FKCE Newsletter 2009 Issue 1
FKCE Newsletter 2009 Issue 1
2009 QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER olledge JULY-SEPTEMBER All classes are FREE of charge and available to foster and adoptive parents, kinship caregivers, and county social workers. Saddleback College Participants receive class credit for meeting both county and state Foster Parent Training Mandates. CPR/ First Aid training meets licensing requirements. ~ THE MORE WE KNOW, THE MORE THEY GROW ~ DIRECTORY INDEX Registration and Contact Information: Training Events: For translation services in Spanish or English, or if hearing impaired, please register at least 1 week prior to the class to advise us of your particular needs. Phone: 949/582-4884 Fax: 949/364-2513 Mail: FKCE Program, BGS 318 Saddleback College 28000 Marguerite Pkwy. Mission Viejo, CA 92692 Email: [email protected] Email Distribution List: To receive the newsletter or additional workshop information via email, please submit your request to: [email protected] FKCE CPR/FirstAid ............................. 2 Moral Development............................ 4 CRIS Software Training ..................... 8 Special Medical & ESH Program ....... 11 Foster & Kinship Care Education Ongoing Monthly Workshops and Support Groups: Anaheim ............................................ 5 Garden Grove..................................... 5 La Habra ............................................ 6 Lake Forest ........................................ 6 Los Alamitos ...................................... 7 Santa Ana .......................................... 7 Orange............................................... 8 Foster Care Auxiliary ......................... 9 Support Groups................................ 11 Visit Our Web Site: Home of the Gauchos Saddleback College CPR/ First Aid July-Sept 2009 This FREE workshop is restricted to Foster and Adoptive Parents, Kinship Caregivers, and Prospective Foster Parents currently enrolled in training classes. U Participants will learn theory and implementation of the skills necessary to respond to an emergency. Successful completion of the workshop will qualify participants for the American Red Cross First Aid Certificate and the Adult, Child, and Infant CPR Certificate. Instructor: Luis Vasquez, EMT Bilingual presentation: English/Spanish DATE August 22 Renewal Course** September 5 (Limit 10 Students) TIME 8:30 - 12:30 pm 8:30 - 2:30 pm LOCATION So. Orange County FRC 23832 Rockfield Blvd., #270, Lake Forest 92630 Manzanita Park FRC 1260 N. Riviera Street, Anaheim 92801 ** Renewal courses are only for participants renewing existing certification. Persons not currently certified, or whose certification has lapsed 6 months, must take the full 6-hour CPR/ First Aid workshop. NOTE: Class size is limited to 20 students – wear comfortable clothing If you are unable to attend, notify the FKCE office ASAP so that parents on our waiting list are able to attend. Save the Date ! Presentation by: Allison Davis Maxon, M.S., MFT September 26, 2009 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Classes are for Foster and Adoptive Parents, Kinship Caregivers and Social Workers. *Class credit hours apply toward county and state licensing requirements. For translation services, or if hearing impaired, register at least 1 week prior to class to advise us of your particular needs. 949/582-4884 or [email protected] 2 Pimeros Auxilios y CPR Julio-Septiembre 2009 Instructor: Luis Vasquez, EMT Estas clases proveen información sobre Primeros Auxilios y CPR para infantes, adolescents y adultos. Son patrocinadas por el Programa de Educación de Padres de Crianza, Padres Adoptivos y Parientes. Presentación bilingüe FECHA HORA 22 de agosto Curso para renovar licencia** 5 de Septiembre (Limite 10 personas) 8:30 - 12:30 pm 8:30 - 2:30 pm SITIO So. Orange County FRC 23832 Rockfield Blvd., #270, Lake Forest 92630 Manzanita Park FRC 1260 N. Riviera Street, Anaheim 92801 Límite 20 estudiantes. Se sujere vestirse en ropa comfortable. Por favor no traiga niños a la clase – no se ofrece cuidado de niños Para registrarse llame a 949/ 582-4884 Si no puede asistir la clase, favor de avisarnos para ofrecer su reservación a otros