kinship and relative caregiver classes
kinship and relative caregiver classes
LOS ANGELES MISSION COLLEGE FOSTER/KINSHIP CARE PROGRAMS Spring 2014 LOS ANGELES MISSION COLLEGE’S FOSTER AND KINSHIP CARE EDUCATION PROGRAM . Some class topics are subject to change without notification Due to the sensitivity of topics, children cannot attend classes and child care is not available CAREGIVER CLASSES . K KIIN NSSH HIIPP EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON NA ALL G GR RO OU UPP Our kinship educational group meets weekly to discuss various issues that impact people caring for minor children who are relatives. We welcome all grandparents, aunts, uncles, adult brothers and sisters to join us for informative discussions. Topics include parenting and discipline, working with the educational system, community resources, teen issues, and caring for yourself.(Foster parents are also welcome to attend.) Please call Grandparents as Parents at (818)264-0880 prior to attendance for individual class titles and location information. Instructor: Date: Time: Location: Joyce Fox Every Monday 6:00 pm The Help Group 15339 Saticoy St 13652 Cantara Street Van Nuys, CA Kinship Orientation If you are interested in attending a kinship orientation, please call (818) 364-7664 Instructor: Date: Time: Location: Pam Meeker-Stolz Every Tuesday 9:30 am Kaiser Permanente 13652 Cantara Street Panorama City, CA LOS ANGELES MISSION COLLEGE FOSTER/KINSHIP CARE PROGRAMS Spring 2014 LOS ANGELES MISSION COLLEGE PROGRAMA DE EDUCACION PARA PADRES DE CRIANZA Y PARIENTES RESPONSABLES DEL CUIDADO Y CRIANZA DEL HIJO DE ALGUN PARIENTE Los temas de la clases pueden cambiar sin notificación Debido a los temas de las clases , los niños no pueden asistir a las clases Y no se provee cuidado para niños. CLASES PARA PARIENTES QUE CUIDAN EL HIJO DE OTRO PARIENTE Si le interesa asistir a una Orientación Para los Parientes Que Cuidan el hijo/a de otro pariente favor de llamar al (818)364-7664 Hay un grupo para abuelos, tíos y otros parientes que cuidan el niño de algún pariente. Fecha: Los martes. Lugar: Maclay Community Center Youth Policy Institute 12513 Gain St. - Center Pacoima, CA 91331 El horario y domicillio del grupo puede cambiar sin notificacion. Favor de llamar al 818 264-0880 para confirmar antes de asistir la clase. Hora: 9:30am-11:30am
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kinship and relative caregiver classes
Some class topics are subject to change with out