saint joseph - St. Joseph Miami Beach


saint joseph - St. Joseph Miami Beach
8670 Byron Ave., Miami Beach FL 33141
Phone: (305) 866-6567 Fax: (305) 864-1069
Website :
Visit us on Facebook/StJosephCatholicChurchInMiamiBeach
Monday - Saturday
8:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. (Eng.)
Tuesday & Thursday
7:00pm (Spa.)
Saturday Vigil
5:30 p.m. English
7:00 p.m. Portuguese
8:30 & 10:30 a.m. English
12:30 & 6:00 p.m. Spanish
3:30 p.m. Polish
Saturday: 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
And by Appointment
Second Friday of the Month
7:30pm - Church
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Hora Santa
2:30 p.m.
Novena to Our Lady
of Perpetual Help
After the 5:30 p.m. Mass
Monday - Saturday, 7:30 a.m. Chapel
Parochial Vicar
Faith Formation
Dir. of Music
Dir. of Music
Youth Ministry
Coordinator of
Rev. Juan J. Sosa
Rev. Carlos Cabrera
Rev. Mr. Roberto Pineda
Mr. Adam J. Irizarry
Mr. Ralph D’Ovidio, eng
Mr. Jorge Ore, spa
Ms. Georgette Heinold
Mr. Gustavo Mejias
Mrs. Ana Veloso
Support the fundraising efforts of our
various groups.
Pastor’s Corner
Reflexiones de tu
As is customary, the texts chosen for the final Sundays in Ordinary Time point toward the second coming of
the Lord when the final harvest will take place. For many,
these texts can incite fear or insecurity; in fact, we have
witnessed religious groups and movements that, along with
astrologists, have set dates for this time. The biblical texts,
however, do not pretend to be either horoscopes or warnings of the future. The word of God awakens the faith of
believers and invites them to recognize that the path to the
future, where the Lord will embrace us forever, is in the
present; as today’s psalm proclaims, it is the Lord who
shows us “the path of life.”
Those who live in the Lord always have nothing to
fear; his life is ours from our baptism and confirmation.
How can we fear the one who sanctifies us daily in the
Eucharist? As Saint Paul would say, “Who can separate us
from the love of Christ?” It is worthwhile for members of
the community to discuss this topic of the second coming
of the Lord, or the end times. Some people live, at times,
influenced or pressured by those who, via the media, announce doctrines foreign to Catholicism and fill the lives of
the faithful with fear and negativity. The homily and group
meetings both lend themselves well for this discussion.
Como de costumbre, los textos escogidos para los
últimos domingos del Tiempo Ordinario apuntan hacia la
segunda venida del Señor cuando la cosecha final se llevará a cabo. Para muchos , estos textos pueden inspirar
miedo e inseguridad; de hecho, hemos sido testigos de grupos y movimientos religiosos que, junto con astrólogos,
han fijado fechas para estos tiempos. Los textos bíblicos,
sin embargo, no pretenden ser ni horóscopos ni advertencias sobre el futuro. La palabra de Dios suscita la fe de los
creyentes y los invita reconocer que el camino hacia el futuro, donde el Señor los acogerá para siempre, está en el
presente, ya que, como el salmo de hoy proclama, es el Señor quien nos enseña “el sendero de la vida”.
Los que viven siempre en el Señor no tienen nada
que temer; su vida es nuestra desde el bautismo y la confirmación. ¿Por qué tener miedo ante aquel que nos santifica
a diario en la Eucaristía? Como diría San Pablo: “¿Quién
nos puede separar del amor de Cristo?” Este tema de la
segunda venida del Señor o del final de los tiempos siempre conviene discutirlo entre los miembros de la comunidad, que a veces viven impresionados o presionados por
aquellos que desde los medios de comunicación anuncian
doctrinas ajenas a la católica e infunden miedo y negatividad en sus vidas. La homilía o temas de grupos se prestan
para tales diálogos.
Rev. Juan J. Sosa
Apoye los esfuerzos de
recaudación de fondos de los
diferentes grupos.
