7-3 Bulletin
8279 Sunset Strip • Sunrise, Florida 33322 Office Hours: 9:30am - 5:00pm Phone: 954 / 741-7800 • Fax: 954 / 742-4558 Email: [email protected] • Website: www.saintbernardchurch.net Beloved Parishioners and Visitors, Welcome to St Bernard Church for the praise of God. Come often. Be blessed by each visit. Help us in our ministry by worshipping with us, by entering the life of our community, and by your financial support. You are always most welcome here for the Holy Eucharist or just to stop by for quiet prayer and meditation. To register please go to the “Welcome Table”. We are here to serve you in the Lord’s name. Please remember St. Bernard Church in your Will. PRIEST and STAFF: Pastor: .....................................................Rev. Carlos E. Vega Email: [email protected] Parish Catechist Minister: .................. Alejandra Martinez Email: [email protected] Office Manager: ........................................Ana E. Martinez Bookkeeper: ........................................................Jennie Leon Email: [email protected] Secretaries: ........................Grisel Limeres & Edna Fortune Email: [email protected] Receptionist: .................................................Maria Madera Email: [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday Vigil Mass .................................................5:00pm Sunday English Masses .................. 8:00am, 10:00am, and 12:00pm Misa en Español .......................................................2:00pm Weekday Masses: Mon.-Sat. ................................... 9:00am Adoration Chapel ..................................... 7:00am-6:30pm Confessions: Saturday ..............................3:45pm-4:45pm Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 3, 2016 Today’s celebration could well be about mission. In our Gospel reading, Jesus sends His disciples out to spread His message, giving them explicit instructions. We too have been sent by virtue of our Baptism. As we prepare to celebrate our liturgy today, may our prayer be to know what instructions our Lord has for us on our mission to spread the Good News in our world today. SATURDAY, July 2, 2016 5:00 pm Bertulia Mercure Rose Jerome, Francois Laceus Jerome, Blessings for Allen’s Roofing SUNDAY, July 3, 2016 8:00 am In Thanksgiving to the Holy Spirit 10:00 am Angelo Gervasi, Nova Bariento Bastien 12:00 pm Angelo Gervasi, Maryse Civil 2:00 pm Domenick Argiro, Bendiciones para Giselle Limeres, Bárbara Duque-Díaz MONDAY, July 4, 2016 9:00 am In Thanksgiving to All Priests TUESDAY, July 5, 2016 9:00 am Bárbara Duque-Díaz, Blessings & Good Health to St. Bernard’s Ministries & Groups WEDNESDAY, July 6, 2016 9:00 am Josefa Safadi, Rev. Roland Lamy THURSDAY, July 7, 2016 9:00 am In Thanksgiving to our Lady of Perpetual Help, Rev. Patrick O’Shea FRIDAY, July 8, 2016 9:00 am Laina Johns, Rev. William Wetzel SATURDAY, July 9, 2016 9:00 am Rev. David Madden SJ, Blessings & Good Health to St. Bernard’s Parishioners BAPTISM CLASS/CLASE DE BAUTISMO Every First Tuesday of each month we have Baptism Class, at 7:00 pm. Next class will be on July 5, 2016. Todos los Primeros Martes de cada mes ofrecemos la Clase de Bautismo, a las 7:00 pm. Nuestra próxima clase será el 5 de Julio de 2016. Registration for our Religious Education Program will begin on July 25th for the 20162017 school year! For ms will be available at the Parish office during business hours or can be requested via email, on or after July 25th, at [email protected] If your children are in Kindergarten, they are ready to start their faith formation. We offer classes from Kinder thru High School. Spaces are limited, please enroll your child soon. Classes start in September, please register prior to August 31st. For more information please call the office at 954-741-7800 or email, on or July 25th, at [email protected] HEALING MASS Healing Mass hosted by the Spirit of Hope Prayer Group. Presided by Fr. Robert Richardson, on Monday, July 18, 2016, at 7:30 pm. Just Bring all your cares and problems to the Lord. Nothing is too difficult for Him. You will change and heal through the power of the Holy Spirit. For more information, please call Margaret Chuckaree: 954-605-8109 or St. Bernard’s office: 954-741-7800 SUNDAY COLLECTION St. Bernard & your Beloved Pastor Father Carlos Vega express gratitude for your continued generosity & support. Last Year’s Collection on Sunday, June 27 & 28, 2015 = $8,512.00 Sunday, June 25 & 26, 2016 5:00 pm $ 1,816.00 8:00 am $ 1,561.00 10:00 am $ 1,720.00 12:00 pm $ 1,631.00 2:00 pm $ 1,225.00 Mailings $ 490.00 TOTAL: $ 8,443.00 Decrease 1% from Last Year Second Collection (Peter’s Pence) $2,589.00 Decimocuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 3 de Julio de 2016 La celebración de hoy bien pudiera ser acerca de la misión. En nuestra lectura del Evangelio Jesús envía a Sus discípulos para difundir Su mensaje y les da instrucciones específicas. También nosotros hemos sido enviados en virtud de nuestro bautismo. Al disponernos a celebrar hoy la liturgia, que nuestra oración pida conocer las instrucciones que el Señor nos ha dado para nuestra misión de difundir la Buena Nueva en nuestro mundo de hoy. FROM OUR PASTOR—ABCD 2016 Our goal for the ABCD 2016 is: $69,145.00 in pledges. Up to now, we have collected in pledges $60,196. We still need to collect $8,949. Remember if we don’t make the goal at the end of the year, St Bernard will be responsible for the difference. We can make the goal. Thank you for your support to our parish and to the Archbishop’s call for the ABCD every year. May the Lord bless you always! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nuestra meta para el ABCD de 2016 es: $69,145.00. Hasta ahora, hemos recogido en promesas de contribuciones $60,196. Todavía tenemos que recaudar $8,949. Recuer de que si no cumplimos con el objetivo al final del año, San Bernardo será responsable por la diferencia. Podemos cumplir con el objetivo. Gracias por su apoyo a nuestra parroquia y a la llamada del Arzobispo para el ABCD cada año. ¡Que el Señor los bendiga siempre! BAPTISMS IN JULY BAUTISMOS EN JULIO There will be no English Baptisms in July 3rd, we will have them on the 10th, instead, at 1:00 pm. Bautismos en español serán el 17 de Julio, a la 1:00 pm FLOWER DONATIONS DONACIONES PARA FLORES Rocio’s Flower Shop decorates our altar each week. Thanks to all our parishioners who have donated $60 towards the altar flowers in memory of their loved ones. Donations are being accepted at this time. Thank you for your generosity! The Flowers for the Altar this week have been donated by Leticia Skaar for the repose of the souls of Jose y Maria Zamora. Rocio’s Flower Shop decoran nuestro Altar todas las semanas. Gracias a nuestros feligreses que han hecho la donación de $60.00 por los arreglos florales. En este momento estamos aceptando donaciones para estas flores. ¡Gracias por su generosidad! Las Flores para el Altar de esta semana han sido donadas por Leticia Skaar por el reposo de las almas de José y María Zamora. La matrícula para nuestro Programa de Educación Religiosa comenzará el 25 de Julio para el año escolar 2016-2017. Las for mas de inscr ipción estar án disponibles en la oficina de la Parroquia durante horas laborables o también a través del correo electrónico: [email protected], a partir del 25 de Julio. Los niños que están en Kindergarten, ya están preparados para empezar su formación en la fe. Ofrecemos clases desde el Kindergarten hasta la Escuela Secundaria/Superior o Preparatoria. Los espacios son limitados, por favor, inscriba su hijo lo antes posible. Las clases comienzan en Septiembre. Por favor, regístrese antes del 31 Agosto. Para más información, por favor, llame a la oficina al 954-741-7800 o por correo electrónico, después del 25 de Julio a: [email protected] NO FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH NO HABRÁ PRIMER VIERNES DEL MES We will not have Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction during the months of July & August, because of summer vacations. It will resume in September, 2016. No tendremos Exposición y Bendición con el Santísimo Sacramento durante los meses de Julio y Agosto, por las vacaciones de verano. Se reanudará en Septiembre de 2016. INDEPENDENCE DAY SCHEDULE HORARIO DEL 4 DE JULIO Saint Bernard’s Church & Chapel will open until 9:30 am on July 4th and will remain closed for the rest of the day. There will be NO meetings, rehearsals or classes during this time. We will r eopen on Tuesday, J uly 5th. La Iglesia y la Capilla de San Bernardo estarán abiertos el 4 de Julio hasta las 9:30 am y permanecerán cerrados el resto del día. NO habrá reuniones, clases ni ensayos durante ninguno de estos días. Reabriremos el Martes 5 de Julio. View Our Parish Supporters @ DiscoverMass.com © 2016 Diocesan Publications, inc. H
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9:30am - 5:00pm Phone: 954 / 741-7800 • Fax: 954 / 742
If your children are in Kindergarten, they are ready to start their faith formation. We offer classes from Kinder thru High School. Spaces are limited, please enroll your child soon. Classes start ...
Más detalles9:30am - 5:00pm Phone: 954 / 741-7800 • Fax: 954 / 742
8279 Sunset Strip • Sunrise, Florida 33322 Office Hours: 9:30am - 5:00pm Phone: 954 / 741-7800 • Fax: 954 / 742-4558 Email: [email protected] • Website: www.saintbernardchurch.net
Más detalles9:30am - 5:00pm Phone: 954 / 741-7800 • Fax: 954 / 742
8279 Sunset Strip • Sunrise, Florida 33322 Office Hours: 9:30am - 5:00pm Phone: 954 / 741-7800 • Fax: 954 / 742-4558 Email: [email protected] • Website: www.saintbernardchurch.net
Más detalles9:30am - 5:00pm Phone: 954 / 741-7800 • Fax: 954 / 742
8279 Sunset Strip • Sunrise, Florida 33322 Office Hours: 9:30am - 5:00pm Phone: 954 / 741-7800 • Fax: 954 / 742-4558 Email: [email protected] • Website: www.saintbernardchurch.net
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