2:00 pm - Corpus Christi Church, Woodside, NY
2:00 pm - Corpus Christi Church, Woodside, NY
CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCH 31-30 61st Street, Woodside, NY 11377 Rectory ~ Phone: 718-278-8114 ~ Fax: 718-278-3619 ~ Food Pantry: 718-721-2774 Web site: ccwoodsideny.org E-Mail: corpuschris @ccwoodsideny.org Pastor E-Mail: [email protected] Rectory Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 9:00AM - 8:30PM ~ Saturday: 9:00AM - 7:00PM Sunday - Office Closed THE PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Patrick J. West, Pastor Rev. Carlos Prieto, Parochial Vicar Rev. John O’Neill, I.V.D., Weekend Associate Rev. William Smith, In Residence Deacon Juan J. Zhagñay, Permanent Deacon Mr. Augusto Lucero, Religious Educa on Director Mrs. Karen Sherlock, Outreach Director Mr. Gerardo Vera, Plant Manager Mr. Ma hew LaBanca, Music Director Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel of Saint Philomena 31-31 60th Street, Woodside, NY 11377 Marriage/Matrimonio: Marriage arrangements must be made at least six months in advance with one of the Priests of the Parish. Call the rectory for an appointment. Español: Sacar cita con el Sacerdote seis meses antes de la fecha elegida, para varias entrevistas y compilación de documentos. Devotions: Divine Mercy: Friday at 3:00 PM/Chapel. SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday/Sábado: Sunday/Domingo: Filipino Mass 5:00PM 6:30 PM Español, 8:45AM 11:00AM Español, 12:30PM 2:00PM - 4th Sunday WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE Monday - Saturday: 8:00AM Lunes: 7:30PM Español First Friday/Primer Viernes: 7:30PM Blvd Gardens Mass 10:30AM—First Wednesday CATHOLIC CEMETERIES For information please call: 718 894-4888 CEMENTERIOS CATÓLICOS Para información favor de llamar al: 718 894-4888 Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confesiones: Saturday/Sábado: 4:00 PM until 4:45 PM and any time by appointment / durante la semana previa cita. Baptism/Bautismo: English: 2nd Sunday of the month at 1:45 PM. Parents must register with child’s birth certificate at the Rectory prior to instruction which is held on the 1st Sunday of the month after the 8:45 AM Mass. Español: Tercer Sábado de cada mes 1:00 PM. Preparación domingo anterior después de misa de 11:00 AM. Para mayor información llamar a la rectoría. Page 2 Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time SATURDAY - October 10th 5:00 PM Angelo Sokol, Jr. 6:30 PM Christhian Betancourt Virgen de la Puerta SUNDAY - October 11th 8:45 AM Carmelo Figueroa & Tony Johnson (dec.) 11:00 AM Antonio Rojas (dec.) Dolores Minchala - 4th Anniverrsary (dec.) Luis M. Juan Jorge Chang (dec.) 12:30 PM John Gomes (dec.) MONDAY - October 12th 9:00 AM Lydia Kavalenko 7:30 PM Juliana Gomes (dec.) Sanu Nelson (dec.) th TUESDAY - October 13 8:00 AM Rosa Caro (dec.) WEDNESDAY - October 14th 8:00 AM Marion Balavender THURSDAY - October 15th 8:00 AM Living Members of the O’Brien Families Tom, William, Sr. Bridie, Margaret and Theresa FRIDAY - October 16th 8:00 AM Joseph Rotanz (dec.) SATURDAY - October 17th 8:00 AM Joseph Faga (dec.) 5:00 PM Frankie & Andrew Haber (dec.) 6:30 PM Marcial Puentes (dec.) SUNDAY - October 18th 8:45 AM James Daly (dec.) 11:00 PM Rosa Hermelinda Meola (dec.) Luis M. Juan Leonor Toro Vinueza (dec.) Ana De Bulla (dec.) Lilia Lopez - Accion de Gracias Luis Enrique Pardo & Beatrice Mateus (dec.) 12:30 PM Ana De Bulla (dec.) THE 2016 MASS BOOK IS OPEN October 11, 2015 We are grateful for your generous gift in gratitude for all of God’s blessings. Your gift makes the ministries of our Parish possible. Collection for October 3-4: Offertory: Maintenance: 2015 $ 4621 $ 1505 2014 $ 5434 $ 1541 Thank you for your generosity. Jenny Andrews Alexander Aponte Mei Chan Carol Costello Deborah Cruz Rosa Figueroa Valerie Flynn Bob Gaynor Ralph Gil Josephine Haber Tom Hannon Nelson Juca Robert Keegan Jean LaBonte Jose Sy Lao Peter Lividini Victoria Locke Krystal Long Rafael Mendez Miguel Miranda Cira Mota Augustin Nadel Robert Nieves Elias Nunes Marie Ozimek Vivian Papa Nelson Perez Hector Pinto Delenia Maria Ramirez Maria Isabel Ramierez Julia Ramos Al Strobl Elsie Velazquez Michelle Yashirta Perpetual Adoration at Corpus Christi We try to provide an atmosphere of quiet reflection in the Chapel. We invite everyone to pray silently before the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament when you come for a visit. We thank all Guardians of the Eucharist for their love, fidelity, and commitment to Jesus in the Eucharist. We encourage you to get to know the guardians before and after you. Please try to be on time for your hour. The person before you may have another commitment and is counting on you to be on time. Page 3 Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 11, 2015 FOOD PANTRY Needed: