Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church 25-02 80th Street, East Elmhurst, NY 11370 Telephone (718) 899-2801 Fax (718) 429-6404 Parish Web Site: www.olfatimaparish.org E-mail Address: [email protected] Rectory Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:30 am-12Noon, 1:00 pm-4:00 pm Evenings: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Sat. 9:00 am - 6:00 pm / Sun. 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Rev. Msgr. John E. Mahoney, Pastor Rev. Michael Udoh, In Residence, Part-Time Parochial Vicar Rev. Edwin H. Lozada, Parochial Vicar Rev. Patrick J. Frawley, In Residence Rev. James Fedigan S.J., In Residence Deacon Marco Lopez, Permanent Deacon Ms. Leslie De Paz, Financial Secretary Mrs. Anna Maria Mejia, Parish Secretary MASS SCHEDULE Sunday Liturgy Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am 9:15 am - Family Liturgy (Sept. - May) 12:00 pm 5:30 pm Weekdays: Monday thru Friday 7:00 am & 8:30 am Saturday - 8:30 am First Fridays and Holy Days - As announced in the Bulletin INFANT BAPTISMS For children under 8 years of age, the sacrament is celebrated the FIRST Sunday of the month at 2:00 pm. The parents must register in the parish office at least 3 weeks prior to the baptism. Both parents and godparents are expected to attend one catechetical session in advance, on the Wednesday before the baptism, at 7:00 pm. SACRAMENTS OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION Before being fully initiated into the sacramental life of the Church, children over the age of 8 will need catechetical preparation through the RCIC process. Teenagers and adults will participate in separate RCIA processes. CONFIRMATION and COMMUNION For those already baptized, preparation for these Sacraments will take place according to the person’s age and knowledge of the Catholic Faith. For further information contact the Office of Faith Formation Program. Mrs. Cassie Zelic, School Principal 25-38 80th Street 718-429-7031 Sister Patricia Reills PBVM, Pastoral Associate & Director of Faith Formation 25-02 80th Street 718-457-3457 Mr. John Cook, Music Director & Organist Mr. Jerry Rodriguez, Youth Minister, Part-Time Mr. José Aquino, Trustee Mr. John Blaney, Trustee HORARIO DE MISAS en español Domingo 10:30 am Jueves 7:00 pm Dias Festivos: Se publica en el boletín. EL BAUTISMO DE NIÑOS Solamente para los niños menores de los 8 años de edad, se celebra el sacramento el SEGUNDO y el CUARTO domingo del mes a las 2:00 pm. Es preciso que los padres se inscriban en la parroquia por lo menos tres semanas antes del bautismo. Ambos padres y padrinos deberán asistir a una instrucción catequética, la noche del Miercoles anterior al bautizo a las 7:00 pm. SACRAMENTOS DE LA INICIACION CRISTIANA Con el propósito de participar plenamente en la vida sacramental de la Iglesia, los niños mayores de los 8 años de edad, necesitarán prepararse en el proceso de Iniciación Cristiana Para Niños. Los jóvenes y los adultos se preparán separadamente en el proceso del RICA. CONFIRMACION Y COMUNION La preparación para estos Sacramentos se cumple según la edad de la persona y su conocimiento de la Fe Católica. Para más información comunicarse con la Oficina de Formación de la Fe. MARRIAGES Couples should contact the parish office at least six months in advance to make the proper arrangements for the Sacrament of Matrimony. MATRIMONIOS La pareja deberá hacer su solicitud en el despacho pastoral por los menos seis meses antes de la fecha de la boda, para entrevistarse con el sacerdote e iniciar la preparación matrimonial. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please contact the parish office. UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS Comunicarse con el despacho pastoral. RECONCILIATION A priest is available for Confessions on Saturday afternoon from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm. You can also make an individual appointment. PARISH DEVOTIONS Our Lady of Fatima Novena and Rosary Monday 7:30 pm First Friday: Exposition 10:00 am / Holy Hour 6:30pm, followed by Benediction & Mass at 7:30 pm RECONCILIACION El Sacramento se celebra semanalmente los sábados de 3:30 pm a 4:30 pm. También se puede fijar una cita para la Confesión otro día de la semana con un sacerdote. DEVOCION EN HONOR AL DIVINO NIÑO Ultimo Viernes de cada mes. 6:00 pm - Confesiones - Rosario - Novena 7:00 pm - Misa SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3 8:30 am - Viscovich & Ratkat Ezio 5:00 pm - Magdalena Samaniego SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4 8:00 am - For the People of the Parish 9:15 am - Elvira Samulewski 10:30 am - Virginia Ramirez (1st Anniversary) 12:00 pm - Manuel Arias Ampuero 5:30 pm - Francis Lobo MONDAY, OCTOBER 5 7:00 am - Giovanna Vozila 8:30 am - Repeal of Legalized Abortion TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6 7:00 am - Angela & Mary Grilli 8:30 am - Fernando Grullon (3rd Anniversary) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7 7:00 am - Frank & Betty Stocks 8:30 am - Jim Higgins THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8 7:00 am - Jane Blaney 8:30 am - Maria & Benedicto Escobedo 7:00 pm - Misa Comunitaria FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9 7:00 am - Rucco DiMaggio 8:30 am - Emmanuel Lobo TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The man said, “This one is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; this one shall be called ‘woman’ ” (Genesis 2:18-24). Psalm — May the Lord bless us all the days of our lives (Psalm 128). Second Reading — He who consecrates and those who are being consecrated all have one origin (Hebrews 2:9-11). Gospel — Whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it (Mark 10:2-16 [2-12]). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Jon 1:1 — 2:2, 11; Jon 2:3-5, 8 Tuesday: Jon 3:1-10; Ps 130:1b-4ab, 7-8 Wednesday: Jon 4:1-11; Ps 86:3-6, 9-10 Thursday: Mal 3:13-20b; Ps 1:1-4, 6 Friday: Jl 1:13-15; 2:1-2; Ps 9:2-3, 6, 16, 8-9 Saturday: Jl 4:12-21; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12 Sunday: Wis 7:7-11; Ps 90:12-17; Heb 4:12-13 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time; Respect Life Sunday Monday: Simhat Torah (Jewish observance) begins at sunset Tuesday: St. Bruno; Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher Wednesday: Our Lady of the Rosary Friday: St. Denis & Companions; St. John Leonardi Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 8:30 am - Anna Mele 5:00 pm - Joseph & Rose Avitabile SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11 8:00 am - For the People of the Parish 9:15 am - Edwin Flores 10:30 am - Maria I. & Maria Idaly 12:00 pm - John & Johanna Blaney 5:30 pm - Msgr. Andrew Landi Please pray for our sick: Msgr. John E. Mahoney, Mimi & Joe Fahey, Jennifer Garcia Yepes, Wayne Warren, Mary & James Boyd, Cele McCauley, Margaret Grabowski, Gene & Joan Robinson, Rosa Maria Alvarez Please pray for our deceased: Maximina Perez, Luis, Segundo, Armando & Tomas Remache, Antonia Perez, Isidro Gonzalez, William Robinson, Brunilda & Luis Calle, Jose Dario Acosta, Joel Guevara, Brenda Rios LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Dios crea una compañera apropiada para Adán: Eva. Ellos pasan a ser una sola carne (Génesis 2:18-24). Salmo — Dichoso el que teme al Señor (Salmo 128 [127]). Segunda lectura — Cristo, el que consagra, y aquéllos a quienes consagra tienen un mismo origen. Por eso puede llamarlos “hermanos” (Hebreos 2:9-11). Evangelio — Lo que Dios ha unido, que ningún ser humano lo separe. Dejen que los niños vengan a mí (Marcos 10:2-16). PRO-LIFE CORNER - Conception is the beginning of human life. From the time that an ovum is fertilized a new life begins that is neither that of the father nor of the mother. It is rather the life of a new human being with his/her own humanity. It could never become human if it were not human already. Pray and work to end abortion and euthanasia. Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time October 4th, 2015 Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Dejen que los niños se acerquen a mi y no se lo impidan, porque el Reino de Dios es de los que son como ellos. — Mark 10:14 BLESSING OF ANIMALS The Feast of St. Francis of Assisi is celebrated on Sunday, October 4th. We will have the traditional Blessing of Animals at 1:00 P.M. in the area between the church and the rectory. All are welcome. BENDICIÓN DE ANIMALES La Fiesta de San Francisco de Asís se celebra el domingo, 4 de octubre. Tendremos la tradicional bendición de los animales a las 1:00 PM en el área entre la iglesia y la casa parroquial. Vengan todos. North Queens Homeowners Civic Association Of Jackson Heights, Inc. Mark your calendars as follows: Next meeting on