St. Joseph Parishioners
+Derek John Sarafa, +John P. Wardia
Johanna Kakanis (liv.), +Ilda & Paolo
Ancilli, +Maria Vega, +Fred Del Favero
+Francia Lafond Carraha
+Rosa Amalia de Flores, + Carlos
Vasquez, Guadalupe Marcano, +Maria
Cristina Cruz Joga, Accion de Gracias,
Senor Misercordia, Gloria Schaefer
+Circe Hernandez
+Renato Freitas, +Solon Bueno
+Antonio San Pedro, +Derek John
Sarafa, +John P. Wardia
Health of Mario Gonzalez
Carla Ancilli Feigenbaum (liv.bir.)
+Derek John Sarafa, +John P. Wardia
+Maria C. Jimenez
+Elisa Hernandez
+Mauricio Arrebola
Nancy Scarchilli (liv.bir), +Derek John
Sarafa, +John P. Wardia
+Angelo Belfi
+Bennett & Meade Family, +Derek
John Sarafa, +John P. Wardia
+Francisco San Pedro
+Angel Campdesuner
+Victoria Exposito
+Fr. George Sardinas, +Derek John
Sarafa, +John P. Wardia
+Mary Gallagher, +Derek John
Sarafa, +John P. Wardia
The second collection TODAY provides
funds to reduce your parish debt. Please give
The Emmaus Women’s Group are having
their raffle today after the 12:30pm Mass.
We would like to thank Ms. Viviana from
El Sembrador for their donation of food to our St.
Vincent de Paul Society for distribution during their
food program for the needy on Saturdays.
Good News! We now have Gluten Free
Hosts available, please let the priest know before
Mass if you need a gluten free host to be
consecrated for you.
Our International Cookbook is on sale for
a donation of $20.00. The proceeds will go to
assist the Parish. They make great Christmas Gifts!
Get yours today and savor the recipes of our great
Religious Education News: We are not
accepting anymore registrations for our
Children’s program. Adult RCIA – Classes have
begun. There is still time to sign up. Classes are
held on Saturdays. Calling all adults who are in need
of their sacraments of initiation. Stop by the office to
register. Seeking Teacher’s Aides to assist on
Sunday and Monday classes. If you are 18 and
above and would like to assist, please see Adam in
the Parish Office immediately.
Bilingual Volunteers are also needed for
our CLOW Ministry (Children’s liturgy of the Word)
taking place during the 10:30am & 12:30pm Masses.
Please contact Gypsy Lodos at 786-488-3483.
The second collection on November 22nd
will be taken up to support the work of the Catholic
Campaign for Human Development.
Emmaus Scheduled retreats: for Men in
Spanish will take place on November 20-22.
Retreat in Spanish for Women on December 4-6.
Please call the parish office for more information.
A Mass of Thanksgiving will take place at
10:30am on Thursday, Thanksgiving Day,
November 26th. This will be the only Mass that
day, and the Parish Office will be closed.
“Prepare a way for the Lord, make
straight his paths” (Mark 1:3)
November 29th is the First Sunday of Advent.
“Pray to the Owner of the harvest to send
out workers to gather in his harvest”
We encourage all our parishioners to sign up to
receive the Vocation Chalice to pray for vocations.
Thank you to the following
parishioners who
received the chalice in October: David Stout, Ivan
& Norma Parron, Nicolina Carrano, Lucely
Ramirez, Nelson & Ana Gutierrez, Maria Mare,
Yolanda Garay and the Lopez, Malaga, Ore,
Galvez & Anton Families.
Annual Taste of St. Joseph Festival: Next
year our festival will take place in March 2016.
Soon, we will have raffle tickets for sale, they will
make great gifts for family and friends.
The Mass book for 2016 will open for
intentions on Tuesday, December 1st.
donation per intention is $15.00.
Tuesday, December 8th is the feast of the
Immaculate Conception, a holyday of obligation.
Masses will be at 8am & 5:30pm in English and 7pm
in Spanish.
New Justice Ministry: People Acting for
Community Together, Inc. (PACT) unites, organizes
and trains leaders from diverse congregations,
schools and community groups to build a powerful
community voice. If you would like to be involved
in this new ministry at St. Joseph’s please call
the Parish Office.
READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Thirty‐Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Dn 12:1‐3; Ps 16; Heb 10:11‐14, 18; Mk 13:24‐32 Saint Margaret of Scotland; Saint Gertrude, Virgin 1 Mc 1:10‐15, 41‐43, 54‐57, 62‐63; Ps 119; Lk 18:35‐43 Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious 2 Mc 6:18‐31; Ps 3; Lk 19:1‐10 The Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles; Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne, Virgin 2 Mc 7:1, 20‐31; Ps 17; Lk 19:11‐28 1 Mc 2:15‐29; Ps 50; Lk 19:41‐44 1 Mc 4:36‐37, 52‐59; 1 Chr 29; Lk 19:45‐48 The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 1 Mc 6:1‐13; Ps 9; Lk 20:27‐40 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Dn 7:13‐14; Ps 93; Rv 1:5‐8; Jn 18:33b‐37 XXXIII DOMINGO ORDINARIO
Como siempre, les recordamos que la
segunda colecta de hoy esta destinada para reducir
la deuda de la parroquia y les pedimos que sean
generosos en esta segunda colecta.
El grupo de la mujeres de Emaús, tendrán
su rifa hoy después de la misa de las 12:30pm.
Damos gracias a la Sra. Viviana, de El
Sembrador, por su donación de alimentos a San
Vicente de Paul, estos se distribuyen los sábados, a
los mas necesitados.
Buenas noticias! Ahora tenemos hostias
libres de Gluten disponibles, por favor informe antes
de la Misa al sacerdote, así podrá consagrar una
para usted.
Nuestro libro de Cocina Internacional esta
a la venta, por una donación de $20.00. La
recaudación se destinara para ayudar a la
parroquia. Hagan un regalo de Navidad. Obtenga
el suyo hoy y saboree las exquisitas recetas de
nuestros feligreses.
Educación Religiosa R.C.I.A. - Las clases
de Religión para adultos ya comenzaron. Se reúnen
todos los sábados en la mañana. Todos los adultos
en necesidad de sus sacramentos iniciales, deben
de registrarse ya! Pasar por la oficina de formación
en la casa parroquial, para mas información.
¡Se Busca! -Asistentes de maestros se
necesitan para asistir a los maestros de Catecismo,
para los domingos, y los lunes.
Por favor
comunicarse lo antes posible con Adam Irizarry en
la casa parroquial.
“Los seminaristas son, en una forma muy
especial el futuro y la esperanza de la iglesia”
San Juan Pablo II. Invitamos a las familias a recibir
el Caliz Vocacional en sus hogares. Gracias a las
familias que lo recibieron en el mes de Octubre:
David Stout, Ivan y Norma Parron, Nicolina
Carrano, Lucely Ramirez, Nelson y Ana Gutierrez,
Maria Mare, Yolanda Garay y los familias de
Lopez, Malaga, Ore, Galvez y Anton.
Apoyar el trabajo de la Campaña Católica
para el Desarrollo Humano, es dar generosamente
en la segunda colecta el 22 de Noviembre.
La Misa de Acción de Gracias será el
jueves, 26 de noviembre a las 10:30am. Esta será
la única misa en este día.
“Preparen el camino del Señor, enderecen
sus senderos” (Marcos 1:3). El adviento comienza
el domingo, 29 de diciembre.
El libro de Misas del 2016 estará disponible
para recibir sus intenciones a partir del martes 1 de
La donación será de $15.00 por
La Fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción el
8 de diciembre, es día de obligación. Las Misas a
las 8am y 5:30pm en ingles y 7pm en español.
************************************************* PARISH FINANCES - SEPTEMBER 2015
Building Repairs
$ 5,725.59
General Assessment
$ 3,495.89
& Prop. Liability
$ 6,209.70
Gran Oportunidad para patrocinar el festival
anual “Taste of St. Joseph”. Nuestro festival del año
próximo, tendrá lugar en marzo 2016.
Bank Loan
$ 7,099.81
Salaries & Benefits
$ 31,314.05
Las fechas de los retiros de Emaús son:
Retiro de Emaús en español para hombres
Noviembre 20-22, y retiro de Emaús para mujeres
en español Diciembre 4-6, Por favor comuníquese
con la oficina parroquial para más detalles.
Collections ....................................... $19,341.50
Oración de Rosario: están invitados a
rezar el rosario todos los domingos antes de la
Misa de 6pm, a las 5:30pm.
