Regular, February 25, 2016
Regular, February 25, 2016
NOTICE OF MEETING HARRIS COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 81 OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS The Board of Directors of Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 81 of Harris County, Texas, will hold a regular meeting on Thursday, February 25, 2016, at 6:00 p.m., at 805 Hidden Canyon, Katy, Texas 77450, to discuss and, if appropriate, act upon the following items: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Approve minutes. Request for funding Harris County Precinct's extension of the hike and bike trail west of Mason Road. Tax assessment and collections matters, including delinquent tax collections, installment agreements, payment of tax bills, and update on businesses paying sales tax. Financial and bookkeeping matters, including payment of the bills and review of investments. Operation of District facilities, billings, repairs, and maintenance, including update on customer requests. Hearing on termination of water and sewer service to delinquent customers and authorize termination of service. Report on garbage and recycling services. Engineer's report on District facilities; including: a. grou11d storage tank at water plant no. 1; b. ground .storage tank at water plant no. 4, including update on application for use of surplus funds; c. televising of Cimarron Subdivision, Sections 1 and 2; d. . GIS system; e. water modeling study; f. profiling of water well no. 4; g. lift station mixer; h. capital improvement plan; and i. water well no. 3. Report on West Memorial Municipal Utility District Sewage Treatment Plant meeting and proposed plant improvements. Operation, repair, and maintenance of Administrative Office and District website, including proposal for cable and signage for parking lot and notice regarding firearms. Report on agreement for effluent reuse facility at the Cinco Regional Sewage Treatment Plant. 2016 Dire~tors Election, including: authorize Notice and Writ of Election. a. ****************************************************************** 588762.doc AVISO DE ASAMBLEA DISTRITO DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS MUNICIP ALES Nro. 81 DEL CONDADO DE HARRIS, CONDADO DE HARRIS, TEXAS La Junta Directiva del Distrito de Servicios Publicos Municipales Nro. 81 del Condado de Harris, Condado de Harris, Texas, llevara a cabo una asamblea ordinaria el jueves 25 de febrero de 2016 a las 6:00 p.m. en 805 Hidden Canyon, Katy, Texas 77450, para discutir, y de ser necesario, actuar sobre los siguientes puntos: Elecci6n de Directores de 2016, incluyendo: a. autorizar el Aviso y Mandato de Elecci6n. 12. ****************************************************************** THONG B.AO HQP ca QUAN TI.@:N icH THANH PHO s1 QU!N HARRIS CUA QU~N HARRIS, TEXAS - ? so " Ban Giam £>6c cua Cd Quan Ti~n fch Thanh Ph6 S6 81 Qu~n Harris cua Qu~n Harris, Texas se t6 chuc rn:(>t CUQC hQp thuClng ky vao thu Nam, ngay 25 thang Hai, 2016 hie 6:00 gi(t chi~u, tqi 805 Hidden Canyon, Katy, Texas 77450, d€ thao lu~n va, trong tntClng hqp c6 th€, tie"n hanh·cac n(>i dung sau: 12. 1 Cu(>c Bftll--Q.i'- Gi<im £>6c 2016, bao g6m: phe chu§'.n Thong Bao va Tuyen Th~ v~ Cu(>c Bftu Cu. a. ****************************************************************** @-~~~$~mr&81 m TEXAS fMHARRISit~£t:2~2ss Ci'§ll2II) Hidden Canyon, Katy, Texas 77450Blfflf91Jit ' §1mfli:illf.H:~~~¥Jt:f=rPJ""f$J~ 12. 2016~~$M~ a. \\\!1\illllf11,, ,,,,'''c\PAl u.,.1:111,,_ ~' ~~ ~~ ..... ,:;~ ! '- I ..· ::~l' __ ~ .............. :v>: ~ E L!'·-.. ."-~ -k ~.. a~ ,u \ ~ ~ ""Ti-~:: 8 'l 1.f ) ; ~o ~ --\~\... 'ft E ~ ./~""'-/$ . . . . . . . . . ;.· · ·~-."~ ,"Jlerscw ~tQI~· ''11 ""flf-6:00, H:8os : , §ft5 &_}-! /} ~tfH~fflJM~lm9ill&M~~ 0 w..e "c;> ~ £4 /e_ s Attorney for the District Abogado para el Distrito Lu~ t su d~i di~n Cd Quan ~:i:mn:J@o;:i:; §>::El!!E.l=t=-IJJfJ w$_,'l;'ttsabilities who plan to attend this meeting and would like to request auxiliary aids or services are requested to ·i:fftmtt1Ul~'Y:iistrict's attorney at (713) 860-6400 at least three business days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made 588762.doc
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The Board of Directors of Harris County Municipal Utility District No
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