upcoming events - St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church


upcoming events - St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church
St. Anthony of Padua Church
October 11, 2015
The History of the Rosary
In the year 1214 the Church received the Rosary in its present form and according to the method we use today. It was given to the Church by St. Dominic,
who had received it from the Blessed Virgin as a means of converting the Albigensians and other sinners. The story of how he received it, which is found in the very
well-known book De Dignitate Psalterii, by Blessed Alan de la Roche. Saint Dominic, seeing that the gravity of people's sins was hindering the conversion of the
Albigensians, withdrew into a forest near Toulouse, where he prayed continuously for three days and three nights. During this time he did nothing but weep and do
harsh penances in order to appease the anger of God. He used his discipline so much that his body was lacerated, and finally he fell into a coma. At this point our
Lady appeared to him, accompanied by three angels, and she said, "Dear Dominic, do you know which weapon the Blessed Trinity wants to use to reform the
world?" "Oh, my Lady," answered Saint Dominic, "you know far better than I do, because next to your Son Jesus Christ you have always been the chief instrument
of our salvation." Then our Lady replied, "I want you to know that, in this kind of warfare, the principal weapon has always been the Angelic Psalter, which is the
foundation-stone of the New Testament. Therefore, if you want to reach these hardened souls and win them over to God, preach my Psalter." (Rosary) So he arose,
comforted, and burning with zeal for the conversion of the people in that district, he made straight for the cathedral. At once unseen angels rang the bells to gather
the people together, and Saint Dominic began to preach. At the very beginning of his sermon, an appalling storm broke out, the earth shook, the sun was darkened,
and there was so much thunder and lightning that all were very much afraid. Even greater was their fear when, looking at a picture of our Lady exposed in a prominent place, they saw her raise her arms to heaven three times to call down God's vengeance upon them if they failed to be converted, to amend their lives, and
seek the protection of the holy Mother of God. God wished, by means of these supernatural phenomena, to spread the new devotion of the holy Rosary and to
make it more widely known. At last, at the prayer of Saint Dominic, the storm came to an end, and he went on preaching. So fervently and compellingly did he explain the importance and value of the Rosary that almost all the people of Toulouse embraced it and renounced their false beliefs. In a very short time a great
improvement was seen in the town; people began leading Christian lives and gave up their former bad habits.
11th Anniversary Mass/God’s Special Children:
Archbishop Aymond will celebrate this Mass for chilATTENTION!
dren with special needs, their families and friends. On
Sunday, October 11 at 2:00 pm at St. Francis Xavier
If anyone has pictures of the
Church, 444 Metairie Rd. Contact Joy 834-5865 for
Annual Pet Blessing, please email them
to the parish Secretary at
Beginning Experience Weekend:
[email protected]
This weekend retreat is full of healing for those suffering
a loss of a spouse either through death or separation/ You can send them via text by keying in
divorce. Those who have attended this weekend attest the email address in lieu of a phone #.
to the new hope they have received and the powerful
Call Dawnell if you have questions.
safe and loving environment they found in the experiWe would like to include them in
ence. Under the sponsorship of the Archdiocese of New
Orleans Family Life Apostolate this international proan upcoming bulletin. Thanks!
gram has helped thousands navigate the road through
grief. The next weekend will be held October 16-18,
Call Rose (504)455-8920 for more information.
Religious Education:
Classes are held each Tuesday from 6:15pm to
7:30pm in the school auditorium. Parents are
required to pick their child up from the auditorium
at dismissal. Contact Joyce at 482-3984 for info.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation):
Adults interested in becoming Catholic, should
contact the office at 488-2651 to join our RCIA
program. Sessions are each Sunday at 9:15 am
in the Priory. You can reach the RCIA Coordinator
at [email protected].
Oyster Festival:
Our Lady of Lourdes Oyster Festival will be held
October 16, 17 & 18, 2015. There will be rides,
games, raffles, crafts, contests and oysters!