parientes en nuestra lista de espera. Estas clases pueden ser utilizadas para los requisitos de licencias pero no para los requisitos del condado o del estado referente a las ocho horas de entrenamiento mandatorio. **Cursos de Renovación son para los participantes renovando su certificación actual. Las personas que no están actualmente certificadas o quen tienen vencida su certificación por más de 6 meses deben tomar el taller de CPR/Primeros Auxilios de 6 horas. Classes are for Foster and Adoptive Parents, Kinship Caregivers and Social Workers. *Class credit hours apply toward county and state licensing requirements. For translation services, or if hearing impaired, register at least 1 week prior to class to advise us of your particular needs. 949/582-4884 or [email protected] 3 MORAL DEVELOPMENT September 21st and 28th 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Presented by: Margie McNelly This two-part workshop will address: • • • • • • • How to identify the stages of moral reasoning and how it is manifested in children The stages and degrees of parent vs. peer influence Offering choices that allow your child to make a decision Reinforcing manners and other good behavior Teaching fairness by solving conflicts that considers everyone’s feelings Nurturing a loving relationship so that children care about your expectation How to teach and encourage kind and caring actions Annex Auditorium, 744 N.Eckhoff St., Orange 92686 Receive 2.5 hrs. class credit for each session attended ¡GUARDE LA FECHA! Dia de Entrenamiento en Español 14 de noviembre, 2009 Classes are for Foster and Adoptive Parents, Kinship Caregivers and Social Workers. *Class credit hours apply toward county and state licensing requirements. For translation services, or if hearing impaired, register at least 1 week prior to class to advise us of your particular needs. 949/582-4884 or [email protected] 4 Anaheim Western Youth Services Youth Center 505 N. Euclid St., Suite 300 Anaheim 92801 Meetings: Instructed by Lili Perez-Stroud, Certified Trainer • 2nd Tuesday of each month 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. • Bilingual presentation • 3 hrs. class credit* • Site Coordinators: Gabriela Alvarado and Steven Sproule July 2009 NO CLASS August 11 BRIDGE TO HEALTHY DEVELOPMENT Instruction will focus on how to best meet children’s developmental attachment needs and how to assist them in developing their attachment to your family. Parents will learn how to help the children transfer that attachment to others as well. MANAGING FAMILY CHANGE Discover vital strategies and innovative methods on how you can help youth experience change in their lives. Learn practical skills to identify what actions you should or should not take in such situations. September 8 Garden Grove Magnolia Park Family Resource Center 11402 Magnolia Avenue Garden Grove 92842 July 21, 2009 August 18 September 22 (Date Change) Meetings: Instructed by Kelly Grimes, MA • 3rd Tuesday of each month 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. • 3 hrs. class credit* • Site Coordinator: Claudia Valdiza- Alvarez HOW TO TALK TO YOUR KIDS ABOUT ANYTHING Raising a child is the most gratifying job--and one of the toughest--in part, because times have changed. In an increasingly complex world with daily challenges, there are many disturbing issues that children don’t understand and adults find difficult to explain. Learn how to speak to kids about tough issues. HELPING YOUR CHILD SUCCEED IN SCHOOL Children face daily challenges and school is one of the most difficult. Some kids cannot learn by traditional teaching methods and need to enroll in assistance programs, or receive supplemental services through the school and district. It is important you know the rights of the youth in your care and learn how to advocate on their behalf. HOMEWORK BATTLE Parents frequently find themselves in the role of “bad guy” when it comes to completing homework. Learn how parents can maintain their sanity while constructively assisting and encouraging their children to complete their homework assignments. Learn how homework can be fun without added stress. Classes are for Foster and Adoptive Parents, Kinship Caregivers and Social Workers. *Class credit hours apply toward county and state licensing requirements. For translation services, or if hearing impaired, register at least 1 week prior to class to advise us of your particular needs. 