August 31, 2014 - Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church
Documentos relacionados
September 7, 2014 - Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church
Iboyca Bocsi, Rose Bente Lee, Leah Jose, Rosa Borinski, Paul
Fineran, Ricardo Bacani, Leo Griffin, Sister Mary Frances
Gebhard, Awatif Gorge, Ana Martinez de Garcia, Alex
Eissenstat, Berta Robinson...
February 1, 2015 - Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church
12:00 Noon - Spanish
5:30 pm - English
April 5, 2015 - Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church
12:00 Noon - Spanish
5:30 pm - English
June 15, 2014 - Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church
come to know and experience as the Father, Son, and the
Holy Spirit. The First Reading and Gospel speak much
about the Father and the Son and the Second Reading
speaks of the fellowship of the Holy...