Fr. Peter B. McQuinn Pastor - All Saints


Fr. Peter B. McQuinn Pastor - All Saints
518 W. 28th Place
Chicago, IL 60616
Office: 312-842-2744
Fax : 312-842-2791
[email protected]
Fr. Peter B. McQuinn
Lisa Ortiz, CCD Coordinator
CCD Office (Mondays Only)
Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas
Saturday Evening - Anticipatory Mass
5:00 PM
8:30 AM
10:00 AM (Español)
11:30 AM
Weekday Masses:
Monday and Friday
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
Reconciliation (Confessions) &
Parish Prayer Mon and Friday
Baptisms / Bautisos:
Baptisms are on the 1st &
3rd Sunday of the month.
Please call the Rectory for more
School / Escuela:
Bridgeport Catholic Academy
37th & Lowe Avenue
Rectory Office Hours
Monday through Friday
Morning Hours
8:30 a.m. to 12 Noon
Afternoon Hours (Español)
12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Staff :
Office Manager:
Lisa Guerino/Hope
Maria J. Rosales
Bookkeeper :
Deborah Hadley
Noel Cervantes
“Steady your trembling knees.”
I know a good and graced woman, now
in her eighties, who sometimes seems a bit
queasy about the aftermath of her death. She
said one day, “I hope I don’t die in my sleep;
I’m not sure I’ll like where I wake up.” I may be
wrong, but I detected an apprehension in her,
not unlike that of other virtuous people who
wonder about their eternal fate.
Most young people are said to believe in
a hell where nobody goes. Many others, perhaps adults, think there is a hell largely populated by enemies. And among the old are believers who nervously wonder if hell might be
populated by the likes of themselves. They, like
St. Paul at some moments, consider the question of their salvation “in fear and trembling.”
They may have good reason. When
someone asked Jesus whether a small number
would be saved, he was not very comforting:
“Try to come in through the narrow door. Many,
I tell you, will try to enter and be unable.” The
lord of the household seems not to
acknowledge those standing outside, knocking
and pleading for entry, even though they had
once been in his company. What is more, there
will be that horrible “wailing and grinding of
teeth” by those rejected.
If this is the discipline that the Letter to
the Hebrews refers to, it is difficult, despite the
advice, not to lose heart. After all, what comfort
is there in the prospect that we might not be
saved or accepted into Christ’s heavenly kingdom?
The allusion to the narrow gate is found
in Luke’s thirteenth chapter, which contrasts a
self-defeating hardness of heart with redemptive repentance. Those whose faith is sterile
and lifeless hurt only themselves. Those who
are hypocrites fix their fate when they reject the
truth. Those who, with Herod, hate Jesus slam
the door on their salvation. And those who refuse to be gathered in by him as chicks are
gathered by their mother are left to their own
scattered journey.
The narrow gates of the old cities were
wide enough for a person to get through. It is
the size of a person because it is a person
Continued on Page 4
“Una multitud tan grande de testigos.”
¿Qué es la fe? El escritor de la Carta a
los Hebreos nos dice: “La fe es la garantía de
lo que se espera, la certeza de lo que no se
ve.” No es el trabajo de la vista orgánica. Al
contrario, es el acto de ver con confianza
Hace mucho, mientras pasaba un mes
trabajando en “la casa de los moribundos” en
Calcuta, busqué una solución segura para mi
futuro. El primer día, fui a ver a La madre Teresa después de la misa del amanecer. Me preguntó, “Y ¿cómo puedo servirle?” Le pedí que
rezara por mí. “¿Para qué quiere que rece?”
Expresé la petición que había llevado dentro
durante miles de millas: “Pida que Dios me dé
Ella me dijo que no. Y así fue. Cuando
le pregunté por qué, ella proclamó que la lucidez era la última cosa a que me aferraba y que
tenía que soltarla. Cuando comenté que me
parecía que ella misma poseía la lucidez que
yo deseaba, ella se rió: “Nunca he tenido lucidez; lo que siempre he tenido es confianza. Así
que voy a rezar que confíes.”
De esta manera, la madre Teresa llegó
a ser para mí una de la multitud de testigos de
la cual se refiere la carta a los Hebreos: héroes
de la fe, quienes creían en las cosas que no
veían. Así fue para Abrahán y Sara, quienes
creyeron que tendrían un hijo cuando ya eran
viejos (la mera idea le hizo reír a Sara) y que
Dios multiplicaría a sus “descendientes como
las estrellas del cielo y como la arena del mar.”