949/582-4884 or [email protected] 5 La Habra Boy’s & Girl’s Club 1211 Fahringer Way La Habara 90631 Julio / July 2009 5 de agosto August 5 2 de septiembre september 2 Juntas/ Meetings: • Presentacion en español / Presented in Spanish by Lili Perez-Stroud, Certified Trainer • Pimer miercoles de cada mes/ 1st Wednesday of each month • 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. 2 horas de credito / 2 hrs. class credit* • Coordinador/Site Coordinator: Mark Chavez No hay classes / No Class MANTENIENDO EL HISTORIAL DE LA FAMILIA / Keeping The Family History ► Usar medios fáciles y sencillos para mantener “un album de vida” de los niňos a su cargo para preservar su historia. Desarrollar manualmente el libro con los niňos y aňadirle un toque de cariňo. Los recuerdos son importantes asi es que haga memoria de cosas del pasado y diviertanse en harcerlo especial. Volante de “paginas necesarias” estarán disponibles al igual que direcciones en la red cybernetica para obtener material adicional. ► Simple, easy ways to keep a “life book” for the children in your care and help preserve their history. Hands-on, uncomplicated ways to develop the book with the kids and special things to add from your heart. Memories are important so have fun with the kids in finding clues from their past; get them enthused about their memories; and, make their favorite things “special.” Handouts of must-have pages will be available, plus info on websites for obtaining additional material. MENTIRAS Y LA ACCIÓN DE HURTAR / Lying And Stealing ► ¿Porquè los adolescentes roban y mienten? ¿Será que quieren llenar un hueco en su vida o satisfacer una necesidad inmediata? Aprenda el modo más efectivo para interceder en el comportamiento de su ňino de mentir y robar. ► Why do youth steal and lie? Is it to fill a void in their life or a need for immediate gratification? Learn the most effective ways to address your child’s lying and stealing behavior. Lake Forest So. Orange County Family Resource Center 23832 Rockfield Blvd., Suite. 270 Lake Forest 92630 July 1, 2009 (Date Change) August 12 September 9 Meetings: Instructed by Tina Fietsam, LCSW • 2nd Wednesday of each month 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. • Free childcare available must advise of needs when registering • 3 hrs. class credit* • Site Coordinator: Cynthia Campos ANGER OUTBURST/ ANGER MANAGEMENT This workshop will provide information on signs and symptoms of anger. Participants will learn why it happens and what one can do to help. ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT & ADOLESCENT ISSUES TODAY This workshop will discuss the following topics: Adolescent stages of development; dating violence; depression and suicide; eating disorders; and self-injurious behavior. BULLYING This workshop will address the following forms of bullying: physical, emotional, verbal, cyber, racial, and bullying the handicapped. Participants will learn how to monitor and protect their children. Classes are for Foster and Adoptive Parents, Kinship Caregivers and Social Workers. *Class credit hours apply toward county and state licensing requirements. For translation services, or if hearing impaired, register at least 1 week prior to class to advise us of your particular needs. 949/582-4884 or [email protected] 6 Los Alamitos We Care Center 10941 Reagan Street Los Alamitos 90720 July 7, 2009 August 4 September 1 Meetings: Instructed by Kelly Grimes, MA, Certified Trainer • 1st Tuesday of each month 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. • Childcare provided at Kid’s Watch Fee: $2.25/hr. per child • 3 hrs. class credit* • Site Coordinator: Marty Thompson QUICK FIX: EFFECTIVE DISCIPLINE Learn methods and techniques for parents to use in preventing and solving challenging behavior. Participants will identify prevention strategies, parental exceptions, and positive directives. This is ideal for tired parents who need energizing ideas for parenting children after 5pm. PARENTING YOUR DEVELOPING CHILD What