Jesus said - St Joseph Church Addison


Jesus said - St Joseph Church Addison
Jesus said:
“I am the living bread that
came down from heaven;
whoever eats this bread
will live forever.”
John 6:51
St. Joseph Catholic Church
330 E. Fullerton Ave., Addison, IL 60101
Parish Staff
Rev. Luís Gutiérrez-Pastor/Párroco
Mr. Philip Marrow-Deacon
Mrs. Edna Pasillas-Office Adm.
Masses for June 22-29, 2014
4:30 pm: †Esther Zak †Anthony Bullaro
6:30 pm: En accion de gracias por la
Faith Formation Office
Oficina de Formación de Fe
Mr. Carlos Roman, DRE
[email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Familia Arroyo
The most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Sunday, June 22, Corpus Christi
7:30 am: For the Int. of Dr. Michelle Kearney
9:00 am: †Erica Jacqueline Basilio Espindola
†Jose Luis Basilio Perez †Ida & Barbara Pagan
10:30 am: †Jerry Jannick
Holy Family Catholic School
Escuela Católica de la Sagrada Familia
Mrs. Corinne Alimento-Principal
Email: [email protected]
Web Site:
Parish Office Summer Hours
Horario de Verano de Oficina Parroquial
Monday - Thursday/Lunes - Jueves
9 am - 4 pm
Friday/Viernes & Saturday/Sábado
9 am - 12 Noon
Weekend Masses
Saturday Vigil 4:30 pm
Sunday 7:30 & 10:30 am
Weekday Masses
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 7:30 am
Communion Service
Tuesday & Thursday 8:00 am
Saturday 3:30 - 4:15 pm
Adoration/Exposición del Santísimo
Fridays 8 am – 7 pm
Monday - Thursday 8:00 am
Misas en Español
Sábado 6:30 pm
Domingo 9 am y 12:30 pm
Misa en Español entre Semana
Jueves 7 pm
12:30 pm: Spanish-Community Mass
†Jose Carmen Ramirez, †Lucia Cruz,
†Pedro Antonio Ramirez, †Cruz Esparza Rodriguez
En acción de gracias al Santísimo y por las int. de Jenni
Mancilla en su cumpleaños y graduación
Monday, June 23
7:30 am– †Carmen Acosta
Tuesday, June 24
8:00 am– Communion Service
Wednesday, June 25
7:30 am– †Holy Souls in Purgatory
Thursday, June 26
8:00 am– Communion Service
7:00 pm: Spanish MassPor las Almas del Purgatorio
Friday, June 27
7:30 am: For the Int. of Diana & Angelica Colletti
Saturday, June 28
4:30 pm: For the Int. of John Fort
6:30 pm: †Adelina Espinoza 10 aniversario
†Pedro Mireles †Concepcion Marquez
Saints Peter & Paul Apostles
Sunday, June 29
7:30 am: Daniszewski & Lascola Family
9:00 am: †Ericka Jacqueline Basilio Espindola
†Jose Luis Basilio Perez
10:30 am: †Mary Mattes
12:30 pm: Spanish-Community Mass
†Graciela Rodriguez, †Adelina Espinoza 10 aniversario
†Cruz Esparza Rodriguez
Doors and Lights News
The fundraising effort to replace five exterior
doors and the current lighting in the church
is under way. The cost of these projects is $40,000. A
$100 donation per family, payable over 3 months, is being
asked. Envelopes can be found in the narthex and lobby
and can be placed in the collection basket at mass or mailed
to the office. Thank you for your support.
