilde, sin esperar recompensa,
ni compensación, que Dios que lo ve y sabe todo, sabrá apreciarlo.
Pongamos nuestra mirada en Él y hagamos todo por Él y para Él. Hay algo más que deseo comentar respecto
a este pasaje, y es el poder que tiene el Señor de purificarnos, de perdonarnos. No sólo puede curar nuestros cuerpos y
aliviar nuestras penas, sino también limpiar nuestras almas, concediéndonos el perdón de todos nuestros pecados.
Él no pierde la esperanza en nosotros y sin importar cuan pecadores somos, sin reparar en nuestras faltas, sin importar
cuan grandes o cuan pequeñas sea y sin distinción, nos concede el perdón, para que andemos por la vida como niños,
inmaculados, brillantes como el sol. Él alivia nuestras cargas, nuestros pesares, nuestros errores, nuestras ofensas,
nuestras metidas de pata, nuestros pecados y nos alienta a seguir por el camino del bien, dejando esa carga pesada en
sus manos, para que puedas decir: “Hoy es el primer día del resto de tu vida.
June 12, 2016
Habitat Fundraiser: House That Beer Built Summer Passport
Raise a glass to build a home! Enjoy 30 pints from 30 locations for $30. This passport
allows you one free pint at 30 different breweries, pubs and restaurants in the Northern
Willamette Valley from June 1st to August 31st, 2016. All money raised from the sale of
the passports goes to North Willamette Valley Habitat for Humanity to cover the
construction cost of a single-family home build for a hard-working, low-income family in our
community. For more information, to view participating locations and to purchase your
passport please visit: http://www.nwvhabitat.org/the-house-that-beer-built/
June 16, 17 18 9 am – 7 pm
Union Street NE between Liberty and Commercial
(395 Marion St NE, Salem)
All proceeds used to help save the unborn baby.
Saint Benedict Festival ’16 at Mount Angel Abbey Feed Your Body, Nourish Your
Soul! Spend a summer afternoon and picnic with the Monks. Saturday July 9. Noon
prayer (12pm) to Vespers (4pm). Come and enjoy: Catered farm – to – fork cuisine by
Bon Appitit, Oregon wines and beer from the Abbey’s own Benedictine Brewery, Live
music, lawn games with the monks, behind-the-scenes Hilltop tours and presentations,
Abbot’s Attic Sale, featuring mementos and “monk stuff” from the cloister, Abbey
Marketplace featuring monastic crafts and silent auction prizes, warm greetings at the
library, guesthouse, Abbey Church, and more!
Tickets are $50 each and include the catered picnic, beer, wine, and all activities.
ORDER TICKETS ONLINE AT: www.mountangelabbey.org/Saint-Benedict-Festival-2016
Proceeds support the Mount Angel Abbey library, guesthouse and monastery.
Prayers for Our Military: Please pray for our parishioners, relatives, and friends of our parish family
who are serving their country in the Armed Forces.
We 1thank
the advertisers
the back page for their generosity in allowing our bulletin to be printed
1:10-15, 41-43,
Luke 18:35-43
weekly at no cost to our parish.
Because of them we are able to enjoy this new expanded bulletin .
2 Maccabees 6:18-31
Luke 19:1-10
2 Maccabees 7:1, 20-31
Luke 19:11-28
1 Maccabees 2:15-29
Luke 19:41-44
who would
an easier and automated way of tithing to our parish, we have contracted
1 Maccabees
S ParishPay.
1 Maccabees
Luke 20:27-40
On 6:1-13
a day you select
each month they will electronically take the monthly amount you sign up for out
Daniel 7:13-14
1:5-8 card. If this is something in which you would like to participate, or if you
of S
your checking
or savings account,
or credit
John 18:33b-37
have any questions, please contact the Parish Office. You may look them up online at www.ParishPay.com.
Prayers for Our Military Please pray for our parishioners, relatives, and friends of our parish family who are serving their
Payments for the Narthex, Religious Education,
& Building
may also be added.
in the Armed