Lesson 1 - WordPress.com


Lesson 1 - WordPress.com
Lesson 1
Candidate: Katherine Tremayne
Date: May 6, 2015
Grades: EDRD 6530
Lesson Part
Welcome and
Instructor: Kris Gritter
Mentor: NA
Activity description/Teacher does
Teacher greets each student by name, makes eye contact and asks
how they are in Spanish.
Build rapport
Cultivate Safe
Teacher builds rapport by following up each student response with
acknowledgement or further questioning.
Teacher asks students one at a time to share in Spanish two
activities from their weekend with the class.
Teacher models activity by sharing two activities from her own
Students do
Students sit around two halfcircle tables to form a circle.
Students respond to greetings
and questions with a personal
Students share two activities from
their weekend.
Capítulo 8 - ¿Qué haces en tu casa?, vocabulary of household rooms
Washington State K-12 World Languages Learning Standards
Standard 1.1 – Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and
emotions, and exchange opinions.
Standard 1.2 – Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
Standard 4.1 – Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of
the language studied and their own.
Central Focus (CF) Students will read, write and speak studied household room vocabulary both on their own and in group
Students will analyze their personal experiences, engage in conversation, and compare their own
culture to others through reading and writing of the target language.
Learning Target
Read, write and speak vocabulary related to household objects, rooms and activities.
Leer, escribir y hablar el vocabulario de las cosas, cuartos y actividades de la casa.
*Academic Language to be reviewed, learned and practiced: el meta, practicar, usar, leer, escribir,
hablar, Spanish household room vocabulary
LT Introduction Teacher calls on a student to provide the date in Spanish, then
Selected student provides date
and Clarification writes the date on the blackboard.
with peer or instructor help as
Teacher asks students to head a fresh sheet of paper with their
Students head paper
name and the date.
Teacher asks for a volunteer student to share the currently studied
chapter content.
Students raise hands to volunteer
their ideas for translation of title
the chapter content.
Teacher introduces LT by writing it on blackboard in Spanish.
Teacher labels it as the day’s Meta (Goal), and writes Leer, escribir y
hablar el vocabulario de las cosas, cuartos y actividades de la casa.
Teacher instructs students to copy the Meta on their papers.
Students copy LT in Spanish
Teacher calls on students to offer translations of words or phrases
of LT.
Teacher affirms correct ideas and redirects incorrect ideas.
Teacher writes key vocabulary terms in English on blackboard and
instructs students to copy those terms on their papers.
Students volunteer ideas for
translation of LT terms. They
correct themselves when
Students copy key terms
translated to English
Teacher distributes assigned material and asks students to skim it
Teacher instructs students to, on a separate sheet of paper, write
1. Their ideas about the reading content from the title and pictures
2. Familiar vocabulary words from current chapter of study
3. Unfamiliar vocabulary words
Students listen at their tables
Students follow teacher
Teacher facilitates a conversation discussing these items, calling on Students respond to instructor’s
each student. Teacher uses this conversation to informal assess
student standings and comprehension of content.
Reading Activity Teacher facilitates the reading aloud of selected text.
Teacher allows 5-6 minutes for students to read on their won.
Teacher facilitates a reading aloud of the text, calling on each
student to read a portion of text.
Students read on their own, then
aloud as prompted
Teacher circulates tables to answer questions, encourage and
redirect students while they work.
Practice Activity Teacher distributes prepared questions to students, allowing them
5-6 minutes to complete Preguntas de comprensión and #1-2 of
Preguntas personales.
Teacher facilitates discussion of questions, calling on students in
Teacher informally assesses students as they converse,
activity &
Teacher assigns the #3-5 of Preguntas personales
Students work on their own
Students participate in discussion
Nombre: __________________________________
Fecha: _______________________________
La vida diaria de
las familias
necesita de
trabajo. Hay que
conseguir comida,
servirla a la mesa
y limpiar los trastos en los que se prepara y sirve.
Hay que cuidar la limpieza diaria de las camas, el piso, la
estufa, los muebles, las ventanas.
Hay que lavar la ropa, tenderla, destenderla, plancharla y
Hay que cuidar la seguridad de los niños, acompañarlos,
jugar y conversar con ellos, revisar sus tareas escolares,
ayudarles a buscar información, atender sus enfermedades
y preparar sus fiestas de cumpleaños.
Hay que cuidar el
solar, el patio o la
azotea, hacer el
pago de la luz o del
gas, reparar los
domésticos, el techo
o las fugas de agua
y hay que asistir a
las asambleas de
Preguntas de comprensión
1. Según el texto, ¿cuáles son tres quehaceres relacionados a la comida?
2. ¿Cuáles son tres quehaceres que tienen que ver con el cuidar a los niños?
Preguntas personales
1. ¿Cuáles son dos quehaceres que tu mamá hace con frecuencia?
2. ¿Cuáles son dos quehaceres mencionados por el artículo que tienes que hacer tú en tu propia casa?
¿Te gusta hacer estos dos quehaceres? ¿Por qué sí o por qué no?
Ahora, piensa en diferentes tipos de casas.
3. En tu opinión, ¿cuáles quehaceres son típicos para un apartamento de un(a) estudiante de la universidad?
4. ¿Cuáles quehaceres pueden ser típicos para una casa de una pareja (dos personas casadas)?
5. ¿Cuáles quehaceres pueden ser típicos para una casa de dos padres y dos chicos?