Donations received week ending June 15: $1,195
Total received: $11,878
2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Ps 60:3-5, 12-13;
Mt 7:1-5
Vigil: Jer 1:4-10; Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17;
1 Pt 1:8-12; Lk 1:5-17
Day: Is 49:1-6; Ps 139:1-3, 13-15;
Acts 13:22-26; Lk 1:57-66, 80
2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3; Ps 119:33-37, 40;
Mt 7:15-20
2 Kgs 24:8-17; Ps 79:1b-5, 8-9; Mt 7:21-29
Dt 7:6-11; Ps 103:1-4, 6-8, 10; 1 Jn 4:7-16;
Mt 11:25-30
Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Ps 74:1b-7, 20-21;
Mt 8:15-17 or, for the Memorial of the
Immaculate Heart, Is 61:9-11; Lk 2:41-51
Vigil: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 19:2-5; Gal 1:11-20;
Jn 21:15-19
Day: Acts 12:1-11; Ps 34:2-9;
2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19
Monday, June 23- Lunes
No activity
Tuesday, June 24- Martes
7 PM
Koinonia de matrimonios Misa
Marriage Koinonia Mass
Picnic commettee - St. Francis
Wednesday, June 25 - Miércoles
No activity
Thursday, June 26- Jueves
7 PM
Misa/Spanish Mass
Friday, June 27 - Viernes
8 AM-7 PM Benediction - Chapel
Adoración al Santísimo - Capilla
7 PM
Grupo de Oración/ Prayer Group
Noticias sobre las Puertas y Luces
El esfuerzo de la recaudación de fondos para reemplazar las cinco puertas y las luces actuales de la
iglesia esta en marcha. El costo de este proyecto es
de $40,000. se pide una donación de $100.00 por familia, a
pagarse en el transcurso de tres meses. Puede encontrar los
sobres en el anexo o en el lobby de la iglesia y puede dejarlo en la canasta de la colecta durante la misa o lo puede
enviar a la oficina. Gracias por su apoyo.
Donaciones recibidas cerrando el 15 de junio: $1,195
Total recaudado: $11,878
Marian Kline (Lisa Deckter sister), Lorena Ortiz, Rogelio Rodriguez, Mia Escamilla, Francisca Valdez,
Meri Karpy Crispino, Chris Cuevo, Ken Jensen, Maria Eugenia Ruiz, Susan Hanson, Margaret Kelso,
Bonnie Jean Gorski & May Reibel
† Rest in Peace
Niño Jose Hidalgo, Sixto Gil Fernando, John Williams, Edward Beja, Efrain Trejo, Maria Guadalupe Pasillas, Jerry
Jannick (son of Carol & John Jannick), Andres Torres & Lourdes Medina
Campaña de Donación
de Sangre
De la Comunidad
de Addison
Addison Community Blood Drive
Miércoles, 2 de Julio, 2004
12 p.m. - 6 p.m.
A realizarse en el Addison Village Hall
Localizada en 1 Friendship Plaza
Wednesday, July 2, 2004
Noon - 6 p.m.
Addison Village Hall
1 Friendship Plaza
The 4th of July is the day of the year when we
have the highest need for blood.
This Blood Drive will help prepare for those
El 4 de Julio es el día del año en el que hay la
mas grande necesidad de sangre.
Esta campaña de donación de sangre
alivianara esas necesidades!
For more information or appointment, please call
Judy Socha at 630.628.1959, or LifeSource at
877.543.3768m or register online at
and use sponsor code G106.
Para mas información o para hacer una cita por
favor comuníquese con Judy Socha al
630.628.1959, o LifeSource al 877.543.3768m o
visite y use su código de patrocinador G106.
Appointments preferred. Walk –ins Welcome!
Se recomienda hacer cita. Todos son bienvenidos!
Please bring ID with you on the day of your blood donation. Proper ID is
required to donate blood. A LifeSource or military ID. Driver’s license, or
employee badge with picture and full name are all approved forms of ID.
Birth certificate along with a picture ID that includes the donor’s full name
will also be accepted.
Please bring ID with you on the day of your blood donation. Proper ID is
required to donate blood. A LifeSource or military ID. Driver’s license, or
employee badge with picture and full name are all approved forms of ID.
Birth certificate along with a picture ID that includes the donor’s full name
will also be accepted.