$54,626.45 . $19,341.50
Danouska Capponi, Christian
Diz, Grace Heising, Sylvia Ospina,
Rosa Tamburine
Tery Howard
Gaby Baglietto, Maria D’Ovidio
Esther Esmat Elida Mangan
Maria Saboya
Nikki Carrano, Dena and Joseph
Maturin, Sylvia Ospina
Cheryl Hodowud
Carolina Berg
Carmen Almiral, Jose Almiral,
Jose Gomez, Jorge Mirabent,
Marta Mirabent, Elva Ore, Elsa
Palomino, Julio Palomino
Eva Ruales
Jose Gomez, Estella Rodrigues
Ana Iglesias
Pat Collins
Ascencao Fernandes
Pamela O’Hagan
Aldo Ordonez
Alberto Federico
Create a memorial fund in memory of a loved one. You may wish to establish an ongoing fund
which can be added to each year, or make a one time gift. Memorial gifts that help fund an endowment provide lasting benefits from one generation to the next. To find out how you can honor a loved one, contact the
rectory or call the Office of Planned Giving at (305) 762-1110.
Cree un fondo conmemorativo en memoria de un ser querido. Es posible que desee establecer un
fondo permanente que se puede incrementar de año en año, o hacer un donativo de una sola vez. Las donaciones conmemorativas que ayudan a financiar una dotación proporcionan beneficios duraderos de una generación a la siguiente. Para averiguar cómo se puede honrar la memoria de un ser querido, póngase en contacto
con la rectoría o llame a la Oficina de Donaciones Planificadas al (305) 762-1110.
Open House: Christopher Columbus High School, 3000 SW 87th Avenue, Miami, FL on Saturday,
November 14th, at 1pm and their entrance exam will take place on December 5th at 8am. Archbishop
Curley-Notre Dame High School is holding their Placement Exam for 8th graders on December 5th at
8:30am for the 2016/2017 School Year. Please call 305-751-8367 x22 or email [email protected] for
details and to sign up. If you missed their Open House, please call to schedule a private tour of our great
World Meeting of Families Prayer
God and Father of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior, you have made us your sons and daughters in the
family of the Church. May your grace and love help our families in every part of the world be united to one
another in fidelity to the Gospel. May the example of the Holy Family, with the aid of your Holy Spirit, guide
all families, especially those most troubled, to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek your
truth and live in your love. Though Christ our Lord, Amen.
1 ALL SAINTS Seeking Christ 9:30 (Cha) Childrens Liturgy 10:30 & 12:30 Religious Ed. 11:20 ‐ 12:30 pm (PH) MONDAY
2 3 Cenacle of Mary 6pm (Cha) Emaus Mujeres 7pm (PH) Emmaus Men English 7pm (Li) 4 Hora Santa 2:30pm (Cha) Divina Misericor‐
dia 7pm (Cha) Charla Bautismal 7:30pm (Iglesia) Santa Maria Estrella del Mar 7:30pm (Tll 7 5 6 St. Vincent de Scripture Class Grupo 212 6‐8 (Li) Jovenes Adultos Paul 9:30am 7‐9:30pm (PH)/(Li) Grupo Oración Kids and Youth Carismatico Programs Brazilian Comm Pra‐
yer Group 7:30 (Cha) 7:30 (Cha) 10‐12 (PH) Coro Español 8:00 (CHU ) ALL SOULS Religious Ed. 3:15pm Ejercicios Espirituales (Li) 6:30pm Emaus Hombres 7pm (PH) English Choir 8pm (CHU) 9 10 8 Religious Ed. Cenacle of Mary 6pm Seeking Christ 3:15pm 9:30 (Cha) (Cha) Ejercicios Childrens Liturgy EmausMujeres Espirituales 10:30 & 12:30 7pm (PH) (Li) 6:30pm Religious Ed. Emmaus Men Emaus 11:20 ‐ 12:30 pm English 7pm (Li) Hombres (PH) Taize Rehearsal 7pm (PH) English Choir 8pm Baptism 7:00pm (CHU) (CHU) 1:45pm Baptism Class 7:00pm 15 Seeking Christ 9:30 (Cha) Childrens Liturgy 10:30 & 12:30 Religious Ed. 11:20 ‐ 12:30 pm (PH) 16 Religious Ed. 3:15pm Ejercicios Espirituales (Li) 6:30pm Emaús Hombres 7pm (PH) Pastoral Meeting 7pm (Rec) English Choir 8pm (CHU) SATURDAY
