D4.5 Documentation of workshop No 1.
D4.5 Documentation of workshop No 1.
D4.5 Documentation of workshop No 1. SPAIN Transparense project This document has been conducted within the framework of project “Transparense – Increasing Transparency of Energy Service Markets” supported by the EU program “Intelligent Energy Europe” www.transparense.eu Date 19.02.2014 Place Madrid Authors ESCAN, s.l. Spain [email protected] www.escansa.com Disclaimer The sole responsibility for the content of this report lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EACI nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Contents 1 DESCRIPTION AND MINUTES ............................................................................................... 1 2 PHOTOS ....................................................................................................................................... 2 ANNEX 1 INVITATION ...................................................................................................................... 3 ANNEX 2 AGENDA ............................................................................................................................. 4 ANNEX 3 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS ................................................................................................ 5 ANNEX 4 PRESENTATIONS............................................................................................................. 6 Documentation 1 Description and minutes Country Spain Meeting No. Worshop N1 Date 19/02/2014 Title Presentation of Transparense and DHC Location Madrid Organised by Hosting institution Target groups particpating Escan Regional Government of Madrid, Fenercom Associations of Escos and Companies dealing with heating and cooling networks, Association of renewable producers, Escos, distributors of RES and consulting Number of participants Minutes More than 40 The event was organised by Escan with the Regional Government of Madrid, Associacion and Platforms of companies dealing with renewable energy sources and energy eficiency. More than 40 people attended this event coming from companies of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources also members of Platforms and Esco associations. Presentation of legal framework for heating by the Regional Government. Financial lines by the National Energy Agency, IDAE. Presentation about the European project Transparense, Code of Conduct, the planned activities about pilot projects and information of disemination activities the project. 1 Documentation 2 Photos Mr. Carlos Lopez, Regional Government of Madrid inaugurated the event. Mrs. Margarita Puente, Escan, presents the Code of Conduct of TRANSPARENSE project The conference is attended by more than 40 people. 2 Documentation Annex 1 Invitation Escan send the invitation to the stakeholders included in contact list of Transparense. 3 Documentation Annex 2 Agenda 9:00 Recepción y entrega de documentación Carlos López Jimeno Director General de Industria, Energía y Minas COMUNIDAD DE MADRID Margarita Puente Jefe de proyectos Proyecto TRANSPARENSE Miguel Armesto Presidente ADHAC 10:10 LAS REDES DE CALOR Y FRÍO EN LA NUEVA NORMATIVA EUROPEA Y ESPAÑOLA Javier Sigüenza Secretario General ADHAC Fernando del Valle D. G.de Industria, Energía y Minas COMUNIDAD DE MADRID Marco regulatorio y líneas de financiación. Integración de biomasa y geotermia en las redes. 11:30 DESCANSO CAFÉ 12:00 PROYECTO TRANSPARENSE Margarita Puente. Responsable en España del proyecto Transparense. Jefe de Proyectos ESCAN Proyecto Transparense en las redes de climatización con renovables. Código de Conducta. o Objetivos, principios y valores. o Aplicación en los proyectos de eficiencia energética. o Carácter voluntario del Código de Conducta. Resultados del proyecto aplicables a redes de climatización. 15:30 COLOQUIO Y CLAUSURA 4 Javier Fernández Dpto. de Biomasa y Residuos IDAE Documentation Annex 3 List of participants More than 40 people did attend this event. Due to confidentiality reasons the data of the participants is not public available. The participants belong to institutions and companies as: Dalkia, S. José Energia, Habitech, Uponor, Inpal, Asociación AMI, Magazine El Instalador, Instituto IGME, Ecoenergies, Elecnor, Viessman, Centro Tecnológico CARTIF, Acear, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Danfoss. 5 Documentation Annex 4 Presentations Some slides of TRANSPARENSE presentation: 6 Documentation Slides of other presentations: 7 Documentation Slides of other presentations: Article: 8