Catholic Charities Seeks Members for Board of
Young Professionals
The Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet Board of
Young Professionals is a new and exciting Auxiliary
Board beginning this summer. Membership is open to
young professionals, ages 21-40, who are committed to helping the poor and vulnerable in their communities, meeting new colleagues throughout the diocese, networking with other professionals, and
gaining Board experience for current resume use and future growth opportunities as the Board of
Young Professionals will likely be a feeder Board into the Catholic Charities Board of Directors as
well as many other Boards throughout the Chicagoland area.
Meetings will take place at different restaurants and clubs throughout the diocese in hopes of accommodating professionals from all areas. Members of our Board of Young Professionals will gather
monthly for meetings which will include socialization and networking. Two general meetings will be
called each year.
Please go to to apply. Interested in learning more? Please contact Edith
Avila Olea at 815-724-1220 or [email protected]. We can’t wait to meet you!
Investigating the Aftermath of Legalized Abortion over the Last 40 Years
Presents abortion as the most important human rights issue of our time
Gives voice to both pro-life and pro-choice sides, letting women speak through experience on why they have firm
convictions about abortion
Provides heartfelt testimonies from post-abortive women and men
Directed by John Morales, producer of Champions of Faith: Baseball Edition Executive Producer, Jason Jones, Movie to
Movement founder
Illinois Citizens for Life will sponsor a free showing Tuesday, June 24 at 7 pm at
St. Mary of Gostyn's Gathering Place
445 Prairie Avenue, Downers Grove
The documentary lasts about one hour - good will offerings will be accepted
If possible, call ICL to let us know how many are coming - 630-852-5448
Stewardship Thought for the Week
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
The Scriptures today remind us that “we, many
though we are, are one body for we all partake of the
one loaf.” How are we using our gifts of time and talent to build up the body of Christ?
Pre-baptism Class is required before
your date will be set. Please register two to
three months in advance.
Spiritual Preparation begins at least
SIX months in advance. Do not make your reservations until you have met with pastor.
Sunday, June 15, 2014
233 Envelopes
Loose Cash
$ 300.26
Priest, pension care & support
Saint Joseph Church
Sacrament Procedures
Our Goal each Week to cover our expenses is $11,500.
Thank you for your kind generosity
and your deep love of Saint Joseph.
Nuestra Meta por Semana para cubrir los gastos es de:
Gracias por su Generosidad.
Sacrament of the Sick:
& Communion Visits:
First Fridays 7:30 am.
Call the Parish Office.
Requisitos de los Sacramentos
Las Charlas Pre-bautismales son requieridas antes de fijar la fecha de Bautismo.
Favor de inscribirse con dos a tres meses de
Preparación Espíritual empieza por lo
menos con SEIS meses de anticipo. No haga
preparaciones para su Celebración antes de
reunirse con el párroco.
Sacramento de los Enfermos: Primer Viernes
a las 7:30 am., durante la misa.
y Visitas de Comunión: Llame a la parroquia.
Quince Años: ¡Solamente para miembros activos
de la parroquia!
Pantry News
Thank you to all who have so
generously supported the pantry.
Gracias a todos los que generosamente
han ayudado con la despensa.
We gave out 62 bags on Wednesday June 18.
Our pantry is in great need of baby food.
Thank you in advance for your donations!!
Holy Family Catholic School
Escuela Católica Sagrada Familia
Mrs. Corinne Alimento - School Principal
Email: - [email protected]
Web Site: -
I am looking for someone to build a shed that we
purchased from Menards. Its for the Garden Club.
Final Dimensions are 2x2x6. we are very busy
with the garden so no time to build can you help
Please call Pammy 630-747-4500
Estamos buscando a alguien para construir un
cobertizo que compramos de Menards. Es para el
Club de Jardinería de San José.
Las dimensiones finales son 2x2x6. estamos muy
ocupadas con el jardín así que no tenemos tiempo
para construirlo nosotras
Nos puedes ayudar?
Por favor llame a Pammy
St. Joseph Church #512139
330 East Fullerton Avenue
Addison, IL 60101
630 279-6553
Edna Pasillas or Fr. Luis
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Pages 2 through 5
June 22, 2014