Thursday, October 8th at 7:30 PM at the Lexington School. The speaker will be Karen Cummings from Organ Transplant. October 18th Town Hall meeting on airplane noise. October 31st Halloween and the Jackson Heights Beautification Group is having their Annual parade on 37th Avenue starting at 12 Noon. All are welcome to attend these events. COLLECTIONS September 27, 2015 - $7,328.00 Second Collection (Deficit Reduction) - $2,376.00 Poor Box - $157.00 Weekly Expenses $15,803.00 September 28, 2014 – $5,816.00 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL 2015 The theme of this year’s appeal is SHARE THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL. Our parish goal will be the same as last year, $53,901. Please read the Appeal material you receive in the mail and prayerfully consider making a pledge in order to support both our Diocese and our parish! Appeal material is available in Church. Please remember that all monies received OVER GOAL are returned to the parish to assist with our many expenses. As of September 14th we had 198 pledges for a total of $59,784 or 110.9% of our goal $51,102 has been paid so far. Thank You! El tema de la apelación de este año es Compartir la Alegría del Evangelio. Nuestra meta de la parroquia será el mismo que el año pasado, $53,901. Por favor, lea el material de apelación que recibió por correo y en oración considere hacer una promesa con el fin de apoyar tanto a nuestra diócesis y nuestra parroquia! Materiales de apelación estan disponibles en la Iglesia. Por favor recuerden que el dinero recibido mas que la meta sera enviado a nuestra parroquia para ayudar a los muchos gastos. Desde 14 de septiembre tenemos 198 promesas por un total de $59,784 el 110.9% de nuestra meta. Por el momento ya han sido recibido $51,102. Muchas gracias a todos. MASS BOOK for 2016 The 2016 Mass Book is officially OPEN. Office hours are Monday—Friday from 9:00 AM - 12 AM and from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. Kindly bring us your list of your Mass intentions requests, so that we may help you more accurately. Remember we cannot take requests by mail or over the telephone. EL LIBRO DE MISAS 2016 El Libro de Misas del 2016 está abrirto oficialmente. Las horas de oficina son Lunes-Viernes de 9:00 AM a 12 PM y de despues de 1:00 PM a 4:00 PM. Para ayudarles mejor, por favor traiga su lista completa. Recuerden NO se pueden separar las Misas ni por correo ni por telefono. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS! FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK Good News for Our Lady of Fatima, This week Bishop DiMarzio announced that the new Pastor of Our Lady of Fatima would be Fr. Darrell DaCosta. Fr. DaCosta was ordained in 1997 and has been a Parochial Vicar at Saviour’s in Brooklyn and St. Theresa’s in Woodside. He comes to Our Lady of Fatima after being the Pastor of St. Paul’s in Corona. Fr. DaCosta is young energetic and experienced. He also is fluent in Spanish. Having been already welcomed by the wonderful people of Our Lady of Fatima as Temporary Administrator I know that you will spread the welcome mat to your new Pastor. We continue to pray for the full recovery of Msgr. Mahoney and look forward to his return as Pastor Emeritus of our beautiful parish. Msgr. Fernando Ferrarese, Temporary Administrator Buenas noticias para nuestra parroquia Nuestra Señora de Fátima: El Obispo DiMarzio anunció esta semana que el nuevo párroco de Nuestra Señora de Fátima, será el Padre Darrell DaCosta. Padre DaCosta fue ordenado en el 1997 y ha sido Vicario Parroquial en San Salvador en Brooklyn y Santa Teresa en Woodside. Él viene a Nuestra Señora de Fátima después de ser el párroco de St. Paul en Corona. Padre DaCosta es joven, enérgico y con experiencia. Él tambien habla español con fluidez. Habiendo sido ya acogido por la maravillosa gente de Nuestra Señora de Fátima como administrador temporal sé que van a correr la alfombra de bienvenida a su nuevo párroco. Seguimos orando por la recuperación de Mons. Mahoney y esperamos su pronto regreso como Pastor Emérito de nuestra hermosa parroquia. Mons. Fernando Ferrarese, Administrador Temporario PARISH CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS Blessing of the Animals Sunday, October 4th - 1:00 PM Mystical Union of Christ Wednesday, October 6th -and Tuesday, October 20th BLOOD DRIVE Sunday, October 11th FASHION SHOW