Ravioli Sunday, October 11 10:00 AM — RICA — Rectory 12:00 PM—Virgen de las Américas 1:30 PM—English Charismatic Prayer Group Monday, October 12 7:00 PM - Grupo Carismático - Iglesia Thank you to all of our faithful volunteers who stack the shelves and bag the food to hand out to our 200+ clients twice a month. Without their help we could not serve those less fortunate than we are. Thank you! During the month of September, we were able to provide food to 227 people. Tuesday, October 13 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM - AA - Parish Center Wednesday, October 14 7:00 PM — RICA — Rectory Basement Thursday, October 15 7:00 PM - Youth Ministry—Rectory Basement Friday, October 16 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM - AA - Rectory Basement SENIOR CLUB The Senior Club meets once a week on Thursday from Noon-3pm. The bus, provided by Catholic Charities, has begun to pick up our members for their weekly meetings. We welcome our new driver “Joy”. If you would like to join it is only $2.00 for cake, coffee, bingo, and cards. The chair exercise was a big hit and got everyone moving. Thank you Visiting Nurse Service! Monday, October 14 Columbus Day The Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 am in the Church. 2015 –2016 SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday School classes have begun for the year. All children are expected to be in class at 9:45 AM. If you are not yet registered please do so immediately. Next Sunday’s Readings First Reading — My servant shall jus fy many, and their guilt he shall bear (Isaiah 53:10-11). Psalm — Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you (Psalm 33). Second Reading — Let us confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and to find grace for mely help (Hebrews 4:14-16). Gospel — Whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all (Mark 10:35-45 [42-45]). English Charismatic Prayer Group Meets on Sunday in the rectory basement at 1:30 PM. All are invited to attend. Page 4 Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 11, 2015 Celebración en Honor a las Vírgenes Patronas de América HOY Misa a las 11:00 AM Nuestra celebración Anual en honor a las Vírgenes Patronas de América será El Domingo, 11 de Octubre del 2014 a las 11:00 AM. Todos están invitados a unirse con sus compatriotas, para hacer de esta día un encuentro de fe. Después de nuestra celebración eucarística, nos reuniremos en el auditorio para compartir la cultura, la tradición y los platos típicos de cada país. “Te Esperamos” FORMED.ORG INSCRIBASE HOY GRATIS Estamos muy contentos de anunciar que nuestra parroquia se ha suscrito a una nueva plataforma en línea dinámica llamada FORMADO. Cada feligrés tendrá acceso 24/7 a los mejores contenidos católica en cualquier dispositivo, incluyendo su conputador, Smartphone y Tablet con acceso a internet. Con FORMADO. encontrarás programas de vídeo que explican la fe católica, explorar el significado más profundo del matrimonio, recibir estudios bíblicos sobre una variedad de temas e incluyendo conversaciones de audio . Y usted encontrará presentadores como el Dr. Tim Gray, el Dr. Edward Sri, la doctora Mary Healey, Chris Stefanick, el Dr. Scott Hahn y mucho más. Todos son parte de nuestra suscripción parroquia. Es sin duda la fe católica - bajo demanda. He aquí lo fácil que es conseguir FORMADO: En el computador tableta o u teléfono inteligente ir a la pagina de www.FORMED.org. Ahí vera la caja de registro para los feligreses. Le pedirá que escriba el código de la parroquia: 9KTEHG. Ahora configurar un nombre de usuario - y una contraseña. Ahora usted está listo para usar todos los grandes programas en FORMED.org en cualquier momento con sólo con inscribirse Es así de fácil! Lunes, 14 de octubre Día de Columbus La misa se celebrará a las 9:00 am en la Iglesia. MANTENGA ESTA FECHA ABIERTA Domingo, 8 de noviembre DONACIÓN DE SANGRE AUDITORIO DE LA ESCUELA 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM Page 5 Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 11, 2015 HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Regis High School 55 East 84 Street, New York, NY 10028 Monday, October 12, 2015 1:00PM - 4:00 PM 212-288-1100, ext. 2057 th St. John’s Preparatory School 21-21 Crescent Street, Astoria, NY 11105 Saturday, October 17, 2015 11:00AM - 3:00 PM 718-721-7200 St. Francis Preparatory School 6100 Francis Lewis Boulevard, Fresh Meadows, Saturday, October 17, 2015 12 Noon - 4:30 PM 718-423-8810 The Mary Louis Academy 176-21 Wexford Terrace Mother Mary Louis Way, Jamaica Estates, NY Sunday, October 18, 2015 10:00AM - 3:00 PM Holy Cross High School 26-20 Francis Lewis Blvd, Flushing, NY Sunday, October 18, 2015 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM 718-886-7250 ext. 558 LECTURAS DEL PROXIMO DOMINGO Primera lectura — Ya que