are the developmental milestones for your child? Are emotional milestones the same for foster and kinship children? What works with respect to discipline? What types of reinforcement do children need and thrive on? Learn the answers to these questions. USING YOUR HEAD AS WELL AS YOUR HEART TO RAISE SCHOOL-AGED CHILDREN Whether you plan on teaching or not, every time you are with your children, your children are learning from you. Regardless of the circumstances, your words and actions influence your kids, your relationship with them, and how they learn the difference between right or wrong and good or bad behavior. Santa Ana ► Olive Crest 714-543-5437◄ 2130 E. 4th Street # 200 Santa Ana 92705 Meetings: Bilingual Instruction by Augustine Navarro, BS • 2nd Thursday of each month 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. • 3 hrs. class credit* July 2009 NO CLASS August 13 LYING AND STEALING Why do youth lie and steal? Is it to fill a void in their life or a need for immediate gratification? Learn the most effective ways to address your child’s lying and stealing behavior. September 10 CHILDREN AND VIOLENCE Learn the effects of violence and trauma on children, whether it is in the home (including domestic violence), in the media, or cyber bullying. Learn how to limit your child’s exposure to violence. Classes are for Foster and Adoptive Parents, Kinship Caregivers and Social Workers. *Class credit hours apply toward county and state licensing requirements. For translation services, or if hearing impaired, register at least 1 week prior to class to advise us of your particular needs. 949/582-4884 or [email protected] 7 Orange Grupo de Apoyo y Entrenamiento Grupo de Apoyo / Support Group-Orange Orange Co. Agencia de Niños y Familias 744 N. Eckhoff St., Annex Building Orange 92868 Juntas/ Meetings: Presentaciones en español/ Presented in Spanish • El primer miercoles de cada mes/ 1st Wednesday each month • 7:00 p.m. – 9 p.m. 2 hrs. de credito/ 2 hrs. class credit* • Coordinadora/ Coordinator: Juanna Hussey 714/ 704-8255 July 1 1◦ de julio, 2009 SERVICIO EN LOS BIBLIOTECAS DEL CONDADO DE ORANGE Services in Orange County Public Libraries Jennifer Johnson ►Aprenda información sobre la nueva politica de la tarjeta de la bibiloteca para niňos de crianza y los programas en las bibliotecas incluidos las tutorias, lectura de verano, y los clubes de libros. Los niňos a menudo necesitan ánimo para leer. ►Learn information about the new library card policy for foster children and the library programs including tutoring, summer reading programs, and book clubs. Children often need encouragement to read. SUICIDIO DE ADOLESCENTES / Teen Suicide ►Un número creciente de adolescents intentan o tiene éxito el intento de suicidarse. En este entrenamiento, aprenda las señales de advertencia, las técnicas de prevención y tratamiento. Si usted sospecha que un adolescente esta pensando en suicidarse, no guarde silencio. ►An increasing number of teens attempt or succeed at suicide. At this training, learn the warning signs, prevention techniques and treatment. If you suspect a teen may be thinking about suicide, you do not want to remain silent. EL DESARROLLO DE HÁBITOS SALUDABLES PARA LOS NIÑOS Developing Healthy Habits For Children 5 de agosto, 2009 2 de septiembre, 2009 Heriberto Escamilla ►En ésta clase aprenderá información sobre la conexión entre la obesidad y la diabetes. Usted aprenderá la importancia de éste tema y las técnicas para motivar a los niños y desarrollar hábitos con dieta y ejercicio para tener un cerebro y cuerpo saludable. ►In this class, you will learn information about the connection between obesity and diabetes. You will learn the importance of this topic and techniques to motivate children to develop lifetime habits with diet and exercise for a healthy brain and body CRIS Software - Make Recordkeeping Easy! An innovative and easy-to-use program specifically designed for relative caregivers and foster families. Keep all the children’s information in your home on one simple program. Eliminate the paper shuffling and have immediate access to your child’s information. • Instructed by Kathy Harvey • 1st Thursday every month at Noon, 333 S. Brookhurst, Anaheim. • To schedule contact 714/ 778-3383 or [email protected] • Receive free software • Limit one per O.C. foster/relative caregiver household • Receive 2 hrs. class credit* • May bring laptop for hands-on training Classes are for Foster and Adoptive Parents, Kinship Caregivers and Social Workers. *Class credit hours apply toward county and state licensing requirements. For translation services, or if hearing impaired, register at least 1 week prior to class to advise us of your particular needs. 