2016 Mass Intention Book
2621 Colonial Blvd., Violet, LA (504) 682-7070
Intenciones para 2016
Rachel's Vineyard:
If you or someone you love is hurting from an
abortion, please attend this healing retreat at Name/Nombre:
Archdiocese of NOLA Retreat Center October Phone/Telefono:
30 - November 1, 2015; $170 per person
For more info call 460-9360 or 889-2431.
Into the Wild Men’s Retreat:
Into the Wild at Chico State Park; the weekend Novem- Date/Fecha:
ber 12 to 15; trains men in orienteering, topography,
We will do our best to accommodate you.
weaponry, self-defense, survival skills, outdoor construcHaremos nuestro mejor esfuerzo para complacerte
tion, fishing, wild game food preparation, and more. The
Donation/Donación $5
days begin with prayer, Mass, and a brief talk. SleepReturn
this slip at your convenience
ing accommodations consist of small rugged-style cabins.
You are also welcomed to
Contact Michael Pergola (985) 768-2953 for details
call or stop by the parish office.
Annual Symposium for Systemic Change:
Focusing on organizing for systemic change, Laity
and Prison Ministry, re-entry strategies for returning citizens; October 23 8:45 am to 1:30 pm at
St. Genevieve Church 58203 Hwy 433 Slidell.
Devuelva esta hoja a tu
Además puedes llamar
o visitar a la oficina
All are invited to attend our next Dance!
Sunday, October 18, 2015; 4:00 to 7:00 pm
Music from the 40s, 50s & 60s
Music by
Cullen Landry & the Midnight Streetcar Band
Includes Jambalaya, Chicken Fettuccine,
Hors d'oeuvres, Beer, Wine, and Soft Drinks
Tickets available at the Church Office
Or by Will Call: mail payment to the office
$25 in advance or $30 at the door
To purchase tickets as “Will Call”:
return this completed form with
payment made out to:
St. Anthony of Padua Church
# of tickets
The 28TH Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ XXVIII Domingo Ordinario
El Santo Rosario, en la forma y método que lo recitamos al presente, fue inspirado a la Iglesia en 1214 por la Santísima Virgen, que lo dio a Santo
Domingo para convertir a los herejes albigenses y a los pecadores. Ocurrió en la forma siguiente, según cuenta el Beato Alano de la Roche en su famoso libro
titulado De Dignitate Psalterii. Viendo Santo Domingo que los crímenes de los hombres obstaculizaban la conversión de los albigenses, entró en un bosque
próximo a Tolosa y pasó en él tres días y tres noches en continua oración y de penitencia, no cesando de gemir, de llorar y de macerar su cuerpo con disciplinas
para calmar la cólera de Dios; de suerte que cayó medio muerto. La Santísima Virgen, acompañada de tres princesas del cielo, se le apareció entonces y le dijo:
"¿Sabes tú, mi querido Domingo, de qué arma se ha servido la Santísima Trinidad para reformar el mundo?" "Oh Señora, respondió él, Vos lo sabéis mejor que
yo, porque después de vuestro Hijo Jesucristo fuisteis el principal instrumento de nuestra salvación." Ella añadió: "Sabe que la pieza principal de la batería fue la
salutación angélica, que es el fundamento del Nuevo Testamento; y por tanto, si quieres ganar para Dios esos corazones endurecidos, reza mi salterio." El Santo
se levantó muy consolado y, abrasado de celo por el bien de aquellos pueblos, entró en la Catedral. En el mismo momento, sonaron las campanas por intervención de los ángeles para reunir a los habitantes, y al principio de la predicación se levantó una espantosa tormenta; la tierra tembló, el sol se nubló, los repetidos
truenos y relámpagos hicieron estremecer y palidecer a los oyentes; y aumentó su terror al ver una imagen de la Santísima Virgen expuesta en lugar preeminente, levantar los brazos tres veces hacia el cielo, para pedir a Dios venganza contra ellos si no se convertían y recurrían a la protección de la Santa Madre de
Dios. El cielo quería por estos prodigios aumentar la nueva devoción del Santo Rosario y hacerla más notoria. La tormenta cesó al fin por las oraciones de Santo
Domingo. Continuó su discurso y explicó con tanto fervor y entusiasmo la excelencia del Santo Rosario, que los moradores de Tolosa lo aceptaron casi todos,
renunciaron a sus errores, y en poco tiempo se vio un gran cambio en la vida y las costumbres de la ciudad.
