Ref. 20201 Mesa pequeña Table petite Working desk, small
Ref. 20201 Mesa pequeña Table petite Working desk, small
41 740 65 728-810 58 65 640 Ref. 20205 Soporte impresora sin bandeja Support imprimante sans panier Printer support without tray Druckertisch ohne Papierablagekorb Ref. 20204 Soporte informático grande Support informatique grand Computer support large Computertisch groß 70 58 Ref. 20208 Soporte pequeño regulable en altura Support petit à hauteur réglable Small stand with adjustable height Höhenverstellbares Stehpult klein 54 855-937 51 41 740-1025 54 159 650-935 51 Ref. 20202 Mesa grande Table grande Working desk, large Arbeitstisch, groß 740-1025 740 66 650-935 Ref. 20203 Soporte informático pequeño Support informatique petit Computer support small Computertisch klein 120 740-1025 Ref. 20201 Mesa pequeña Table petite Working desk, small Arbeitstisch, klein 92 558-608 57 45 460 x 500 60 60 230x23 24 Ref. 20215 Soporte mouse Tapis souris Mouse support Mousepad 665 Ref. 20213 Buc auxiliar con 3 cajones Caisson mobile avec 3 tiroirs rangement Cabinet unit with 3 drawers 480 Ref. 20206 Bandeja impresora Panier imprimante Printer tray Druckerpapierablage 665 45 700 Ref. 20218 Protector posterior ordenador Protection arrière pour l'ordinateur Screen protecting rear cover Bildschirmschutz 578- Ref. 20212 Buc auxiliar con 1 cajón y archivador Caisson mobile avec 1 tiroir rangement et 1 tiroire D.S. Cabinet unit with drawer and filing compartment Beistellmöbel mit Schubfach und Registratur Ø 400 Ref. 20207 Ala mesa redonda Plateau auxiliaire, table ronde Small round side table Arbeitsplatte rund 400 65 740-1025 Ref. 20209 Soporte grande regulable en altura Support grand à hauteur réglable Large stand with adjustable height 49