city of avondle
city of avondle
CITY OF AVONDALE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Statement of Legal Action Wednesday, May 9 2012 6:30 p.m. Randall McDaniel Sports Complex /American Sports Center (ASC) 755 N. 114th Avenue STATEMENT OF LEGAL ACTION 1. Meeting Called to order at 6:36pm. 2. Approval of Agenda - Approved 3. Approval of Minutes – April 11, 2012 – Deferred until June Meeting 4. Audience Participation - None 5. Board Member Reports - Discussed 6. Director’s Report - Discussed 7. Matters for Discussion / Recommended Action A. ASC Tour – Tour Conducted 8. Adjournment - Meeting Adjourned at 7:07 pm. Individuals with special accessibility needs, including sight or hearing impaired, large print, or interpreter, should contact the City Clerk at 623-333-1200 or TDD 623-333-0010 at least two business days prior to the meeting. Personas con necesidades especiales de accesibilidad, incluyendo personas con impedimentos de vista u oído, impresión grande o interprete, deben comunicarse con la Secretaria de la Ciudad at 623-333-1200 o TDD 623-333-0010 cuando menos dos días hábiles antes de la junta.