Minutes 4.27.16
Minutes 4.27.16
Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Commission April 27, 2016 6:00 p.m. Sonoran Conference Room, Avondale City Hall 11465 W Civic Center Dr. MINUTES (DRAFT) The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm 1. Roll Call Members Present: Lisa Amos, Dan Rauscher, Lindsay Kothe, Frank Palacio, Edward Striffler, Curtis Troy Timmons, Curtis Nielson, Russell Van Lueven Members Excused: Robert McElfresh, Arnuad Irakoze 2. Unscheduled Public Appearances. There were no unscheduled public appearances. 3. Approval of the March 23, 2016 Minutes (For Action) Member Rauscher made a motion to approve the minutes with one correction. The motion was seconded by Member Timmons. 4. Legislative Update (Jessica Blazina – Assistant Director Intergovernmental Affairs) Drew Bryck, Environmental Program Manager, explained that Ms. Blazina was unable to make the meeting tonight as the legislature was still in session. The discussion with Jessica was rescheduled to the June meeting. 5. Multi Modal Map Discussion (Chris Hamilton – Engineering Project Manager) Chris Hamilton, Engineering Project Manager presented the preliminary results of the multi-modal map he is working on. The map would highlight areas of focus for the city to implement a version of a multimodal street which aims to prioritize amenities that make it easy for all users to utilize. The idea is to connect people to places or how can residents get connected to shopping centers if they wished to walk or bike. 6. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 Respectfully submitted, Drew Bryck Environmental Program Manager Individuals with special accessibility needs, including sight or hearing impaired, large print, or interpreter, should contact the City Clerk at 623-333-1200 or TDD 623-333-0010 at least two business days prior to the meeting. Personas con necesidades especiales de accesibilidad, incluyendo personas con impedimentos de vista u oído, impresión grande o interprete, deben comunicarse con la Secretaria de la Ciudad at 623-333-1200 o TDD 623333-0010 cuando menos dos días hábiles antes de la junta.