JULY 2016


JULY 2016
JULY 2016
11255 Elkins Road, Roswell 30076
Call: 678-387-4476
E-mail: [email protected]
Our Education services are free and open to the public, space permitting, after NFCC client registrations.
All classes are held in the NFCC Education Center directly across the street from our main building on Elkins Road. Visit us at
www.NFCChelp.org for more information or to register class.
Childcare is available for some classes.
Job Coaching with Job
Placement Assistance
Every Thursday By Appointment
Between 10:00am - 4:00pm
By Appointment Only.
Let our hiring professionals help you get a
job. The job coach works with you to
improve your hiring chances and assists
with job placement.
Successful Job Searching
Saturday, July 23rd
10:30am - 12:30pm
This class is taught by a personnel agency
manager, and covers everything needed to
become a better job candidate, including
working with the agency.
Clase de Presupuesto
Martes, 19 de July
5:30pm – 6:30pm
Este seminario le ayudará a establecer
metas, preparar un presupuesto familiar,
controlar gastos, ahorrar y así poder
alcanzar las metas establecidas.
Money Matters
Saturday, July 16th
10:30am - 12:30pm
This class is taught by a Professional
Financial Planner, and covers everything
needed to gain control of your finances.
Discover valuable tips for saving, debt
management, and budgeting.
Personal Financial Coaching
Monday & Wednesday Evenings
One Hour Sessions
By Appointment only
Meet one-on-one with a Professional
Financial Coach to get advice on managing
your money, starting with your budget.
Computer Basics,
Windows & the Internet
Saturday July 23rd,
Learn how to navigate Windows, the
Internet, email, and the basics of using
computer technology for home and work.
Fall MS Excel Essentials
through Data Analysis
6 2-hr Sessions start August 8th
And continue for six Mondays
through September 19th.
This 12 hour course teaches students how
to create a spreadsheet for home or work.
Topics include basic through advanced
formulas, calculations, formatting, charts
and pivot tables, and data analysis.
Requirement: Basic Computer knowledge
MS OFFICE Word Certification
3-mos. Session starts August 20th and
continues for six Saturdays 9am-2pm
Learn MS Word Beg – Adv levels, and
increase your skills and earning potential.
All students take the Official MS Word
Certification Practice Test, and can test for
MOS Word Specialist Certification.
Typing & Computer skills recommended
Mavis Beacon Typing Tutor
To Improve Typing Speed
Starts Thursday, July
21st, at 10:30am -11:30am
Improve your typing speed and
keyboarding skills. This self-paced
computer based class starts with
orientation and continues during
Computer Lab Hours.
Taller de Arte para Niños Y
Taller Especial para los Padres
Computer Lab Services
Monday – Thursday, 1:00–4:00PM
Available for computer practice, checking
email, creating resumes, job searching,
printing, and faxing. Use the lab to extend
classroom learning time!
Sabado, 23 de Julio
10:30am -12:30pm
Los niños disfrutaran de una historia y un
proyecto ensenado por los maestro del
Centro de Arte de Johns Creek.
Para conversar del hogar y de los retos
como padres. Presentado por la Dra. Lina
Muñoz, PhD LCSW, de Atlanta Area
Psychological Associates, P.C.
GED Tutoring
Tuesdays & Thursdays,
And Mondays & Wednesdays
Tutoring, online practice tests and
personal guidance are offered for
individuals 18 years of age or older who
have not graduated from an accredited
high school. Volunteer teachers help
prepare participants for the GED test.
Pre-Registration and pre-assessment
testing is required.
Top 10 Skills Employers
Look for in Employees
Saturday, July 16th
Find out the top ten skills employers
require from their employees and how
to apply those skills at work.
Government Benefits
Screening & Processing
Every Monday,
Starting at 10:00am
We can help you see if you qualify for,
and process applications or renewals for
government benefits: ie, Food Stamps,
and Medicaid,
Venga y revisaremos sus datos
gratuitamente para determinar si usted
califica para obtener beneficios que lo
ayudaran a complementar sus ingresos.
No Appointment Necessary
End Times subject to change
English Classes
FALL Session Registration
and Placement Testing
August 22nd 5:00pm – 7:30pm
OR August 23rd,
10:00am – 12:30pm
Beginning - Advanced Levels
Evening or Morning Sessions Available
Mon & Wed, OR Tues & Thurs
These are 15-week sessions. Classes are
taught by Certified ESL Instructors and
meet two days a week.
No pre-registration required.