Interactive Reading Journal Hand out # 2 Preparation for class


Interactive Reading Journal Hand out # 2 Preparation for class
Interactive Reading Journal Hand out # 2
Preparation for class discussion
Título: La historia interminable … de la basura
Before you watch the video
What do you think this video is about? What do you think will happen?
Summary of the text
What do you think was most important or significant in this video?
Vocabulary - Handout # 2
What 10 words or phrases were important in this text? Note the line number (s) where the words
appeared. If you had to look up any of these words, include the English equivalent.
Note here any words, phrases, or passages that you could not figure out.
Remember, these are questions to which you can’t find an easy answer in the video!
1. ¿Cuál es el problema amenazador que enfrentan en las Islas Trinidad y Tabago?
2. ¿Cuáles son los orígenes de ese problema?
3. ¿Cuáles son algunas posibles soluciones a esa problemática?
4. ¿Cuál es el impacto económico que tiene en algunos ciudadanos?
a) How was the listening? b) How long did you spend reading the text? c) Did you reread all or part of it?
d) What made the reading difficult (or easy) for you?