234-5521 classified ads
234-5521 classified ads
Page 10, Thursday, April 19,2007 News for Southern Colorado County, Texas — The Eagle Lake Headlight Call 979234-5521 CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Directory Classified Advertising Rates 17. Resort Rental 18. Apartments for Rent 19. Houses for Rent 20. Houses for Sale 21. Mobile Homes for Sale 22. Mobile Homes for Rent 23. Mobile Home Lots 24. Acreage for Sale/Rent 25. Real Estate 26. Real Estate Wanted 27. Trucks for Sale 28. Cars for Sale 29. Motorcycles for Sale 30. Repairs & Services 31. Hunting 32. Misc. Services 1. Public/Legal Notices 2. Personals 3. Lost and Found 4. Cards of Thanks 5. Miscellaneous 6. Entertainment 7. Child Care 8. Help Wanted 9. Work Wanted 10. Business Opportunity 11. Pets & Livestock 12. Farm Equip. & Supplies 13. Garage/Yard Sales 14. Articles for Sale 15. Articles Wanted 16. Office Space 1 Week: $3.80 per ad up to SO words 19$ each additional word over 20 2* Weeks: $3.40 per ad per week up to 20 words 170 per week each additional word over 20 3* Weeks: $3.40 per ad per week up to 20 words 170 per week each additional word over 20 4* Weeks: $3.00 per ad per week up to 20 words 15c per week each additional word over 20 BILLING CHARGE: A charge of 75c per ad per month will be added to invoices for classified word ads not paid in advance. 'Rate* are for consecutive Insertions. Every other week or any other combination are charged at the 1 week rate. PUBUC/LEGAL NOTICE OF MAY 12,2007 ELECTION (AVISO DE ELECCION12 de Mayo 2007) Notice is hereby given that the polling places listed will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., on May 12,2007, for voting in an election being held for two purposes: (Notiflquese, por las presente, que las casillas electorates sitados abajo se abrirdn desde las 7:00 a.m. hasta las 7:00 p.m. el 12 de Mayo 2007 para votar en una eleccidn se teniendo para dos propdsitos) 1. To elect two (2) trustees {Para elegir a dos fideicomisarios) 2. To vote on two propositions to authorize the issuance and sale of bonds for school facilities. (Para votar en dos proposicions de autorizar la emisidn y la venta de bonos para facilidades de escuela.) LOCATIONS OF POLLING PLACES: (DIRECCIONES DE LAS CASILLAS ELECTORALES) Sheridan Elementary School FM2437 Sheridan, Texas 77475 Eagle lake Headlight Want Ads Really Woi Call Today! 979-234-5521 NOTICES NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTIONS To the Registered Voters of Rice Consolidated I.S.D., Colorado County, Texas: (A los votantes registrados del Rice Consolidated I. S. D. Colorado County, Texas;) Eagle Lake Community Center 100 N. Walnut Ave. Eagle Lake, Texas 77434 Garwood Elementary School 7827 Hwy. 71 South Garwood, Texas 77442 Early voting by personal appearance will be conducted each weekday at: (La votacidn en adelantada en persona se llevard a cabo de lunes a viernes en) Rice Consolidated I. S. D. Administration Building, Altair, Texas between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. beginning on April 30,2007 (entra las 8:00 a.m. de la manana y las 4:00 p.m. de la tarde empezando el 30 de Abril, 2007) and ending on May 8, 2007. (y terminando el 8 de Mayo, 2007) Applications for ballot by mail shall be mailed to: solicitudes para boletas que se votardn en ausencia por correo deberdn enviarse a:) (I.MS Melissa Neubauer RiceCiSD P. O. Box 338 Altair, Texas 77412 Colorado County will sell surplus and salvage property by written bids in a silent auction format on April 27, 2007 beginning at 11:00 a.m, at 318 Spring St., Columbus, Texas, the parking lot east of the courthouse. Viewing and Bidding April 27, Deadline to submit bids April 27, Bids collected April 27, Payment and Removal Deadline April 27, Betty Schiurrinq Signature of Presiding Officer (Firma del oficial que Preside) NOTICI OF SPECIAL ELECTION (AVISO DE ELECCION EIPECIAL) T» OM nftttrad votan «f tfc* Caaatjr «f Catarxta, Toast («\m vottntci rtflitradot dd Coodada dt Colorado, Tost: Note* I* hereby given (hat As poUtaf piaoa UMad Mow will ba opaa Aon 7:00 an».»7:OOp.m,Maxl2,2007,«brvo<h«la»Bp»oialoU<iqooto (NotifiquoM, por ha prweoto, qua laa asaUhs c4eotorik« ahados abajo at abrirdn deads la) 7:00 ajn. bam ba 7:00 p.m. si 12 ds mayo ds 2007 para votar en La Bloooion RapirHal pars sdnprnr o roobsssr la cnmicodas propnestsa oonstituctanal sat ooroo fbaroa somstidas por la 10a r TffrlirtirTT Man Regular, ds Is Batado ds Taxas.) 