La carta a los Hebreos celebra la fe de
Abel, muerto pero aún nos enseña; de Noé y
de su arca improbable; de Jacob, en el lecho
de la muerte, finalmente dispuesto a dar la
bendición a los hijos de José; de Moisés, el niño desamparado y abandonado, que el día de
mañana sería líder de una nación, cuando parecía imposible, a una región donde nunca pisaría. La fe hizo caer las murallas de Jericó y
salvó a la prostituta Rajab. Fue la fe, según la
carta, que descubrió nuevas tierras, que otorgó
una fuerza asombrosa, y que animó a hombres
y a mujeres ordinarios a tener un valor único.
“Algunos sufrieron la prueba de burlas y azotes, e incluso de cadenas y cárceles.
Continued on Page 4
A Year of Mercy/Un Año Misericordia
Palabra en Palabra-One Word at a Time: Shudder/Estremecerse
When Jesus encounters deep human wounds
and sadness, he cannot remain indifferent. He
feels deeply. When the Gospel says that he
felt compassion, it means he shuddered in the
deepest part of himself. With his human and
merciful heart, he connects with our suffering.
When the Lord saw her, he had compassion
for her. (Luke 7:13)
Cuando Jesús se encuentra on las profundas
heridas y tristezas de los hombres no puede
permanecer indiferente. Lo impactan profundamente. Cuando el Evangelio dice que sintió
compasión, quiere decir que se estremeció
desde lo más profundo de su ser. Con su corazón humano y misericordioso, Jesús entiende
nuestro sufrimiento. Al verla, el Señor sintió
compassion (Lucas 7:13).
St. Joseph club invites all to their 90th Anniversary on Sunday, August 28th starting with Mass at
11:30AM at All Saints-St. Anthony after Mass there will be a procession through the neighborhood
then to the St. Joseph club at 27th and Union. They will then enjoy the music of the Sicilia Marching
Band, eat, drink and reminisce.
Page four
Pastor’s Page Continued
Pastor’s Page Continued
Jesus is the narrow gate, the way by which any
person can get through to the heavenly city.
In all the debates over who and how
many will be saved, in our own wonderings
about our own eternal lot, it is instructive to remember a truth that is disconcerting yet calming. We all most likely deserve a fate far less
glorious than heaven. After all, would not all of
us be lost without him? But through him, the
narrow gate, all may enter paradise, one by
one in salvation’s long procession.
We do not know for sure; but perhaps
there was a generous wisdom far greater than
we realized in that old prayer often said amid
the rosary mysteries of our redeemer’s life.
Dear Jesus, save us from the fires of hell. Bring
all souls to heaven, especially those most in
need of your mercy.
That is a prayer to the narrow gate, wide
enough, however, for all to enter, even those
who die in their sleep.
John Kavanaugh, SJ
"Fore the Girls" Golf Outing Supports
Queen of Peace Scholarship Fund
Queen of Peace High School will host the annual "Fore
the Girls" golf outing on Monday, October 3rd at Cog Hill
Country Club. Golfers will receive a cart, lunch on the
course, drink tickets and dinner. The event will also
include live and silent auctions that include: travel packages, Chicago sports tickets, theater tickets, wine tours
and more. All proceeds from this event support the
Queen of Peace Scholarship Fund. For more information
please visit or call
Stewardship - Coresponsibilidad
Sunday, August 7th
Collection Envelopes:
Loose Money:
Online Giving:
Your Gift To God:
Sunday, August 14th
Collection Envelopes: 128
Loose Money:
Online Giving:
Your Gift to God:
Thank You!
Fueron apedreados, aserrados por la mitad,
asesinados a filo de espada. Anduvieron fugitivos de aquí para allá, cubiertos de pieles de
oveja y de cabra, pasando necesidades, afligidos y maltratados. Anduvieron sin rumbo por
desiertos y montañas, por cuevas y cavernas.”
Todos eran héroes de la fe, según la carta, pero ninguno de ellos vio el cumplimiento de la
Cuánto podemos aprender de los grandes que nos han precedido, no sólo los santos
hebreos que se alaban en el párrafo anterior,
sino los nuestros también---los que, después
de Cristo, creyeron en Él a pesar de la adversidad.