él ofreció su vida como sacrificio por el pecado, el proyecto de Dios prosperará en sus manos (Isaías 53:10-11). Salmo — Muéstrate bondadoso con nosotros, Señor (Salmo 33 [32]). Segunda lectura — Porque tenemos un sumo sacerdote que ha sido probado en todo, a excepción del pecado, acerquémonos con plena confianza al Dios de bondad (Hebreos 4:14-16). Evangelio — El Hijo del Hombre ha venido a servir y 2015 -2016 Clases de Catecismo Clases de catecismo han comenzado . Se espera que todos los niños estén en la clase a las 9:45 AM. Si todavía no han registrado a sus hijos por favor, hágalo inmediatamente. EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA PARA ADULTOS RITO DE INICIACIÓN PARA ADULTOS Los adultos que estén interesados en recibir los sacramentos del Bautismo, Eucaristía y Confirmación están invitados a participar en un viaje de fe, al cual nos referimos como el Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos. Cualquier persona interesada en estas clases debe hablar con el Padre West, Padre Carlos, el Diácono Juan o el señor Augusto Lucero en la rectoría. 2016 LIBRO DE MISAS El nuevo libro de horarios para Misas y otras celebraciones, para el año 2016, será abierto el martes, 5 de octubre 2015. Page 6 Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 11, 2015 Calling all TEENAGERS Youth Ministry meetings every Thursday night in the Youth Ministry center located in the Rectory Basement 7:00 PM—8:15 PM LIFE IN THE SPIRIT SEMINAR ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS Adults who are interested in receiving the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist or Confirmation are invited to participate in a faith journey that we refer to as the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. Our Adult classes in the faith are held on Sunday morning a1 10:00 AM . Anyone interested in these classes should speak to Fr. West, Fr. Carlos, Fr. O'Neil, Deacon Juan or Mr. Lucero at the rectory. KEEP THIS DATE OPEN SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8 BLOOD DRIVE SCHOOL AUDITORIUM 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM Looking for a way to be Spiritually refreshed? A Life in the Spirit Seminar is exactly what you need!! Music, presenta ons, and friendly people. Presenta ons include: God’s Love, Salva on, Spiritual Growth, and Transforma on in Christ. OCTOBER 24TH 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Corpus Chris Rectory Basement Telephone: 718-278-8114 Hosted by the English Charisma c Prayer Group of Corpus Chris No Registra on Fee Free Lunch Lectionary Based Bible Study and Reflection meets on Monday, at 1:00 PM in the Parish Center Page 7 FORMED.ORG Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time SIGN UP TODAY October 11, 2015 ITS FREE We are excited to announce that our parish has subscribed to a dynamic new online platform called FORMED. Every parishioner will have 24/7 access to the best Catholic content on any device, including your computer, smartphone and tablet with internet access. With FORMED you’ll find video programs that explain the Catholic faith, explore the deepest meaning of marriage, receive Bible studies on a variety of topics and includes inspiring audio talks. And you’ll find presenters like Dr. Tim Gray, Dr. Edward Sri, Dr. Mary Healey, Chris Stefanick, Dr. Scott Hahn and a lot more. They’re all part of our parish subscription. It truly is the Catholic faith - on demand. Here’s how easy it is to get FORMED: On your computer, tablet or smart phone go to www.FORMED.org. You should see the registration box for parishioners. Now type in the parish code: 9KTEHG. Now set up a username – whatever username you’ll remember - and a password. Now you are all set to use all the great programs on FORMED.org anytime by simply logging in. It is that easy! Goal/ Meta: $360,000.00 PledgesPromesas: $611,458.00 # of Pledges / # de Compromisos 181 % of goal / % de meta 168% As you can see we have surpassed our goal for the Generations of Faith campaign by a very wide margin. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. From now on, all pledges made to the appeal will be returned to the parish for our own necessary repairs and programs. If you have not yet made a pledge to Generations of Faith there are pledge cards at the entrance of the church. Again, thank you for your generosity Como se puede ver hemos superado nuestro objetivo para la campaña Generaciones de la fe por un margen muy amplio. Su generosidad es muy apreciada. Un porcentaje de lo que ustedes prometieron será retribuido a nuestra parroquia, el cual será utilizado o invertido en reparaciones de nuestras instalaciones y programas necesarios. Si usted todavía no ha hecho una promesa de Generaciones de Fe, hay tarjetas de compromiso en la entrada de la iglesia. Una vez más, gracias por su generosidad.