949/582-4884 or [email protected] 8 SUPPORT GROUP - ANAHEIM Foster Care Auxiliary of Orange County 333 S. Brookhurst, Anaheim 92804 (between Orange and Broadway) July 6, 2009 August 3 September Meetings: Kathy Harvey, Foster Parent Trainer • 1st or 2nd Monday each month • 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. • 2 hrs. class credit* • For information or registration call 714/ 778-3383 or email: [email protected] EATING DISORDERS Participants will learn how to identify eating disorders and the common misconceptions surrounding them. Creative yet practical solutions will also be offered to assist parents and their children. FOSTER PARENTS WORKING WITH BIRTH PARENTS This workshop will discuss the importance of communication with birth parents. Although the focus will be primarily on infant and preschool care, the information will apply to foster children of all ages NO CLASS Classes are for Foster and Adoptive Parents, Kinship Caregivers and Social Workers. *Class credit hours apply toward county and state licensing requirements. For translation services, or if hearing impaired, register at least 1 week prior to class to advise us of your particular needs. 949/582-4884 or [email protected] 9 FOSTER CARE / PADRES DE CRIANZA Do you know anyone who would make a great Foster Parent? Is someone you know already interested in Adopting? Please call the information line for further details: 888/ 871-5437 ¿Usted conoce alguien que pueda ser un buen Padre de Crianza? ¿Hay alguien quien ud. conoce que está interesado en Adoptar? Por favor llame para más informacíon. KINSHIP CARE Kinship Caregivers are grandparents, aunts & uncles, brothers or sisters who are raising a family member’s children. Kinship caregivers are not mandated to receive training, however, they are welcome to attend our workshops. To register, please call Foster & Kinship Care Education: 949/ 582-4884 Parientes que ofrecen cuidado son abuelos, tias y tios, hermanos o hermanas que cuidan a los niños de alguien de su familia. No se les obliga recibir entrenamiento, sin embargo son bienvenidos a participar en nuestros talleres. Para registrarse, por favor llamar a Foster & Kinship Care Education. Classes are for Foster and Adoptive Parents, Kinship Caregivers and Social Workers. *Class credit hours apply toward county and state licensing requirements. For translation services, or if hearing impaired, register at least 1 week prior to class to advise us of your particular needs. 949/582-4884 or [email protected] 10 Support Groups CITY SUPPORT GROUP/ LEADER PHONE Fountain Sallie Miller 714/848-2558 Huntington Beach Parents of Teens/ 714/ 848.0347 Huntington Beach Single Foster Parents/ Valley Jesse Damerval 714/ 588.4316 Cyndi Bradbury For the most current Support Group information, please call: Joanna Hussey 714/ 704-8255 (Habla Español) Foster & Kinship Care Liaison SPECIAL MEDICAL and ESH PROGRAM • • Specialized presentations Contact 714/ 704-8533 for current information o Special Medical Coordinator: Pamela Young o ESH Diversion Supervisor: Suzanne Grahovac Orange County SSA 800 N. Eckhoff, #1304, Orange, 92868 Classes are for Foster and Adoptive Parents, Kinship Caregivers and Social Workers. *Class credit hours apply toward county and state licensing requirements. For translation services, or if hearing impaired, register at least 1 week prior to class to advise us of your particular needs. 949/582-4884 or [email protected] 11 Foster & Kinship Care Education Program Social and Behavioral Sciences, BGS 318 Saddleback College 28000 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo, CA 92692 Send to: View the Latest Class Information Online:
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