Pensamos que la fe alivia la confusión,
apacigua el dolor, redime los tiempos, pero
perdemos el testimonio de la multitud de testigos. Nuestra fe no nos trae claridad final a esta tierra. No aplaca a los demonios. No calma
el caos ni el dolor sordo ni tampoco nos da un
apoyo para que sigamos caminando. Cuando
todo lo demás queda confuso, la persona de fe
dice, “En tus manos encomiendo mi espíritu.”
Así fue con todos nuestros héroes.
“Ellos murieron fieles. No llegaron a ver lo prometido pero lo vieron y lo rindieron homenaje
desde lejos…buscando algo mejor, un hogar
John Kavanaugh, SJ (Traducción de Kathleen
Bueno, PhD)
Little Company of Mary Hospital, Evergreen
Park, offers two support programs for those
grieving the loss of a loved one through death.
For Adults: Living: When a loved one has died.
Six consecutive Wednesday’s, beginning September 28th, 2016 from 6:30 PM-8:30 PM Support groups formed specific to loss.
Registration required.
For Children: The Heart Connection
Eight consecutive Monday’s, beginning September 19th, 2016 from 6:00 PM-7:30 PM. The
program is for children ages 5-18 who have
lost a loved one. Early registration is required.
For further information or to register call the
Pastoral Care Department, 708-229-5484 or
708-229-4299 Monday—Friday 9am to 4pm.
Saturday, August 20th
Anticipatory Mass
5:00 PM
Sharon Ciaravino (1st Anniv.) by
Portillo Family
Rose Bertucci by Bertucci Family
Ricky Barbaro (Birthday) by Brown
Jack & Sarah Lane by Luzin Family
Sunday, August 21st
8:30 AM
Daniel Marzano by Rose LaVelle
Bob Wonogas (Birthday) by Loretta
Wonogas & Family
Leonard Hoard (Birthday) by Paul &
Kimberly Vilimas
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
Misa Español
Luis Miguel Terrazas
Erendira Solis
Joseph & Antoinette Busillo by Family
Deceased Members of the Blameuser
Family by Geraldine Humbert
Esteban W. Chavez by R. Romo &
Monday, August 22nd
6:15 PM
Carolyn M. LaPlaca & Intentions of
the Family by Family
Tuesday, August 23rd
7:45 AM
People of the Parish
Wednesday, August 24th
7:45 AM
Purgatorial Society
Thursday, August 25th
7:45 AM
People of the Parish
Friday, August 26th
6:15 PM
Hank Pennington (Birthday) by Wife &
August 27th & 28th
5:00 PM
M. Knapp
8:30 AM
F. LaMonica
10:00 AM Misa Español
E. Terrazas, K. Terrazas
11:30 AM
C. O’Connor
5:00 PM
B./D. Dalcamo
8:30 AM
T. Penland
10:00 AM Misa Español
Sr. Baqrragan
11:30 AM
P. Andrews
Anna Velela and Jason Moline
Religious Education Registration for all NEW
students will be next Sunday August 28th in
church 8:30am-11:30am. For new registrations please bring your child's birth certificate
and Baptismal Certificate or call the Rectory
for an appointment. All other students will receive forms in the mail mid August please return them as soon as possible.
Please see our parish website
We are also on Facebook and Twitter.
Our parish email is
[email protected]
Saturday, August 27th
Anticipatory Mass
5:00 PM
Richard Nestor by Fr. Robert Ebrom &
Joseph F. Ramel by Totaro Family
John & MaryEllen Darragh by Luzin
Sunday, August 28th
8:30 AM
Connie Farina by St. Mary of Perpetual
Help Senior Club
10:00 AM
Misa Español
Luis Miguel Terrazas by Family
11:30 AM
St. Joseph Club (90th Anniversary)
Sisters of St. Casimir Founders’ Day Grand Raffle.
Saturday, August 27th drawing after the Liturgy of the
Eucharist at 9:30 AM in the Saint Casimir Center Chapel
2601 W. Marquette Rd. Chicago. Refreshments will be
Tickets are $10.00 each or 3 for $25.00. 7 Winners!
Grand Prize is $1,000.00, 2nd $500.00, 3rd $500.00,
4th $250.00, 5th $250.00, 6th $250.00 and 7th $250.00.
Winner need not be present.
Proceeds go to Support the SSC Retirement Fund.
Edward & Theresa Flory, Gianni Family, Antonio &
Maria Hernandez, Robert J. Scumaci, Josephine Weir,
Lefty Weir, St. Lucy, St. Jude, St. Anthony, Sacred
Heart. Blessed Virgin Mary