11:00 am- 1:00 pm 1:00 p.m. 1:00 pm 1:00-2:00 pm Property includes, but is not limited to, office equipment and furniture: desks, chairs, computers, monitors, printers, scanner, typewriters, file cabinets, postage machine; lawn and garden: lawn mower deck, 75R16 tires; and other miscellaneous items. Colorado County reserves the right to reject any bid deemed insufficient. If payment is not made on or before 2:00 p.m., the property will be sold to the next highest bidder. If rain requires the auction to be re-scheduled, it will be held on May 4, 2007, same times listed above, without further notice. For more information, contact Raymie Kana at 979/732-2791. Colorado County will sell surplus or salvage property at public auction on April 28th at 10:00 a.m. Auction conducted by Duncan Auctioneers. Auction site is 1847 Bus. Hwy 71 West, in La Grange, Texas. NOTICE TO BIDDERS Pursuant to the requirements of the Revised Civil Statues of Texas, Section 116.000 of the Local Government Code, notice is hereby given that applications for contracts from Banks to act as Depository for County Trust Funds, including District Clerk's and County Clerk's Trust Funds, of Colorado County, Texas, for a period of four (4) years beginning thirty (30) days after May 14,2007, will be considered by the Commmissioner's Court of Colorado County, Texas at its regular meeting place in the County Courthouse at Columbus, Texas, on Monday, May 14,2007 at 10 o'clock a.m. Issued this the 9,h day of March, 2007 (Emitada este dia 9de Marzo, 2007) By order of the Commissioners' Court, April 9,2007 Al Jamison County Judge LOCATION(S) OF POLLING PLACES CDII«CC10N(Efi) DE LAS CASILLAS ELECTORALES) Prct* Deadline 5 p.m. Monday ORDINANCE NO. 2007-04 ANIMAL ORDINANCE AMENDMENT AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ANIMAL ORDINANCE NUMER 2003-06 TO PROVIDE A DEFINITION OF FENCE; TO PROHIBIT SWINE WITHIN THE CITY OF EAGLE LAKE; AND TO PROVIDE AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Headlight Wants Ads Really Work! Click On Your Headlight! HELP WANTED Prtt-Naaw 101 102 Rock 103 QarwoooVNads Rock Island Community Center 2710 Nils) St, I SUNSET Parts man needed: Computer skills required. Contact in person or by phone, Eagle Tractor, 908 E. Main, 979-234-2516. (TFN) ■ 7836 Hwy. 71, 201 Oakland/Weimar Wsiroar City Hall 106 EMaio, Weimar 302 Brushy and Fraliburg PialsUag Vofcaatar Fha Dapsrtmst Hwy. 1291,1 304 Bernardo/Menta Bernardo Pin* Station 2S43FM949,Bsnsrdo 305 North Colurohia/AJIeyton/BiicachorfShawt Bend Agriculture Building 316 Spring Strsat, Columbus 402 EagloLako'Altair Eagle Labs Community CanMr 100 N. Walnut, Eagle Lake Early voting by personal appearance will be conducted each weekday sc (La voojddn adotantsda en persona se Uevars a onto de tunes a visrsasen:) County Clerk's Office, Cnurraouar, Suite 103. Cul—lsii (location) (sMo) rf8:OOam.and5:OOp.rn.bogianiagcoApraJO>2007(onlrslssg:OOdsU empezando d abril 30 2007) and ending on May 8,2007 (y termmsndo el) mayo 8.2007). y las 3:00 dsle tarde Application* for ballot by mail •hall be mailed to: (Laa solicitudet para boletas que so votsran adelantada por correo dsbersn enviarse s;) Darlenc Hayek (Name of Early Voting Clerk) (N<m*roddSecre*riodelaVot1KionAddantads) 400 Spring Street, Suite 103 (Address) (Direocioo) Columbus, Texas 78934 (CltyHCmdad) (Zip Code) (Zona Postal) Applications for ballots by mail i Issued this the 4 day of April, 2007. (Einitadaestedis4de«briU2007). «baiacai>i»inolsrerftanlbaososac«,liridaiaioi>:May4, 2007} (tss soUc<s»dw para botstes > <WMTSB ivoHNrso pws o nn oB ist boTM <*• MBjooto OK oioyo 4, 2007). ___ Houston Express, Inc. Is Hiring Independent Contractors with Three (3) years CDL & Two (2) years end dump trailer experience. 100% Fuel Surcharge! Home Every Night! Please give us a call at (281) 403-8911 JOB OPENING The City of Eagle Lake is now taking applications for the following opening: Job Summary: Work on the back of the garbage truck to collect and dispose of refuse and perform related work as required. Minimum Requirements: Must be able to lift 75 pounds and work outside in all types of weather. High school graduate or GED preferred; and Class B Texas Commercial Driver's License preferred. Application Deadline: Open until filled. Contact: Application available at City Hall, 100 E. Main, Eagle Lake " \*********\ Need a bookkeeper/trainee: Apply at Eagle Tractor. 979-2342516. (TFN) Wanted: Single Hand High Pressure, X-Ray, or Structure Steel Welders. Must have current DL, Oilfield experience a plus. Contact 979-543-0149 or 979-5432673. (TFN) Taking Applications: at the East Bernard Dairy Queen for cooks and front help. Call 979-3357511.(5/10) Generalist-Med Tech: (ASCP or AMT) F/T, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday nights. Columbus Community Hospital, P.O. Box 865, Columbus, TX 78934. Phone Patti Hill at 979-732-2372, ext. 614 or fax resume to 979-732-6473. Subscribe To The Headlight 979-234-5521 Only $15.50 For A Year!