Santo Domingo de Guzmán
Año 1221.
Domingo significa:
"Consagrado al Señor".
Próximos eventos
Educación Religiosa:
Clases seran cada martes a las 6:15 pm a
7:30 pm en el auditorio de la escuela. Se
requieren los padres recoger a sus hijos
desde el auditorio de despido. Llamar a
Joyce para más información.
Adultos que estan interesados en convertirse en católico o que necesitan cualquiera
de los sacramentos, incluyendo los que
están casados civilmente y quieren casarse
en la iglesia, pueden llamar a la oficina.
El fundador de los Padres
Dominicos, que son ahora 6,800 en
680 casas en el mundo, nació en
Caleruega, España, en 1171. Su
madre, Juana de Aza, era una mujer admirable en virtudes y ha sido
declarada Beata. Lo educó en la
más estricta formación religiosa.
A los 14 años se fue a vivir con un
tío sacerdote en Palencia en cuya
casa trabajaba y estudiaba. La
gente decía que en edad era un
jovencito pero que en seriedad
parecía un anciano. Su goce especial era leer libros religiosos, y hacer caridad a los pobres.
Por aquel tiempo vino por la región
una gran hambre y las gentes suplicaban alguna ayuda para sobrevivir. Domingo repartió en su casa
todo lo que tenía y hasta el mobiliario. Luego, cuando ya no le quedaba nada más con qué ayudar a los
hambrientos, vendió lo que más
amaba y apreciaba, sus libros (que
en ese tiempo eran copiados a
mano y costosísimos y muy difíciles
de conseguir) y con el precio de la
venta ayudó a los menesterosos. A
quienes lo criticaban por este desprendimiento, les decía: "No
puede ser que Cristo sufra hambre
en los pobres, mientras yo guarde
en mi casa algo con lo cual podía
Santo Domingo
ruega por nosotros
St. Anthony of Padua Church
Liturgy Intentions
for the Week of Oct. 10 to 16, 2015
Blessed Virgin Mary
Jl 4:12-21; Lk 11:27-28
4:00 The Parishioners of St. Anthony of Padua
Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gn 2:18-24; Heb 2:9-11; Mk 10:2-16 or 10:2-12
7:30 Ashley Code
9:00 Marilyn Chinchilla,Teresa y Al Alvarez,
Isabel Silva, Noemi de la Grana,
Edilia Diaz
11:00 Reggie Condy, Jr., Frank Frederico,
Joyce Kelly, Jerry Kelly, Jack Pfeffer,
Edelmira Juarez de Chacon,
Odi and Edward Moises, Ann Sylvia,
Michael Early, Marguerite Grundman,
Wanda Balestra
Rom 1:1-7; Lk 11:29-32
8:15 Ellen Geheeb
12:10 Roslyn M. Dupré
Rom 1:16-25; Lk 11:37-41
8:15 Michelle and Dag Crissey
October 11, 2015
Oct 17/18: Second Collection for World Mission Sunday
Sun. Oct. 18: SAP Dance featuring Music from the 40s, 50s, 60s
Mon. Oct. 26: Monthly Mass and Healing Service at 7:00 pm
Sun. Nov. 1: All Saints Day
Mon. Nov 2: All Souls Day (Not a Holy Day of Obligation)
Nov. 3 - 5: St. Martin de Porres Triduum details to be announced
Nov. 7/8: Our Lady of Fatima Pilgrim Statue visits
Nov. 7/8: Social Apostolate Monthly Food Drive
Nov. 7/8: Second Collection for Parish Improvement Fund
Nov. 21/22: Second Collection: Campaign for Human Development
Mon. Nov. 23: Monthly Mass and Healing Service at 7:00 pm
Nov. 26/27: Thanksgiving Holiday - Church Office Closed
Nov. 28/29: Advent Begins
Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept
the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it. Mark 10:15
Parish Giving for October 4, 2015
First Collection ($6,500 needed weekly)
12:10 p.m. Weekday Mass
Votives (Candles)
St. Anthony of Padua Social Apostolate
St. Anthony of Padua School
2nd Collection next week will be for World Mission Sunday.