FUNDRAISING & RAFFLE DRAWING Sunday, November 8th - 1:00-5:00 PM ESL (ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE) Our ESL Classes for Adults started on Friday, October 2nd from 6:30 PM—9:00 PM and Saturday, October 3rd at 9:30 AM-12 Noon. If you would be interested, kindly fill out one of the forms located in the church and return it to the rectory, Attention Sister Pat. Nuestro curso de ESL (Inglés como Segunda Lengua) para adultos empiezo el viernes, 2 de octubre a las 6:30 PM—9 PM y Sabado, 3 de octubre a las 9:30 AM-12 Mediodia. Si usted esta interesado por favor llena el formulario despues de Misa y devolverlo a la rectoria, Atn: Hermana Pat. THANK YOU Thanking you ALL for generously supporting the Divino Nino Committee Cake Sale. Specially the donations of desserts made by our parishioners and all the volunteers that made this event possible. The sum of $1,002 was raised for benefit of the parish. Once again thank you and may God bless you all. GRACIAS Mil gracias a todos por el apoyo al Comité Divino Niño en su venta de postres. Especialmente por las donaciónes de postres de nuestros feligreses y a todos los voluntarios que hicieron posible este evento. Se recaudo la suma de $1,002 para beneficio de la parroquia. Que Dios los bendiga a TODOS por su gran esfuerzo. BLOOD DRIVE Next Sunday, October 11th, 2015 from 8:15 am to 2:15 pm the New York Blood Center will be at the Fatima Room (25th Ave. entrance) to accept your blood donation. Blood is needed for victims of accidents, cancer patients, victims of Leukemia, etc… Let us not forget an unpredictable disaster. The list of needs is endless. DONACION DE SANGRE La Campaña de Donación de Sangre se llevará a cabo el domingo, 11 de octubre, 2014 de 8:15 am a 2:00 pm en el Salón Fatima de la rectoría (entrada 25th Ave.) La sangre es necesaria para víctimas de accidentes, pacientes de cáncer, victimas de leucemia, etc… No debemos olvidar desastres impredecibles. La Lista es interminable. SPECIAL MEMORIALS The parish provides opportunities for special donations for various special intentions, which can be for the living or the deceased: BREAD & WINE (used at Mass) for a week - $30 ALTAR CANDLES for a week - $25 SANCTUARY LAMP for a week - $25 The intentions of the donors will be printed in the bulletin. For further information, please contact Anna Maria at the Rectory office Monday-Friday (Office Closed from 12-1:00 PM) PURGATORY SOCIETY For September 2015 the following names have been enrolled as members of the Purgatory Society: JANE BLANEY JOSEPH SCALISSE A Special Mass will be celebrated each month on the 3rd Saturday at 8:30 AM for the Members of the Purgatory Society for one year. Our Lady of Fatima Parish Presents its… 2nd Annual Fundraising Fashion Show Sunday Nov. 8th. 1-5 P.M., LOCATION: Fr. Donnelly Hall 25-38 80TH Street, East Elmhurst, NY Enjoy delicious wines, light food, refreshments and exciting music, while you watch our lovely models walk the runway in the latest women’s fashions. Adults and Teens only. Admission: $ 25.00 per person RAFFLES: 5O/50 ‐‐ 50” TV – KINDLE TABLET RAFFLE TICKETS: $5 each, 3 for $10 ________________________________________ La Parroquia Nuestra Señora de Fátima Presenta su… 2do Desfile Anual de Modas Femeninas Recaudacion de Fondos Domingo 8 de Noviembre, 1-5 P.M. Dirección: Fr. Donnelly Hall 25-38 Calle 80, East Elmhurst, NY Disfrute vinos deliciosos, comestibles ligeros, refrescos y música excitante, mientras nuestras modelos recorren la pista exhibiendo las últimas modas femeninas. Precio de Entrada: $ 25 por persona (Solamente jóvenes y adultos admitidos) RIFAS: 50/50, TELEVISION DE 50”, KINDLE TABLET Tickets (papeletas) de Rifas: Uno $5, Tres por $10
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Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church
and godparents are expected to attend one catechetical session in advance, on the Wednesday before the baptism, at 7:00 pm. SACRAMENTS OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION Before being fully initiated into the ...
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Couples should contact the parish office at least six months in advance to make the proper arrangements for the Sacrament of Matrimony. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please contact the parish office. RECON...
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