12 11 13 14 Scripture Class Hora Santa Grupo 212 St. Vincent de 2:30pm (Cha) 6‐8 (Li) Jovenes Adultos Paul 9:30am Divina Misericor‐
7‐9:30pm (PH)/(Li) dia 7pm (Cha) Grupo Oración Ca‐
rismatico Charla Bautismal Brazilian Comm Pra‐ Kids and Youth yer Group 7:30 (Cha) 7:30pm (Iglesia) 7:30 (Cha) Programs Santa Maria 10‐12 (PH) Estrella del Mar Coro Español 8:00 Taize Prayer Service Wedding 7:30pm (Tll (CHU) 7:30pm (Chu) 3pm (CHU) 18 19 20 21 17 Hora Santa Scripture Class Grupo 212 St. Vincent de Cenacle of Mary 6pm (Cha) 2:30pm (Cha) 6‐8 (Li) Jovenes Adultos Paul 9:30am Divina Misericor‐
7‐9:30pm (PH)/(Li) Emaus Mujeres dia 7pm (Cha) Grupo Oración Ca‐
Kids and Youth rismatico 7pm (PH) Why Catholic Emaús Retreat Programs Core Group 7:30 (Cha) 10‐12 (PH) Brazilian Comm Pra‐
7pm (Li) Emmaus Men English 7pm (Li) Santa Maria Coro Español 8:00 yer Group 7:30 (Cha) Estrella del Mar (CHU) 7:30pm (Tl) 23 25 22 24 Religious Ed. Hora Santa Seeking Christ Cenacle of Mary 6pm 3:15pm 9:30 (Cha) 2:30pm (Cha) (Cha) Ejercicios Childrens Divina Misericor‐
Espirituales dia 7pm (Cha) Liturgy Emaus Mujeres (Li) 6:30pm 10:30 & 12:30 7pm (PH) Why Catholic Emaús Core Group Religious Ed. Hombres 7pm (PH1) 11:20 ‐ 12:30 pm English Choir 8pm 7pm (Li) Emmaus Men (CHU) English 7pm (Li) (PH) Santa Maria Estrella del Mar Baptisms 1:45pm 7:30pm (Tll 30 29 Religious Ed. Seeking Christ 3:15pm 9:30 (Cha) Ejercicios Childrens Espirituales Liturgy (Li) 6:30pm 10:30 & 12:30 Emaús Religious Ed. Hombres 7pm (PH1) 11:20 ‐ 12:30 pm English Choir 8pm (CHU) (PH) FRIDAY
NOVEMBER 26 27 28 HAPPY Grupo 212 St. Vincent de THANKSGIVING Jovenes Adultos Paul 9:30am DAY 7‐9:30pm (PH)/(Li) MASS Kids and Youth AT Programs Brazilian Comm Pra‐
10‐12 (PH) 10:30AM yer Group 7:30 (Cha) GENERAL INFORMATION
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Ceremonies are performed in English and Spanish. Please call the Parish Office for requirements and registration. BAPTISM CLASSES Are available both in English and Spanish: Please register in the parish office, there is a $15.00 fee if the baptism is not taking place here. CLASES DE BAUTISMO Disponibles ingles y español: Si el bautismo no se celebrara en nuestra parroquia, se requiere un pago de $15.00. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE We follow the guidelines of the Archdiocese of Miami. Please call the Parish Office at least six months in advance. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES Classes are available for children from first grade through high school age, and for Adults in English and Spanish, from September through May. Sunday 11:20am & Monday, 3:15pm. LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION The necessary requirements to receive a Letter of Recommendation is to be a registered and practicing member of our parish. CARE OF THE SICK Please call the Parish Office to request sick calls for patients at home. After Office Hours: Please leave a message on the extension number of our Pastor, Rev. Juan J. Sosa. Fr. Carlos Cabrera & Deacon Roberto Pineda visit the patients at Mount Sinai hospital every Thursday morning. Also, St. Patrick’s Church has lay ministers who bring Communion to the sick in Mount Sinai. If you or someone you know is hospitalized and would like to receive Communion, please inform the hospital of your Catholic affiliation. OFFICE HOURS Mondays: 8:30am to 8pm Tuesday through Friday: 8:30am to 6pm (6pm to 9pm by request) Saturday 9am to 4pm : Sunday 9am to 12 Noon GIFT SHOP Open for 30 minutes before and after all the weekend Masses