Please be generous. Thank you!
12:10 St. Anthony Society Members
Saint Callistus I, Pope and Martyr
Rom 2:1-11; Lk 11:42-46
8:15 Teresa Alvarez
12:10 Cartier Giovanni Williams,
Bert A. Dupré, Jr., Julie Johns,
Marie T. Blaum, Grace Campbell
Saint Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and
Doctor of the Church
Rom 3:21-30; Lk 11:47-54
8:15 Mary Begg
12:10 Edward Watzke
Saint Hedwig, Religious;
Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin
Rom 4:1-8; Lk 12:1-7
8:15 The Souls in Purgatory
12:10 Polly Burke
Saint Ignatius of Antioch,
Bishop and Martyr
Rom 4:13, 16-18; Lk 12:8-12
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Is 53:10-11; Heb 4:14-16; Mk 10:35-45
Or 10:42-45
Pray the Rosary
A Dominican Friar meditating on the
Mysteries of the Holy Rosary
Artwork by Fr. John G. Restrepo, O.P.
Note cards and postcards
with this image are
now available in the Church office.
They are also great for framing.
Mass cards with this
image are also available.
100 Years!
Pictures from
the Sept. 19
St. Anthony of Padua Church
Congratulations to Louise Bole
who won the drawing on October 5, 2015.
Our next drawing will be October 12, 2015.
October 11, 2015
Please pray for the Priests of our Archdiocese
Will you commit to praying for an end to abortion?
Di Fiore,
The United Nations Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima
Will be visiting St. Anthony of Padua
On November 7 & 8, 2015
All are invited to join us at any time during the weekend
to pray for our nation and our world.
Please see the flyer in the back of the church for schedule.
This is the only religious statue ever
allowed to go into the United Nations’
Meditation Room.
A Dominican Rosary Apostolate
Email: [email protected]
Preach My Psalter
Offers the following on Saturday mornings:
5 am Holy Hour: Adoration, Rosary, & Benediction
Confessions available during Holy Hour
6:10 am Eucharistic Celebration
2015 Schedule:
October 3 (First Saturday), 10, 17, 24 & 31;
November 7 (First Saturday), 14, 21, & 28;
December 5 (First Saturday), 12, 19, & 26
Please see flyers on the information desk in the back of church.
St. Alphonsus Liguori wrote:
“Of all devotions, that of adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the
greatest after the Sacraments, the one dearest to God and the one most
helpful to us”. The Eucharist is a priceless treasure: By not only
celebrating the Eucharist, but also by praying before It outside of Mass,
we are enabled to make contact with the very wellsprings of Grace ..."
You are invited to participate in Eucharistic Adoration each Friday
Adoration begins after 8:15 Mass; ends with Benediction at 11:50 am.
You can spend a few minutes, an hour or as much time as you desire.
Our Mission Statement
The mission of Saint Anthony of Padua Parish is to develop an atmosphere for the members
of our Faith Community to live out the four-fold goals of the Catholic Church:
Worship, Word, Service, & Community.
Bible Trivia:
What is sharper than a two-edged sword,
penetrating between soul and spirit, joints
and marrow, and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart?
(Hint: look in today’s readings)
Last week’s answer:
“”Both the one who makes people holy and
those who are made holy are the same family”
See Hebrews 2:9-11