Revista Hispa´nica Moderna - Revista Hispánica Moderna
Revista Hispa´nica Moderna - Revista Hispánica Moderna
Revista H ispánica Moder n a DECEMBER 2007 VOLUME 60 NUMBER 2 articles santa arias. ‘‘Recovering Imperial Space in Juan Bautista Muñoz’s Historia del Nuevo-Mundo (1793)’’ marı́a mercedes andrade. ‘‘The Limits of the Modern Nation in El Gráfico’’ pablo sánchez. ‘‘Memoria histórica y heterogeneidad cultural en Los rojos de ultramar, de Jordi Soler’’ kirsty hooper. ‘‘Death and the Maiden: Gender, Nation, and the Imperial Compromise in Blanca de los Rı́os’s Sangre española (1899)’’ irene gómez castellano. ‘‘El monstruo como alegorı́a de la mujer autora en el Romanticismo: Frankenstein y Sab’’ inela selimović. ‘‘Sexing of the City: Desire, Memory, and Trauma in Luisa Valenzuela’s La travesı́a’’ 125 143 159 171 187 205 reviews joanna r. bartow. Subject to Change: The Lessons of Latin American Women’s Testimonio for Truth, Fiction, and Theory (Stephenie Young) jorge camacho. José Martı́: las máscaras del escritor (Oscar Montero) denise dupont. Realism as Resistance: Romanticism and Authorship in Galdós, Cları́n, and Baroja (Akiko Tsuchiya) brad epps and luis fernández cifuentes, eds. Spain Beyond Spain: Modernity, Literary History, and National Identity (Alda Blanco) amy nauss millay. Voices from the fuente viva: The Effect of Orality in Twentieth-Century Spanish American Narrative (Amy Emery) cynthia margarita tompkins. Latin American Postmodernisms: Women Writers and Experimentation (Jill S. Kuhnheim) The editors hereby recognize the editorial contribution of Prof. Elizabeth Amann, who commissioned most of the reviews published in volumes 58 and 59. We deeply regret the omission of this acknowledgment from the relevant issues. 221 224 226 229 230 233