May 12, 2016 - Harris County Municipal Utility District 120
May 12, 2016 - Harris County Municipal Utility District 120
NOTICE OF MEETING HARRIS COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 120 The Board of Directors of Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 120 will hold a regular meeting on Thursday, May 12, 2016, at 6:30 p.m., at the offices of LJA Engineering, Inc., 2929 Briarpark Drive, Suite 600, Houston, Texas, to discuss and, if appropriate, act upon the following items: 1. 2. 3. :4. 5. 6. 7. 8. -9. 10. 600535 Approve minutes. Comments from the public. Attorney's report, including: a. review and update Action List status chart; b. Chelford City Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Advisory Committee matters and proposed service area expansions; and c. annexation letter agreement with BSD Bright Site Development, LLC and authorize feasibility study. Travel Reimbursement Guidelines and Director Expenses for the Association of Water Board Directors summer conference. Report on refunding bond issue. Financial and bookkeeping matters, including payment of bills, review of investments, and budget comparison. _Tax assessment and collection matters, including delinquent tax collections,installment'agreements, and payment of tax bills. _Operation of District facilities, including: 'a.. billings; b. repairs and maintenance; c. · customer correspondence; d. message language on water bill; e. water accountability; f. water conservation efforts; g. review Critical Load Spreadsheet for District's facilities and authorize annual filing; and h. approve Consumer Confidence Report and authorize operator to mail Consumer Confidence Report and file certificate of mailing with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Hearing on termination of water and sewer service to delinquent customers and authorize termination of service. Parks/Recreation matters, including: a. Mission Bend Greenbelt Association matters; b.. Regional Parks Committee; c. Summit Valley right-of-way, including: i. receive presentations on trail design and park amenities; review bids and award contract for the trail from ~ummit Valley Drive to West Park Drive; and 111. request to Harris County to add pedestrian crossing signs. d. reuse irrigation system at McClendon Park. Engineering matters, including: a. deed, easements, consents to encroachment, requests for service or utility commitment letters and annexation requests; b. West Harris County Regional Water Authority matters; c. Chelford City Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility matters; · d. GIS system; and e. capital improvement plan. Website, including content updates. Reports from Directors and District consultants regarding events and activities during the month . 2016 Directors Election, including: a. approve and distribute Certificates of Election; approve Directors' Sworn Statements, Bonds and Oaths of Office; b. c. reorganize Board and elect officers; and d. authorize filing of District Registration Form with Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. ii. 1 11. 12. 13. . 14. ******************************************************************** AVISO DE ASAMBLEA DISTRITO MUNICIPAL NRO. 120 DE SERVICIO PUBLICO DEL CONDADO DE HARRIS La Junta Directiva del Distrito Municipales Nro. 120 de Servicios Publicos Del Condado De Harris, llevara a· cabo una asamblea ordinaria el jueves 12 de mayo de 2016, a las 6:30 p.m., en las oficinas de LJA Engineering & Surveying, Inc., 2929 Briarpark Drive, Suite 600, Houston, Texas, para discutir y de ser apropiado actuar sobre los siguientes puntos: 14. Elecci6n de Directores de 2016, incluyendo: a. aprobar y distribuir Certificados de Elecci6n; b. aprobar Declaraciones Juradas, Fianzas y Juramentos al Cargo de los Directores; c. reorganizar la Junta y elegir funcionarios; y d. autorizar la presentaci6n del Formulario de Registro del Distrito ante la Comisi6n de Calidad Ambiental de Texas. · · Persons wtth disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and would like to request auxiliary aids or services are requested to cc:mtact the District's attorney at (713) 860-6400 at least three business days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements maybe made. 600535 ' ******************************************************************** THONG BAO HQP co QUAN TitN ICH THANH PHO so 120 QU!N HARRIS Ban Giam E>6c Co Quan Ti~n fch Thanh Ph6 S6 120 Qu~n Harris, se t6 chuc m(H cu<)c h9P thuong I~ vao thu Nam, ngay 12 thang Nam, 2016, hie 6:30 gi~ chi~u, tqi cac van phong cua LJA Engineering & Surveying, Inc., 2929 Briarpark Drive, Suite 600, Houston, Texas, d~ ban thao Va thlfc hi~n cac thu tl;IC Sall day, ne'°u thich h<;fp: 14. Cu(k Bftu Cii' Giam E>6c 2016, bao g6m: a. phe chuffn va phan phati Cac Gi{y Chung Nh~n Bftu Cu; b. phe chuffn Cac Ban Tuyen Th~ cua Giam E>6c, Ti~n Bao Lanh va Tuyen Th~ Nh~m Chuc; c. tai t6 chuc Ban Giam E>6c va bftu chon cac vien chuc; va phe chuffn vi~c n<)p Don Ghi Danh cua Qu~n Hqt voi Uy Ban Cha't . d. Luqng Moi Truong Texas. ******************************************************************** HARRIS COUNTY ~120~J}fmll&0J=IPJ~l!i Harris County ~12d\ttJtr~-0ffl.J:~l!ifJl!.$1tJm'.~2016iF5Jj 12 B, ~~iz:g, rlf-6: 30, .ffLJA Engineering & Surveying, Inc. VJ¥0~, 2929 Briarpark Drive, Suite 600, Houston, Texas~ , -B 00tff:ii1t~, ~t~~¥Jtff r~tllf&&'Z.$J~: 14. · Persons w~th disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and would like to request auxiliary aids or services are requested to contact the District's attorney at (713) 860-6400 at least three business days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements maybe made. 600535 .
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The Board of Directors of Harris County Municipal Utility District No
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